
Mulege Carne Asada

Bruce R Leech - 4-11-2005 at 10:51 AM

Mulege Carne Asada
Carne Asada is a great Mexican recipe for marinated, grilled beef serves up in tortillas. This is not your Father's Taco. This is a flavorful and delicious meal that is great for any occasion. This recipe I learned from some friends that live on a ranch in the mountains to the west of Mulege it is a 4 hour burro ride in to the ranch from the nearest rode
? 2 pounds flank steak
? 12 flour tortillas
? 1/2 cup tequila
? 1/4 cup lime juice
? 1/4 cup lemon juice
? 1/4 cup orange juice
? 4 cloves garlic crushed
? 1 medium onion chopped
? 1 teaspoon black pepper
? 1 cup salsa
? 1 cup guacamole
? 1 teaspoon Tabasco or to taste I usually double this.
? Mix juices, garlic, onion, tequila, Tabasco and pepper in a bowl. Add 2 pounds flank steak if you can find it. In Mulege I cant get it so I use Beef shoulder cut to 1.5 inches thick and marinate both sides. I like to put it in to a zip loc bag and refrigerate, turning meat over occasionally. Let sit for 4 hours or up to 24 if you have that much time. Preheat grill. Place a few drops of water on each tortilla, stack and wrap in aluminum foil. Place on grill. Remove meat from marinade, reserving marinade. Place on grill. Turn steak and tortillas once during cooking. Brush steak with remaining marinade. Cook to your liking (12 to 15 minutes for medium-rare). Cut into thin slices. Place a few slices of steak on each tortilla with salsa and guacamole and serve.
? I also like to cook some spring onions and chilies on the grill to serve with this dish.

You can add a table spoon of meat tenderizer to the marinade if you substitute the Beef shoulder

If you bye a whole boneless beef shoulder you can make about 4 or 5 of these in the zip loc bags and freeze theme for later use

Bruce R Leech - 4-11-2005 at 11:35 AM

One thing I should mention is that the acidity in the citrus juices coupled with the Tequila are a natural meat tenderizer and if you allow more time, 8 houres or more in the marinade then you will not need the commercial meat tenderizer.


Price - 4-13-2005 at 12:34 AM

I can't wait to try this recipe !!! I can't wait to try it - I am sure it will taste much better in Baja than Vegas !!!!!! :yes::yes:

Bob H - 5-13-2005 at 10:14 AM

Would a whole cup of Tequila be ok? ;D

Cyndarouh - 5-13-2005 at 02:58 PM

Bruce, I use almost the same on Tuna once in a while but only use Lime juice and Teq. Yumm Have some flap steak sitting in a plastic bag soaking up all the goodness right now. Dinner is at 6:30 Thanks for posting this.:bounce::bounce::bounce:

I've used a similar recipe...

Mexray - 5-13-2005 at 08:49 PM

But I use ONE CUP of TEQUILA....1/2 for the beef, and 1/2 for the COOK! Seems to go so much soother, that way!