
Cream cheese botana

Stephanie Jackter - 9-17-2003 at 11:17 PM

This is a really easy recipe for entertaining in style with very little work. Prep time for this hors d'euvre is just a couple of minutes but it has to sit in the fridge an hour or two before serving.

- 1 block of cream cheese
- small jar of apricot jelly
- one or two (or three or four...),
chipotle chiles (canned)

Alternate combination:

- 1 block cream cheese
- small jar orange or pinapple marmelade
- one, two, etc. jalapeno chiles

all you do is whir the marmelade and chile up well in a blender and then bathe the block of cream cheese in the mixture (top bottom and sides). Put on a decorative plate and refrigerate till the coating congeals. Serve with a butter knife and Ritz crackers around the edges.

TMW - 9-19-2003 at 08:00 AM


Are the chipotle chiles mild. I can't take the hot stuff like I use to.


No, not necessarily

Stephanie Jackter - 9-19-2003 at 07:11 PM

Today's trivia: Chipotle chiles are just smoked Jalapenos en adobo sauce. If you can't take the heat, just ease up the amount of chile you put in. It can be as little as half or one chile (you can freeze the rest of the can in tiny portions in baggies for future chile needs if you hate to waste).

Another way to enjoy the flavor of chiles without having to deal with much heat is to open the chile up (whatever kind), and cut out the seeds and the light colored veins the seeds attach to that hold the majority of the capsasin (hot stuff), in the chile.

If that don't work, I recommend developing a relationship with my personal savior - Zantac. - Stephanie:D

tumms can help ya injoy

jerry - 11-19-2003 at 02:38 AM

i love then all but they dont love me with a tumm or 6 and as ya said zantac welll ya only live once might as well remember it lol thanks for the sweet info have a good one
just jerry

Bajabus - 11-19-2003 at 06:09 AM

mmmm sounds good....I wonder what it would be like if you blended up the whole thing cream cheese and all and reformed it into a block before putting it in the fridge?

bajalera - 12-19-2003 at 03:38 PM

That really sounds yummy, Stephanie, and I just happen to have the ingredients in the fridge (good timing!).

- Lera


bajalera - 12-20-2003 at 12:14 PM

Stephanie, Last night I fried some totopos and made a dip with apricot jam, cream cheese, sour cream and chipotles--not bothering to measure anything--and my son and a Mexican friend prefered it to the fresh-tomato salsa. Thanks for that recipe.

TW, to enjoy the flavor of chipotles but put a damper on the flame, I blend a small can of chipotles en adobo, push it through a strainer l (to remove the seeds and pesky little strips of skin). This keeps well in a covered jar in the fridge, and you can add it, a small amount at a time, to salsas and whatever until they're nicely spiced but not too picante.

- Lera

Yum. Adding the sour cream sounds like a definite winner.

Stephanie Jackter - 12-20-2003 at 04:01 PM

The best recipies I've ever tasted have been those that landed on every taste bud the mouth has to offer at the same time. Sounds like one of those. - Stephanie