
And we are in La Paz! May 2014

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BajaBlanca - 4-23-2014 at 06:24 PM

We are vacationing in La Paz and I thought I would share some of our experiences. The first was finding this small, cozy, well located apartment that feels like a house....$500 a month rent and you can rent for as long as you want. We found it by driving around as no one else had anything available in the immediate mode. So far, we are very happy.

The livingroom

And the kitchen, which is great and has a few utesils, one cooking pot, and 3 frying pans is quite adequate except ypu really have to squeeze in there to wash dishes. No spices provided, no water potable water provided and BYOB.

Here is the bathroom which is located in the middle ... To the left of the sink is a small full bath.

Another angle looking from livingroom towards the back (bath, bedroom and back porch).

The bedroom which has lots of closet/drawer space

Yesterday was boiling hot, so we bought a pool

And today I filled the pool waaaay up, bought some clothespins and did some laundry and we bought Rex (dog), a new bed to sleep on.

And so our adventure begins! More to come as it unravels. I am off to take Rex for a walk on the malecon and maybe search out a compare to La Bocana's, por supuesto!

[Edited on 5-23-2014 by BajaBlanca]

woody with a view - 4-23-2014 at 06:31 PM

have fun for us poor slobs who have to work all day!!!!!

and don't forget the fotos!

BajaBlanca - 4-23-2014 at 06:32 PM

And at the far back of the patio is a cool and fun place to sit and chat.

[Edited on 4-24-2014 by BajaBlanca]

BajaBlanca - 4-23-2014 at 06:36 PM

Ho Woody! Bia! Come on down and enjoy the fun!

JohnMcfrog - 4-23-2014 at 07:14 PM

Have fun. Looks like a good place to recharge.


Fernweh - 4-23-2014 at 07:51 PM

Welcome to La Paz....

enjoy this beautiful city and have a great vacation.

I just had a delicious salad at Zitius one hour ago, plus this stunning view of the Malecon.


churro - 4-23-2014 at 08:09 PM

Looks like an amazing deal you got on the apartment ... I love La Paz! Hope you guys have a Blast!

bajalearner - 4-23-2014 at 08:21 PM


Whale-ista - 4-23-2014 at 08:53 PM

Thank you for the report. I'm thinking of heading there in June. wow, it's already hot?

Is the pool for the dog? Or you? Or both?

And how is it to take the dog with you in town? Have you tried? Many pet friendly places ?


BajaBlanca - 4-23-2014 at 09:23 PM

Funny you should ask, whale-ista! Les says he bought the pool for Rex and I said the dog would be history if he put a paw in it ((((: This was with 104 degree heat and much as I love Rex, he was not welcome with me in the pool Hahahaha.

The early mornings and nights are spectacular, the days are hooooooooot.

Where is Zitius, Karl???

BajaBlanca - 4-23-2014 at 09:42 PM

Rex and I this evening, right before the margaritas arrived at Tailhunters.....a good margarita BTW.

yellowklr - 4-24-2014 at 07:04 AM

Enjoy La Paz, I hope one day to live there myself really like that city.

Udo - 4-24-2014 at 08:28 AM

I have a;ways really enjoyed La Paz every time we have stayed there, which is about 12 times by now.
We have always stayed near the malecón.

The three blocks behind the malecón hold some treasure trove of cute stores.

jbcoug - 4-24-2014 at 08:35 AM

What flavor of margarita does Rex prefer?

boe4fun - 4-24-2014 at 08:59 AM

Hey John, Check your U2U......

Whale-ista - 4-24-2014 at 09:15 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Rex and I this evening, right before the margaritas arrived at Tailhunters.....a good margarita BTW.

Thank you for answering my question regarding pet friendly places!

The poodle and I look forward to visiting La Paz in June. But the heat...yipes!

Does your rental place have AC? Fans? Lots of ice?

BajaBlanca - 4-24-2014 at 09:22 AM

As long as its blended, he don't care (((:

If anyone ever wants to rent, the phone number to call Claudia, the agent, is: 612. 156-0499

The apartment we are in is across the street from her office at 640 Calle Madero near Calle Republica, but there are many apartments for rent in her building too and they look nice.

Now, we have a card that reads the electric meter and you prepay to use electricity. This is a first for us.....never even heard of this before.

[Edited on 4-24-2014 by BajaBlanca]

BajaBlanca - 4-24-2014 at 09:45 AM

The apt has ceiling fans everywhere and a great A/C in the bedroom. You freeze when you put it on full blast BUT, the temp at night is very cold, so we are having screens installed as I write.....but we will take them with us when we leave.

Stefano is the guy for the screens, nice as can be. 612 149-7643 and the total for a partial screen for the front window and a big screen for the sliding glass door in back was 900 pesos. Which beats the mosquitoes, roaches and mega bucks on electricity for the A/C.

New half screen:

Working on fitting the back screen properly since the house is slightly off kilter:

BajaBlanca - 4-24-2014 at 07:39 PM

Another day in La paz ... Cooked, cleaned, took a long nap and ended the day on the malecon ......

The sunset

Rex watching the sunset too as he waits for his margarita

The venue for whale-ista

And the margarita, which came much faster than yesterdays, which took at least 15 minutes in an empty restaurant/bar. But this waiter never came back to check on me, so he got a smaller tip.

All told, Life is great. Today, Les became a citizen! He called from Mexico City and the whole shebang of getting the naturalization paperwork and ordering a Mexican passport took all of 2 hours! The rest of the people were still there as he left with paperwork in hand. Folks, if you can afford Gilbert Pineda, do it. His price today April 2014 is $1000 dollars. You must fly to Mexico City two times and you pay extra to get a passport $100 or so. Flights La Paz, Mexico City one way runs you $200. And Gilberto: He is simply brilliant. What was supposed to take 4 months (like mine did) is now taking less than 2 months. Even took Gilberto by surprise as he had told us 4 months and we jumped the gun and bought tickets for June. Which we will use to commemorate his birthday, my birthday and well, another vacation .....

Edit to add: Gilberto told Les that his citizenship process was so fast because I had already become a citizen. Not sure what one thing has to do with the other...but there you have it.

[Edited on 4-27-2014 by BajaBlanca]

Whale-ista - 4-24-2014 at 08:55 PM

congrats on the citizenship! and thank you for the dog friendly photos. the poodle and I are taking notes.

