Originally posted by mike odell
Have none of the nomads been following the news about the new fishing rules that have been passed into law???????
Read the english newspaper The Baja News, front page and center section.
The $%$$$! longliners and purse seiners now have the LEGAL RIGHT to work to 15 miles of the coast of the sea of cortez. Massivae demonstrations in
Cabo , and elsewhere but nothing is being done yet. This is potentially the worse thing that could happen on Both sides of the sea of cortez.
Follow this news as closely as you can, And no this not a Greenpeace rant. All of who live or vacation here are seriosly impacted by this obcenity of
a law.
Big business on the mainland has lined their pockets again, Sport Fishing be damned.
The impact of this law now in effect is overwhelming to all of us that love BAJA.
There is allready the Red Sea , are we soon to be the DEAD SEA?