
Fideicomiso - Revision

elskel - 6-6-2023 at 01:36 PM

Hola All: I have a Fideicomiso, established in 2005, a couple of my kids were left off as beneficiaries, question? Has anyone here, gone through a revision of their trust? I want to add them.
Thanks, bk

pacificobob - 6-6-2023 at 03:40 PM

I seem to remember it requires a new fido. But i would never advocate getting this type of council from me.

boe4fun - 6-6-2023 at 04:34 PM

Contact Alba Walker at “The Paper Chase” in La Paz. She’s great, professional, and reasonable fees. 612-165-6503.

BajaMama - 6-7-2023 at 06:58 AM

We helped my father-in-law change his 2003 fideiocomiso to better specify the beneficiary - as written it referred to his US will/trust. Yes, we had to do a new one (this was somewhere around 2015 or so) and it was stupid expensive - we used licensed Mexican attorney in San Diego who was referred to us. So the answer is yes, you need a new fideiocomiso but find a local to save money.

elskel - 6-8-2023 at 01:23 PM

Gracias, bk

change of beneficiaries

capitolkat - 6-27-2023 at 10:18 AM

I'm about 70% through the process of removing one beneficiary and adding another. Using an attorney in La Paz. It's just a stupid process that is very expensive as I have to pay the bank , attorney, notary to sign all the documents. The bank- Scotia- is in the driver's seat as they need to approve the change and have sat on the approval for almost 6 months. The Notary has to prepare the forms. It's removing one name and adding another one. They are in their 6 months of "working on it." The attorney asked for a letter of instruction which I gave them over six months ago and a few weeks ago they wrote and said -- Oh, you want to remove one name and add another one, Is that right? My response is look at the letter of instruction as it's quite clear. Remove one name and add another.. That's a total of six words, three being removed and three added. I've had to supply marriage certificates, permanent resident documents (twice), utility bills from both the US and Mexico, passports (twice) as the utility bills have to be current and the time continues to run and the bills become stale. This is Mexican bureaucracy at it's best or worst, depending on your viewpoint. Good luck.

elskel - 6-27-2023 at 08:59 PM

Thank You for the response. This fall we will get going on it. bk