
April 2023 Baja Bound Bulletin, featuring Eliodoro Arce

David K - 4-27-2023 at 09:33 AM

That's right, this charismatic loner in the desert caught most of our attention here on Nomad with posts from 'pniles' and 'mothership'... who inspired me to make a webpage about Eliodoro... to which many Arce family members in Baja responded with more Eliodoro stories and photos! Now, I am slowly building a Arce Family Tree of Eliodoro's relatives, at the bottom of that page.

Writing an article about Eliodoro for Baja Bound only seemed natural! It joins articles from Nomad 'GregN' (on the Hotel La Perla) and Martina on San José de Magdalena in the April Bulletin.
Here it is:

Eliodoro article link:

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thebajarunner - 4-27-2023 at 09:37 AM

Well done David
And, I know you are too modest to mention this
But the Baja Bound piece gives you credit and honor for this being the 100th article of yours that they have published.

Nice work!!!

David K - 4-27-2023 at 12:43 PM

Ah, gee ... You think I'm modest. Such a nice guy!
Yes, article #100, just when I didn't think I could come up with any more Baja stories, thanks to a pair of Nomads talking about a colorful character, this one just fell into my lap. The huge, extended family of Eliodoro has been sharing so much with me, as well.

BajaBlanca - 4-28-2023 at 09:43 AM

Great aricles! Congrats on article #100!

David K - 4-28-2023 at 10:36 AM

Thank you, Blanca!
The Arce story is not over, so do check the webpage I made as more family history comes in. I still have data that was sent to me that needs to get integrated. I just got overwhelmed!

Here is the still growing Eliodoro Arce website with his family tree at the bottom: