
Baja surfers are special because?

David K - 7-30-2007 at 12:17 PM

(note: this post may be changed or removed until the final version is made... Please hold your thoughts and replies until then, as this first version may get deleted!)

This was my trip report part 2, but a few people think they have more rights than others to have knowledge about an area 200 miles long. The funny part is that this area has been mapped and road logged for over 50 years, that somehow they think I am so much better at bringing undesireable people to this area and the Mexican road builders have no impact at all??? HUH???

Trip report Part 2 with photos being reposted...

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by David K]

baja sur - 7-30-2007 at 12:58 PM

I did that same trip in August 2004 with 2 - 4x4's. & no internet info.

Can't wait to see your photo's & your daily mileage log???**** **** **** ****

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by baja sur]

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by Hose A]

edm1 - 7-30-2007 at 05:52 PM

David, great start (of a trip report) and contribution to the forum, as usual.

This is not a comment but rather a show of support and encouragement to complete your report as you intended, despite the U2U that you received.

I will hold my comments until then.

[Edited on 7-31-2007 by edm1]

woody with a view - 7-30-2007 at 05:54 PM


[Edited on 7-31-2007 by woody in ob]

[Edited on 7-31-2007 by woody in ob]

BAJACAT - 7-30-2007 at 06:24 PM


mtgoat666 - 7-30-2007 at 06:57 PM

I guess the u2u was a bit harshly worded, but I think I would agree with the sentiment expressed. BTW, DK, the only reason shell island has not/will not be developed is because shell island is nothing but a low elevation sand spit/dune feature, and low elevation/land instability make it unsuitable for development.

ME - 7-30-2007 at 08:23 PM

Shell Island would be in Trouble if there were Two Million clam diggers north of the boarder looking for a good destination, I am sure than there would be a little more discretion. I can only hope the trip report accuratly details the very real hazards of REMOTE Baja

Diver - 7-31-2007 at 05:17 AM

I, and numerous others have been dreading your "discovery" of the Sisters coast and our worst nightmare is coming true. Many of us have been "QUIETLY" seeking exploration for 30+ years in this area; away from YOUR crowd, maps, GPS bullsh-t and photos of your Tacoma. The more remote the better, especially for surfers and fisherman that can KEEP an area special so others can explore without a fricking travelogue. You better brace yourself cuz your gunna get some sh-t from some TRUE Baja explorers without all your fricking ego that are going to be SICK at your mile by freakin' mile guide. It's a LAST remaining WILDERNESS and you're going to Expose it all over the Internet WORLD!!! For hits on you website?? To be cooler than everybody? Show a little respect to the spirit of adventure and let people get a map and explore without their gosh darnn hand being held by their fricking HERO, David K!!!! Treasured places should be discussed on a word-of-mouth basis, not on the WORLDWIDE WEB. For Hell's sake, think about it!!!!

Who does this person think they are - gaurdian of their private Baja ?
There is nothing wrong with David posting his trip report and locations.
Maybe surfers are "better" than other people ? NOT !
"Other people" don't have a right to this information and to travel this trail ?
And why bash David ? He's not the first to post this info.
I'm calling BS on this selfish attitude !!

[Edited on 7-31-2007 by Diver]

Mexitron - 7-31-2007 at 06:02 AM

Thanks DK for keeping it cool--Baja is open for everyone...the surfers on the board are just paranoid of what's happened to Scorpion and happening at Abreojos--most of them probably grew up in SoCal before the surf culture became corporate and like it the way it was before--like me.

That said, it sounds like you got the typical weather out there--I've been chased out of there by cold air and water over to the summertime furnace of the gulf same time of year! Wintertime can be worse--I woke one morning with a broken tent from a northerly that blew through and another time I watched my shade structure get blown off a cliff by a Santa Ana!

CaboRon - 7-31-2007 at 06:39 AM

Just a note of support for David here. CaboRon

Bob H - 7-31-2007 at 07:15 AM

The response from some surfers seem to bring more attention to this area! Kinda funny if you ask me.
Keep the reports coming David!
Bob H

oldhippie - 7-31-2007 at 07:19 AM

Being a guy who surfed for many years but am now too old, fat, and weak, I understand the feelings of the irate surfer. Surfers are like that because nothing ruins a soul surfing experience more than a crowd. I learned about the wall (I can't explain what that is because of surfer rules) by overhearing tidbits here and there. I had to find it myself eventhough I knew quite well other surfers who knew exactly where it is.

Another example, I once hung out for a couple of weeks in BCS with an excellent surfer from Hawaii. He came to baja to find uncrowded waves. Since he was going back to Hawaii I took him to what was then sort of a secret spot, 9 palms, and we were the only two guys out on an almost perfect day, glassy head high. I think he was the happiest guy on the planet. We surfed until our arms fell off. A couple of times on the same wave laughing with joy all the way.