BajaBlanca - 4-25-2014 at 08:13 AM


BajaBlanca - 4-25-2014 at 09:02 PM

And here is Rex waiting for his margarita with mexican dad Les

And after the margaritas arrived:

BajaBlanca - 4-25-2014 at 09:06 PM

Today, we met the owner of Tailhunter's wife. jill. She was very informative and now we have a good list od restaurants to go to...Italian, Greek and more!

The music in the background was Hawaiian and it was really good.

Nice start to a Mexican Les commemoration!

BajaBlanca - 4-26-2014 at 10:23 AM

We took a walk this morning and along the malecon, we saw this gorgeous husky

And a PEAc-ck doing a full on mating dance for a hen .... we did not see another peac-ck in the yard. Hopefully you can make out the bird, it is in the middle, slightly towards the left.

And as we were walking back on Madero Street, we saw the Casa de Cultura where they have events going on all the time. Huge building but the inside courtyard to the right is really nice

gnukid - 4-26-2014 at 11:11 AM

It's a bit late, hopefully you can still head down to

Organic Tianguis del Palmar as always, Saturdays from 9 to 12, come and join us.

Located next to Marina del Palmar on 5 de febrero and Rangel, next to the water

What we will have

Fresh produce
fresh eggs
gluten free cakes
grilled German sausages
coconut oil
sesame seed oil
balsamic vinager
authentic vanilla
Pan D´les
sesame seed and almond milk
art crafts
balsamic vinegar
tequila and so many others

Ibarra´s Pottery

gnukid - 4-26-2014 at 11:14 AM


Correo electrónico:
Duración: 25 horas
Fecha: 17, 24 y 31 de Mayo, 7 y 14 de Junio
Horario: 9:00 a 14:00 horas
Costo: 1200 pesos
Lugar: CECATI 39. Av. Valentín Gómez Farias y Calz. Colosio. Col. Roca Fosfórica
Imparte: Dra. Norma Estrada Muñoz y Fotógrafa Elizabeth Moreno Damm
Tels: 12 28192 y 12 20560 Teléfono celular: 044 6121616918

Requisitos. Conocer el funcionamiento y manejo de la cámara, óptica, diafragmas, velocidad de obturación, profundidad de campo, distancia focal. Tener cámara réflex y computadora personal.

• Grupo al que va dirigido

Este curso está orientado a personas mayores de 15 años iniciadas en la fotografía y que quieran seguir profundizando en conocimientos técnicos, habilidades y desarrollo estético de la imagen. Destinado a personas que trabajen en medios impresos o audiovisuales, estudiantes o graduados de periodismo o publicidad o afines, o personas interesadas en reforzar sus conocimientos en fotografía. Se requiere un buen manejo de cámara para poder evolucionar en un plano más amplio, que profundizará en la fotografía digital, retoque digital, impresión desde salidas digitales, entre otras, teniendo siempre en cuenta la creatividad. Este curso propone dotar al alumno de la formación necesaria para desarrollar su capacidad creativa y proporcionarle un medio de expresión personal.

• Objetivos

Se pretende que el alumno aplique los conocimientos fotográficos de forma creativa y cuente historias con su cámara, además de adquirir el conocimiento necesario en imágenes digitales. Se asesorará al alumno a través de su evolución durante el curso y de su proyecto final, de libre elección, que le servirá para desarrollar un conjunto de conocimientos y destrezas que le permita obtener fotografías con un alto nivel de calidad.

• Metodología del trabajo

El curso se compone de una parte teórica y otra práctica en la que se hace hincapié primero en cada elemento por separado, antes de lograr con éxito la combinación de técnicas hasta culminar en una imagen final. El curso se apoya en exposiciones orales del profesor y cuestionamientos a los alumnos de los procesos aprendidos, procurando su participación activa. El curso se aborda con la sencillez y claridad suficientes para que el alumno pueda captar y comprender temas complejos apoyados en una serie de prácticas de gran valor didáctico y creativo que le permitan durante el curso elegir y desarrollar un mini-proyecto fotográfico final.

BajaBlanca - 4-26-2014 at 01:56 PM

Gnukid ... Will you be there next Saturday??? Just seeing this now and it is waaay past noon.

Here is what we ate today at Tony's Restaurant on the malecon and it was GOOD!

BajaBlanca - 4-26-2014 at 01:58 PM

Actually, I would love some hummus you sell anywhere else or can we get together for a margarita or beer at Tony's?

BajaBlanca - 4-26-2014 at 08:11 PM

Saturday night in La Paz

This afternoon, I read this report about Las Brisas to Les and he says: i know where it is, let's go there tonight.

The review I read:

about 7 years ago had a bad experience at las brisas. this is the place right on the malacon about 2 blocks south of breesemart. never went back even though it just 3 blocks from our casa. last night after finding NIM closed we decided to try again. about 6 months ago they remodeled and added a beautiful outdoor dining area overlooking the bay.

it was fabulous. we got there at 7pm and left around 8:30. we were the only ones there. the menu is completely redone and in english. i had the bone in NY steak and my wife had the grilled shrimp. just perfect. cooked just right. best frijoles i ever had. the entire menu looked great. wide range from steaks, kidney, cantonese rice, fish, lobster, fondue, huge salad, hamburger, ceviche, seafood c-cktails etc and on the kids menu 3 types of pizza. our server, santiago had worked there 25 years and the other guy just 2 yrs. both spoke good english. the wine was excellent and a good pour. vanilla ice cream was super. they even bought us a drink on the house. don't get that too often. plenty of parking on the side street and the view is best in town. just the right height to enjoy people watching, traffic and a beautiful sunset over the magote.

very enjoyable evening and dining experience and will definitely be going back to sample more of the menu.
From the La Paz Gringo group


So, we went for our margarita/ beer drink. The restaurant was indeed empty, there were two very friendly waiters and the menus are in English. While we were there, 4 Germans came i. And looked like they enjoyed their meal.

The amazing view:

The menu. Side 1

The menu side 2

The totopos

And 2 people who are just suffering through this wonderful vacation!

[Edited on 4-27-2014 by BajaBlanca]

BajaBlanca - 4-27-2014 at 10:00 AM

Sunday ... The Cathedral and Mass

This morning I went to the Cathdral which is only about 6 blocks down the street. It is very bleak on the outside being that it is all concrete

But the interior is lovely

The front altar

The hours

More inside shots - the inside is gorgeous without being ostantacious

Mass at 7 am was very beautiful, they had a singer who led in all the songs and she was good. I prayed for all our souls! You are good to go for the week! (((:

A couple more shots ... The stations of the cross are in English?? Why?? Donated by whom?

