
Get it while it's hot! Where? Loreto of course.

oldhippie - 7-28-2007 at 02:22 PM


Al G - 7-28-2007 at 03:06 PM

They must have found a way to drink saltwater...:lol::lol:

Lee - 7-28-2007 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Al G
They must have found a way to drink saltwater...:lol::lol:

It seems like I read alot of negatives about Loreto. Development doesn't seem easy alot of the time no matter where it's done.

11,000 acres sounds like alot of land for sale. At inflated prices?

Does anyone see Loreto turning into a great place to hang out or retire, or into a commercial resort that most will be avoiding?

I know it's a small and nice town. I like it there and would like to spend more time there. I'm also thinking because there's nothing to do there, a resort community might need to be self=contained.

Not all development is a bust.


flyfishinPam - 7-28-2007 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by oldhippie

I donīt see the point in this website other than that its a catch-all medium for other internet advertizing that remotely has to do with Loreto, Baja, development, etc. No contact information that is recognizable.

Crusoe - 7-28-2007 at 06:34 PM

Does anyone know of the whereabouts and location of this "Golden Beach" location. Or any new scuttlebut on comercial development there, they have planed? Could this be what is now called Rattlesnake Beach?? More of this style of large unsustainable deveolpment is again really saddening to read of. ++C++:fire::fire:

Crusoe - 7-28-2007 at 07:23 PM

Lee......Just when were you in Vail, Colorado last??... Deveolpment..?? ++C++

capt. mike - 7-29-2007 at 06:31 AM

Loreto was on Fonatur's short hit list when they planned Cancun , ixtapa Zijuat and others. The want and encourage their country's development of its travel and tourism resources. And why not? they need progressive industry, jobs creation and civil improvements - to emerge from their 3rd world stature.
it may not be as fast or efficient as compared with USA style, but it works for them in their own way.

It cracks me up the way so many non mexican citizens here b-tch about Mexico's business as if its their right to be involved. What hooey.
its their sovereign land - not ours. we just get PERMISSION to visit!
read your visa sometime.

Lee - 7-29-2007 at 06:39 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
It cracks me up the way so many non mexican citizens here b-tch about Mexico's business as if its their right to be involved. What hooey.
its their sovereign land - not ours. we just get PERMISSION to visit!
read your visa sometime.

That's at least part of my point. No one think's uncontrolled or unplanned development is a good thing and I haven't been to Cancun in a few years. Even SJC and Cabo serve a purpose -- not for me, but alot of people seem to like it.

Pescador - 7-29-2007 at 07:49 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike

It cracks me up the way so many non mexican citizens here b-tch about Mexico's business as if its their right to be involved. What hooey.
its their sovereign land - not ours. we just get PERMISSION to visit!
read your visa sometime.

You go Mike. :lol::lol:

Opinions are like a.......s, every one has one.

oldhippie - 7-29-2007 at 09:03 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
It cracks me up the way so many non mexican citizens here b-tch about Mexico's business as if its their right to be involved. What hooey.
its their sovereign land - not ours. we just get PERMISSION to visit!
read your visa sometime.

Capt Mike, I think this website exists because the baja peninsula is such an unique place. It's unique because it offers a couple thousand miles of coastline that is undeveloped, sparsely populated, and close.

The complaining about developments that are occurring is due to the fact that the most accessible and best places are being transformed from what many readers of this website enjoy into something akin to Disneyland at the beach. A big expensive tourist attraction.

If that's your thing, fine. But don't slam people who think otherwise. I've had to completely change my plans of where to buy my winter home. But it's turning out that this dark cloud of what I consider to be tacky development that is devoid of anything reflecting Mexican culture has a silver lining. I've decided to go deeper into Mexico on the mainland.

capn.sharky - 7-29-2007 at 09:34 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
It cracks me up the way so many non mexican citizens here b-tch about Mexico's business as if its their right to be involved. What hooey.
its their sovereign land - not ours. we just get PERMISSION to visit!
read your visa sometime." Hey, lighten up a little Capn. Mikey. Some of us have been going there for over 35 years. I live there half the year. Its true it is their country, but, why ruin a beautiful little pueblo. I (and many others) have invested our money and love into the town. I would never give up my citizenship in America for another country....but Loreto took a little bitty piece of my heart (J.Joplin). The air is free too, but that does not give you the right to buzz over our homes or drop stuff out of your plane.......

oldhippie - 7-29-2007 at 10:05 AM

Here's some photos of Rosarito Beach to show how Mexico develops it's baja beaches.

