
Mexico Proposes Decriminalizing Pot and Cocaine

Bob H - 4-28-2006 at 12:58 PM

Mexico proposes decriminalizing pot and cocaine
Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:49 PM ET

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Owning marijuana, cocaine and even heroin will no longer be a crime in Mexico if the drugs are carried in small amounts for personal use, under legislation passed by the Congress.

Police will not penalize people for possessing up to 5 grams of marijuana, 5 grams of opium, 25 milligrams of heroin or 500 milligrams of cocaine, under a bill passed by senators late on Thursday and earlier approved by the lower house.

People caught with larger quantities of drugs will be treated as narcotics dealers and face increased jail terms under the plan.

The government says the measure allows police to focus on major drug dealers, and President Fox is expected to sign it into law.

"This law provides more judicial tools for authorities to fight crime," presidential spokesman Ruben Aguilar said on Friday.

Hundreds of people including several police officers have been killed in the past year as drug cartels battle authorities and compete with each other for control of lucrative cocaine, marijuana and heroin smuggling routes from Mexico into the United States.

The violence has raged mostly in northern Mexico but in recent months has spread south to cities like vacation resort Acapulco.

Under current law, it is up to local judges and police to decide on a case-by-case basis whether people should be prosecuted for possessing small quantities of drugs, a source at the Senate's health commission told Reuters.

"The object of this law is to not put consumers in jail, but rather those who sell and poison," said Sen. Jorge Zermeno of the ruling National Action Party.

Fifty-three senators voted for the bill with 26 votes against it.

Oh, that is just wonderful-------

Barry A. - 4-28-2006 at 02:29 PM

:fire:------so the prime problem of drug use, the user, now skates free and clear under this brilliant proposal. Now doesn't this make absolutely wonderful sense??? Shades of Holland!!!!

Last time I checked, folks, demand was driving the drug trade. So, by all means lets legalize the users (who are demanding the drugs) and that will solve the problem.

So only 26 folks in the Mexican governing body understand that "demand" is the real problem-------are there no economists among them, or advising them?

I submit that unless, and until, the "demand" for drugs is somehow curtailed (by whatever means that works) the "drug problem" will just get worse and worse. It is not an "either this or that" issue------ALL persons involved in the sale and use of "illegal" drugs should be prosecuted, period.

If you think that legalizing drugs is the answer, just check the deteriorating statistics in Amsterdam, etc. :fire:

Man sure has a hard time learning lessons, and controlling their "urges". What a mess----civilazation in action.

Now that I have ranted, this thread should probably be moved into the dreaded "Off Topic" forum.:yes:

Packoderm - 4-28-2006 at 02:37 PM

I like the idea but not so much for meth or heroin. Peyote, mushrooms, and pot certainly aught to be legal to sell - at least legal to sell to tourists to be consumed on site in resorts. Sounds like it would add a new dynamic to a Baja vacation than the rather toxic standby tequila.

woody with a view - 4-28-2006 at 02:46 PM

the thing is, if you listen to the mexican govt is that america is driving the demand for drugs. so therefore, why not legalize drugs in mexico? that way, their fine, hardworking citizens can profit as businessmen instead of tossing grenades in the streets of acapulco and setting up gaunlets in mexicali. DUH!!!:light:


Barry A. - 4-28-2006 at 04:28 PM

----from the Mexican point of view I reluctantly see your point--------but that is not to say I agree with you, this time :tumble:

Lordy, what a problem-----glad I am "out of it" (retired)!!!! It was fun, tho, raiding Pot gardens on the Federal lands, and kicking arse and burning plants-----that part I miss.

Bob H - 4-28-2006 at 05:17 PM

And, it was reported on the news tonight (KFMB in San Diego) that Fox is prepared to sign the approval on this proposal and make it happen.... An evening at Hussongs in Ensenada should be interesting indeed! Oh, not to mention what will go on in TJ in Zona Rojo!
Bob H

Bruce R Leech - 4-28-2006 at 08:00 PM


Packoderm - 4-28-2006 at 08:02 PM

If this does go through, it will be the first time I've seen the Mexican government do ANYTHING.

5 GRAMS of opium?????

Dave - 4-28-2006 at 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
Police will not penalize people for possessing up to 5 grams of marijuana, 5 grams of opium, 25 milligrams of heroin or 500 milligrams of cocaine, under a bill passed by senators late on Thursday and earlier approved by the lower house.