[Edited on 4-27-2014 by BajaBlanca]

BajaBlanca - 4-27-2014 at 10:28 AM

Breakfast of Champions

So, after building up an apetite after praying so hard, Les picked me up and off we went to the Malecon to search for a waterside restaurant and Kiwi is what we found

The view to the left

The view in front

The view to the right

The restaurant

The Menu

And the food which although really delicious was stone cold. Bizarre since it was early and the restaurant was nearly empty. We let the waiter know both verbally and monetarily. ))):

Mushroom omelet for him

Cottage cheese crepes for her

And Rex was welcomed, Whale-ista

And a last look of my favorite view

willardguy - 4-27-2014 at 10:36 AM mention of the saturday nite parade of senorita's on the malecon? now that should have have put a big ol' smile on Les!:lol:

Whale-ista - 4-27-2014 at 11:01 AM

Kiwi's looks like our kind of place (pets OK/on the water)! But cold comida is not good.

Did you try returning the cold food for a warm-up?

Question: (since I enjoy catching up on reading over breakfast- print or online.)
- Are there any English bookstores, or hotels selling english language newspapers that you've found?
- What's wi-fi access like at these restaurants?

thanks for making me hungry!

BajaBlanca - 4-27-2014 at 01:42 PM

Les just said that the senioritas come out past his bedtime.

Didnt send the food back, I actually like cold food but Les hates it ....and I am not sure why he didnt send it right back where it came from.

There is a bookstore called Allende and I plan on going there manana. There is also a club where boaters share loads of books and videos. I left 30 or more books there and will do the same the next time we come. I've just got too many. Kindles are also good, plenty of free books.

As for papers, the gringo gazette is all over the place, free.

BajaBlanca - 4-27-2014 at 09:14 PM

What a day ... First off we met bajanomader Gene and his lovely wife for linch at Laureles

The welcoming committee

Meet with Gene and wife to talk about life and the college teens, Gene is helping out Cristian:

The. We returned home, took a siesta and planned a meet with Barbara, who runs a non- profit here in La Paz called Care for the Kids. After living here for 13 years, she can teach me a lot! She and I will do some work together this week and next. I also hope she joins nomads:

From Michoacana, Les and I went driving towards Pichilingue and saw lots of nice beaches

And then we decided to visit Costa Brava's famed restaurants and ended up at this Italian place that was empty, probably since it was quite early still:

This menu is one of the funniest I have ever seen !

Their prices are reasonable and the location exquisite. Not too shabby margaritas either .....and so another fantastic day ended.

BajaBlanca - 4-28-2014 at 01:20 PM

Today's Adventure: Allende Books in La Paz

I have decided to join the bookclub and next week's meeting is on it was either kindle it or have the real deal in hand. I love reading, and while I understand that kindle is probably the future, I love holding a book in my hand. So, off I went to discover Allende Bookstore:

The front:

Bruce the owner:

And there's my book! Black Swan Green

And lots of arts n crafts, some done by local artists, amidst new n used books:

These did not come out too perfect but I loved these fish!

And more .....

All in all, a great place to spend an hour browsing and if it were a bit bigger, I would suggest a reading area and a small cafe, but ahhhhhhh I think I am dreaming of Santa Cruz. ((((:

BajaBlanca - 4-29-2014 at 09:09 PM


So much to was chock full of wonderful experiences. To start with, Les and I went hunting for the dog wash...found it, dropped Rex off and then went i. Search of a cappuccino.

First we found Pan D'Les and bought some muffins and bread from Roberto (hope I got his name correct)

The we found Las Manitas with beautiful artwork, right next door to Pan D'Les and met owner Diane:

And you have all seen this in another post, in a completely different town...let's see who remembers where .........

And then we saw Got Baja / Doce Cuarenta ( which translates 1240 ie the address)

These muffin show cases are made from wine crates that've been repurposed

Wine cork hot plates

Look at the bottle lamps! Just ingenious!

And glasses, glasses, glasses galore

In the back garden patio, there is a wall garden where they used old plastic soda bottles.....

There is a computer room and wifi throughout the place

And more, more, more

Then, we saw the Tuesday market and met Jay from London as well as bought one of his breads

BajaBlanca - 4-29-2014 at 10:27 PM

Ok, before I continue this long trip report, any suggestions on how to make it better? Do you like it? ShouldmI continue like I have or break it up into small er reports? Or are you bored already ?


BajaBlanca - 4-29-2014 at 10:29 PM

I went over to Se Habla, the Spanish Language School to meet owner Juli. Very interesting, her school is fabulous!

Les and I then went grocery shopping at Mega and I saw these HUGE watermelons!

Les and I went over to tony's for pizza with our good friend Linda

After that, I went to visit one of the poorest Colonia/neighborhoods in La Paz, where my new friend Barbara has started a one woman non- profit to help out the kids from families that have no running water or electricity.

And these are two of the scholarship holders .... I want to give the kids some English classes, so everyone reading this gets three guesses as to what I offered to do *********************************************

Yup! I will be baking cakes next week! So, La Paz/East Cape residents: please help

1 I need 2 cake pans - and I can return them
2 it would be nice to get donated boxes of cake, kids love chocolate
3 frosting, any flavor

I will give three classes a week until we leave at the end of May
We can meet up anywhere in La Paz, preferably the malecon
In East Cape, we will be there Monday morning til Tuesday morning

And maybe I will get the kids to clean a bit??? might as well, right? The environment needs lots of helpers.

I will also be talking to them about education and why it is important
for the future

Care for the Kids gives becas or scholarships til they finish high school, maybe I can take them beyond ... Maybe .....

I will take one of these as well! Kids love watermelon!


Today we went to .Batolo's for our c-cktails and I will write a restaurant review separately

Typical food from Veracruz

[Edited on 4-30-2014 by BajaBlanca]

[Edited on 5-19-2014 by BajaBlanca]

David K - 4-29-2014 at 10:38 PM

Nice! :bounce:

Whale-ista - 4-29-2014 at 11:03 PM

you asked for feedback- I am enjoying your travel stories! thank you for the reports, photos and helpful Information on places to visit.

Travelinleah - 4-30-2014 at 05:48 AM

I am always looking forward to your next post! We are heading to Baja this October in the RV with La Paz as our destination, the Spanish language school looks like something I should do first! I wonder if there are any volunteer opportunities related to healthcare? Thanks for posting!

JohnK - 4-30-2014 at 07:34 AM

Great trip report! I am living vicariously thru you guys!