Traditional architecture:

rosarito_hotel.jpg - 40kB

oldhippie - 7-29-2007 at 10:06 AM

Tourist transportation:

rosarito_street.jpg - 40kB

oldhippie - 7-29-2007 at 10:08 AM

Butt, there are some good things too.

rosarito_butt.jpg - 13kB

oldhippie - 7-29-2007 at 10:09 AM

More people mean more senoritas.

rosarito_blond.jpg - 28kB

oldhippie - 7-29-2007 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Lee

Not all development is a bust.


Yes, but some are:

rosarito_bust.jpg - 24kB

toneart - 7-29-2007 at 11:05 AM

The Existential View is does it really matter?

In regards to the Political-Socio-economic View, if it hurts, it hurts!

Nature's View>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>it really hurts!!!

Paula - 7-29-2007 at 03:21 PM

Captain Mike

Just which THEY are you referring to when you say it's "their country"? The beaurocracies who create jobs for themselves by selling off the beaches to big developers, or the government officials who can feel self-important about "improvements to their area, or the owners of tourist related businesses, or just the everyday Jose who likes his town and sea the way it was before all this started happening?

There are many differing feelings about the issue among the people of Baja,, and I know that my neighbors don't object to my having an opinion, even if I'm not a citizen, and even if we aren't always in agreement.

I donīt see the point in this website.....

Huevon - 7-29-2007 at 03:41 PM

I donīt see the point in this website other than that its a catch-all medium for other internet advertizing that remotely has to do with Loreto, Baja, development, etc. No contact information that is recognizable.

flyfishinPam : There is a menu in that blog that say's "Contact" and if you use it you can get in touch with publisher.

You dont see the point of this website YET. Rom has not been build in one day also!

Information published is widely available in different print media. Contact for FONATUR should be also easy to find

In regards to: "a catch-all medium for other internet advertizing" - whats the difference between that and a website with 498 keywords in the meta-tag (thats called search engine spaming) and a -2 font size footer with 180 words (that's called "keyword stuffing")??

See Pam, the internet is for everybody and the same way as you do above described technic's on your website ( if bajabigfish is your's) others approach it from another side to get what they aim for......

Maybe you should talk to the guy at Baja Website Creations for a more sensitive approach on SEO!!

Capt. Sharky: good remark at the 6:31 post!!

Otherwise I'm new here on that board, European gringo since a few years @ BCS and slowly get the hold of it......:saint:

Don Alley - 7-29-2007 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Huevon
Information published is widely available in different print media. Contact for FONATUR should be also easy to find

Welcome to bajanomad.

Information on what's happening in the Loreto area is not easy to come by. There is little print media and it is sometimes inaccurate. Much of what passes for "news" is really a press release pushing someone's self interest so some of us are a little suspicious and look for an angle.

I won't get started with FONATUR...

It cracks me up too

Sharksbaja - 7-29-2007 at 08:05 PM

That some can't stand it when people b-tch about the simple irritations in Baja. I mean, like when you find out the streets are all torn up in San Diego and you are still paying for service. Can you rant about that?? The same goes on in Baja abeit with different constraints and methologies. Are people supposed to just shut up beecuse they are in a different country?

I believe with all the good bad and ugy comes a more complete education. Replete with all emotions, subjects and opinions. Yes, even Dennis'.:lol::lol:

If you want kumbayah, I suggest a homemakers forum.

