
Fishing for the Mission?

Russ - 7-16-2007 at 08:16 AM

Can some one in Loreto give me an update on the tournament? We're getting some rumors that it's been canceled. Due to a conflict with the Parks.

[Edited on 7-16-2007 by Russ]

backninedan1 - 7-16-2007 at 09:26 AM

The tourny wasn't canceled, but it did get kinda ugly at the ramp on Saturday. The city was demanding that all fisherman requiring park braclets have them prior to being able to launch, of course there was no way to buy them at that time of morning sooooo, many boats were turned away with really hot fisherman in them. There were even troops with guns standing by to get the point across, not a pretty picture.

I didn't fish in the tourny this time and am just letting you know what I saw and was told. It seemed like there was fault to be had on the cities side and fisherman should know the local rules prior to heading out. All in all it was a mess.

Those that did get out had a better day than the previous, with many dorado in the 30 pound range being weighed in, I also saw half a dozen marlin in the 150 pound range.

There was a good turnout for the tourny dinner and I heard they will be having the event again next year.

[Edited on 7-16-2007 by backninedan1]

[Edited on 7-16-2007 by backninedan1]

Russ - 7-16-2007 at 09:37 AM

backninedan1 ,
Thanks! Rumors, Ya gotta love them!

backninedan1 - 7-16-2007 at 10:15 AM

Russ, I didn't say I wasn't there, just didn't fish this one.

Debra - 7-16-2007 at 10:29 AM

60's coming back to haunt me? Or does lencho have a phantom fish floating thru his post?

That's cool! First time I've noticed it.

Russ - 7-16-2007 at 10:35 AM

backninedan1, "rumors" Was not for you at all! It was totally in reference to to the PC jungle telegraph

Cypress - 7-16-2007 at 10:40 AM

This is taking the boat ramp/launch circus to a whole new level.:biggrin:

backninedan1 - 7-16-2007 at 10:41 AM

All it lacked was a few elephants.

Don Alley - 7-16-2007 at 04:53 PM

I didn't fish in the tournament, but I did hear some rumors.:biggrin:

The tournament uses donated goods and services for ALL prizes and expenses, so ALL of the entry fee money and auction money goes to Loreto charities.

Rumor has it that on Friday some agency demanded money from the tournament and the tourney directors refused, so the show of force at the ramp was in retaliation. Whoever wanted the money used Profepa for payback. That's the rumor.

As far as I know, it is a new rule/policy, as of Saturday, that every boat that launches at the ramp must have wristbands for non-residents. I assume that many, if not most, of the tourney boats fished outside the park. Apparently, just crossing through the park to fish requires paying the toll.

Also, in the past residents not only did not need wristbands (by law), but their word that they had FM2 or FM3 documents was sufficient. Not on Saturday; some residents had to park their trailers and go home to get their docs.

I don't know who wanted the money, Conapesca, API, the city, the Marine Park...I can guess but won't guess online.

Fishing was poor, with few boats weighing fish. I did talk with some guys who said they did very well today; they had a nice Grady White and found the fish out past Punta Lobos 70 miles from Loreto. To far for me.

flyfishinPam - 7-16-2007 at 06:47 PM

HI there,

I was there on Saturday and saw the whole scene. In fact I filmed it and posted the video on my report at this page:

The marine park wanted "500 dollars" was the rumor I heard. They went to the party on friday night for payment for 250 wristbands to cover tournament participants. I spoke with the Marine Park on saturday morning and they weren't trying to extort, only wanting payment for permits that were required, and someone from the tournament refused to pay. That was the wrong decision as we paid for it on Saturday. Officials were very on the defensive on saturday but cool about explaining it once I asked and told them that I wasn't part of the tournament. fortunately all our boats were permitted in every way.

Is that the Grady White catamaran you refer to? verrrry nice looking boat!

Hook - 7-16-2007 at 06:53 PM

So, tournament officials botched the very logical purchase of the wristbands Friday night and the rules are changing for the FM2 and FM3 participants.

Maybe they should change the name to Mission for the Fishing, with all the hoops you need to jump through.

flyfishinPam - 7-16-2007 at 07:02 PM

HI there,

yes the tournament organizers screwed up, always procure every single permit imaginable. I organized one tourney, never again too stressful. We had to claim all prizes with customs on the way into Mexico and inventory all on the way out. We had to get lots of permits and this was before the marine park.

no, nobody made up new rules for FM holders, they are supposed to bring their immigration document with them when using the park if they want to go around paying that 21 peso fee.