Genecag - 4-30-2014 at 08:31 AM

Great reports, Blanca. Been visiting La Paz for 10 years and I am finding out new things through your adventures!

BajaBlanca - 4-30-2014 at 10:58 AM

So, I take it this format is ok ... Adding on day by day. If anyone else has a preference, I am all ears. And if this is helpful, all the better!

Thanks all and Leah, I sent you a private msg. About health care volunteering. Let me know if you don't know how to retrieve it.

Welcome to the new peeps.

((((: Gene

[Edited on 4-30-2014 by BajaBlanca]

bajalorena - 4-30-2014 at 11:17 AM

Blanca, looks like you and Les are having a great time, and getting to know quite a bit about LaPaz. I just missed you. Had to go there to do some business. Maybe next time we can meet for lunch!

BajaBlanca - 4-30-2014 at 01:23 PM

Lorena, see you in Buena Vista in a couple days! We are heading out to a party for 5 de mayo (((:

Udo - 4-30-2014 at 03:21 PM


How many kilos have you and Les gained so far?

BajaBlanca - 4-30-2014 at 03:50 PM

Oh my gosh, Udo! Your post, I swear by all things good, where you mentioned you had lost weight, made me kick into gear! I am now walking the malecon, early so that the heat is not an excuse, every morning with dog Rex.

I may not lose at this rate but I surely don't wanna gain any more!

Notice in the pics that I try to position myself so that Les hides the big belly hahahaha. He knows not to move an inch .... Heck, I sometimes go for months without a drink .... Now it's margarita time every day for happy hour.

bajalorena - 4-30-2014 at 03:59 PM

Blanca, it is 4 doors down from us. We will see you there!

BajaBlanca - 5-1-2014 at 04:00 PM

Ok, so we have been laying pretty low for 2 days

Yesterday we had amigos Wendy and Bobby over for lunch and today for lunch, we snuck over to the Apostoli's. There is a full review here

The other day we explored and found EL BARTOLO's Veracruzan and Yucatan cuisine

We didn't have a full meal there, we just had an appetizer and a drink but it was a memorable experience nonetheless

The plants along the outside wall caught my eye first, then the entrance second

Here is the sign

Inside front part

The view from our table, this place is on the malecon, near Republica

The History

And this was one highlight, a special Mayan sauce called ZILQUILPAK (I have no idea of the spelling), made of pumpkin, tomato and spices, including Habanero Chile! Not on the menu but brought out to us once Les let it be known he had just become a Mexican. Very, very good and the heat was at the front of the mouth. Ever notice that different chiles seem to heat different parts of the tongue?

And the second highlight was when the owner, Obet offered us a typical drink from the Yucatan called Torito, from his own private stash! A mix of coconut, nuts and pineapple and who knows what alcohol....sooooo good....thank goodness we only had to walk one block to get home!

This is a picture of Obet preparing a traditional Yucatanian pork dish, Cocinita Pibil. We did not have any since Les nor I eat fat and it looks like there is quite a bit. So, that review will have to be done by someone else!

And besides all that, I am reading Black Swan Green by David Mitchell, so I can participate in the La Paz book of the month club next Tuesday. Assuming we are not in terrible shape after the big 5 de Mayo party in Los Barriles on Monday. (((:

Ahhh the fun of vacationing!

[Edited on 5-1-2014 by BajaBlanca]

blackwolfmt - 5-1-2014 at 04:13 PM

You guys are have a great time it looks, it seems by your pics there is really nobody around is it the time of the day or no tourism or both??

BajaBlanca - 5-1-2014 at 04:19 PM

I have asked the same thing and It seems like most folks go out to dinner, but we tend to have lunch out and usually just eat very light dinners....let me tell you, I love that the restaurants are empty and that we get to really ask tons of questions!

Now, look what I found out, amigos......just a little hunting under "pumpkin sauce" did the trick:

SIKIL PAK is on the net!

Look what a smart woman can discover!

[Edited on 5-19-2014 by BajaBlanca]

BajaBlanca - 5-1-2014 at 04:21 PM

Ours was mucho spicy, but this recipe does not call for chile. Trust me, we were both in a sweat!

Udo - 5-1-2014 at 04:24 PM

When we travel La Paz, and the East Cape area, we HAVE TO HAVE our daily ration of tequila...whichever form it comes in (shots, mixed or margaritas).
However...the food is so unbelievable that it becomes a chore to NOT gain weight...walking or not. That is why we were always glad that George took us to the mountains and went for a hike.

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Oh my gosh, Udo! Your post, I swear by all things good, where you mentioned you had lost weight, made me kick into gear! I am now walking the malecon, early so that the heat is not an excuse, every morning with dog Rex.

I may not lose at this rate but I surely don't wanna gain any more!

Notice in the pics that I try to position myself so that Les hides the big belly hahahaha. He knows not to move an inch .... Heck, I sometimes go for months without a drink .... Now it's margarita time every day for happy hour.

blackwolfmt - 5-1-2014 at 04:30 PM

I have asked the same thing and It seems like most folks go out to dinner, but we usually just eat very light dinners....let me tell you, I love that the restaurants are empty and that we get to really ask tons of questions!

I totally agree with you , They sure are really nice looking places place's
that you visit, is the malacon quite also must be the time of year, that dip looks def worth tryin..

Udo - 5-1-2014 at 04:37 PM

Blanca, we have learned to ask for one dish and ask for a second plate so we can split it between Jana and I. We explain that we are not being cheap, just that we are very light eaters.

BajaBlanca - 5-1-2014 at 06:35 PM

egg zactly, I sent this info onto travelinleah via U2U

Lori was indeed a physical therapist before she specialized in just language at her school

BTW the school is absolutely one of the most unique homes I have seen ever. The classrooms are spread out among 7 different levels. Stunning home.

oladulce - 5-2-2014 at 12:37 PM

You're doing good with your reporting. Including the location of shops and restaurants really helps. We tend to hit the same old places when we go to LP and I'm taking notes. Have Fun kids.

[Edited on 5-3-2014 by oladulce]

BajaBlanca - 5-2-2014 at 05:34 PM

Thanks oladulce! And good advice Udo but if you think Les shares food.....well......not! Hahaha

Today's adventure:

On the off chance that they would be able to help, I wrote the East Cape Dental Clinic about my college "kids"...the clinic does dental work for little ones for free and I asked if they could make an exception and do my bigger twins for free too.

And they said YES!