Earlier I commended a few for their civil and mature behavior. I thought it refreshing they are/were reluctant to fan flames over opinions and differences. But on the other token I HATE TO SEE SOMEONE REPRESS THEIR TRUE FEELINGS, because they feel intimidated by others. True, we may all have an Achilles heel. Problem here is that the Nomad haurachis many times leave much of their sole exposed. Those folks should use lace-up boots.

Huevon, although you can gleen a perhaps onesided idea of Loretos' future from LBC. Don nailed it, the real stories and info from those on the streets can paint a totally different scene. Wecome to the land of Bajas' armchair wizards!;D;)

Sharksbaja - 7-29-2007 at 08:11 PM

btw, how do you feel about desert coastal golf courses?:no:

flyfishinPam - 7-30-2007 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
It cracks me up the way so many non mexican citizens here b-tch about Mexico's business as if its their right to be involved. What hooey.
its their sovereign land - not ours. we just get PERMISSION to visit!
read your visa sometime.

It cracks me up the way some people are pushing development in sensitive areas when they have no intention of ever owning part of it or caring about the local people.

Mexico has every right to sell off their natural resources as long as the people give their government permission. But you and I know that it hasn't happened because Mexico has deliberately chosen to keep their people in the dark (uneducated). Now THAT is HOOEY!

So enter the internet and a new generation of Mexicanos who are using it and spreading the word. My seven year old Loreto born little girl is online on the computer next to me right now. Why do you think there's an intyernet cafe on every block here? And dialup is no longer available in Loreto as Telmex has given way to fairly affordable DSL which is taking the place of Sky in many homes. Wake up and understand that the people will come to the realization tht their govennment is selling their country's soul and after some time of this realization anger will set in and they won't let it continue. Please read your history of Mexico, it is repeating itself.

Yes it is their soverign land and not ours and we only get permission to visit as per our immigration document....except when it comes to foreigners investing .....spending lots of money buying up all this lovely land tht FONATUR is selling at amazingly low prices to developers. Do you honestly think, being the keen guy you are, that investors are going to just lie back and follow orders and not get involved in important decisions? PULEEZE!

~Hey newbie, on that weird website that is the subject (sort of) of this thread, I guess I have a short attention span and I could only make myself stay at that site for like a minute and a half. I think most internet surfers think that way too which is why I chose to target repeat visitors to mine (yes you guessed which sire is mind good on you) and povide useful truthful information within. I looked up their contact information and being that I pretty much know everyone in town I stated that it was unrecognizable.

Golden Beach is where Puerto Escondido is. So doesn't PE have lots of nice Golden Beaches?> Don't ya think of beach, beach, beach when ya go there??! :lol: Yeesh!

LEMMIE guess........

flyfishinPam - 7-30-2007 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Huevon
I donīt see the point in this website other than that its a catch-all medium for other internet advertizing that remotely has to do with Loreto, Baja, development, etc. No contact information that is recognizable.

flyfishinPam : There is a menu in that blog that say's "Contact" and if you use it you can get in touch with publisher.

You dont see the point of this website YET. Rom has not been build in one day also!

Information published is widely available in different print media. Contact for FONATUR should be also easy to find

In regards to: "a catch-all medium for other internet advertizing" - whats the difference between that and a website with 498 keywords in the meta-tag (thats called search engine spaming) and a -2 font size footer with 180 words (that's called "keyword stuffing")??

See Pam, the internet is for everybody and the same way as you do above described technic's on your website ( if bajabigfish is your's) others approach it from another side to get what they aim for......

Maybe you should talk to the guy at Baja Website Creations for a more sensitive approach on SEO!!

Capt. Sharky: good remark at the 6:31 post!!

Otherwise I'm new here on that board, European gringo since a few years @ BCS and slowly get the hold of it......:saint:

YOU Huevon, are Baja Website Creations! :lol:

did Nellie set up your business too? Looks like a developer "pigs at the trough" kind of project, come and get it while the gittin's goood, sooo perfectly suited to our little hamlet as things are going now. Que lastima!

flyfishinPam - 7-30-2007 at 05:59 PM

As quoted by Huevon and I felt too lazy to put into bb code...

