
Liberarán acceso a más playas en La Paz

mtgoat666 - 4-15-2023 at 08:47 AM

Liberarán acceso a más playas en La Paz
Quién limite el libre tránsito a las playas del municipio serán acreedores a fuertes multas que oscilan desde los 200 mil hasta 1 millón de pesos e incluso la pérdida de la concesión

La Paz, Baja California Sur (OEM - Informex).- Al realizar la liberación del acceso a playa El Saltito en La Paz, Baja California Sur, autoridades municipales manifestaron que continuarán realizando este tipo de acciones con la intención de que los accesos a las playas de La Paz no sean delimitados por ninguna persona.

En ese tenor, el secretario General del Ayuntamiento de La Paz, Pavel Castro Ríos, dio a conocer que las personas que limiten el libre tránsito a las playas del municipio serán acreedores a fuertes multas que oscilan desde los 200 mil hasta 1 millón de pesos e incluso la pérdida de la concesión.

El funcionario municipal manifestó que, próximamente se liberará el acceso a playa Las Cruces y otras de la misma zona, así como el de Playa El Tesoro, entre otras; por ello los tres niveles de gobierno se encuentran trabajando para garantizar rubros como los accesos comunales, libre acceso a las playas y la delimitación de las servidumbres de paso que se deben de garantizar para que las playas sean públicas.

En contexto, a través de un video difundido en redes sociales, se dio a conocer la liberación de uno de los accesos a playa “El Saltito”, el cual permanecía cerrado por particulares desde hace más de 10 años, por ello, las autoridades del Ayuntamiento de La Paz en coordinación con la Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre tomaron acciones para que toda persona pueda transitar por esta zona.

En el video publicado por el secretario general del Ayuntamiento de La Paz, se muestra como trabajadores de Zofemat remueven una valla color blanco que impedía el paso de vehículos hacía playa “El Saltito”.

También se muestra como una mujer dialoga con el funcionario municipal, intentando impedir que la valla fuera desmontada, sin embargo, Castro Ríos argumenta que el acceso a las playas y a la zona federal marítimo terrestre contigua a ellas no puede ser inhibido, restringido, obstaculizado ni condicionado.

Al respecto, reiteró que las playas son de todas y todos, al tiempo recalcó que el artículo 8 de la Ley General de Bienes Nacionales establece que las y los habitantes de la República Mexicana pueden usar los bienes de uso común.

Finalmente, añadió que estas acciones se llevan a cabo con fundamento en el artículo 8 y el artículo 127 de la Ley General de Bienes Nacionales; del 45 BIS de la Ley de Desarrollo Urbano de Baja California Sur y el artículo 1102 del Código Civil de Baja California Sur.

wilderone - 5-1-2023 at 08:14 AM

generally, in part:

The municipal official stated that access to Las Cruces beach and others in the same area will soon be released, as well as that of Playa El Tesoro, among others; For this reason, the three levels of government are working to guarantee areas such as communal access, free access to the beaches and the delimitation of the rights of way that must be guaranteed for the beaches to be public.

mtgoat666 - 5-1-2023 at 08:29 AM

Denuncian cierre de playa recién abierta en La Paz; “solo fue una semana”, sentencian
Tras unos días desde la apertura de la playa El Tesoro, se reportó nuevamente su cierre para la población paceña

mtgoat666 - 5-1-2023 at 10:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
There is a forum here on Nomad for Spanish language.

I have a feeling you are (just lately) posting lots of Spanish stuff in the English forums just to get a reaction?

Wilderone has been kind enough to translate some for Nomads who may otherwise not take time to copy it to Google Translate. For the links to Mexican newspapers, Chrome may automatically translate that.

this forum is about travel in mexico, so spanish would seem to be allowed - where is the rule prohibiting spanish? i think the only thing i post here in spanish is news articles of interest to travelers. you and most readers should by now have a browser that translates foreign languages. If you use the world's most popular browser, Chrome, it is easy peasy. Often, you can just right-click the text and select "translate," or set your browser to automatically translate.

David K - 5-1-2023 at 12:09 PM

Or you could save the Nomads that trouble and do it yourself. More might read your posts. This is definitely a new trend for you, I was mostly curious why.
Do you go to Mexican-based webpages and post English content if their forum is about U.S. travel?
Have a super day!