So, we hopped on a bus (our truck was getting worked on) and 2.5 hours later found ourselves in the office:

This is Clarissa, they both got teeth cleaned today:

And this is the 3 of us as we waited for lunch:

Now, Graciella has a ton of cavities. How many is a ton? I cringe to even write the number. I will whisper it: sevennnnnnnnn. She was never taught how to take care of her teeth. Those will be filled in at her next appt. My concern is her twin Clarissa who needs her wisdom teeth removed and has a possible root canal. The clinic does not handle this. God will provide, he has so far.

Then we rode home and as you all may or may not remember, I snored all the way. Like always.

Now home and relaxing. Is it margarita time yet?

Whale-ista - 5-3-2014 at 01:22 AM

Oh Blanca- so sorry to hear that news about their teeth. you were so good to get them in to be examined.

What a sad reminder that not everyone learns how to take care of the basics, or has the means to keep their teeth healthy.

Please check your u2u for an idea.

Thank you for taking such good care of these students.

TMW - 5-3-2014 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Saturday night in La Paz

This afternoon, I read this report about Las Brisas to Les and he says: i know where it is, let's go there tonight.

The review I read:

about 7 years ago had a bad experience at las brisas. this is the place right on the malacon about 2 blocks south of breesemart. never went back even though it just 3 blocks from our casa. last night after finding NIM closed we decided to try again. about 6 months ago they remodeled and added a beautiful outdoor dining area overlooking the bay.

it was fabulous. we got there at 7pm and left around 8:30. we were the only ones there. the menu is completely redone and in english. i had the bone in NY steak and my wife had the grilled shrimp. just perfect. cooked just right. best frijoles i ever had. the entire menu looked great. wide range from steaks, kidney, cantonese rice, fish, lobster, fondue, huge salad, hamburger, ceviche, seafood c-cktails etc and on the kids menu 3 types of pizza. our server, santiago had worked there 25 years and the other guy just 2 yrs. both spoke good english. the wine was excellent and a good pour. vanilla ice cream was super. they even bought us a drink on the house. don't get that too often. plenty of parking on the side street and the view is best in town. just the right height to enjoy people watching, traffic and a beautiful sunset over the magote.

very enjoyable evening and dining experience and will definitely be going back to sample more of the menu.
From the La Paz Gringo group


So, we went for our margarita/ beer drink. The restaurant was indeed empty, there were two very friendly waiters and the menus are in English. While we were there, 4 Germans came i. And looked like they enjoyed their meal.

The menu. Side 1

The menu side 2

[Edited on 4-27-2014 by BajaBlanca]

I seem to remember a restaurant named Las Brisas or similar in 1989. It was a block or two from the Los Arcos hotel to the right when facing the hotel. Your mention of the name brought back memories. Back then it was a really good seafood place.

Thanks for all the pictures. I really love La Paz, a great city. Wish I were there now.

durrelllrobert - 5-3-2014 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Thanks oladulce! And good advice Udo but if you think Les shares food.....well......not! Hahaha

Today's adventure:

On the off chance that they would be able to help, I wrote the East Cape Dental Clinic about my college "kids"...the clinic does dental work for little ones for free and I asked if they could make an exception and do my bigger twins for free too.

And they said YES!

So, we hopped on a bus (our truck was getting worked on) and 2.5 hours later found ourselves in the office:

This is Clarissa, they both got teeth cleaned today:

And this is the 3 of us as we waited for lunch:

Now, Graciella has a ton of cavities. How many is a ton? I cringe to even write the number. I will whisper it: sevennnnnnnnn. She was never taught how to take care of her teeth. Those will be filled in at her next appt. My concern is her twin Clarissa who needs her wisdom teeth removed and has a possible root canal. The clinic does not handle this. God will provide, he has so far.

Then we rode home and as you all may or may not remember, I snored all the way. Like always.

Now home and relaxing. Is it margarita time yet?
Are they signed up with Seguro Popular? That covers cleanings, fillings and extractions at no cost. (at least in Ensenada).


138. Prevention of caries and periodontal disease (PREVENTION, ODONTOXESIS AND TOPICAL FLUORIDE)

139. SEALED DENTAL Pit and Fissure






BajaBlanca - 5-3-2014 at 01:18 PM

One of the boys has indeed visited the dentist thru seguro and I asked the girls to check into it too!

Meanwhile, on this homefront, lots of fun this morning!

What a day...we have done so many things:

First things first, after breakfast we snuck down to here

And had coffee and a cappuccino. I brOwsed more inside and found all this:

From there we went over to the organic famers market

and really, I think they should join forces with the other regular market on Madero Street, close off that block like they do in many countries and make it an all out weekly affair! This market has wonderful Germans. ((((: And sausages that she was cooking up for samples and smelled REAllY good:

This family sells honey and sauces, quite a variety:

Pan de Les was there!

And of course, we had to buy one of these amazing tequila well as try some samples. The one we had was delushus. Dulishes. Delcious. Well, you get it!

After all that, we went over to the Club Cruceros where I was to meet Nancy, a woman who works teaching English at the local orphanage. She and I will be teaming up this Wednesday and I wanted to hear about the program. I told her about BajaNomad and I sure hope she comes on board! An amazing soul and her determination to make a difference is inspirational:

And talk about small worlds. Nancy had scheduled to meet up with two possible volunteers. When they arrived, we chatted a bit and they wanted to know where we live. As I am explaining, one of them Elia, looks at me and says "Do you know Gary P.?"

Well folks, in our tiny village of 600 people, with all of 5 gringoes, Gary is our neighbor! And good friends with .Elia's brother and stays with her n her husband when he comes down. I told her he had mentioned Maria California as a place to eat near her house and yup.....small world indeed.

And THEN she starts to tell me about a friend who went to a small community and was convinced to return and teach English....and I said "Susan?"

Hahaha, it is the Susan that I recommended leave her RV at my sister's in San Diego. Hahaha

She didnt in the end, but I had heard the Susan story right here on Nomads!

Here we have Elia and Kathy...both will be volunteering at the orphanage and both might join Nomads and both will be sharing a cup of coffee at Got Baja with me soon.

There's more excitement coming today but I am off, so it will be later.

[Edited on 5-3-2014 by BajaBlanca]

BajaBlanca - 5-3-2014 at 09:14 PM

My Spa Day

Well, today was pamper Blanca afternoon

First I got my hair done

Then Les did too

Then I got my legs waxed (pic does not want to load). And a pedicure!