Don't advertise the surf spots that are unknown to newbies.

oldhippie - 7-31-2007 at 07:21 AM

BTW, starting a thread and asking people not to respond is sort of like putting a cold beer in front of me and asking me not to drink it until you're ready. Ain't gonna happen.

TMW - 7-31-2007 at 07:24 AM

Great stuff David, I love it. Those that complain can have some cheese with their whine. They remind me of the difference betwen a contractor and an enviromentalist. A contractor wants to build a house in the woods and the enviromentalist already has a house in the woods and doesn't want anyone else to have one.

Bob H - 7-31-2007 at 07:29 AM

This is turning out to be one fantastic thread. Can't wait for the rest of it.
Bob H

oldhippie - 7-31-2007 at 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Bob H
The response from some surfers seem to bring more attention to this area! Kinda funny if you ask me.
Keep the reports coming David!
Bob H

True, but the 7 sisters have been written up in surf mags and are on baja surf maps. They're no longer a well kept secret.

oldhippie - 7-31-2007 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Diver
I'm calling BS on this selfish attitude !!

Selfish it is and in this case it's a good thing. Surfers don't even want other surfers to know about their secret spots, much less folks out for a drive logging GPS waypoints.

I guess non-surfers understandably don't understand. Surfing can be an all consuming way of life, much more than a mere sport.

shari - 7-31-2007 at 08:23 AM

WOW, what a freakin freaky thread! But I felt a bit like a voyeur reading a private U2U...I kinda thought U2U's were to keep personal things off the board. I would prefer that U2U's remain between the 2 people and not quoted....even though it DID illustrate your both points. I found David to be a true baja lover, not at all egotistical, and very helpful in all ways. I was impressed as I showed him some secret spots that he did not take pictures of nor enter the GPS waypoints as he commented that these areas should be discoverd by the folks that venture out here. Kudos David.

edm1 - 7-31-2007 at 08:34 AM

Originally posted by shari
WOW, what a freakin freaky thread! But I felt a bit like a voyeur reading a private U2U...I kinda thought U2U's were to keep personal things off the board. I would prefer that U2U's remain between the 2 people and not quoted....even though it DID illustrate your both points. I found David to be a true baja lover, not at all egotistical, and very helpful in all ways. I was impressed as I showed him some secret spots that he did not take pictures of nor enter the GPS waypoints as he commented that these areas should be discoverd by the folks that venture out here. Kudos David.

Shari, I strongly suspect you are NOT A SURFER, else you would have hidden those secret spots from David.

shari - 7-31-2007 at 08:42 AM

Who said I showed him the surf spot? NOT! Never assume anything! I showed him some other land locked secret spots which I wont' tell you which ones they are...or even hint at. I'm not a keeno surfer cause I hurt myself and it's alot of work, but have surfed and love surfers and after finding a new secret spot where the waves are smaller, no rocks, and close to shore, I'm gonna take my longboard there next time and maybe attempt to get back into it. wanna come? hope you don't mind wearing a blindfold.:cool:

[Edited on 7-31-2007 by shari]

baja sur - 7-31-2007 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by shari
Who said I showed him the surf spot? NOT! Never assume anything! I showed him some other land locked secret spots which I wont' tell you which ones they are...or even hint at.
[Edited on 7-31-2007 by shari]

You Don't need to tell us !
David will tell all.................. ****

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by baja sur]

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by Hose A]

Axel - 7-31-2007 at 08:53 AM


Punta Cabras, Now dirty filthy sh** hole. 15-20 years ago it was a beautiful spot. I wont take my daughter there anymore because she can't play in the sand dunes because of trash and human waste. Now radio stations are bus loading people there. Nothing like a little advertisement.

edm1 - 7-31-2007 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by shari
wanna come? hope you don't mind wearing a blindfold.:cool:

[Edited on 7-31-2007 by shari]

I would gladly wear a blind-fold with my pocket gps tracking wherever I go :lol: But I promise not to share it with any other soul, to behave sourfer-like although I'm not and I can't even spell it.

[Edited on 7-31-2007 by edm1]

Cypress - 7-31-2007 at 09:45 AM

Let me guess where the secret surf spot is? Let's see, uhm..., somewhere along the Pacific coast with road access?:spingrin: Expect the Pacific coast is one "secret" surfing spot after another.:spingrin:

shari - 7-31-2007 at 09:50 AM

Ah Ha! so a blindfold AND I'm gonna enjoy frisking anyone who wants to come along, yep full body search...I guess I'll have to get some rubber gloves too!:o

Cypress - 7-31-2007 at 10:22 AM

Jeez, Secret surfing spots? Let me guess. Anywhere along the Pacific coast with road access?:biggrin: Expect there's one "secret" spot after another.:bounce:

Sharksbaja - 7-31-2007 at 12:40 PM

Originally posted by grover
Nothing more hysterical than a surfer claiming he wants to "save the thrill of discovery" for some one else...