"In regards to: "a catch-all medium for other internet advertizing" - whats the difference between that and a website with 498 keywords in the meta-tag (thats called search engine spaming) and a -2 font size footer with 180 words (that's called "keyword stuffing")??"

OK you caught me but I never even knew what these terms meant, "keyword stuffing" and "search engine spamming". I do my own site programming, no training self taught to market my product which is fishing in Loreto, that's what I do. So to get my site up in the search engines I decicded to look into how other sites were getting themselves into the top ten, and voilia this is what I did. I think that if someone types into a search words like "loreto" "fishing" "sport fishing" fly fishing" etc. then my website should pop up and not a website like yours (if it is yours). So you see, I do play fair and do not make me out as anyone to decieve unless you want me to tie up a Lefty's Deceiver for you then I will certainly do that. I think that for as many years as these decieving parctices were performed by me and my site, Google would have called me on it but perhaps they actually looked at the CONTENT of my pages and realized that those key words that were stuffed into their engines were actually legitimate and had to do with the website that is on the top ten of many many searches. Huevon indeed!

edit. after looking further through Baja Website Developers or whomever the heck you are and Brainstorm Whatever, again NO CONTACT information. Usually when contact information is on a website there appears an e-mail, physical address, phone number and name. The signature contact for your sites (I haven't looked at your "client" sites yet) are nothing, just a form asking me to hand over my personal information to you. So what's the story Mr. "Info Provacateur"? Looks fishy to me. :moon:

[Edited on 7-31-2007 by flyfishinPam]

backninedan - 7-30-2007 at 07:42 PM


What division of Loreto Bay do you work for?

flyfishinPam - 7-31-2007 at 04:33 PM


not only do Huevon's sites have no contact information but only a few of his clients* sites have it included in their web presentations. the best I can seem to come up with is the Logo site with a cell number (which is incorrect) and no name or physical address. Well at least the La Paz page has some contacts and phones but they are asking for a lot of personal information there. Huevon has done the dis-service to his paying customers* of hiding their contact information and creating suspicion among their potential clients! Bad Huevon... I for one am proud of the fact that we offer a service in Loreto and can pass on useful information to our clients and other visitors to this area via the internet. We have a downtown brick and mortar physical location that is listed on our website with street map so that people can make the connection between the cyberspace they are visiting and the fact the inforamtion being served is presented by a real existing business.

*I do not believe all these sites lised on Baja Website Cretins :lol: are paying customers but in fact more garbage sites of Huevon's ;D


Not hearing anything from Huevon today :lol: Huevon what DO yu do with the information that people send to you via these websites and where in Loreto is that beach with the palm tree leaning over it, you know the image on the front page of this weird Loreto website? I'd like to park myself there one of these days for a few hours. I've lived here a long time and have never seen this lovely place. :dudette: ....maybe because its in friggin' Cancun!

well this is it for me. now done beating a dead horse's huevos. I thought about this for too long last night and this morning but I can sometimes take personal attacks well, personally. :(

Spam site

Al G - 7-31-2007 at 05:38 PM

This is a SPAM site and I reported to it McAfee. It is an email harvester. somethnig quick and dirty to collect fee and sell e-addresss. McAfee is testing now...most links do not work.
This is a better link to Loreto Bay BLOG. ....Home I said most links are dead...waiting for McAfee report.

Can you report this one to MacAfee too?

flyfishinPam - 7-31-2007 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Al G
This is a SPAM site and I reported to it McAfee. It is an email harvester. somethnig quick and dirty to collect fee and sell e-addresss. McAfee is testing now...most links do not work.
This is a better link to Loreto Bay BLOG. ....Home I said most links are dead...waiting for McAfee report.

this is a cheap knock off SPAM site that ripped off from my url

Al G - 7-31-2007 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by Al G
This is a SPAM site ... It is an email harvester. something quick and dirty to collect fee and sell e-addresses.

Huh? :?:

I'm not disputing the possibility, but what's your basis for that allegation?