This is Rocio

This is the building where she is currently working out of. She used to work at a hotel and then went out on her own. Still setting up shop upstairs in this building. She is fantastic, her rates are 200 pesos for a pedicure, 200 for a leg wax and she does massages as well. I highly recommend her: 612. 170-1398

And at the end of this wonderful day...we met up with new friends Andrew and Merry....funny story because they told us to meet them by the mermaid...well, there 2 mermaids on the malecon and it took a while for us to figure that out. Two couples, neither familiar with the malecon means trouble !

Here we are when we finally found each other

And this is where we went

The sign you see when you leave

All in all, this was a totally pamper Blanca day!

[Edited on 5-4-2014 by BajaBlanca]

[Edited on 5-5-2014 by BajaNomad]

Whale-ista - 5-3-2014 at 09:29 PM

Small world indeed... esp for ESOL teachers! I've run into so many that know college colleagues (including you) in many unlikely places, around Baja and beyond.

Enjoy being pampered! That's what vacations are for.

And let us know when you find a good masseuse for body work.

(The sudden heat here in San Diego also motivated me to set a spa/pedi/wax date, and be ready for shorts/sandals/skirt season.)

BajaBlanca - 5-4-2014 at 08:45 PM


First off 7:00 am mass at the Cathedral. I wanted to go to another church but woke up with just enough time to make it to the Cathedral. Again, you are all good to go for the week. I prayed hard.

For baptisms

A group of men who pray together and once a month, they take turns in groups of 2 or 3 and pray all night. They sang at the mass today and I have a short video.

A window

After breakfast, we met weebray who took us to around the beaches past the malecon. Each one nicer than the other. Just ask Rex.

Ask me!

Ask anyone!

This afternoon, I had invited the college freshmen to come to lunch. In a strategy that worked out perfectly, I told them they could invite their significant others. Bingo, they all showed. And double bingo for me, one of them has an uncle who may do the root canal that Clarissa needs (God delivers) !

So we met up at Tony's Restaurant. I bought them pizzas, which they got to choose and then shazam, they started to discuss job interview strategies with me. It was great and they rarely head over to the malecon since their university bldgs are pretty far, so next week I will probably do the same again......wish Max had been there! My bad for not letting him know we were going. We will do this again since Max, you will be their inspiration to dream BIG.

Graciela n boyfriend


Clarissa n boyfriend



Very rewarding to work with these kids ....I just wish I could fast forward 20 years .....soooo curious to see them reach for the stars and succeed.

Moving on......

So, we had heard today from weebray and husband, that NIM was a good place to eat.....and decided to go there for dinner. Turns out it is only 5 months old or 5 months new, as the case may be. Really pretty, our waiters spoke English enough to joke around in English! It is across the street from the new 7 crown hotel, on the corner of Revolution. The sign is way too small.

These came highly recommended and they did not disappoint! Reubens were absolutely incredible.

One for Les with fries

And one for me with a salad

The bar, right as you walk in

I will be doing a separate restaurant review.

While I was having lunch today, two events occurred. First I read on facebook that Wiley passed and said a quick prayer for him. Then later, I heard from the little girl who lives in one of the neediest parts of La Paz, with no water or electricity. I had asked to to see if she could get a group together. She told me that 24 kids are going to the English class on Tuesday! I will bake 2 cakes and I will do this while vacationing in Los Barriles tomorrow LOL. I am so excited! Can you just see these kids speaking some English?!

Anyways. Hope these long writings inspire you to be all you can be.

And by the way: As always, yours truly is still doing her part caring for Mother Earth:

[Edited on 5-5-2014 by BajaBlanca]

Whale-ista - 5-4-2014 at 09:38 PM

Wow, you have so much energy- great way to combine vacation and support for those students.

Have fun!

Barbareno - 5-5-2014 at 04:50 AM

Love your story telling Blanca.

BajaBlanca - 5-5-2014 at 05:32 AM

Thanks. Today is 5 de mayo a la DTbushpilot paaaaaarty style! So looking forward to it! On our way to Los Barriles soon .....

dtbushpilot - 5-5-2014 at 06:15 AM

Looking forward to seeing you and Les.....and about 200 of our other close personal friends.....gonna be painful for someone tomorrow....

BajaBlanca - 5-5-2014 at 04:55 PM

Los Barriles

Well, this thread is about La Paz but for 24 hours, we are in Los Barriles

We arrived at 8:30 and went over to the dentist first to grab the X-ray which turns out does not help the college student with her root canal, so we left it.

Coffee at the roadrunner and a chat with Gail? Guess what? The person who runs the medical and dental clinic, thru accountant Gail, has offered to give both twins a full physical checkup when they come next Tuesday. The Cathedral in La Paz has special powers, folks, if you need some prayers answered, GO there.

From roadrunners we came over to our good friends Cliffh from bajanomad and wife, Carol to drop our stuff off, check Rex in and head out to El Viejo for chile rellenos. We arrived at 11:30 and managed to order the last 4 ! Carol and I had fish tacos .... Great as always.

Super amigos, Carol and Cliff

The famous chile rellenos at El Viejo

Here we are now, the boys siesta- ing, Carol is taking a break, and me with 2 cakes in the oven for the 27 kids who may show up for English class and cake at the impoverished La Paz colonia tomorrow afternoon. Thank goodness for friends who let you use their kitchens. ((((:

Tonight is the famous DtBushpilot 5 de mayo party.....I better get a nap in too. See you soon, David n Jill!

BajaBlanca - 5-5-2014 at 09:37 PM

Party at DTBushpilot and Jill's house

Wow....amazing does not even co e close to describing this party. I will let the pics tell the story!

We started off at the " safety meeting" at Buena Vista

And from there we went to the 5 de mayo party for 200 of .david and jill's family and friends

My people!

The photo editor doesnt want to cooperate, so I can make the pic upright. Just pretend I drank too much LOL

The ever so beautiful Jill

The band that will come

Les way back there

Sooooo much food

This is how you go to a party in Los Barriles

People people people

And here is the final view as we left......thanks for a wonderful time....eating, drinking, chatting and dancing!

bajalorena - 5-5-2014 at 09:47 PM

Great time! Good to see you and Les again. Thanks, David and Jill!

