
Mexicali Discovery Crash Airplane

BeachSeeker - 4-29-2024 at 02:34 PM

What happened to the discovery plane just outside of Mexicali? Up until a couple months ago, most of the plane was there, including the entire fuselage, wings, and c-ckpit section. We just passed by the other day and it's like the thing was pillaged or something. There's only like a 20' section of fuselage floor and some stringers, there's graffiti all over it, and the fence has been compromised. Bummer, was always fun to see driving by.

surabi - 4-29-2024 at 06:39 PM

Scrap metal is worth $. Considering you can put almost any stuff, working or not, out by the curb in Mexico and it'll be gone within the day, I'm not surprised that something unguarded by anything more than a fence, would be pillaged.

[Edited on 4-30-2024 by surabi]

PaulW - 4-30-2024 at 07:31 AM

Just drove by and saw just teh front c-ckpit left.
I suspect the same salvaged.