Lack of content...there nothing there except links that will not work or links to other real sites...they are there to get you to click on google ads or harvest you email.
People who do this watch poplar hits counts like "Loreto-bcs" and use that to set up a URL to drag in people. Even the blog seems copied from other news sources...have not checked that out though.
What do you think he has to sale??? Do you know about McAfee's site rating system?

Al G - 7-31-2007 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
Originally posted by Al G
This is a SPAM site and I reported to it McAfee. It is an email harvester. something quick and dirty to collect fee and sell e-addresses. McAfee is testing now...most links do not work.
This is a better link to Loreto Bay BLOG. ....Home I said most links are dead...waiting for McAfee report.

this is a cheap knock off SPAM site that ripped off from my url

I do not know Pam...Europen URL...will see what I can find out...
They do not show up in google, yahoo, but will keep trying.
They can not shut them down, unless illegal....they put a warning on them IF, you have their spam filter.

Al G - 7-31-2007 at 11:18 PM

When a person puts up site based on how the words say, Baja or loreto or BCS or Todos Sandos.....and they can create a url with these words, they have a trap...the content of that site is what McAfee looks at to determine if the site has meaningful value...the time I spent there ended with no meaningful value to me. There were links that would take me to site links that may hold value...I did not need to go to a site without any value to get there. All links were dead that pertained to that site except for me to give them my address...I do not know why people give them info...but they do.
You must have McAfee spam gaurd for you to see the rating when you mouse over a list of search results. It works very well...if you stumble into a mess/site that McAfee warns you about, you only have yourself to blame...
This really helps when you don't want to waste time looking at sites without content.

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by Al G]

Bajafun777 - 7-31-2007 at 11:35 PM

I have been to Loreto several times and the little town and fishing are usually both just fine. Now, like others have said it depends on how the growth occurs and the infrastruture being in place to keep it from turning into someones nightmare. Water as in most parts of Mexico (as well as the U.S. too) is the real gold mine and how to get it and keep it from running out. Oldhippie, I see you did get those pictures of the bike run and my buddy has yet to email me but now that you have reminded me with your pictures I will have to email him. One of these times when I am down in Rosarito we will need to "pop a cold one" at a bar down there. I going to Rosarito the last week of August so maybe that cold one is just a thought away. Later------bajafun777

Loreto BSC and Spam - roflmao!!

Huevon - 8-1-2007 at 07:45 PM

It's nice to come to a forum and see so much qualified statements in regards to a matter that is in no relation to the initial post here or even at the website it is referring to.

I did sign up here and post because I did observe traffic coming from this blog and I wanted to make a comment to a unjustified statement about my website. No more.

However it seems like a) flyfishingpam likes to get into a urinating contest for some reason (are you worried maybe other companies get some business of the Loreto website? Competiton is good - raises the level of performance...) and b) some of the comment do need to educate them self about internet, spam etc.
But I'm glad to set things straight from my point of view to clarify.


YOU Huevon, are Baja Website Creations! did Nellie set up your business too? Looks like a developer "pigs at the trough" kind of project, come and get it while the gittin's goood, sooo perfectly suited to our little hamlet as things are going now. Que lastima!

Never did question I'm part of Baja Creations - Who is Nellie?? Should I know her?

I do not believe all these sites lised on Baja Website Cretins :lol: are paying customers but in fact more garbage sites of Huevon's

Who did state or where is written that the websites at the portfolio are clients or paying customers?? This is mainly a display of work performed to show what I / we can do.

In regards of garbage websites: Garbage websites are the ones that using blackhat seo technics to increase the performance of there website. In fact with your own website you do violate the tos of the addiliated program you are using highly and if they did not do somethings about it then for the simple reason that they cannot manual check all 8+ billion websites they have indexed. However, if they receive a hint on that you most likely will face termination from there program as well your website is send in the so called "sandbox". You may wanna google for that or the wording "seo - sandbox" or "Search engine optimization - google sandbox"!
So far about Garbage. We have a saying in GER

" Dont point your finger at what you think is other peoples dirt if your own house is a mess"

And I emphasize "what you think". Maybe we should have both sites checked by Google and we see whats garbage in terms of search engine spaming.......