Great post BB & les

captkw - 5-5-2014 at 09:52 PM

two years ago I ate mid mornings at the "road Runner" a few times and will never forget the most beautiful women that I have ever seen that works at that dentest place ..straight up !! L.B. is getting grigoised but still has a cool feel about and for me the only two citys in the world that I love is La Paz and anchorage AK.....BB pregunta ? why wont you let your dog in the pool?? I'am missing something as always.....have fun while you can...Its a short journey......Good on you and thanks for sharing.....K&T:cool:

[Edited on 5-6-2014 by captkw]


BajaBlanca - 5-6-2014 at 06:31 AM

Good morning Capt! Why won't I let Rex in MY pool? Cause he is a stinky P-nche perro. Hehehe. He rolls in dirt when he can, he is just a Baja dog and nope...not gonna happen!

Lovely morning here in Los Barriles. Off to La Paz soon for some cakes and kids and their moms may come too, a little bird told me.......

This is Rex 5 minutes ago. And he convinced Cliff to rub his belly.

[Edited on 5-6-2014 by BajaBlanca]

TMW - 5-6-2014 at 08:05 AM

Wow, nothing finer than a party with friends and family. Great

David K - 5-6-2014 at 08:19 AM

You are having far too much fun! :lol:

Thank you Blanca for taking us everywhere with you!

Bob H - 5-6-2014 at 09:53 AM

Wow, great report with wonderful photos! I finally took some time and went through it all. We always loved our visits to La Paz.

Was wondering what is the status of Los Arcos hotel and restaurant?

Will look forward to the rest of your vacation reports/photos!

BajaBlanca - 5-7-2014 at 04:24 AM

Los Arcos looks abandoned.

BajaBlanca - 5-7-2014 at 04:27 AM

There are certain days in our Life that go down as special and this was surely one of them.

We drove back from Los Barriles without incident and the first thing I did was finish up the cake which was for the Vista Hermosa kids in the elementary And middle school scholarship non-profit that Barbara runs: Care for the Kids La Paz.

The Cake!

Then, I made lunch for the 2 college boys who want to go help out with the English and life skills for the poor.

Pic of Julian, Barbara, Natanael

After that, I got my book and headed off to Se Habla, where Juli was to lend me a pan for baking cakes. Check.

Then, I went to the book club meeting at Jeans house only 4 blocks away. Beautiful home and I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting. A mixture of book discussion (and most of us had not liked the book Black Swan Green) and personal anecdotes about coming of age, as that is what the book is about. I had to leave early to head off to teach.

Kids at gate, waiting to get in. Veronica was the one who told the other kids about the class, born leader that kid!

Started out pretty small

And ended up much bigger!

It was such a fun class! They learned all the pronouns and they learned how to conjugate the present tense for dance and swim. Not too shabby!

We are only here for 2 more weeks and after that, Julian (one of my scholarship kids) and his roommate Nathanael want to continue working with the kids. They will come up on Tues and Thurs for an hour and teach English and Life Skills: care for the environment, no littering, wash hands before eating, please, thank you.....I am so proud that they are volunteering.

The kids in Barbara's non profit are the poorest of the poor, she chooses the ones who have no electricity or running water in their homes. She gives them breakfast before school three times a week and any child who has an A or B average has their school fees covered, uniforms, books and school supplies. Barbara is a one woman show and I gotta hand it to her, she is something else!

Every kid got a bookmark, every kid got cake and most 2 pieces of cake, every kid got fruit and water to drink and mostly, they had fun and were off the streets. I don't have any pictures of that part as the 4 of us were pretty busy slicing, serving and cleaning up.

And that was the most special part of the day for me.

When I got home, our friends from Punta Chivato had arrived. They are staying at El Moro because they accept dogs.

The outside

The inside of the $135 fully equipped kitchenette

From there we went to Calypso Restaurant (separate review). Our friends told us the owner built this restaurant so her yacht crew would have a place to eat their meals when in town. Must be nice, eh?

And I am sneaking in a photo taken of Les and I dancing at the party at DTBushpilot's last fun, so very fun.

Floatflyer - 5-7-2014 at 06:33 AM

Tell your friends that are staying at El Morro that Casa Buena also takes dogs and is a lot cheaper. I thought your stay in La Paz was to be a restful experience!:bounce:

Udo - 5-7-2014 at 09:37 AM

That's a lot of people at DT's mansion!
But at least the party was held at an appropriate place...the house is a dream!

BajaBlanca - 5-7-2014 at 01:10 PM

Just noticed Cassandra and Rick dancing too. The party was a blast.....still dreamin' about it!

KurtG - 5-7-2014 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Just noticed Cassandra and Rick dancing too. The party was a blast.....still dreamin' about it!

Thought that was them in the foreground. Been friends for around 40 years.

BajaBlanca - 5-8-2014 at 10:55 AM

In the morning, we went to old mercado. What an amazing sight.

This is what you see as you head in

The entrance, on Revolucion, here in the downtown area

And the amazing and sometimes gross (pigs etc.) displays

Really nice sandals running $30 ... Ouch.

This woman's family has had this stall for 30 years and the flower one next to it

Got Fish?

135 pesos for the big pinata

This little girl UNDERNEATH was serving up coffee and cake on her play dishes to her brother..gotta tell ya, she was adorable! I guess she will be a future seller here (((:


Today was the day for going to the La Paz ' orphanage with Nancy. She has been teaching the kids English for free. She is amazing with them. I was totally impressed!

Today's group were beginners. Charming kids, ready smiles and when you think that they have probably been in the system since they were 6, it is shocking. .... But when you see them smile and interact, they have overcome obstacles and with lots of support, they seem serene.

Susan invites volunteers to practice English with the kids. She prefers you not speak Spanish- this way kids get the real experience!

I heard that they are totally supported by many entities, including OXXO. I thought I would be donating some things to them, but happily, they have clothes and educational material and computers. So, still on the hunt for another entity and of course, the kids in Vista Hermosa in the Care for the Kids Foundation of La Paz are getting cakes and classes twice a week.

Here are some pics from last Tuesday with the really poor kids

Second or third helpings!

And my two wonderful helpers tasting the cake to make sure it was up to par. The one on the right will probably be carrying on this mission....he is one of the students in my college scholarship program. He wants to inspire the kids to be all they can be.

And the two cakes for this afternoon!

[Edited on 5-8-2014 by BajaBlanca]

BajaBlanca - 5-8-2014 at 08:11 PM

Vista Hermosa (beautiful View) up in the hills behind La Paz is home to Oaxacan migrants who live in homes without electricity or water. It is a shame, I think, that they are so far from their native land and that dreams are simply not coming to fruition....and so the kids are suffering.

