David K - 2-24-2006 at 12:57 AM
Four more trip web pages have been added to VivaBaja.com
They are http://vivabaja.com/pintas This is the complete road log to and photos of the LAS PINTAS FOSSIL GROTTO with also is a large petroglyph or Indian
rock art site (Las Pintas name implies such).
and... http://vivabaja.com/1005 Our October, 2005 trip to Bahia de los Angeles to see Mike and Mary Ann Humfreville's new home. Also photos of the
monument to trucker 'Hector', the new Pemex in L.A. Bay, and a visit to Mision Santo Domingo.
Also http://vivabaja.com/305 and http://vivabaja.com/1105
These trip web pages begin as trip reports here on Baja Nomad a day or two after I return home. Then, I make a web page from many of the photos on my
WebTV (an easy web page builder). Finally, some months later my web host or Internet savy amigos refines my WebTV made pages and puts them into
VivaBaja.com as a permanent location to view them.
Here is the list of my 2005 trips now on VivaBaja.com (they are hyper linked on VivaBaja.com:
Jan. '05: New Year's in Baja, Rock Art, Bahia de Los Angeles & Bahia San Luis Gonzaga
Feb. '05: Weekend with Aletha & Marvin Patchen in the Anza-Borrego Desert
Feb. '05: San Felipe 250 Race Weekend - including trip to Shell Island
Apr. '05: Off road trip with The squarecircle and others south of Tecate to Cantamar: '305' web page
Apr. '05: Pyramid Resort's Third Annual Baja Book Signing Event
Apr. '05: Guadalupe Canyon trip
May '05 Memorial Day Weekend in El Rosario
July '05 Nomad 4WD Tour, Baja-Rosario Festival '05, and Shell Island
Sept.,'05: Across Baja via Mike's Sky Rancho (San Quintin to Shell Island)
Sept '05: Las Pintas Fossil Grotto, incl. detailed road log
Oct '05: Hector's Monument, L.A. Bay visit, La Lobera, Mision Santo Domingo
Nov. '05: Thanksgiving trip into the mountains north-east of El Rosario, and a visit to both mission sites of Santo Tomas and El Rosario
Still to be added is the:
November trip to Guadalupe Canyon with photos of the desert outside the canyon:
December trip to Punta Baja and down along the coast to almost Punta San Carlos: http://forums.bajanomad.com/viewthread.php?tid=14596
New Years '06 trip to Lou's fiesta, Baja Rob's at Bahia Santa Maria, and the blue palm filled Berrendo Canyon: http://forums.bajanomad.com/viewthread.php?tid=14970
New web page finished: http://community-2.webtv.net/boojum1/106
... our January 21, '06 trip to El Marmol and El Volcan: http://forums.bajanomad.com/viewthread.php?tid=15255
New web page finished: http://community-2.webtv.net/vivabaja/marmol
... our Feb. '06 El Rosario weekend (Petrified Forest, La Bocana):
... my trip with Chris searching for Santa Ursula (plus Mama Espinoza's museum and La Lobera)...
[Edited on 5-1-2006 by David K]