
Mission San Borja devastation

4x4abc - 1-28-2024 at 07:30 PM

I don't remember any post about the damages at Mission San Borja in recent months.
Just noticed on the latest satellite images that the entire garden is wiped out.
Which storm could have done that?
Water was coming down Arroyo el Ranchito
looks like one blow was before 11/2021 and another one before 6/2023

larryC - 1-29-2024 at 10:44 AM

A pretty strong hurricane went through here this past sumer and did some damage. I have a ride planned out there tomorrow morning and I'll let you know what I find. I plan on checking a couple of roads, one is a road that cuts off from the Borja road from Bahia about a mile before you get to the mission and the next I plan to look at is the road west of
Rancho Ignacito and goes up the valley towards Sant Anna. It has been washed out for a couple of years but I'm still looking for a way through there.

David K - 1-29-2024 at 10:58 AM

One of the children of José Gerardo and Ana Licia Gaxiola, Angel Eduardo Gerardo, is on Facebook and has been at the mission much of the time with his dad. In fact all but one of their children is on Facebook, as is Ana Licia, who lives in Guerrero Negro.
He also maintains a page for the mission and it is updated:

David K - 1-29-2024 at 11:08 AM

Angel replied when I asked him, just now:
Angel Eduardo G:

David Kier The hurricane took away the planting land and small trees

wilderone - 1-29-2024 at 11:13 AM

Thanks for those facebook links, David. Interesting to see how Genero and Angel have grown up.

[Edited on 1-29-2024 by wilderone]

Udo - 1-29-2024 at 12:20 PM

Please post how the trails are in the area. We will be going on a RZR run there in a week or so.
Be prepared!

Quote: Originally posted by larryC  
A pretty strong hurricane went through here this past sumer and did some damage. I have a ride planned out there tomorrow morning and I'll let you know what I find. I plan on checking a couple of roads, one is a road that cuts off from the Borja road from Bahia about a mile before you get to the mission and the next I plan to look at is the road west of
Rancho Ignacito and goes up the valley towards Sant Anna. It has been washed out for a couple of years but I'm still looking for a way through there.

Santiago - 1-29-2024 at 05:54 PM

Yes Larry, please post. very interested.

larryC - 1-30-2024 at 07:15 PM

Just got back from the ride and did not make it into Borja. We went up the wash just a mile north of Borja and tried to follow the road out to an old mine site that I visited probably 20 years ago. There is so much water damage that we were not able to follow the road through all the washes. The way my GE displays Lat and Lon and the gps of my ride command on the rzr are different so I need to sit down and get them set up to display the same so I can figure out where I was. It'll take some time.The rzr displays lat and lon in Degrees and hundreths of minutes and my GE displays in Degrees, minutes, and seconds and hundredths of seconds. I also need to make sure both are using the same map datum.
So I can't tell you anything about water damage at Borja itself but I doubt there is any.

Udo, if you don't mind some company I might be interested in tagging along.

[Edited on 1-31-2024 by larryC]

[Edited on 1-31-2024 by larryC]

[Edited on 1-31-2024 by larryC]

4x4abc - 1-31-2024 at 11:54 AM

in GE you can set the lat long to anything you want

I see large differences with some GPS hardware and software when imported into GE

GaiaGPS, iPhone and Garmin are spot on

been to that mine/prospecting around 1986 - a guy was working there alone

Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 11.49.50 AM.png - 202kB

[Edited on 1-31-2024 by 4x4abc]

larryC - 2-1-2024 at 11:46 AM

Thanks Harald that is exactly what I needed. Now it makes much more sense. I was able to mark where the old road comes up out of the wash and put a waypoint in my rzr' gps so I can find the road when I go back out there.
I was there in '04 or so and no one was there but there was remnants of a tent and some piles of some yellow ore. At the actual dig site there was a 12v winch off a truck and I guess they were using it to lift the ore up and out of the hole they had dug. Looked like way too much work to me.
Again thanks for the help with GE

larryC - 2-1-2024 at 05:38 PM

It does cause discrepencies. When I ran my charter boat I used NAD 27 because that is what most of my charts were based on. In my case trying to get the rzr gps to agree with GE I found that it is very close. I don't know what datum the rzr uses and I haven't figured out if I can switch to a different datum. So much to learn.

[Edited on 2-2-2024 by larryC]

PaulW - 2-1-2024 at 06:51 PM

Yes, GE default datum is WGS-84 and most all GPSs nowadays use WGS-84 as teh default.
Of course both GE an your mobile GPS have a setting to change it in case you want to use your GPS with the older maps.
We have transitioned away from the old Baja Alamac that used NAD27 and now use the Benchmark Baja Atlas. It is WGS-84.

BajaBruno - 2-3-2024 at 07:57 PM

I hope your land maps are more accurate than the nautical charts I have used in Baja (paper and chartplotter), which consistently have the land masses from a few hundred yards to a mile away from where they actually are.

larryC - 2-4-2024 at 09:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBruno  
I hope your land maps are more accurate than the nautical charts I have used in Baja (paper and chartplotter), which consistently have the land masses from a few hundred yards to a mile away from where they actually are.

As we talked about in a post or 2 above yours, make sure that the paper charts you are using are based on the same map datum as the gps that you are using. If you are using a paper chart based on NAD 27 but your gps is using WGS 84 then you will find fairly significant discrepencies. Several hundred yards is not uncommon. To remedy the problem, go into the settings of your gps and change it to display lat lon in the same map datum as your paper chart. It will help a lot.
Good luck with it.

PaulW - 2-4-2024 at 11:42 AM

We map guys have been over this subject over and over. When we suggest an update to a paper map why use either a GPS track or Google earth to create a track. Sure enough we have settled on WGS-84 and NAD-27 is just history. Get a newly published Benchmark Baja Atlas and find errors if you can.

Paper maps like the Auto club maps and the Almanac were NAD-27, but the scale was such that it is impossible to detect a difference from WG-84.
And when you do on the ground measure the difference between a NAD-27 vs a WGS-84 the errors are very small. Like a short walk from one to the other.
Create a waypoint in go to is with the other datum and prove it yourself.
Errors fond on the old charts including the marine charts are just that - ERRORS and have nothing to do with the datum.

AKgringo - 2-4-2024 at 12:15 PM

I have read in a few different places that minor errors are frequently included in a cartographer's work to detect copyright infringement by others. I don't know if that is accurate, but it seems reasonable.

That wouldn't explain why my automotive GPS sometimes shows my Kia trolling just offshore when I am driving a dirt road parallel to a beach!

David K - 2-4-2024 at 02:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I have read in a few different places that minor errors are frequently included in a cartographer's work to detect copyright infringement by others. I don't know if that is accurate, but it seems reasonable.

That wouldn't explain why my automotive GPS sometimes shows my Kia trolling just offshore when I am driving a dirt road parallel to a beach!

Indeed maps have intentional errors for copyright. On the Auto Club Baja map are some mountain peaks with made up names, like after their children or wives!

Cliffy - 2-5-2024 at 06:56 PM

Learn something new every day!

RFClark - 2-5-2024 at 07:33 PM

Unk Sam has a knob where he can widen out the circle of probability for civilian users and those of Middle Eastern extraction. That said not having enough satellites in the sky will also widen out the circle. Local interference can also cause that (think Russia here!). The newest gps units are capable of using the other systems too. Generally if you’re not making an instrument approach down to minimums it won’t matter.