
Gonzaga or BOLA?

n8nlee - 8-6-2007 at 05:20 AM

OK, my buddies and I just can't decide on these two places. We're planning to go from Aug. 16th -19th. We want to go spearfishing and have narrowed it down to these two places. We're mainly targeting bottom/reef fish: cabrilla, grouper, and snapper/pargo. Here are our thoughts on these two places.

BOLA good:
paved road, AC lodging, probably not as hard to find a panga

BOLA bad:
more fishermen so maybe less fish?

Gonzaga good:
less pressure so better fishing?

Gonzaga bad:
no AC lodging, nasty road from Puertecitos, panga availability is iffy

Between the three of us, only one has been to Gonzaga and that's only for a day.

Are the species we're targeting very deep now or are they shallow enough to dive for? Shallow being ~50'.

Are the winds blowing? We are thinking of bringing a little zodiac (6hp motor).


[Edited on 8-6-2007 by n8nlee]

4baja - 8-6-2007 at 06:43 AM

as the water heats up the fish tend to go deeper as that is were the bait will be, bola will have cooler water because of the upwelling so the fish will be a little shallower then gonzaga. gonzaga will be hotttttt and bola most of the time in augest will have a north wind inside with a south wind on the outside of the islands. as you mentiond theres allso AC in town wich will give you a break. good luck.

meme - 8-6-2007 at 08:34 AM

:?::?: Is it not ALWAYS windy at Gonzaga? Still a great place to go tho, with only 4 days to play you might get there faster to BOLA.:tumble:
BOLA is Great too!:biggrin:

David K - 8-6-2007 at 08:38 AM

Access Gonzaga the same way as L.A. Bay (via Hwy. 1), not south from Puertecitos.

If you are going for the fishing and diving, I would say Bahia de L.A. is the better choice. If one isn't good... go to the other.

Gonzaga is 36 miles from Hwy. 1 at Laguna Chapala over a graded road. Probably Papa Fernandez' camp, 3 miles north of the Pemex for fishermen to camp and be closer to the islands and rocks.

honda tom - 8-6-2007 at 10:47 AM

goto BOLA. 1 big + at BOLA would be the availability of longtime residents
that have a lot of expierience in spearfishing and could tell you of hotspots.

in may i went down for yellowtail, our captn ran his panga out of daggets camp. (cost 150 for 2 people) at that price you could leave your zodiac at home and possibly end up with a spearfishing guide to boot!

JZ - 8-6-2007 at 11:01 AM

I vote for BOLA.

n8nlee - 8-6-2007 at 11:10 AM

Thanks everyone. It looks like BOLA it is.

Now I guess I'll need recommendations for lodging. We're three guys so something with that many beds or one of us can even bring a cot. All we need is AC and to know our truck is safe while we're out.

Recommendations for pangas that have knowledge of divers and their needs would be awesome.

Lastly, was thinking about bringing my dog, but he'd be left alone when we're out. Should I do it or just leave him with a neighbor?


honda tom - 8-6-2007 at 01:51 PM

Last trip down was my first time to Daggets Camp. I've always stayed in town, mostly because of launching my boat early. Daggets had about 3 or 4 rooms and lots of campsites. plenty of showers, and a resturant bar nextdoor. it seemed to be far enough away from town that you could leave your boat and gear on the beach. you are also north of town toward most of the fishing spots. they had a fish cleaning station and many pangas. town was a 3 minute drive for food and less exspensive beer. I think if the dog were coming, leaving him here during your day trips probably wouldnt be a problem. not sure about the A/C.

Hook - 8-6-2007 at 02:06 PM

Is the visibility ever really THAT good at Gonzaga?

I vote BOLA and Costa del Sol. YOU WILL NEED AC..........ONLY THEY COME CLOSE TO HAVING IT ALL NIGHT AT BOLA. At least that was the case last time I was there.

Nice place, too. Good restaurant right there.

mtgoat666 - 8-6-2007 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by n8nlee
Thanks everyone. It looks like BOLA it is.

Now I guess I'll need recommendations for lodging. We're three guys so something with that many beds or one of us can even bring a cot. All we need is AC and to know our truck is safe while we're out.

Recommendations for pangas that have knowledge of divers and their needs would be awesome.

Lastly, was thinking about bringing my dog, but he'd be left alone when we're out. Should I do it or just leave him with a neighbor?


Highly recommend La Unica, Fermin Smith's place. Reached by boat from BOLA (they can set you up with all boating you need).

tripledigitken - 8-6-2007 at 02:23 PM

Costa del Sol probably most expensive digs in BOLA, but if you want air and you will in August, it's worth the $75 IMO. The air ran all night this last 4th of July for us. It is right in town on the main drag just north of Guerillmo's (sp).

The owners are nice people, didn't eat at the restaurant so can't comment on that.


bajajudy - 8-6-2007 at 02:26 PM

La Unica is wonderful....I completely agree. As you mentioned you can only get there by boat.
BUT they want air...Costa del Sol is a very nice hotel, good food and you can probably park your rig within earshot.
Leave the dog at home! It will be too hot for him/her no matter where you leave him/her. In your rig is out of the question and tied up is never a good idea.

