
Online Rock Art presentation - 12/10/23

wilderone - 12-5-2023 at 09:54 AM

Sounds interesting:

Sunday December 10, 2023: Online
“Seeing the Light of Day: Rock Paintings and Radiocarbon Dating in Southern California” free online presentation with Steve Freers, sponsored by San Diego Rock Art Association (SDRAA), San Diego*
4 pm Pacific Standard Time. Free.
Significant advances in technology, recording, and conceptual models have greatly improved our understanding of rock art in southern California. In this presentation, Steve Freers, coauthor of Fading Images (1994, with Gerald Smith) and Rock Art of the Grand Canyon Region (2013, with Don Christensen and Jerry Dickey) updates his 1994 “A Shamanistic Pictograph Site in Northern San Diego County” article with new information regarding this region’s pictograph sites. A particular focus will be on ones that feature the use of black pigments. Radiocarbon data from several pictograph sites incorporating three of this region’s published rock art styles will be presented, and information will be compared against a recently proposed Late Period chronological model and applied to pertinent rock art and ethnographic questions.
* This is not an Old Pueblo Archaeology Center event. To register go to