Such benevolent altruism. :lol:


I don't surf anymore but it's more than just that selfish ola hunter. The forum is read by a host of folks. If you feel DK should share all his exploits, stay tuned.
What will become of "the thrill of discovery"? Ah heck, what am I talking about. Maybe if he exposes every place(careful Shari it's not your land) he visits in great detail nobody will bother to come. First because they might figure all of Davids cohorts are down there and second, because shoot, we just saw it all....... on Davids post.

Ah, to hell with discovery!:?::?::?::?::?::?::?:

Slowmad - 7-31-2007 at 01:46 PM

Originally posted by grover
Nothing more hysterical than a surfer claiming he wants to "save the thrill of discovery" for some one else...

Such benevolent altruism. :lol:

That's a Cheney-class broad brush.:bounce:

Hook - 7-31-2007 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by oldhippie
Originally posted by Diver
I'm calling BS on this selfish attitude !!

Selfish it is and in this case it's a good thing. Surfers don't even want other surfers to know about their secret spots, much less folks out for a drive logging GPS waypoints.

NAW, surfers just dont want anyone to see em smoking doobies...........

Sharksbaja - 7-31-2007 at 02:32 PM

Heck, maybe they are! The local casino has a plethora of "I thought they were dead" bands. Doo bee or not doo bee, dat is da question!

The squarecircle - 7-31-2007 at 03:21 PM

Greetings Shari,

That was a good one about the rubber gloves!!!!!!

I do now hereby express my appreciation for the kindness and hospitality shown by your gem, Juan and yourself. You both live in a beautiful part of this world.

Kindest Regards, sq.

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by The squarecircle]

Al G - 7-31-2007 at 03:22 PM

DK... no need to delete...a few surf Bums do not have the right to deter what you do...They just don't:fire:

Al G - 7-31-2007 at 03:24 PM

I forgot to say the U2U should not been posted in it,s entirety:cool:

edm1 - 7-31-2007 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by David K
Because this thread is already way off topic, I will delete the opening post, map and road log and repost when I do the other parts of my report.

Chill people....

No David, please don't delete it. That's conceding defeat in what you stand for.

But it's up to you; I've already saved all the posts in this thread, anyway, in my PC.

woody with a view - 7-31-2007 at 03:34 PM

it just seems that a detailed map to a place MOST people on this site will NEVER go is not cool. a few surfers and fishermen and offroaders may ACTUALLY GO OUT THERE but they want to find out for themselves. even the almanac and AAA purposely don't show correct roads (for copyright reasons, i'd imagine!).

BTW, i asked a few questions when i was a newbie and learned what a sacred area that is. i even had run-ins with guys who'd been there for years. nobody can claim it as theirs, however, as was mentioned above, scorpion bay was just like this 20 years ago. it is a last remaining frontier. respect it, please!

i doubt it's personal (the attacks) but dk will probably NEVER go back out there (he said he prefers the cortez) so what is the use of a DETAILED map?

ME - 7-31-2007 at 04:24 PM

Originally posted by David K

Baja is not going to remain untouched forever... Just be glad you saw it when you did.

That is a Fine Attitude Mr. K. :(

mtgoat666 - 7-31-2007 at 04:52 PM


Baja is not going to remain untouched forever... Just be glad you saw it when you did...

What a depressing thought. You profess to like it wild and remote, so why do you provide a guide to the crowds that will make it tame and over-run? Your zillion messages/road logs only hasten the end of solitude for others.

pappy - 7-31-2007 at 05:30 PM

it is getting more and more visitors which takes away from the reason to go-solitude.using a map and/or a gut feeling is the way to keep it. don't make it easy on anybody or it will get ruined. there are things happening in that area you are probably unaware of to try and keep it from being another cabo, east cape sorpion bay loreto, etc. etc.

nothing personal, but

woody with a view - 7-31-2007 at 05:42 PM


By the way, that lady had never heard of me or my web site before... So all my years showing Shell Island here had NOTHING to do with her decision to buy frontage there.

did you REALLY ask her?

cabobaja - 7-31-2007 at 05:57 PM

Received a phone call from a good friend last night who has surfed and lived in Scorpion Bay since the early 90's. He was saying there were more sharks on the beach than in the water. He is considering which way to move, north or south. To me it is very sad.

David K - 7-31-2007 at 05:58 PM

YES, I gave her my card, and she emailed me a couple days later after looking at for the first time.

Gadget - 7-31-2007 at 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Axel

Punta Cabras, Now dirty filthy sh** hole. 15-20 years ago it was a beautiful spot. I wont take my daughter there anymore because she can't play in the sand dunes because of trash and human waste. Now radio stations are bus loading people there. Nothing like a little advertisement.