21 pesos for each person using the park each day, bit whoop. I believe that if it were me, I definately would have covered that.

I like the name Mission for the Fishing, fits well.

Don Alley - 7-16-2007 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam

no, nobody made up new rules for FM holders, they are supposed to bring their immigration document with them when using the park if they want to go around paying that 21 peso fee.

Well, gee, the several times they have checked me and friends in the park in the past they could have told us that. But our word was good enough. Now it's not, and that's a change. I doubt that there is any published rule on who should carry what document if claiming residency. Driver's license? Voter card? I think it's whatever they say, and they are saying something different now. Anyway, I asked for a clarification at the Marina park office today and they said a copy is fine. But I would not be surprised if that "rule" changes.

rhintransit - 7-17-2007 at 05:25 AM

the officials at the ramp on Saturday, along with their show of armed force, were checking ALL documents for boats and boaters using the ramp. they chose the second day of a long standing charity event to enforce rules which are relatively new, and ever changing. (I'm a local resident and can't remember if the bands requirement went into effect before or after the last FFM tournament. and I've never been required to show my FM3 to use the park). the issue this time was apparently the 21 (?) peso/day wrist bands required for use of Park waters which are little publicised and only available during limited weekday hours.

the fact...not rumor... is that someone who was unidentified went to the private compound of one of the organizers of the FFM tournament at 11pm on Friday night with a penciled note on the back of an envelope demanding 5000 pesos for '250 wristbands.' unsure of what was going on, that person declined saying that the it would be better if wristbands were available in the morning at the launch ramp and that he was sure that anyone who had not known of this requirement beforehand would be happy to purchase one then.

the people who 'screwed up' were the local Mexican authorities. there is little official information published or available to sportsmen/women who come to use the waters. the people who 'screwed up' were the locals who decided to use force/machismo rather than education and/or making it less difficult to comply with formalities. the people who 'screwed up' are the ones who confront with force well meaning fishermen who were NOT trying to scam the Parks dept out of a piddly 21 pesos a day but were merely ignorant. another department which 'screwed up' was the fishing license one, right next to the Parks Dept. it would have been simple enough to say...go next door and pick up your park permit. the woman said nothing to me when I bought my license on Tuesday and I have spoken with people who said they asked her if the park passes were required for the tournament and were told 'don't worry about it.'

tourament officials are no more responsible for individual Park permits than they are for fishing licenses for all involved. perhaps the bands could be included the tournament fees as a courtesy, a great suggestion!... local officials and organizers could have sat down at a reasonable hour and discussed that for the next time. but this overreaction was ridiculous. why this tournament not the recent Governor's or Loreto Bay tournament? maybe FFM was just a set up for this particular macho peeing match??? third in a row and still minimal compliance. crack down selectively...Baja SOP. it is a mark of their sportsmanship and commitment to the charities that they fund (let's not even consider the money that flows into the town for hotels, restaurants, panga captains, etc) that the organizers would even consider returning next year. I wouldn't blame them if they didn't.

Bob and Susan - 7-17-2007 at 05:34 AM

the people who "screwed up" were not "local Mexican authorities" but...

the organizers for NOT informing the contestants WAY in advance of this requirment.

Fishermen that come great distances to participate in these events SHOULD be protected by the organizers at any cost.

ALL rules should have been covered at the captains meeting


flyfishinPam - 7-17-2007 at 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
the people who "screwed up" were not "local Mexican authorities" but...

the organizers for NOT informing the contestants WAY in advance of this requirment.

Fishermen that come great distances to participate in these events SHOULD be protected by the organizers at any cost.

ALL rules should have been covered at the captains meeting

It doesn't matter who screwed up. I know that the same person who went to the compound of the tournament organizers was also selling tickets during the dinner party friday night.

it doesn't matter. these rules are not new. rumor dismissed.

just because YOU as a resident can walk into the fishing license office, pay finanzas and get a license that doesn't mean that it is possible for everyone. in fact I'm making a film about it in lieu of a written report which I was asked to submit to PESCA. i just feel I can communicate our needs better.

also, just because YOU were never asked for your FM while out there doesn't mean that you never needed to have it. yes it is a rule just like you are supposed to have vaild photo id along with your fishing license. ever know that? these are not new rules.

the tournament was a major event here. all the more reason for the officials to show their strength. if only tournament participants were to read this link before fishing Loreto, or everyone for that matter~

also tournament organizers are not new to Loreto, they've been here since the stone age, fishing and had someone to help coordinate. a real estate guy :lol: not a fisherman :mad: or woman :dudette: I digress...they more than 99% of anyone doing something like this, shouldda known

the wrist bands just went up to 21 pesos, up a peso from previous months.