4x4abc - 5-1-2023 at 01:33 PM

all recently "liberated" beaches have been padlocked again by the land owners
the PR stunt did not last long

BajaBlanca - 5-2-2023 at 05:46 PM

I remember when we went to Cancun for the first time, we parked and I wanted to put my feet in the water. Walked into the first hotel and the security guard said "You cannot walk thru." I replied that I wanted to put my feet into the water and proceeded to walk thru the hotel with him following me! Put my feet in the water, turned around and walked back out.

We had some lunch and left Cancun to travel to other towns.

I do hope they free up the beaches in La Paz.

4x4abc - 5-2-2023 at 06:31 PM

the big money has arrive in La Paz
meaning more beaches will be blocked from public use

same thing is happening one by one to the hot springs of the Sierra La Laguna
bought by million dollar tour operators and blocked from public use

pacificobob - 5-3-2023 at 06:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Or you could save the Nomads that trouble and do it yourself. More might read your posts. This is definitely a new trend for you, I was mostly curious why.
Do you go to Mexican-based webpages and post English content if their forum is about U.S. travel?
Have a super day!

Apparently the symptoms of "baja fever" don't include an interest in learning the local language.

David K - 5-3-2023 at 09:28 AM

Oh, I think it does... but I don't assume others are like me and have studied or practiced Spanish. I am assuming the obvious, that Baja Nomad is an American creation, in English, for our shared fascination with the peninsula, in our native language. Hopefully we all try to verbally communicate in Spanish with people who don't speak English.

surabi - 5-3-2023 at 12:35 PM

So as far as you're concerned, native Spanish speakers who are not fluent in English aren't welcome here, eh, David?
There is nothing whatsoever in the forum policies which disallows posting in Spanish.
It's up to the reader, not the poster, to translate posts if they need or want to.

[Edited on 5-3-2023 by surabi]

Cliffy - 5-4-2023 at 08:44 AM

Having been around here for many many years I concur with DavidK in that there are many casual passersby to this forum along with the dedicated Baja crowd.

To keep this forum alive over the next 10 years will require inducting new followers who probably don't even know a word of Spanish.

To cause them pause by posting a lot of Spanish only postings will just drive newbies away.

I think most of us try to engage in the local lingo when in Baja (as we should) but to force a lot of Spanish on those not steeped in Mexican culture only drives them away before they get "hooked"!

RFClark - 5-4-2023 at 09:18 PM


There’s no rule I know of that says you can’t post here in the language of your choice. That said if you really want to discuss baja or Mexico English or possibly Spanish might be the best choices. Goat is likely a native English speaker who sometimes posts in Spanish. Several of his Spanish posts have been poorly written in Spanish. So go figure!

BajaParrothead - 5-4-2023 at 09:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Or you could save the Nomads that trouble and do it yourself. More might read your posts. This is definitely a new trend for you, I was mostly curious why.
Do you go to Mexican-based webpages and post English content if their forum is about U.S. travel?
Have a super day!
So agreed!!!!

David K - 5-4-2023 at 11:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
So as far as you're concerned, native Spanish speakers who are not fluent in English aren't welcome here, eh, David?
There is nothing whatsoever in the forum policies which disallows posting in Spanish.
It's up to the reader, not the poster, to translate posts if they need or want to.

Nope, everyone is welcome. Sort of like immigrating to the United States, all are welcome if they can abide by the laws here. To assimilate and communicate, we all speak English... the common denominator.

Baja Nomad is an English language forum. The rules we are all supposed to follow are in English because Nomad was created in the United States, by an English speaker, for English speakers. The nationality matters not, the abelite to read and write in English does. The whole world with all their native tongues are welcome here... but the language here is English... except for the one Spanish language forum.

I personally communicate with and read many Spanish Facebook pages and with Spanish only speakers. Facebook has automatic translator. For chatting on Messenger or Text, when my limited Spanish skill is not enough, I use Google translator, copy and paste. It is not perfect but is better than me not understanding several words.

Have you seen my Eliodoro page?
I translated all the text into Spanish so it would be easy for our non-English amigos to read the story of a awesome (Spanish speaking) man.

mtgoat666 - 5-5-2023 at 07:31 AM

Acceso a playa El Tesoro Escondido quedó limitado para vehículos, pero es libre: Pavel Castro

La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). Fue a mediados de abril que se dio a conocer la liberación de la playa El Tesoro Escondido por parte de las autoridades, sin embargo, la ciudadanía que quiso entrar a las 2 semanas se encontró con la sorpresa que había que caminar un largo tramo para poder llegar; al respecto el Secretario General del Ayuntamiento de La Paz, Pavel Castro destacó que el acceso es libre, pero limitado.