I gotta respond here. Why do you think its a sh** hole after 20 years Axel? It's because of the idiot surfers. I ran the sisters from south to north in 1976. Do the math everyone. It was beautiful. We had a break down and walked for a day and a half to find help. Most of the good spots now days, any blind man can find with his nose because of all the trash and crap left behind by surfers.
I just enjoyed cruising the coast south of Punta Baja for the first time just for a look. I've always heard the surf is sketchy there so I've never ventured out. The coast was beautiful and there may be a couple spots to check on the right swell. The main thing we noticed was all the coastal camp spots were clean and neat. No sh** or sh** paper blowing around, no trash, no burnt beer cans or bottles in the fire rings etc. Guess what, that area of coast is mostly traveled by wind surfers because of the hell blows out there. Cut from a different piece of cloth they must be, ala Yoda, he he.
I'm so glad I've gotten to an age, 50, where I can enjoy all the other beautiful things Baja has to offer. I still love the score of surf, but that single pursuit is so narrow minded. I just think back on all the many days all totaled, I have sat on a Baja beach waiting for a phantom swell to track in and had to leave empty handed. I could have been seeing somthing else.
You all know, every one of you premadonas out there, that you heard about a place from someone. You got what directions you could out of the person, bought the best map you could, bragged about where you were going to go to everyone who would listen and then claimed it as your discovery when you got back. I have heard this from every single surfer I know until the last 10 years or so. Then localism hit Baja. It wasn't bad enough that we had to fist fight for our home break. We... the surfers, are who is to blaim for the above post I'm quoting, and we are to blaim for every crowded spot, now and in the future.
DK is just the easiest target out there to blame for everyones own frustrations. You know, I've just spent a few days with him, and I learned 2 things, he's a Baja lover like me, and he's happy when he's IN Baja way more than talking to some of you. Me thinks there's some jealousy on this board???

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by Gadget]

Roberto - 7-31-2007 at 06:55 PM

Lordy, and I haven't said a word - maybe it's not just me, huh KOB?

By the way, it's not about surfers, but about people who resent your turn-by-turn, gps-coordinating pin-the-tail-on the donkey reports. Surfers may be part of that group, but it ain't limited to them.

classic line:

this is an area that is so unappealing, cold, with ugly fishcamps. Thank god - imagine if the KOB had liked it. :lol::lol:

baja sur - 7-31-2007 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Gadget

I'm so glad I've gotten to an age, 50, where I can enjoy all the other beautiful things Baja has to offer. I still love the score of surf, but that single pursuit is so narrow minded. I just think back on all the many days all totaled, I have sat on a Baja beach waiting for a phantom swell to track in and had to leave empty handed. I could have been seeing somthing else.


Gadget - 7-31-2007 at 07:30 PM


BS, What no attack on my faith first? You must not be on your game today???

Sharksbaja - 8-1-2007 at 01:52 AM

Jesus Christ, er I mean David Kiel. I just gotta meetcha cause then I could prop you up(like others) every time you posted about getting to "special" areas. Of course they are not special to you unless you would not want someone to watch you and "Angel" burn yer delicate skin. Or not.
My advise. Stay way north. You bug people who have gone to their own special placs for years. Why should YOU introduce the world to these spots. Please butt out. It's bad enough how zealots(like you)pretend to know a place by traveling thru and highlighting it on some map for someone else to exploit.

fishbuck - 8-1-2007 at 03:47 AM

It's probably not needed but I'll put in my 2 centavos with.
I've been to alot of those remote locations the DK mentions and long before I ever knew about this message board.
Anybody with a AAA Baja map can find any of those locations. All it takes is a little curiosity and adventurous spirit.
So if you want to blame someone go after AAA.
Surfing is kind of a dumb sport. I did it for a while and decided it was a waste of time. Not as much fun as I thought it would be.
Surfers with their"My beach, my wave, F*ck off" attitude are a bunch of a-holes.
DK is very cool and would help anyone who asked. Maybe even surfers.

capt. mike - 8-1-2007 at 06:39 AM

does the AA have a 12 step program for surfers who desperately want to quit??

ME - 8-1-2007 at 06:55 AM

DK is not cool, he edits and delets these threads at will, without freedom of speech this web site is BS.... you want to know why surfers are better, most are well versed in international travel and not to the big resort but to the nooks and crannys of the globe where we wait for waves meet the people and embrace the culture. most of these spots are enviromently sensitive and do not need a crowd.
Dk you should camp at one these spots for a while not just dirve thru, you seem to be a glorified weekend warrior who is just trying to make a buck off his web site
"call some place paradise and you can kiss it goodbye"
spread the word DK

jimgrms - 8-1-2007 at 07:12 AM

Folk DK is not telling others about your secret spors You guy don't own baja so what makes you think its Your secret spot Its called progress and its gonna happen like it or not. The Mexicans in baja have a unique thing that is acessable and they are gonna sell it so lighten up Jim

oldhippie - 8-1-2007 at 07:49 AM

Well at least 30 foot diesel pushers can't get to the area in question. That area will remain remote for some time. And there's really no reason to go there except to surf. It's cold barren and rugged.

It is my experience that "secret spots" are a big part of the surf culture and the concept is accepted and abided by, or at least it was.

"Baja surfers are special because?" They used to be special because there were few of them and they spent a lot of time looking for and finding previously unknown breaks. Those days are gone. Baja is now a casual tourist destination.

They are special now because they are surfers. A group of people far superior in all ways to any other group of people. It's a fact, plain and simple.

There are no longer secret pristine beaches with great point breaks except for the ones I know about and the ones other surfers know about. And we ain't telling anybody, not even each other.

I hope you all have fun watching the odometer, keeping logs, and taking photos.

David K - 8-1-2007 at 07:55 AM

Originally posted by ME
DK is not cool, he edits and delets these threads at will, without freedom of speech this web site is BS.... you want to know why surfers are better, most are well versed in international travel and not to the big resort but to the nooks and crannys of the globe where we wait for waves meet the people and embrace the culture. most of these spots are enviromently sensitive and do not need a crowd.
Dk you should camp at one these spots for a while not just dirve thru, you seem to be a glorified weekend warrior who is just trying to make a buck off his web site
"call some place paradise and you can kiss it goodbye"
spread the word DK

This is not true, for the record. I can only edit or delete my own posts. I do not have a commercial web site, it makes no money. In fact I have given away hundreds of stickers for free off my site... The road log was just that, a log of a road which only required a 'drive-through'. I did not talk about any surf spots or describe surf conditions. What are you affraid of?

You really should not 'drive through' my posts or web site and then tell others what you think it's about!:lol::light:

Minnow - 8-1-2007 at 10:32 AM

Looks like JZ has been banned and all his posts deleted. Hummmm? I wonder why. This site is nothing without diversity. Not everyone appreciates tooting ones horn about how great someones weekend was. Honestly, It gets old. After so many of these tiffs, and losing so many interesting people because of them, it would be easy to realize how to avoid them. Trip reports are great, but some posters reports seem to be mostly about themselves, and not about what they actually did.

JESSE - 8-1-2007 at 10:59 AM

LOL! i can't understand what all the fuzz is all about, i personally like DK a lot, but i don't read his Trip reports because i am simply not interested (no offense intended David). As far as i am concerned, the only people that do have secret spots in Baja, are the locals, all us (and i include myself) are just intruders that are contributing in different degrees to the development and trasformation of Baja.

Sharksbaja - 8-1-2007 at 11:04 AM

That's odd because I remember a (angry) Nomad who requested all his posts be deleted. They weren't but he was. Come to think of it, I think it was the same subject matter that did him in.:lol:

oldjack - 8-1-2007 at 11:09 AM

this site works just like click... move on... I enjoy reading of others explorations/trials/exploits/impressions/etc.. I can't always get to every spot I would like to visit... I enjoy knowing that someone did and was good enough to share... it just helps add to the list of things I NEED to do... DK if you were to stop or otherwise reduce your contributions to this board the value would be significantly diminished... the next time I meet you the drinks are on me...

DanO - 8-1-2007 at 11:16 AM

I can't take it anymore. This is like watching my two sons bicker over a video game. Someone should just take Baja away from all of you until you stop arguing about it and shut the hell up.

And here's my disclosure of a secret surf spot or two. There's a really crappy beach break at La Bocana de Santo Tomas. It's almost always blown out and the break shifts constantly when it's not a total wall, it's freezing cold, and it's at the mouth of a 16 mile-long river fed by farms, cattle ranches, human sewage and God knows what else. Oh, and there's plenty of shark bait, er, I mean, seals. Or you can try the point south of the rivermouth, which has a decent right but stronger winds, a fierce longitudinal current, and breaks on a jagged reef, even at high tide. I'll see you in the (nonexistent) lineup. Or not.

Debra - 8-1-2007 at 11:31 AM


Send them to the corner until they can behave!

Cypress - 8-1-2007 at 11:34 AM

No offense to anybody in particular, but this whole discussion is sorta silly.:biggrin::spingrin::tumble:

cirioserious - 8-1-2007 at 12:12 PM

The only K i rely on for my baja direction, is out of the cereal box, that has real "special" substance. t

CaboRon - 8-1-2007 at 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
No offense to anybody in particular, but this whole discussion is sorta silly.:biggrin::spingrin::tumble:

Here, Here !:lol::P:lol::P:lol::wow::bounce:

BornFisher - 8-1-2007 at 01:32 PM

One reason we enjoy Baja so much freedom of access. Used to be this way in California Norte, but some groups of people banned together and managed to close off huge portions of public lands. Now people wanting to get away from it all, are crowded into much less open space with more restrictions. Environmental groups like The Surfrider Foundation, have supported these closures, and are pushing for more, especially for ocean fishing.
Now I`m an old surfer and dream of a comeback, still maintain my surf pad @ K-38. But surfers who support restricted acess of public lands and ocean, are hyprocrites when they complain about more people at their favorite spot!!