I would like to make an effort to keep the money from the writsbands IN LORETO. it goes to the feds now.

funny thing also is that the fishing license money paid online now also goes to the feds. if you pay at the finanzas office (state) it stays in BCS.

gotta get back to work now, full load today :dudette:

flyfishinPam - 7-17-2007 at 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Don Alley
......... But our word was good enough. Now it's not, and that's a change. ........

haven't yet heard the saying,

"las palabalas se van con el viento"

same goes for rhintransit's comment that the PESCA office told them "they didn't need writsbands"

believe me, everything is written down. Marine park and PESCA and PROFEPA are not used to or properely trained in tourism. they need to be. you have to understand that.

chit, I never got an instruction book on doing business in Mexico either!

Baja_Girl - 7-17-2007 at 03:08 PM

my two cents:

As a long time visitor and a person who loves Loreto - I always work with local vendors (Pam - YOU ROCK, LADY - loved my panga captain, had a great time) - and Dolphin Dive. I got my bracelet. Always do.
There are signs all over.

I arrived at my boat at 6 a.m. on Saturday, I was told there was no tournament. I verified the events described above (yes there was a late hour visit, yes there were guns at the marina) by going to the compound - after fishing. Sadly, even though I had my first two fishies, we were told NOT to go to the marina because "no tourno" - I learned that the problem was the $500 (mas o menos) that was demanded at a very late hour by the Mex government. Bad political move, I agree, but...

My thoughts: I spents THOUSANDS of dollars to participate in that tournament. As did three of my friends. I even donated two rods and two reels. Even a poor girl like me would have gladly paid a stupid $500.00 to maintain the fun, spirit and charm of the event - even if it hurt.

The bracelets could have been sold to another vendor. The bracelets could have been sold at the dinner.

I will not participate in another Fishin for the Mission tournament. I had nothing but love of Loreto and fun with my friends on my mind. Just because I donate thousands of dollars a year to the LA Philaharmonic does NOT give me a right to free popcorn.

How many people were discouraged from fishing, didn't get paid, etc. over a measley $500.00 - my goodness. I would have paid it to keep things going and happy. While I respect the right of the private individuals to boycott their own event, I would have done things differently myself - for the sake of everyone else.

Phil C - 7-17-2007 at 05:37 PM

O.K., so was there a tournament or not? Was it cancled or were there awards, trophys and prizes given? Who won?:rolleyes: Or did everyone lose? ..........

Russ - 7-17-2007 at 06:10 PM

flyfishinPam Jeeze, your page is really fun! Is the new Mac helpful? The slide show looks familiar. Good work and Good for Loreto. Fish On!

backninedan - 7-17-2007 at 06:28 PM


The tourny was held and they did have a dinner with prizes and an auction with all proceeds going to charity. I heard that as many as twenty boats were turned away at the ramp, but that number is strictly hearsay.

I think if anybody lost, it was the charities. Next years turnout (if its held) may be much smaller.

Baja_Girl - 7-17-2007 at 08:00 PM

I did attend the dinner - to be with friends - there was a tournament afterall, there were winners - Team Pajaro Loco won "the Other fish" category with two yellowtail.

I just can't come up with the names of the other teams, but I'm sure you could go to the website and get the info.

After a few opening comments about "as some of you know, I didn't fish today, I went to play golf" everything seemed to be business as usual.

Many nice and expensive items raffled away to participants. A few expensive items (trip to costa rica) auctioned off for $2900.00. (Which again, makes the whole "we aren't paying $500. for bracelets" all the more rediculous.)

But, I understand that over $18000 was raised for the Mission, the children's orphanage and the library before the auctions. So, from that prospective, it was a worthwhile event.

Don Alley - 7-17-2007 at 09:04 PM

If I remember correctly, first place was a boat called Second Wind, with two dorado totaling just over sixty lbs. They also took second in the "other" category with a single 50lb wahoo caught Friday. Second overall was Crackerjack (Mike and Rosie's) with two dorado, I think they also caught a wahoo. And as mentioned, Pajaro Loco got two yellowtail, one just under 40lbs, to take first in the "other" category.