I met Barbara and decided to try and somehow make a difference with these kids. Her program provides breakfast three times a week and scholarships for elementary and middle school students who maintain high grades, whose parents participate in the breakfast preparations and each child has community service duties. This is where we come in! We are giving the kids English classes with a party afterwards. The pics really tell the story:

At my house deciding who will teach numbers (julian) colors (Alfonso) verbs (me) and fruit (Jorge)

To get the strawberry you have to say " One strawberry, please."

What color is this? It was Alfonso's first time and he did great!

Julian is awesome with the kids. And a clown, which helps!

All of us working together to get plates ready for the frosting chocolate cake, strawberries, watermelon (cut by Julian)

The whole group!

We will do this for another 2 weeks while I am here and then if we can get sponsorship to cover gas money for the boys to drive out 2 times a week plus some extra to buy fruit and cookies to give out, then they can continue the effort. Barbara's board is more focused on formal education, so we have to find our own funding.
Or just do it when I come. (((:

liknbaja127 - 5-8-2014 at 08:19 PM

Blanca, Will you and Less be still be there on the 13th, tues.? we will be coming
through there Hopefully, that day. We will be at the Desert Inn, only 1 night.
come on by and meet the team, If you are still in town.

BajaBlanca - 5-8-2014 at 08:31 PM

We will be here til 20th or so. Desert Inn? In La Paz? I havent seen it.

liknbaja127 - 5-8-2014 at 08:38 PM

Sorry, My bad. not sure were we will be in La Paz? I will have Brenda, Let you
know were we are. I am gust along for the ride:?:

BajaBlanca - 5-8-2014 at 08:48 PM


BajaBlanca - 5-9-2014 at 02:17 PM

Well, another day filled with interesting outings. First we went to Cafe Olimpia for breakfast, as it was highly recommended by weebray. Gotta admit, my first look inside and my hungry stomach was not favorably impressed. The end result: It is a hole in the wall, not pretty by any stretch of anyone's imagination, ridiculously reasonable and GOOD eatery!

For 50 pesos you get coffee, juice, toast with butter and a choice of huevos made many different ways, my huevos rancheros were good and I could not even finish. No pics, did not have my ipad with me.

Oops, gotta back it up a second. Olimpia only opens at 8:00, so at 7:30 we went for coffee and cappuccinos at Got Baja? And look what the ladies room looks like...again, the owner is huge on repurposing objects:

I wished everyone a good morning

And this homemade cork board is just brilliant:

So, continuing after Olimpias, we went to see the new mercado. Very similar to yesterday's:

A shrine to the Virgin in front

This place usually has two tacos for the price of one on Wednesday and the
Line is down the street, but the offer is off this month

And some smiley folks selling inside!

Yuck....could have done without seeing this dude.

Make way!

So, our friends who have come to La Paz since the 70s took us to this bizarre hotel, which is on a street near the Marina end of the malecon. The owners told me it was 60 years old and what a collection of .....well, collections:

The wooden horse in front

And here is only a small part of what you see inside. Mind you, there are rooms for rent at 480 pesos per couple. This price includes breakfast and laundry. Hate to say it but you could not pay me to stay there. That's just me.

The entrance

This is the Cathedral many moon ago. The garden in front has changed, it looks quite different now.

Fancy a game of chess or an intricately carved board?

I had read bout this exposition and wanted to go:

Recently opened exhibitions: The celebration of Semana Santa by indigenous people in the mountains of Nayarit, a beautiful altar of Dolores de María Vírgen and Mexican wedding gowns are the subject of these new exhibits at Centro Artes Populares BCS, the site of the old Casa de Gobierno del Territorio on Madero across from Jardín Velasco, between Independencia and 5 de Mayo. The Centro Artes Populares BCS is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Admission is free.

So, the boys were not interested but the girls were:

Facing the building:

Facing away from the building:

Some traditional wedding gowns from different Mexican states:

There were more, but I don't want to bore ya.

The Semana Santa rituals:

And the altar:

Hope you are enjoying the ride. TGIF!

[Edited on 5-9-2014 by BajaBlanca]

Heather - 5-9-2014 at 02:58 PM

I am enjoying your posts, Blanca.

We usually get to La Paz in July, and it is always so hot, that I can't wait to get back to the cooler beaches of Cabo!

Have wanted to go to a museum while there, but no one ever moves much!

We always make it down to the Malecon in the evenings to walk with everyone else. My mother-in-law grew up around the corner from Hotel Los Arcos. Her father used to be in charge of the lighthouse on the Malecon, so she always likes to visit that area!

Although my in-laws are from La Paz city, everyone's favorite thing to do is go out to the Ranch. One of my husband's tios has a ranch not too far from town, so that is where we always need to visit! Beautiful places, with a variety of animals; goats, bunnies, turkeys, peac-cks, pigs, a horse or two....girls love it!

Have you been to the beach? Our favorite is Balandra, but don't stay too late or the jejenies (bobos) will eat you alive!

Whale-ista - 5-9-2014 at 03:53 PM

Thank you for Interesting photos of people and places.

You are definitely not a "lounge by the pool on vacation" person, are you?

BajaBlanca - 5-9-2014 at 07:43 PM

Heather, thanks for sharing your background. I bet they have a huge tinaco pool at the ranch that everyone goes swimming in? Some of the ranches north of La Bocana have cool water pools. In July, the beach surely is the best solution. We have not been to Balandra but it will happen next week.

Whale-ista: This is a vacation but it is also a discovery trip. We want to travel for 6 months at a time And this might be a I am exploring to see if it "fits."! The mornings are wonderful for exploring.

So fat it's thumbs up for La Paz. we could easily see ourselves spending 6 months here.

[Edited on 5-10-2014 by BajaBlanca]

Heather - 5-9-2014 at 08:37 PM

Blanca, the new ranch that Tio Juan is caretaker of is out by Balandra, so usually stop on our way home from the beach. Rancho San Antonio has a big tinaco where we usually find crazy Tia Carmen swimming!

bajajudy - 5-10-2014 at 12:35 AM

The guy who owns the hotel used throw a fit if you tried to take pix. Glad that has changed. You could spend an afternoon finding different things to photograph, eh?
Enjoying your posts!

BajaBlanca - 5-10-2014 at 06:24 AM

Interesting, I specifically asked if I could take the pic of the guys playing and he said "Claro que si!".

Heather, are you guys planning on coming down before the end of the month?

oladulce - 5-10-2014 at 09:50 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

Love the little guy on the right- discussing the current economic status or contemplating the world's problems?

Ateo - 5-10-2014 at 09:56 AM

Great thread Blanca.
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