Why dont you sign up at the blog and participate that way you can provide some "useful" information......

I'm glad some people did talk about spam and e-mail harvesters - thats exact the reason why no contact details are published - to avoid getting automated e-mail spam. You want to know about a website run a "whois". Otherwise everybody can look for the tos (terms of service) or review the contact page with the privacy statement.
If you send a mail and get no reply you can get suspicious and investigate but allegation that not true at least ignorance, going further, in my humble opinion they might be a reflection on the intellectual potential of the originator....

backninedan - What division of Loreto Bay do you work for?
Dan, you got to stop watching them cheap movies with all that double and triple crossings.... In fact I will post in a few minutes more some more developments in Loreto - will you ask me also if I work for that organization I name in the post???? Why dont you sign up also and post there. It's free and no information besides an e-mail adress to receive access is required....

Al G
This is a SPAM site and I reported to it McAfee. It is an email harvester. somethnig quick and dirty to collect fee and sell e-addresss.

Where on this site you are asked for a e-mail address besides if you want to send a contact-message?? How is the McAfee SiteAdvisor going? Any results yet....

All I do is as a little independent guy to create a network of Baja websites, offer small to medium business a platform to promote their business at the internet for a descent price as you can see and read here 1-2-3 pesos and here.
This is total legit and if some paranoid driven persons see somethings else in it - so be it.
Yet I dont need a Evita de Baja to trow unjustified statements at me.

So, my 2 cents worth - nice board here, wondering what's next....

elizabeth - 8-1-2007 at 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Huevon

....In regards of garbage websites: Garbage websites are the ones that using blackhat seo technics to increase the performance of there website. In fact with your own website you do violate the tos of the addiliated program you are using highly and if they did not do somethings about it then for the simple reason that they cannot manual check all 8+ billion websites they have indexed. However, if they receive a hint on that you most likely will face termination from there program as well your website is send in the so called "sandbox". You may wanna google for that or the wording "seo - sandbox" or "Search engine optimization - google sandbox"!
So far about Garbage. We have a saying in GER

Huuuuhhhhhh??????? Does this make any sense to anyone? And where is GER?????

Hook - 8-1-2007 at 09:09 PM

Or, for that matter, BSC...........

roundtuit - 8-1-2007 at 09:10 PM

no lo entiendo:?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?:

capn.sharky - 8-1-2007 at 09:16 PM

Huevon is probably drinking. Pam Bolles is an expert on Loreto. Is it Baja Calif. Sur or Baja Sur Calif......:biggrin: oh well, it take all kinds. Frankly, I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. Probably from Iraq.

Paula - 8-1-2007 at 09:19 PM

Could it be that Huevon, or raveon, or juevon, is getting more attention here than he deserves?

We already have one or two fairly incomprehensible posters here, and maybe they should be grandfathered in, but starting July 28, '07 we could use a literacy test, especially for people who claim to be in professions that require some proficiency in an earthling language.:rolleyes:

Huevon - 8-1-2007 at 09:20 PM

Nope, sorry - not from Iraq and not even drinking..... Not denying any expertise to anybody as long as no basura.

This post posted at the wrong spot by me, it's actually a reply to:

"Get it while it's hot! Where? Loreto of course."

Huevon - 8-1-2007 at 09:59 PM

Hmmm Paula, wondering why the words "arrogant" and "judgmental" come to my mind when I read your reply.

Paula - 8-1-2007 at 10:04 PM

Huevon-- check your u2u.....


Al G - 8-1-2007 at 10:24 PM

Very funny...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Sharksbaja - 8-2-2007 at 02:16 AM

Hey what's this crap. Can I sell stuff here too?:rolleyes:

oldhippie - 8-2-2007 at 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Paula
require some proficiency in an earthling language.:rolleyes:

"earthling language"

Precisely, I don't think Huevon is from earth. This is great! A true alien.

Huevon, welcome to our planet. I admire your attempt to learn our method of written communication and encourage strengthening your efforts. Have you learned to speak also?