4baja - 8-6-2007 at 06:44 PM

costa de sol is the place and they are dog friendly(they have a dog and it is friendly) food is good and they have AC. they are not on the beach but who cares, relax with the veiw and suck down a pina colada granda and get ready for the next day. if i didnt have my own place down there with AC thats were i wouldm stay. good luck.:bounce::coolup:

Ken Bondy - 8-6-2007 at 07:05 PM

Agree with almost everyone else about Costa del Sol. For a BOLA guide with an excellent panga I highly recommend Joel Prieto. He can be reached by email

Buena suerte,


David K - 8-6-2007 at 08:37 PM

Costa del Sol... #1 from all reports

Try Las Hamacacs Restaurant, also!

bajajudy - 8-6-2007 at 09:52 PM

Still leave the dog at home. You also dont want to leave him/her in a hotel room for too many hours, especially with the irratic power in Bahia de Los Angeles.
It sounds like you have a lot of water activities that you would like to do...go for it.
Trip report to follow:?:

David K - 8-7-2007 at 09:41 AM

I think Bahia de los Angeles is now on the power grid with new power lines coming up from Guerrero Negro... no more local generator which was turned off each night at 10-11 pm except for special occaisions.

Minnow - 8-7-2007 at 03:46 PM

There are no more fish left in Gonzaga bay. The spearfishers slaughtered them all long ago. Only the occasional surface fish that has eluded the gill netters. Best to go to BOLA where you can buy a dinner. Alfi's has horrible food.

n8nlee - 8-7-2007 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
There are no more fish left in Gonzaga bay. The spearfishers slaughtered them all long ago. Only the occasional surface fish that has eluded the gill netters. Best to go to BOLA where you can buy a dinner. Alfi's has horrible food.

That's too bad. I guess we'll have to dive harder and longer to get the fish next spring. A few of us will be going with a guy who's been diving that area for 20 years. That's his favorite spot in all of the Northern Sea of Cortez. He swears the record cabrilla is in that area. We're all going to try to break that record. Even if we don't, we'll have fun getting close.


[Edited on 8-8-2007 by n8nlee]

Minnow - 8-7-2007 at 06:05 PM

Thanks for making your point clear.

Just like with the Nomads, you came, took what you wanted, killed it and left.

Great stereo type on the asians, by the way.

Adios. Amigo.

n8nlee - 8-7-2007 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
Thanks for making your point clear.

Just like with the Nomads, you came, took what you wanted, killed it and left.

Great stereo type on the asians, by the way.

Adios. Amigo.

My stereotype of Asians is only second to yours of spearfishermen.

Adios...hopefully for good.

Minnow - 8-7-2007 at 06:24 PM

Ahhhhhhhh, the next generation of Baja Ex Pats. Wait,,,,?

Lets draw them a MAP!

P-nche Knuckleheads!


David K - 8-7-2007 at 07:29 PM

Minnow, you're slipping towards the dark side...

Your bad experience at Alfonsina's (or people who have homes there) shouldn't be used to discourage others from enjoyng Gonzaga Bay... Try Beluga...

[Edited on 8-8-2007 by David K]

n8nlee - 8-7-2007 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by David K
Minnow, you're slipping towards the dark side...

Your bad experience at Alfonsina's (or people who have homes there) shouldn't be used to discourage others from enjoyng Gonzaga Bay... Try Beluga...

[Edited on 8-8-2007 by David K]

Something tells me those people at Alfonsina's or the people who have homes there aren't the ones with the problems.

Can someone provide a link? I would love to read it.

David K - 8-7-2007 at 07:59 PM

n8nlee, check out this link from Ken Bondy... it is great!

n8nlee - 8-7-2007 at 08:07 PM

Thanks David,

I'll focus on the beauty of baja and the positivity of this site.


4baja - 8-8-2007 at 06:34 AM

bola is not on the grid :coolup:yet but soon.

Tank Yuo Minnow!

Cap - 8-9-2007 at 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
Originally posted by Cap The common theme seems to be that spearfishing for trophy fish of this species is bad, but killing these fish by more conventional means is ok as long as you don't brag about it?

Cap, since reading comprehension does not seem to be your strong point. The common theme is that the guys entire story is full of holes. That is, everything accept the fish.:lol:

Quit boring us with your lack of knowledge of all things concerning fishing. Your questions have been answered ten ways from Tuesady, and respectfully I might add. You only come back with flippant answers. Post on something you actually have knowledge of.

Smart of you to erase your post Al G. you would have been on you know who's hate list.:lol:

Gawd forbid.