People caught with larger quantities of drugs will be treated as narcotics dealers and face increased jail terms under the plan.

I can't wait for 'Joe College' to get busted.

"But I only had 5 grams!"

Rosarito cop:

"No, it's 5.1." :lol:

Skeet/Loreto - 4-29-2006 at 04:02 AM

Legalise Drugs in the States:
Take the Profit away;
Set up Medical Facilites for the Poor wretched Souls.
The Strong will survive, The weak will Die.


"In God I Trust"

capt. mike - 4-29-2006 at 06:39 AM

hasn't april fools passed?:o

ya gots to be kidding here............

well as my old grand dad said approaching 92, "moderation in all things and you can enjoy all life has to offer."

I couldn't agree more.


mulege marv - 4-29-2006 at 06:46 AM

yes but dave, you could be assured you had under the legal amout in weight if you bought them at the pemex


bajalou - 4-29-2006 at 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Legalise Drugs in the States:
Take the Profit away;
Set up Medical Facilites for the Poor wretched Souls.
The Strong will survive, The weak will Die.


"In God I Trust"

That's one of the best things I've ever seen you post!!!!


Baja Bernie - 4-29-2006 at 07:56 AM

Where will we send our kids or grandkids to keep them away from drugs and teach them the natural beauties of life--.

Just kidding but do any of you remember how the British/french/ and Germans 'conquered' much of China and kept them in tow for many years---Opium !!!!.

Skeet--unfortunately, they don't die the 'American' government, when they get here, will give them $635.00 a month for life because they are 'disabled'. I know a story about a guy who posts here who used to get so angry because he had to return to the States every month to get his check--Now he just hits an ATM. (no, no names)

Perhaps, they believe that their 'ctiizens' are far too poor to buy this stuff---or they are seeking first world status on the cheap!

Ever look the window washers in the eye as you cross the border--Or even the young Mexicans as you wander around Ensenada. Wander just a block or two away from the tourist areas and the cops who log on here will wish for their weapons--because they will 'see' for sure.

These clowns are becoming 'almost' as bad as our own.--A new world order is in order---Sadly it will start with a huge "D".

bajalou - 4-29-2006 at 10:09 AM

The US big earlier effort at controlling drug use ended when they repealed Prohibition. Admitting they were lost on the controlling use of alcohol. It had increased the criminal groups 1000s of percent, without ending alcohol use. The present "War on Drugs" has only increased the criminal activity and put major drain on law enforcement activities as well as about breaking the country by it's cost. If they were legalixed and taxed, there might ba a little real control of them.

Now - I have never used illegal drigs - In over 72 years I have smoked 3 joints, so I'm really not a "burned out hippy" with these ideas.

The biggest reason for not legalizing and taxing & otherwise regulating the drug use is the giant agencies and departments which would not be needed (but think of the billions of dollars saved).

Skeet/Loreto - 4-29-2006 at 10:36 AM

Thank You for your words! Coming from you makes it a special Treat!!

Bernie when I was a young Campus Policeman at Fresno State College.
The Professors were then teaching to legalize Drugs, would take the Profit from the Growers, Dealers, and the Mafia. At that ime there was mostly Beer, Wine , and some Hard Liquor on Campus.
Later working South Central I observed the increase in the use of Drugs, in East LA also{1960} That was when Hollywood Blvd. only had one strip Joint-Candy Barr-.

In 1967, while hiking in the High Sierras I ran across the Group of
Sierra club Members, smoking Dope and Swimming in the Nude.
A short time later I tried a Joint of DOPE which caused a certain Limpness.!
I never went back as I enjoyed the Ladies much more.

DOPE is DOPE. Liquor is Liquor- I have been , in the Past very close to going over the Line while setting on Tio"s porch after a Hard day of fishing and a half case of good Carte Blanca., consumng a Large glass of Scotch or Two.

Each of us as Humans have weakness as well as Strength. I finally opted out for "Control of My Life" not letting those things that do the controlling..

Flying had a lot to do with it.

God Had a lot to do with it.

Pretty Ladies to dance with had a lot to do with it.

Anon the Preacher

It's about time.

Sharksbaja - 4-29-2006 at 10:41 AM

Skeet, right-on.

Barry, you never made a difference.

Lou, yer goin' to hell.:lol:

The reszt of you, don't worry, things won't change noticeably.

Keep the drunks off the road.

