
Scorpion Bay <> La Purisima

ed26 - 7-31-2023 at 02:18 PM

Has anyone driven La Purisima road through to Mulege recently? Got a trip to San Junico and wanting to cut through to Concepcion.

David K - 7-31-2023 at 04:33 PM

There is more than one road, but since you added 'ConcepciĆ³n' you imply the graded highway going west from Hwy. 1, Km. 59+, south of the bay.

Hopefully, a fresh report will pop up. I recall nothing special posted recently, other than the way it has been for years... slow going once you are a few miles west of the highway, where it begins really smooth and fast. 2WD OK, but just not real smooth.

ed26 - 8-1-2023 at 01:53 PM

Thanks, I appreciate it, that is the route I'm asking about. I know it can range from "mehh, ok," to "not on my worst enemy." I'm hoping since it's been dry lately we might be alright, but a first hand report would be great.

David K - 8-1-2023 at 08:55 PM

You will be fine. Just don't ever be in a hurry!

Alan - 8-3-2023 at 09:44 AM

Is there anything to see or do in Comondu or La Purisima?

That is one of the few areas I have never visited.

surfhat - 8-3-2023 at 11:12 AM

The experience of driving and crawling at times along the road to San Isidro and La Purisima from the Bay of Concepcion almost fifty years ago was a beautiful wonder.

The wonder of going through all that dry desert for what seemed like hours and coming upon a site of beautiful greenery and water and fresh juicy fruit on the side of the road was, what else but a wonder. It felt like we had dropped into the Garden of Eden.

There have been many hurricanes since then but the fine folks here at Nomad will update you and where and where not to go.

My surf buddy and I were obviously headed to Scorpion Bay for our first time and could not resist the short cut. This was around '75 or so.

Finding the La Purisima oasis in the middle of a Baja summer was a breath of fresh air we could appreciate at the time.

Scorpion Bay was not too shabby either back in the days of parking on the edge of the bluff with nothing but what one brought with them, water included.

Showers and bathrooms would have been a luxury. Food was what you brought with you or could catch. That bigger than pan sized flounder I caught on my board was the best.

Happy and safe trails with as few trials as your luck and skill will bring you.

AKgringo - 8-3-2023 at 11:13 AM

I have mainly passed through those communities, but I have shopped for groceries in La Purisima and found a gasoline vendor once. I like that area!

A couple of friends and I were going to stay in San Miguel deo Comondu once, there is a decent hotel and restaurant there. There was no room at the Inn, so we spent the night at a manger!

Well it really wasn't a manger, but the hotel lined us up with a couple of bare bones rooms at the local church annex. The shower consisted of a shower head in a maintenance shop that we could hook a garden hose to.

Not a lot there, but that is the way I like it. We delt with nothing but pleasant people.