Would you like one of us to take you to our leader? No forget that, he wouldn't understand.

We call our star the "Sun" and you're on the third planet named "Earth". Just in case you crash landed and are disorientated.

Klaatu barada nikto

oldhippie - 8-2-2007 at 08:36 AM

lencho, I like your cut on things, especially trying to guess what Huevon's native language is.

He did say:

We have a saying in GER

"Dont point your finger at what you think is other peoples dirt if your own house is a mess"

Perhaps this is the Mongolian equivalent expressed in English of the glass house and throwing stones adage that a native English speaker would use.

So how about it amigo Huevon, de donde?

oldhippie - 8-2-2007 at 09:14 AM

I like Mongolia, there's secret surf spots there.

Al G - 8-2-2007 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by oldhippie
I like Mongolia, there's secret surf spots there.

This thread was already it is secret crap...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

oldhippie - 8-2-2007 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Al G
Originally posted by oldhippie
I like Mongolia, there's secret surf spots there.

This thread was already it is secret crap...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

yeah, but don't tell anybody.

Cypress - 8-2-2007 at 10:08 AM

This so-called hot deal in Loreto has been going on for a while.:lol: If it was all that hot, wouldn't it be sold out by now?:?::lol:

Tons of nice people and objective statements

Huevon - 8-9-2007 at 05:19 PM

Just to make a few more remarks on post's aimed at me and then I'm outta here. I do it by date/time/name so no confusion:

2-8-2007 at 06:37 oldhippie


"earthling language"

Precisely, I don't think Huevon is from earth. This is great! A true alien.

Huevon, welcome to our planet. I admire your attempt to learn our method of written communication and encourage strengthening your efforts. Have you learned to speak also?

Would you like one of us to take you to our leader? No forget that, he wouldn't understand.

We call our star the "Sun" and you're on the third planet named "Earth". Just in case you crash landed and are disorientated.

Well oldhippie, guess what - I know my english writing is not good, so is my dutch, french, africaans, zulu and spanish. Yet I can communicate, looks like I even can motivate people to make statements like you did. Hmmm, must be not that hard to read then. B.t.w.: how many languages do you speak?? You connected to the Baja, how do you communicate with the mexicans? In perfect spanish I asume, and if they do not reply in correct english, you make the "ET" finger and talk with them.....?? Just wondering, approaching somebody that way because of no perfect language skills - low-blow and signs of ignorance / arrogance??

2-8-2007 at 07:18 lencho

Huevón, I assume your first language is something like German? I'm ashamed to admit (for fear that everyone jump on me as a co-conspirator) that I actually do understand your messages, but I'm curious what you're doing here. You just come to fight, or are you interested in joining the community? If the latter, you'd probably get a better reception if you introduced yourself before starting in with the attacks...


I did not come here to fight - if you read from the beginning, I was just defending my work and many hours I put privatly in that several Baja Websites against the brain-diarrhea allegation of "I donīt see the point in this website...blablabla -yadayadayada" and instead starting a objective discussion calling me a day later a "spammer" while itself participate in search engine spamming techniques. So I'm asking you Lencho who is fighting/attacing and who not?? That's not a language thing, that's a principles thing!
Otherwise you are headone with the languages guess, so you won! ( See, I can be a nice guy!)

Oldhippie - 2-8-2007 at 08:36

Again you... well, you are way of with Mongolian in regards to language yet you are correct with the equivalent of glasshouse and stones. Unfortunately thats only the second place in the guessing game and you know: second place is the first looser. So I suggest: get some green, get the board and wait fo some killer waves dude, sure you surf better as you guess.....

Al G 2-8-2007 at 09:29


This thread was already it is secret crap

Hey Al, maybe secret crap dont stink?? Isnt there a saying "Some people think their crap dont stink"? (Hopeful this is readable in my unprofessional english)

I make that very simple, I just open my own forum with the Loreto Forum, everybody is invited to join (hey, watch out - you got to sign up with your e-mail..... you could be subject of spamming if I dont stick with my privacy rules)

It was nice to virtual walk into a public forum and got that welcome - I'm outta here, muy urgente, you know........