Packoderm - 4-29-2006 at 10:52 AM

"Drug Use in the Population of 12 Years and Ove in the USA and the Netherlands, 1997 and 2001"

It looks like whoever wrote that headline might have been smoking some happy-grass himself.


Barry A. - 4-29-2006 at 12:59 PM

-----I do believe what I said before. After all, if there were no "users" then there would be no trade in illegal drugs---right??? Take any other entity out of the equation, but leave the "user" still active, and you still have a problem. The user will obtain the drugs one way or another, from past history.

Sharks----I may not have actually made a difference (tho I think I did, naturally), but I sure had fun hacking and burning out in the wilderness THINKING I was making a difference-----sorta like playing "rambo" without much danger, and all in a beautiful setting, and I got paid pretty good for it. :lol:

In actuality, there may not be an answer to the illegal drug problem-------except to make it legal, but that sure goes against every fiber of my thinking------I just don't know.

SKeet has it right--------everything with moderation for the "good life", or something like that. I sure like my two Canadian Whiskey c-cktails before dinner most nights :yes:

bajalou - 4-29-2006 at 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
------I just don't know.

SKeet has it right--------everything with moderation for the "good life", or something like that. I sure like my two Canadian Whiskey c-cktails before dinner most nights :yes:

Like most, as long as your drug "alcohol" is legal and availabe, everything is OK. And yes, alcohol exhibits all the requirments for a mind altering drug.

Sharksbaja - 4-29-2006 at 02:34 PM

Barry, I don't know either what the "perfect" solution is. Education, but that then becomes the States to deal with. Good luck with that!:lol:

The fact that so many resources are poured into a so-called "war" forges the wrong message and with great expense. People with serious drug problems be it alcohol or meth have a disease that controls their life. They need treatment and help. Casual users on the other hand can help drive the economy.;D Remember the day when Humboldt County claimed their main income was generated by pot-growers. I just can't believe that it's their fault people graduated to coke, meth and heroin. Good grief, it's all about supply and demand.

Mexico certainly is taking a bold step. Defining the bad guys(not the guy with a joint) and instilling fear in those who cross the line(hope yer gram scale is accurate sir). may have some desired results. Cartels vieing for the void left when Arellanos Felix mob got busted. Now the ex-fed cops are the new Hefes on the block. That's scary as hell.


"I sure like my two Canadian Whiskey c-cktails before dinner most nights "

Yes, but if you had two (real) Long Island Iced Teas you would be grounded a while.:lol:

Bajaboy - 4-29-2006 at 06:37 PM

I was thinking about buying some land and building a place for retirement. Now I'm thinking about buying some land and opening an opium den. I could have some of the local kids solicting the tourists....I can see it now. Heck, I could offer some heroin to the kids in exchange for their daily pay...yea, this new law is a great idea.:?:


Packoderm - 4-29-2006 at 07:05 PM

Baja boy, I hope you don't plan on retiring on the profits on selling that 5 grams of opium. Even then, you'd be in trouble for trafficking.

What's allowed:

Opium (raw, to be smoked) 5 grams
Heroin, 25 milligrams
Marijuana 5 grams
Cocaine 500 milligrams
LSD .015 milligrams
MDA 200 milligrams
MDMA (ecstasy) 200 milligrams
Mescaline: 1 gram
Peyote: 1 kilogram
Psilocybin (concentrate, pure, active ingredient) 100 milligrams
Hallucinogenic mushrooms (raw, off the farm): 250 milligrams
Amphetamines: 100 milligrams
Dexamphetamines: 40 milligrams
Phencyclidine (PCP, or Angel Dust) 7 milligrams
Methamphetamines: 200 milligrams
Nalbuphine (synthetic opiate): 10 milligrams

The Sculpin - 4-29-2006 at 07:17 PM

I guess if you had all that, with a single malt chaser to boot, and you might get a little buzz.....

Hunter S. would have laughed at this...hell, that's the breakfast menu!!!

Baja Angel - 4-29-2006 at 07:25 PM

WOW :wow:

A menu like that might just put a couple taco stands out of business! :saint:

villadelfin - 4-29-2006 at 09:17 PM

Does anyone have access to the text of the new legislation? It seems to address the issue of carrying. It no doubt is still illegal to use, and to be under the influence.

Bajaboy - 4-29-2006 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Packoderm
Baja boy, I hope you don't plan on retiring on the profits on selling that 5 grams of opium. Even then, you'd be in trouble for trafficking.