[Edited on 9-8-2007 by Minnow]

You are absolutey right Minnow! Thank you for the correction. I apologize for asking a boring question about something I was curious ( Sportfishing vs. spearfishing). I was labouring under the misperception that this was a forum for sharing knowledge.
I will now post on a topic I know something about : Courtesy.
Since this is not your strong suit, I will offer you this: The insults you weave into your posts weaken any point you are trying to make. Maybe you are just here to incite reactions from people as well, but you are adding to the deterioration of the social compact.
As I mentioned previously, I was going to discontinue my involvment in this forum, but I think that there should be some display of proper citizenship. If for no other reason than to counter your negativity.
Now, if you will excuse me I am late for my Tony Robbins seminar...:biggrin:

Minnow - 8-9-2007 at 05:20 PM

Copying and pasting quotes from a closed thread to another thread is grounds for banishment. FYI

It has been made abundantly clear that the originator of this thread is an imposter. Misspelling intended. This thread should be closed as well.

Since it is not, I will just say this Cap. Welcome to the CCG, your opinions will certainly not be your own.:saint:

Cap - 8-9-2007 at 08:02 PM

I was just looking through the pictures on your geocities site, and I noticed you had a picture of one of my old airplanes! It is the White with green c-182 next to the Blue Mooney. I even think I remember you and your friend came in Doug's 206. You went out in an older boat one of the days and caught a few Tuna. Talk about a strange coincidence. I hope to run into you again down there, I am sure we would have a lot to talk about. I would love to have you help me with my reading comprehension.

David K - 8-10-2007 at 08:21 AM

Take a look at

Baja Mur often flew with Doug Bowles (206 pilot) to Alfonsina's and other places...

I was lucky to fly with Doug back to Oceanside from Alfonsina's after Baja Mur and I went to Mision Santa Maria in 1999.... Doug flew us over the mission so we could see where we had gone from above, a couple days earlier.

[Edited on 8-11-2007 by David K]

Minnow - 8-10-2007 at 08:28 AM

Once again your facts are completely off DK. Murry only went to Gonzaga with Dooogless. 3 times. On the last trip he destroyed too much of Doooogleesss's equipment so Doooooglesss would not let him go again. I believe you were there for the second trip. I made 28 trips to Gonzaga with Dooooogless. Cap seems to think he even saw me there on one of those trips. Awwwwh, the glory.:bounce:

David K - 8-10-2007 at 05:31 PM

I didn't say just 'Gonzaga', I said Alfonsina's and OTHER places... I provided the link to BajaMur's page ( ) so anyone could see the photos taken from Douglas' plane on many of the trips Mur flew with Doug.

Please show me where my facts are "completely off"...

I just looked over on Mur's site and he has photos of 4 Baja trips previous to when Mur and I stayed at Doug's place in May, 1999. Doesn't that make my trip with Mur #5 at Doug's (if there weren't others not shown on his web site)?

[Edited on 8-11-2007 by David K]

bajabum - 8-13-2007 at 01:07 PM

If you want to experience peace and quiet and great spearfishing go to Gonzaga. BOLA has turned into a zoo over the last 3-5 years and there is alot more fishing pressure both above and below the water, nothing like how it used to be. Also plan your trip around the tides...The current in BOLA is aways extreme but even more so with big tides. Current in Gonzaga can be strong but not as bad as BOLA. Stay at Alfonsinas ($65 night for 4 people), hire a panga at papa Fernadez and have them pick you up in front of the hotel on the beach in the morning. Check out: for more info, you can even get a real time weather/water report with live pic at this website. Work the last cove and around the point by the light house, the Pta Final area and the Islands north of Gonzaga. Alot of big grouper, cabrilla, Riberas and Pargo in 40-60 FT in the rocks. You might also get a shot at yellow tail and WSB. Check out Dales Place at, he is the experts on spearfishing around there. I was down the last week of July yak fishing. Air temps in the mid 90s, nice on shore breeze from 11am on (even during the night most of the time). Water temps very warm (85-90) so you might have to get down deep to find fish. No game fish to be found but the cabrilla and grouper are always there. The food at Alfonsinas is OK, great breakfasts and you have a choice of fish or fish for dinner! The fish taco platters are awesome. Take a fresh fish in and have them cook it for you, dosnt get any better! We also took ceviche fixins and some carne asada and cooked it on their bbq to add some variety to the menu along with sandwich stuff to eat on the water. Here is a little tip for summer time visits to Baja...freeze 1 gatorade per person, per day before you go and toss em in your cooler, you wont have to buy as much ice, your beer will stay colder longer and it will provide a nice cold boat drink each day. I have ALOT of hours logged chasing fish and diving in both places so My opinion is primarily based on whacking fish for whatever its worth! Have fun!

David K - 8-13-2007 at 06:34 PM

Food at Alfonsina's has never been 'ok'... it's always been great...

The Squarecircle would agree... here he is enjoying the garlic shrimp... prepared fresh off the shrimp boat anchored in front of Alfonsina's.

Cap - 8-13-2007 at 08:43 PM

Never had less than a great meal there! Its possible that anyone that says otherwise is tryin to throw you off:lol: