On our trip south to Bahía Asunción we noticed a speed trap ~14 miles south of the Guerrero Negro turnoff. I was not speeding. One Federal officer
was standing in the middle of Mex 1 while his partner was using a radar gun in both directions, so I slowed to a stop, spoke to him in my limited
español, and showed him how my dash cam records my speed, direction, location, and audio. He said to please continue to drive within the law as
it’s a dangerous section of the highway. On our return north 2 weeks later they were not there (on a Sunday), but there’s a few klicks of road
that’s now being torn up and repaired along this stretch. This is the third or fourth time I’ve seen a speed trap there.Russ - 10-24-2023 at 08:13 AM
Thanks David K - 10-24-2023 at 03:29 PM
Thank Paul... this was the case in past years, same area. The road is as straight as a telephone line but is signed 80 kph (50 mph), wholly
ridiculous. There is a small hill between Guerrero Negro and the El Arco highway junction. It hides the other side and is where the Federales have
been waiting before.
Just set your cruise control to 50 or maybe chance it at 55, and put on some Eagles or ? music.BeachSeeker - 10-25-2023 at 12:48 PM
David, do you know what km approximately? I would like to mark it on the map for our trip in 2 weeks. Thanks!Lee - 10-25-2023 at 01:47 PM
I set cruise control at 50mph going and coming on this stretch. Looking for cops is too much trouble, and distracting. Everyone passes me. I'm
not in a hurry and I don't want to be pulled over.
There is a small hill between Guerrero Negro and the El Arco highway junction. It hides the other side and is where the Federales have been waiting
I meant specifically where the above mentioned Federale hideout is behind a hill. I usually try to drive the speed limit, but sometimes 50mph is hard
to maintain on a straight road with no one for miles in either direction.BajaBlanca - 10-25-2023 at 07:30 PM
This has been a speed trap for years and two Mexican friends paid HEFTY fines.
Cruise control is the only way to go between G Negro and Vizcaino.boe4fun - 10-26-2023 at 08:31 AM
David, do you know what km approximately? I would like to mark it on the map for our trip in 2 weeks. Thanks!
14 miles = about 22 1/2 klicks. I’d slow down to the 80 kph speed limit well before that. I googled the range of a radar gun and it’s max is ~1/4
mile.David K - 10-26-2023 at 10:04 AM
David, do you know what km approximately? I would like to mark it on the map for our trip in 2 weeks. Thanks!
14 miles = about 22 1/2 klicks. I’d slow down to the 80 kph speed limit well before that. I googled the range of a radar gun and it’s max is ~1/4
To help BeachSeeker better, I presume you mean 22.5 kms from the Guerrero Negro Y intersection... Km. 217- 22.5 = Km. 194.5
I suppose the hill that hides them might be spotted on Google Earth, then go down to Street View and head northbound to the first km. marker.David K - 10-26-2023 at 10:07 AM
This has been a speed trap for years and two Mexican friends paid HEFTY fines.
Cruise control is the only way to go between G Negro and Vizcaino.
Indeed it is... we don't advocate violating the law in Mexico (too often)!
What are speed limits in Turkey on long, straight (2-lane) roads?AKgringo - 10-26-2023 at 10:56 AM
On my last trip heading south on that section of highway, my cruise control was three vehicles (apparently traveling together) that never exceeded 50
mph. It must have been late into happy hour, because none of them could stay in their lane!
Passing them was way too risky, and it was getting dark, so I pulled off on a ranch road and found a spot to spend the night a couple of miles off the
highway.BajaBlanca - 10-26-2023 at 12:06 PM
I can't drive here until our other car comes next year since my name is not on the title of our current car. I have no idea what the speed limit is
but the police LOVE to stop drivers. David K - 10-26-2023 at 02:48 PM
No speed limit signs? Crazy!mtgoat666 - 10-26-2023 at 04:39 PM
This has been a speed trap for years and two Mexican friends paid HEFTY fines.
Cruise control is the only way to go between G Negro and Vizcaino.
I have seen a lot of accidents on the GN-vizcaino stretch, seemingly more than normal rate of accidents…
Maybe something about that long straight section makes people drive stupid, eh?