Sharksbaja - 8-1-2007 at 03:06 PM

I guess I'll concede. It's futile anyway.:rolleyes: But you see(to me), it really wasn't about the surfers, it was about discovery. If people want someone else to discover for them so be it. It's a vicarious arrangement. Now if DK had gotten stuck in there I'd be very interested.:lol:

Thanks Cypress.

surfer jim - 8-1-2007 at 03:35 PM

All these surfers out there sure spend a lot of time on the computer and not surfing....:biggrin:

Diver - 8-1-2007 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by DanO
This is like watching my two sons bicker over a video game. Someone should just take Baja away from all of you until you stop arguing about it.

You are sooo right ! :lol::lol::lol:

And who said the monitors (adult-sitters) had an easy job !! :biggrin:


woody with a view - 8-1-2007 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by surfer jim
All these surfers out there sure spend a lot of time on the computer and not surfing....:biggrin:

because it's FLAT! and it's gonna stay flat unless we get a hurricane soon!!!!!

surfers are special

jimgrms - 8-1-2007 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by TW
Great stuff David, I love it. Those that complain can have some cheese with their whine. They remind me of the difference betwen a contractor and an enviromentalist. A contractor wants to build a house in the woods and the enviromentalist already has a house in the woods and doesn't want anyone else to have one.

TW i love it too funny:bounce::bounce: This thread is even getting lurkers to post

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by jimgrms]

pappy - 8-1-2007 at 05:32 PM

surfers can be a real pain sometimes when it comes to certain spots.however, this is not just about surfers. it's about, what someone else said, the discovery and adventure and the entire process. furthermore, many would like to keep some areas from being developed so that experience will still be possible, including this particular piece of coast, some who happen to surf and many who don't.if you want to see it paved and developed then keep sending out invitations...

Cypress - 8-1-2007 at 05:39 PM

Sharksbaja. You're welcome.:D

ME - 8-1-2007 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by woody in ob
Originally posted by surfer jim
All these surfers out there sure spend a lot of time on the computer and not surfing....:biggrin:

because it's FLAT! and it's gonna stay flat unless we get a hurricane soon!!!!!

and buttons are easy to push, to be clear my comments are not about protecting waves but preserving a wild strech of coast. This is a remote and Pristine area with few people and no help. I think DK is Irresponsible, when you give directions on a public forum than it probaly will not be long before it is like punta cabbras. I know DK's response is it is on maps and is no secret but the mile by mile and turn by turn is ridiculous, I know it is futile, but Shame on you DK!
Passionate about Baja> Mike

BornFisher - 8-1-2007 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by ME
I know it is futile, but Shame on you DK!

Eloquent summary, thank you.

Yo lencho.... please point out to me where DK has posted this phantom road log of the Seven Sisters!!
Come on!! Any surfer over the age of 15 knows of this area!!!

landyacht318 - 8-1-2007 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Gadget
Originally posted by Axel

Punta Cabras, Now dirty filthy sh** hole. 15-20 years ago it was a beautiful spot. I wont take my daughter there anymore because she can't play in the sand dunes because of trash and human waste. Now radio stations are bus loading people there. Nothing like a little advertisement.

I gotta respond here. Why do you think its a sh** hole after 20 years Axel? It's because of the idiot surfers. I ran the sisters from south to north in 1976. Do the math everyone. It was beautiful. We had a break down and walked for a day and a half to find help. Most of the good spots now days, any blind man can find with his nose because of all the trash and crap left behind by surfers.
I just enjoyed cruising the coast south of Punta Baja for the first time just for a look. I've always heard the surf is sketchy there so I've never ventured out. The coast was beautiful and there may be a couple spots to check on the right swell. The main thing we noticed was all the coastal camp spots were clean and neat. No sh** or sh** paper blowing around, no trash, no burnt beer cans or bottles in the fire rings etc. Guess what, that area of coast is mostly traveled by wind surfers because of the hell blows out there. Cut from a different piece of cloth they must be, ala Yoda, he he.
I'm so glad I've gotten to an age, 50, where I can enjoy all the other beautiful things Baja has to offer. I still love the score of surf, but that single pursuit is so narrow minded. I just think back on all the many days all totaled, I have sat on a Baja beach waiting for a phantom swell to track in and had to leave empty handed. I could have been seeing somthing else.
You all know, every one of you premadonas out there, that you heard about a place from someone. You got what directions you could out of the person, bought the best map you could, bragged about where you were going to go to everyone who would listen and then claimed it as your discovery when you got back. I have heard this from every single surfer I know until the last 10 years or so. Then localism hit Baja. It wasn't bad enough that we had to fist fight for our home break. We... the surfers, are who is to blaim for the above post I'm quoting, and we are to blaim for every crowded spot, now and in the future.
DK is just the easiest target out there to blame for everyones own frustrations. You know, I've just spent a few days with him, and I learned 2 things, he's a Baja lover like me, and he's happy when he's IN Baja way more than talking to some of you. Me thinks there's some jealousy on this board???

