David K - 5-8-2024 at 10:19 AM
A friend wants to ride this route across Baja on a mule, which led me to study the Admiral Atondo diary which is very detailed but a bit off of
estimated distances on a few of the days. 4x4abc assisted me with the 'more-correct' route on the second and third day's travel.
I was following the book's description, which route map drawer Ron Ives (1960) and diary translator Michael Mathes (1969) had made some incorrect
assumptions on.
Thanks Harald!
With so much effort, I wanted to share our work with others:
The 1960 Ives Map:
The 2024 GE Route Map:
In the May Baja Bound Bulletin, our very own 'GregN' writes about his drives to Todos Santos, which began before the road was paved. https://www.bajabound.com/bajaadventures/bajafever/todos_san...
Plus, other articles about the La MisiĆ³n area from other writers.
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David K - 5-9-2024 at 09:30 AM
Prior to the above Baja Bound article, I created a webpage to place details and first the map tracks, etc.
If learning about the first Baja land expedition by the Spanish (in 1684) piques your interest, enjoy this page: https://vivabaja.com/atondo-kino/
The maps in it may be easier to study...
David K - 5-9-2024 at 04:17 PM
By request, I have added the names of the soldiers and others named, besides Atondo & Kino (at the bottom), as well as more maps to: https://vivabaja.com/atondo-kino/