What's allowed:

Opium (raw, to be smoked) 5 grams
Heroin, 25 milligrams
Marijuana 5 grams
Cocaine 500 milligrams
LSD .015 milligrams
MDA 200 milligrams
MDMA (ecstasy) 200 milligrams
Mescaline: 1 gram
Peyote: 1 kilogram
Psilocybin (concentrate, pure, active ingredient) 100 milligrams
Hallucinogenic mushrooms (raw, off the farm): 250 milligrams
Amphetamines: 100 milligrams
Dexamphetamines: 40 milligrams
Phencyclidine (PCP, or Angel Dust) 7 milligrams
Methamphetamines: 200 milligrams
Nalbuphine (synthetic opiate): 10 milligrams

Good point-I won't sell the opium just charge a cover at the door. We can all shoot up and then drive home to spend some quality time with our kids. Okay, so would I go to jail if I borrowed a hit or two from the neighbor?


Bob H - 5-3-2006 at 06:42 PM

It was just announced that Fox did NOT sign the proposed decriminalization. He has sent it back requesting "changes" before he signs.
Bob H

wornout - 5-3-2006 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
I was thinking about buying some land and building a place for retirement. Now I'm thinking about buying some land and opening an opium den. I could have some of the local kids solicting the tourists....I can see it now. Heck, I could offer some heroin to the kids in exchange for their daily pay...yea, this new law is a great idea.:?:


Your too late Bajaboy, the developers have already bought up all the land down here and I understand the signs (opium dens and the like) are being put up soon for next spring break, Ah, come to baja, we have it all and its' legal! And we all thought they were going to develop the land for the baby boomers, the jokes on us!


bancoduo - 5-3-2006 at 07:32 PM

Is that dog a Brittany?:?:

Packoderm - 5-3-2006 at 07:51 PM

"It was just announced that Fox did NOT sign the proposed decriminalization. He has sent it back requesting "changes" before he signs."


Don Alley - 5-3-2006 at 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Packoderm
"It was just announced that Fox did NOT sign the proposed decriminalization. He has sent it back requesting "changes" before he signs."


"Hey! What's with this? Only 5 grams of pot? I want some changes.":lol:

Oso - 5-3-2006 at 10:03 PM

Yais Mon, dat won't even make a good spliff or fill a blunt.:lol:

Sharksbaja - 5-3-2006 at 11:53 PM

I tsee ya kno da tak mon.:lol: Da ganga made me do da ganga made me do da ganga made me do...seeeeeeeee mon!

got eny cookys?:tumble:

i guess not

mulege marv - 5-4-2006 at 05:53 AM

i guess its not going to happen after all

Support Fox in his original thinking

Baja Bernie - 5-4-2006 at 06:21 AM

On thinking it over I believe that the laws would have been good for Baja. They would have attracted an even larger number of 'solid' citizens further south. Stoners abound from TJ past Ensenada. You can stumble over them in almost every camp. The Arizona crop heads down to the other side of the Sea.

Don Alley - 5-4-2006 at 06:52 AM

Funny, Fox seemed to just change his mind at the last minute. Maybe someone up north made him an offer he couldn't refuse?

Yep, can't get away...even here, Bush/Cheney in charge!:lol:

Gosh, still like a bunch of hippes, "Hey, dude, ya know they're gonna legalize weed." Yeah. Right. Any decade now. :lol::lol:

Whatever. I'm retired. :lol:


Baja Bernie - 5-4-2006 at 07:07 AM

Look at it from the chess point of view and I believe that you will see that he gave up a tendered rook for a castle or a bishop---We'll see!

Martyman - 5-4-2006 at 09:46 AM

When in Baja-"smoke a joint, catch a fish"

a KILO of peyote?

neilm - 5-4-2006 at 12:04 PM

hooo-rah! that'd do the whole tribe!


Bob H - 5-4-2006 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by neilm
hooo-rah! that'd do the whole tribe!


Some folks might find this interesting reading (re: Peyote)

Bob H

Bob H - 5-4-2006 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Baja Angel
WOW :wow:

A menu like that might just put a couple taco stands out of business! :saint:

Actually, depending on what you are using, it might increase their business (munchies!)...
Bob H

Packoderm - 5-4-2006 at 08:36 PM

If this thing would have passed, I bet the wait times at the military inspection points would have decreased - at least for gringos.