[Edited on 8-1-2007 by Gadget]

Punta Cabras has not been destroyed by just idiot surfers. A simple fact remains is that although Cabras can occasionally produce quality waves, most competent surfers realise there are better waves not too far away. The major reason it has been, and is being destroyed, IMO, is because it is within 4 hours of the border, and it's still free. (not for long).
No doubt it fills up with some disgusting surfers, who have no respect for anything, or anybody. But I've witnessed class C RVs without a surfer in them, just dump their black water tanks 25 feet outside of camp, on their way out on sunday, their trash stacked five feet high in the fire pit. I've watched some Mexican Families over Semana Santa wait for the wind kick up before letting all their trash go like it's a spectator sport. The worst are those who bring their 4 wheelers or motos and act like their duty is to personally kick up as much dust, and rip up as much dune growth as they can, and then act like the locals will come clean up after them when they leave. Some act like everyone enjoys listening to their modified pipes as they circuit up and down the beach.

I've also witnessed all typecast of camper there leave their campsite cleaner than they found it, but unfortunately they are becoming fewer and farther between.

I think as long as western culture continues this selfish, ignorant materialistic 'maximum profit at all and every cost' mentality, there will be few spots that won't be destroyed by man's greed. It just sucks to see them go so quickly in a land we all love.

I'll continue to camp at Cabras, and collect and burn others trash. And for what it's worth, those of you who don't surf, who've never experienced the glide, should not even attempt to think you understand our motivations. Surfers are our own worst enemy. Seeing a loaded SUV with surfboards stacked high on the roof cresting the horizon is a nightmare anywhere I am. Very articulate surfers have been trying to explain it to the unenlightened for decades, yet Spicoli is what every neophyte conjures up.

I just wish 30 percent of us were not Spicolis. The enduring stereotype is here to stay.:no:

surfer jim - 8-1-2007 at 11:03 PM

With any luck all those MEGA YACHTS going to Ensenada will kick up surf all along the coast and then there will be plenty of waves for everyone.....:yes:

Do you wind surf?

Sharksbaja - 8-2-2007 at 01:59 AM

Originally posted by landyacht318
Originally posted by Gadget
Originally posted by Axel

I gotta respond here. Why do you think its a sh** hole after 20 years Axel? It's because of the idiot surfers. I ran the sisters from south to north in 1976. Do the math everyone. It was beautiful. We had a break down and walked for a day and a half to find help. Most of the good spots now days, any blind man can find with his nose because of all the trash and crap left behind by surfers.
I just enjoyed cruising the coast south of Punta Baja for the first time just for a look. I've always heard the surf is sketchy there so I've never ventured out. The coast was beautiful and there may be a couple spots to check on the right swell. The main thing we noticed was all the coastal camp spots were clean and neat. No sh** or sh** paper blowing around, no trash, no burnt beer cans or bottles in the fire rings etc. Guess what, that area of coast is mostly traveled by wind surfers because of the hell blows out there. Cut from a different piece of cloth they must be, ala Yoda, he he.
I'm so glad I've gotten to an age, 50, where I can enjoy all the other beautiful things Baja has to offer. I still love the score of surf, but that single pursuit is so narrow minded. I just think back on all the many days all totaled, I have sat on a Baja beach waiting for a phantom swell to track in and had to leave empty handed. I could have been seeing somthing else.
You all know, every one of you premadonas out there, that you heard about a place from someone. You got what directions you could out of the person, bought the best map you could, bragged about where you were going to go to everyone who would listen and then claimed it as your discovery when you got back. I have heard this from every single surfer I know until the last 10 years or so. Then localism hit Baja. It wasn't bad enough that we had to fist fight for our home break. We... the surfers, are who is to blaim for the above post I'm quoting, and we are to blaim for every crowded spot, now and in the future.
DK is just the easiest target out there to blame for everyones own frustrations. You know, I've just spent a few days with him, and I learned 2 things, he's a Baja lover like me, and he's happy when he's IN Baja way more than talking to some of you. Me thinks there's some jealousy on this board???

Mexicans litter a lot we already know.But surfers litter a ton, but not windsurfers. Do you windsurf when not hanging out with David?;D

Case closed!:no:

Mexitron - 8-2-2007 at 06:06 AM

Thanks landyacht for setting the record straight on Cabras--we never went there expecting good surf, just a pretty place to camp--like you said, there's better surf elsewhere, in fact, only once did we even see other surfers there... As we watched the dunes get slowly chewed away by ATVs and more and more trash building up every year we stopped going.

