
Tidiana and Abraham 7 kids update

BajaBlanca - 12-3-2023 at 02:03 AM

Hello everyone! Happy thanksgiving and of course, Merry Christmas coming up soon!

Lots going on in La Bocana with Tidiana and her 7 kids. They had special clothes and activities for the traditional November 20th holiday.

Here is Jireth

She sure is growing up into a beautiful young lady.

Here is older brother Emmanuel who is now in his first year of middle school (telesecundaria #52) in his new t-shirt.

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Here he is doing the traditional Mexican people pyramid. What a smile!

And all Tidiana and Abraham's school age kids with their Nov. 20 clothing. Tidiana was upset that she had to buy material at 100 pesos and pay the seamstress 200 pesos for each girl's skirts. She has asked for a sewing machine if anyone can take one south? She can get free sewing classes in La Bocana.

If anyone sees a good deal on a sewing machine and can get it south to La Bocana or San Ignacio - let me know and I will search out a sponsor :)

I got sent photos of the kids' grades but they have disappeared from my whatsapp - I will post here when they resend to me. This is Emmanuel's final Math exam. He was the only one in the class to get one extra point for work he had done previously, so his grade is A+!

pjpvi - 12-3-2023 at 10:35 AM

Fantastic update Blanca and glad to see they are doing so well. I sent a separate message to you on Whatsapp regarding the sewing machine. Let me know if we can help.

BajaBlanca - 12-3-2023 at 12:15 PM


Got the message!

BajaBlanca - 12-3-2023 at 12:45 PM

I just got grades and all the kids are smart and have excellent grades! I start with Emmanuel who has the highest GPA in his class , along with another student. Let me repeat that. He is #1 with a 98% GPA in his first trimester of middle school.

And the rest of the kids are either A or B average. Soooo proud




who also got A's!

BajaBlanca - 12-3-2023 at 12:50 PM

So, the teachers are asking for more effort in different areas and I will discuss with Tidiana and Abraham but I am thrilled that the kids are truly excelling!

Remember, if you head south. please take school material for them like thick notebooks, the more advanced calculators, copy paper for projects, crayons which are so inexpensive in the states compared to Mexico.

Thanks all!

BajaBlanca - 12-7-2023 at 11:47 PM

I thought I would add a little footnote. The youngest daughter, Genesis, has always HATED wearing shoes. School got her over that LOL

I include a photo that a friend took in 2021 Notice that Genesis has socks on, but no shoes.

and a couple days ago, this same friend sent me this photo. Her son who lives in Ensenada, sent cash for the family to buy some groceries.

That, to me, symbolizes Christmas 100%!

surabi - 12-8-2023 at 11:39 AM

Speaking of socks, my daughter, who lives in Baja, was always having Mexican moms come up to her and ooh and aah over her son, who has flaming red hair, when he was a baby. But they would inevitably ask "Where's his socks?", even if it was 90 degrees out, and despite the fact that he wasn't even of walking age yet, so had no need for shoes and socks.

So she started carrying a pair of baby socks in her pocket, so she could pull them out and say, "Oh, he just keeps pulling them off", so she could prove she wasn't a negligent mother, which always satisfied them.:D

Good on you, Blanca, for being instrumental in turning these kids' lives around and providing them with opportunities to break a cycle of poor education and poverty.

[Edited on 12-8-2023 by surabi]

BajaBlanca - 12-8-2023 at 12:07 PM

What a great story about carrying socks! Thanks for sharing and I wish others would pitch in!

Emmanuel used to be bullied, now as the star of the class and clearly beloved by his current teacher (whom I know very well since I taught at the middle school), I bet that happens no more.

His aunt is Sarahi, whom we sponsored in Beauty School. She is super happy with her own salon in La Bocana.

Here is a photo of her

surabi - 12-8-2023 at 12:25 PM

What's crazy is that so many kids who have access to good education up north, totally slack off in school, and don't realize how desperate kids in other places are for having those opportunities, and are thrilled and appreciative over something as basic as a notebook and a box of new crayons.

BajaBlanca - 12-9-2023 at 04:10 AM

and I think one solution is to take our kids to make donations or help others with meals at Thanksgiving (for ex). My ex boss used to have her kids feed the hungry for Thanksgiving in San Diego.