“Ciertamente lo dejaron restringido para que no entren los vehículos hasta orilla de playa, pero estaban cumpliendo con no limitar, es decir que ninguna seguridad privada les va a limitar el espacio a nadie ni les va a restringir el acceso, cualquier persona se puede llegar a estacionar en un cuadro que ellos delimitaron.

“Si va a quedar a 200-250 metros de distancia, pero digamos que es parte de esta lucha, lo que sigue son procesos reglamentarios que hay que ver con Semarnat, legislaciones locales para ver y definir como son los procesos, pero digamos que el acceso a El Tesoro Escondido ya quedó aperturado, está libre y nadie lo está restringiendo”, comentó.

También aprovechó para declarar que con estas acciones no se está invadiendo propiedad privada, y que aún faltan 25 playas más por liberarse de los 27 accesos restringidos que tenían registrados, tal como pasó con una zona aledaña a El Saltito.

“Hay muchos que están diciendo que estamos invadiendo propiedad privada, nada más decirles que no invadimos propiedad privada, lo único que hacemos como Ayuntamiento es, lo que esté registrado como vía pública o accesos vecinales, que está registrado formalmente ante Catastro o ante el INEGI, ese es a donde nosotros estamos yendo y el criterio es que vamos a quitar cualquier cosa que obstaculice esa vía pública o acceso vecinal”, detalló.

4x4abc - 5-5-2023 at 09:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Nope, everyone is welcome. Sort of like immigrating to the United States, all are welcome if they can abide by the laws here. To assimilate and communicate, we all speak English... the common denominator.

I hope you see the irony of your statement.
None of the US immigrants (many still illegally in the country) follow any of your proposed rules.

last time I pointed that out in a facebook immigrant forum I was kicked out
truth hurts

[Edited on 5-30-2023 by 4x4abc]

David K - 5-5-2023 at 01:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Nope, everyone is welcome. Sort of like immigrating to the United States, all are welcome if they can abide by the laws here. To assimilate and communicate, we all speak English... the common denominator.

I hope you see the iron y of your statement.
None of the US immigrants (many still illegally in the country) follow any of your proposed rules.

last time I pointed that out in a facebook immigrant forum I was kicked out
gruth hurts

Read again the words I typed in bold.

surabi - 5-5-2023 at 06:13 PM

Well, there's no "law" that says that only English is to be used on this forum.

mtgoat666 - 5-5-2023 at 06:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Nope, everyone is welcome. Sort of like immigrating to the United States, all are welcome if they can abide by the laws here. To assimilate and communicate, we all speak English... the common denominator.

I hope you see the iron y of your statement.
None of the US immigrants (many still illegally in the country) follow any of your proposed rules.

last time I pointed that out in a facebook immigrant forum I was kicked out
gruth hurts

Read again the words I typed in bold.

سب اپنی پسند کی زبان میں حصہ لیں!

surabi - 5-5-2023 at 08:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Nope, everyone is welcome. Sort of like immigrating to the United States, all are welcome if they can abide by the laws here. To assimilate and communicate, we all speak English... the common denominator.

I hope you see the iron y of your statement.
None of the US immigrants (many still illegally in the country) follow any of your proposed rules.

last time I pointed that out in a facebook immigrant forum I was kicked out
gruth hurts

Yep, I know many Americans and Canadians who have lived pretty much full time in Mexico for 20 years and still can't manage one full grammatically correct sentence in Spanish. You'd think they'd be ashamed, but they're not- they act like it's no big deal ("Oh, I can manage to get my point across") or make excuses like "I'm too old to learn a new language".

Assimilate- yeah, right. Half of them live in gated communities or gringo enclaves and the only Mexicans they talk to are their maids and gardeners and restaurant servers. They hit ATMs every week to pull money from their NOB bank accounts, because they never open a Mexican bank account.

Those same people would probably criticize immigrants to the US and Canada if they lived there for 20 years and couldn't speak English. "They should go back to wherever they came from if they won't speak English!"