Gadget - 8-2-2007 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Originally posted by landyacht318
Originally posted by Gadget
Originally posted by Axel

I gotta respond here. Why do you think its a sh** hole after 20 years Axel? It's because of the idiot surfers. I ran the sisters from south to north in 1976. Do the math everyone. It was beautiful. We had a break down and walked for a day and a half to find help. Most of the good spots now days, any blind man can find with his nose because of all the trash and crap left behind by surfers.
I just enjoyed cruising the coast south of Punta Baja for the first time just for a look. I've always heard the surf is sketchy there so I've never ventured out. The coast was beautiful and there may be a couple spots to check on the right swell. The main thing we noticed was all the coastal camp spots were clean and neat. No sh** or sh** paper blowing around, no trash, no burnt beer cans or bottles in the fire rings etc. Guess what, that area of coast is mostly traveled by wind surfers because of the hell blows out there. Cut from a different piece of cloth they must be, ala Yoda, he he.
I'm so glad I've gotten to an age, 50, where I can enjoy all the other beautiful things Baja has to offer. I still love the score of surf, but that single pursuit is so narrow minded. I just think back on all the many days all totaled, I have sat on a Baja beach waiting for a phantom swell to track in and had to leave empty handed. I could have been seeing somthing else.
You all know, every one of you premadonas out there, that you heard about a place from someone. You got what directions you could out of the person, bought the best map you could, bragged about where you were going to go to everyone who would listen and then claimed it as your discovery when you got back. I have heard this from every single surfer I know until the last 10 years or so. Then localism hit Baja. It wasn't bad enough that we had to fist fight for our home break. We... the surfers, are who is to blaim for the above post I'm quoting, and we are to blaim for every crowded spot, now and in the future.
DK is just the easiest target out there to blame for everyones own frustrations. You know, I've just spent a few days with him, and I learned 2 things, he's a Baja lover like me, and he's happy when he's IN Baja way more than talking to some of you. Me thinks there's some jealousy on this board???

Mexicans litter a lot we already know.But surfers litter a ton, but not windsurfers. Do you windsurf when not hanging out with David?;D

Case closed!:no:

I posted what I saw at a coastal camping area visited primarily by windsurfers I'm told. You can draw your own conclusions.

I do not windsurf, but as a surfer I have been carrying a small port-a-pot south bound empty and north bound full (yuck) for some time. I pack all my trash home to my trash cans. You???

I have just "hung out" with David for the first time for 2 days while in ER. We found him and Baja Angel to be funny, warm, helpful, loving people.

Hope that covers any concerns you may have.

"I love all people, it's just a little harder to do so with some".

David K - 8-2-2007 at 10:21 PM

Thanks Gadget... Baja Angel and I enjoyed you and Leslie's company as well... I wasn't even mad when you 'tagged' my Toyota with a Locos Mocos sticker!:o:yes::cool:

See you on the trail again soon!

Sharksbaja - 8-2-2007 at 10:40 PM

I agree Gadget it is easier to like someone you've met. Glad you had fun. What my point was was that you concluded the mess came from surfers therefore surfers are pigs. Yes I pack out but leave the doo doo behind. It bothers the army checkpoint guys.:biggrin:


David, I heard you once tagged JRs vehicle to his dismay. :lol:

btw... locos mocos? crazy boogers?

David K - 8-2-2007 at 10:46 PM

No Corky, I never touched jr's vehicles... If there was a sticker on it, then jr put it on... :rolleyes:

CaboRon - 8-4-2007 at 11:04 AM

WOW, this post has really taken off ... approaching 3500 hits .. Seems like a lot of people want to see why surfers are special. :lol::lol::lol: -CaboRon

DianaT - 8-4-2007 at 11:36 AM

Finally took the time to read this thread---missed all the deleted posts, but the only thing this thread needs is Grover's popcorn eating happy face.

I do not believe there are really any "secret" spots---not if something called a road leads to it. Heck, just driving out to San Roque the other day we sidetracked a couple of places and found deserted beaches---probably will post a few pictures later. Oh, some even had small waves.

We have "discovered" new places to visit from reading this board, and appreciate the information and will share all we find with others. And if anyone thinks that the big developers have not looked at any of these so called hidden places, and will someday try to establish developments, they are IMHO crazy.

Yes, I would like to turn back the clock to when Rosarito was a small quaint town, and Ensenada quite small---but it is not going to happen. And yes, now that we have our little stake in a paradise area, we want it to stay wide open---but it won't, and we are happy to share information about this place with anyone really interested. We will even share some "hidden" deserted beaches we have discovered north and south of Bahia Asuncion. We would even post GPS points, but we have not figured out how to use our GPS---yet. Gees----

Diane and John

[Edited on 8-4-2007 by jdtrotter]