
Ensenada harbor satellite photo

ORphil - 2-17-2023 at 02:39 PM

So at 31.853607, -116.623338 which appears to be part of the cruise ship port there is a large area with long piles of sand. Is this used as ballast or something ? I thought ships used water. I dont see any equipment to move it either... Is this photo taken before construction and it is a put in for leveling ? Curious

AKgringo - 2-17-2023 at 03:11 PM

I did not search for the view you are talking about, but it sounds like it could have been from dredging the channel after a series of storms.

baja-chris - 2-17-2023 at 04:18 PM

I see what you are referring to on Google Maps. On Bing maps that area contains a tennis court and some rock art including a picture of a solder in a helmet.

Most likely they were remodeling or repurposing the space when the Google photo was taken.

JZ - 2-18-2023 at 08:51 AM

Thanks JZ!

AKgringo - 2-18-2023 at 09:03 AM

I see that the image is from January 2015.

[Edited on 2-18-2023 by AKgringo]

mtgoat666 - 2-18-2023 at 10:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I see that the image is from January 2015.

[Edited on 2-18-2023 by AKgringo]

What happened 8 years ago on a parcel by the cruise ship dock? Inquiring minds want to know. Perhaps DK has a picture, eh?

ORphil - 2-18-2023 at 02:52 PM

Well Goat, perhaps it does seem a bit silly but I do have a curiousity for how industry and some bits of the world work that perhaps average citizens don't participate in, as if it was ships ballast or I also have read of some environmentally questionable sand mining that has taken place in BC for shipment to US. Apologies if it doesn't fall into an acceptable question and wasting such valuable time. I do appreciate Baja Chris finding the answer.

[Edited on 2-18-2023 by ORphil]

4x4abc - 2-18-2023 at 03:16 PM

looks like big rocks to me

thank you for pointing out another Baja geoglyph!

it shows first in 2015 sat images

Ensenada harbor geoglyph.jpg - 316kB

4x4abc - 2-18-2023 at 03:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ORphil  
Well Goat, perhaps it does seem a bit silly but I do have a curiousity for how industry and some bits of the world work that perhaps average citizens don't participate in, as if it was ships ballast or I also have read of some environmentally questionable sand mining that has taken place in BC for shipment to US. Apologies if it doesn't fall into an acceptable question and wasting such valuable time. I do appreciate Baja Chris finding the answer.

[Edited on 2-18-2023 by ORphil]

sand mining?

one of the biggest environmental problems
there is so much new construction that we are almost running out of (suitable) sand

and by the way - two of those debated sand mines are in Pismo Beach (south of the state park) and Monterey Bay - owned by Cemex. A Mexican company.
So we should not be too loud about Baja sand going to San Diego

4x4abc - 2-18-2023 at 03:44 PM

ORphil - 2-18-2023 at 04:11 PM

4x4abc :
Thanks for the article. I recall reading about the global sand shortage a few years back in the new yorker. Shipping Australian sand to Dubai for skyscrapers! Absurd on all fronts, US, mexico, worldwide. We in the first world get to enjoy our lives generally without much thought of the consequences... I'm just as guilty. Hop on a plane to Baja next week because I need some sun and tacos, see how the little ranch family is doing at the palm beach just west of Agua Verde. As someone much more intelligent than I has said : Gotta use it up before it's gone.

elgatoloco - 2-18-2023 at 06:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc

No worries. Cemex denied all the allegations. :thumbup:

mtgoat666 - 2-18-2023 at 10:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc

No worries. Cemex denied all the allegations. :thumbup:

Once a mine has rights and entitlements, they are smart to maximize extraction under their entitlements.. I suspect the mine obtained permits long before the nimbyism aroseā€¦.

That the way the cookie crumbles. NIMBYs should have protested 80 years ago when the matter was up for debate! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

ORphil - 2-19-2023 at 05:20 AM

Goat, same old story. Here in Oregon we have a wonderful legacy of mining as in many western states... companies create a toxic waste dump and are disbanded and cannot be held liable so it is up to the public dollars to sorta kinda clean it up.

For a really good bed time story read about Alkali Lake, OR and the company that was able to abandon thousands of barrels of dioxins and phenols from 2-4-d production. Better living through Agent Orange. I suppose it is a good thing no one lives near. Privatize the gains and subsidize the losses. Thank goodness we don't have any socialism however. Heaven forfend...

StuckSucks - 2-19-2023 at 10:06 AM

A slightly different view looking north:

ensenada.jpg - 157kB

4x4abc - 2-19-2023 at 09:41 PM

back to the sand pile question

they are well organized rock piles

in fact, it is a geoglyph
a sailboat

wide.jpg - 180kB close.jpg - 142kB sailboat.jpg - 113kB