[Edited on 5-6-2023 by surabi]

mtgoat666 - 5-5-2023 at 09:18 PM

I posted this beach access update in a lingua Franca for you dog-loving loonies…

Mascottes de péché. Denuncian visitantes de playas en La Paz que no los dejan acceder con sus perros

La Paz, Basse-Californie du Sud (BCS). Un par de personas que intentionaron entrar a una playa cerca a El Saltito, a bordo de su camioneta, grabaron el momento en el que el cuidador de la zona les prohibió que su mascota accediera ; aseguró que contaba con un permiso especial de la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Profepa).

“Entiende que es zona ambiental. Yo no sé, en esta playa no quieren perros y los papeles que trajo Profepa los llevó el patrón que tiene concesionada la playa y es de 9 a 7 también la playa. A ustedes no les voy a negar la entrada, pero no quieren perros en la playa », comentó la persona.

Los vacacionistas le alegaron que no tenían donde dejar a su mascota y que en ninguna otra playa había tenido este problema, pero continuó asegurando que contaba con un papel oficial —el cual nunca mostró—.

« El Gobierno, vino Profepa, entienda. Vayan a Profepa, para que vean que es legal lo que estoy haciendo, yo no voy a discutir con ustedes eso, porque me dijeron que no lo discutiera, que nomás los mandara a Profepa y eso estoy haciendo, yo tengo 10 años trabajando aquí en la playa », commenté.

Cabe mencionar que, hace unas semanas, retiraron unas vallas que impedían el acceso libre a dicha zona, esto luego de diversas quejas por parte de los vacacionistas que recibió el Ayuntamiento de La Paz.

Días más tarde, el encargado del predio pidió a las autoridades qu'acudieran al lugar para que se encargaran de limpiar la zona, la cual quedó muy sucia luego de la Semana Mayor ; también aseguró que nunca les cobró a los turistas, solo les pidió cooperación.

surabi - 5-5-2023 at 11:22 PM

Compounding the issue for Hispanic immigrants is that in most of the jobs they get, working on farms, orchards, or in construction, they are working alongside other Hispanics, so of course they're mainly going to be speaking Spanish all day, both at work and then at home with their families.

When I was 18, I lived in Israel on a volunteer program on a kibbutz. We were fed and housed and given a small amount of cash for incidentals we might need or want to buy. For 3-4 hours a day we had to attend Hebrew language classes, and we worked on the kibbutz for 4 hours. A program like that would be a good idea for new immigrants for the first 6 months after they immigrate.

mtgoat666 - 5-6-2023 at 12:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  

When I was 18, I lived in Israel on a volunteer program on a kibbutz. We were fed and housed and given a small amount of cash for incidentals we might need or want to buy. For 3-4 hours a day we had to attend Hebrew language classes, and we worked on the kibbutz for 4 hours. A program like that would be a good idea for new immigrants for the first 6 months after they immigrate.

Rural work camps for (re)education… the Chinese tried that, and the gang of 4 took it a bit too far.
Boarding schools and military boot camps… I hope we don’t start sending immigrants to re-education centers.
On the other hand, would be nice to send some right wingnuts to reeducation camps, try to scrub the hate from them :lol::lol:

surabi - 5-6-2023 at 09:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by surabi  

When I was 18, I lived in Israel on a volunteer program on a kibbutz. We were fed and housed and given a small amount of cash for incidentals we might need or want to buy. For 3-4 hours a day we had to attend Hebrew language classes, and we worked on the kibbutz for 4 hours. A program like that would be a good idea for new immigrants for the first 6 months after they immigrate.

Rural work camps for (re)education… the Chinese tried that, and the gang of 4 took it a bit too far.
Boarding schools and military boot camps… I hope we don’t start sending immigrants to re-education centers.

Not at all the same thing, don't know what would prompt you to conflate the two. I wasn't talking about forced labor or indoctrination, but about easing immigrants into a new country by providing them with food and shelter and language classes in exchange for a few hours of work a day. Language classes aren't "re-education". And not something mandatory, but something they could choose to participate in.

Nor would the work and living situation have to be rural, it could be anywhere and anything the person is qualified to do.

[Edited on 5-6-2023 by surabi]

[Edited on 5-6-2023 by surabi]

Marc - 5-30-2023 at 06:33 AM

Anyone can cut and paste.