[Edited on 10-8-2007 by Huevon]

rob - 8-10-2007 at 05:18 PM

. . . .with luck - that's it!

No luck Rob

Huevon - 10-1-2007 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by rob
. . . .with luck - that's it!

Just could not resist: her's a link for all the internet specialist's spreading their brain diarrheas on a public forum and make false accusations.

Al G - 10-1-2007 at 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Huevon
Originally posted by rob
. . . .with luck - that's it!

Just could not resist: her's a link for all the internet specialist's spreading their brain diarrheas on a public forum and make false accusations.

Not over yet...will be posting my review to siteadvisor soon.

Huevon - 10-1-2007 at 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Al G
Originally posted by Huevon
Originally posted by rob
. . . .with luck - that's it!

Just could not resist: her's a link for all the internet specialist's spreading their brain diarrheas on a public forum and make false accusations.

Not over yet...will be posting my review to siteadvisor soon.

Cool!:) Great signature by the way........

motoged - 10-1-2007 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by oldhippie
Butt, there are some good things too.

Honey....does this bikini make my ass look fat?'s not the bikini.....:lol:

motoged - 10-1-2007 at 05:10 PM

It is so interesting to watch how new folks get roasted on this list.
So far, I do not believe I have been seriously flamed ....yet....and hope not to the next time I share one of my cherished opinions.

I understand Huevon's gist despite being a computer/internet luddite.

Developers are spammers by nature, is one of those opinions....desert golf courses are morally corrupt endeavours is another....but I digress.

An earlier post suggested nomad contributors take a literacy test....Jeezuz !!!! That would have over half the posts hit the garbage can before they darken our computer screens....some good comments made with gawdoffal spelling

By the way. "huevon" may have chosen his name carefully:


gibson - 10-1-2007 at 05:19 PM

huevon 1
clowns 0

2 funny.

Paula - 10-1-2007 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by motoged

An earlier post suggested nomad contributors take a literacy test....Jeezuz !!!! That would have over half the posts hit the garbage can before they darken our computer screens....some good comments made with gawdoffal spelling

That was me , Motoged.:yes: Actully,that remark was a joke:lol: I guess I just don't use enough emotocons to make my dry sense of humor understood sometimes:no: Truly, it is the content of any post that is important, and not the presentation:) And when it comes down to it, you would probably do better on a literacy test than I would:saint: I am even sometimes guilty of using a dangling participle, and it is possible that I have just misspelled a word:wow:

Please don't judge me too harshly for my unkind remark, it was lighthearted, really:dudette:

motoged - 10-1-2007 at 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Paula

"That was me , Motoged.:yes: Actully,that remark was a joke:lol: "

Paula....I got the joke....but you make a valid point re: literacy...I appreciate that the message is important, but 'process" is part of effective communication, not just the "content"...

"I guess I just don't use enough emotocons "

Uh, that would be "emotIcons"...

"I am even sometimes guilty of using a dangling participle"

Is that a word you are not supposed to end a sentence with??

"Please don't judge me too harshly for my unkind remark, it was lighthearted, really:dudette: "

Paula....stop grovelling:spingrin:...your words were not deemed to be unkind....just insightful...

Now, back to Huevon-bashing...:P

Phil S - 10-5-2007 at 12:07 PM

Now lets see!?!?!? I've wasted maybe 45 minutes reading this thread.
What's my time worth in this effort???=========== ten cents?????Maybe. Opportunity to gain knowledge about subject????=======O!!!
Purpose of respondants to voice their opinion============???????????
"peeing match???????? 100%???????

edinnopolo - 10-5-2007 at 12:22 PM

Hey Phil,
I was wondering when you were going to throw your 2 cents worth in the mix.
Paula's post about having to be literate is downright scary.:lol::lol:

vandenberg - 10-5-2007 at 12:28 PM

BTW,if Huevon is indeed from Germany I have to compliment him of his use of the written English language.
He's a lot more eloquent then a lot of other participants on this board.:wow::wow: