pauldavidmena - 6-13-2023 at 08:01 AM
My daily phrase of the day from was "perder los estribos", which they translated as "freak out", although "estribo" is literally
"stirrup", making the phrase equal "to lose one's stirrups." That's very picturesque in the 21st century!
Working in reverse, lists several translations of "freak out", including the anglicized "friquear" and "flipar", and colloquialisms
like "ponerse como loco" and "perder los papeles." The forum also mentions "ponerse histérico" and "rayarse" as possible
translations depending upon the country.
Are there any favorite translations of "freak out" you've heard in your travels to Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries?
surabi - 6-13-2023 at 10:00 PM
Estribos is also a construction term, meaning supports. My building crew referred to the brackets they made to hold the rebar together as estribos.
So perder los estribos could also mean something like losing the supports that hold you together.
RFClark - 6-15-2023 at 09:36 AM