
Asuncion trip/fish report

Bajaboy - 9-10-2007 at 08:50 AM

Just thought I'd share a quick trip/fish report with you amigos. I went down to Asuncion last week to complete a house/land purchase and do some fishing. I was successful on both accounts. Here are the details...

Left my house in San Diego on Monday, Labor Day, at about 3:45am and crossed the border about 4:00am. I know some of you don't agree with driving during the early morning don't. Leaving at that time has worked for me for many years so I'll stay with my plan.

The drive down was uneventful and pleasant. I missed all the Ensenada traffic and encountered just a bit in San Quintin. I made El Rosario in 5 hours as a result. Gassed up and headed for Jesus y Maria where I picked up a dozen tamales to go. Next stop was Vizcaino.

I gassed up in Vizcaino and started on the 70 mile drive to Bahia Asuncion. We drove the rode in July and found a lot of pot holes in the paved road near the salt ponds. This trip, though, the holes were filled in and the road was in good shape. Arrived at Shari's place about 3:30 or so...I don't exactly recall...I was now on Baja time. I set up camp at the Blowhole next to Juan and Shari's place and enjoyed a cold cerveza.

All went well with the land purchase and the fishing rocked! Juan and I caught 6 yellowtail up to 40# and a range of other fish. We donated most of the fish to some of the needy people in town.

The weather was great all week with temps in the mid 80s and water temps about 67 or so. Check out more details and pictures below:

Drove home on Friday planning to stay at Baja Cactus. I got to El Rosario about 3:00pm and decided to go all the way. Got to the border and was rewarded with a 25 minute wait. All in all another great trip. Thanks again to Juan and Shari their hospitality.


Juan with YT 2 (Small).jpg - 19kB

felizidades amigo

shari - 9-10-2007 at 09:02 AM

So the cats out of the bag and we welcome bajaboy, girl and Zoe to our lovely village. You got a heckuva deal amigo and we really look forward to having you all here. To those of you who don't like the idea of more gringos here...I'm super happy munching on my wonderful whole wheat bagel with artichoke pesto spread....something I could never be eating without bajaboy's visit...these folks are not developers, they are baja lovers who just want a little casita, (not on the beach) but way in the back of put a garden in (I can't wait to eat organic veggies). They will be a wonderful welcomed addition to the local color here. Here is a pic of Juan handing over the deed to a happy bajaboy.
Oh yeah Boy, you guys lucked out...yesterday the YT had disappeared but they had fun getting lots of other fish. I had to serve squid burgers for dinner which were scrumptious. I'm preparing the snail burgers for the Gypsies who should arrive tomorrow to see their new casa site. So if my posts become a bit incoherent after that, well you know bajagypsy has me under the influence!

[Edited on 9-10-2007 by shari]

[Edited on 9-10-2007 by shari]

zacdeed.jpg - 40kB

Diver - 9-10-2007 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by shari
Oh yeah Boy, you guys lucked out...yesterday the YT had disappeared but they had fun getting lots of other fish. [Edited on 9-10-2007 by shari]

That's very interesting;
I have been watching the water temps in your area lately and the day Juan and Zac went out, the 74 degree line was within 4-5 miles offshore of San Pablo. Yesterday and the day before, the warm water has retreated to 12+ miles offshore and there are no more YT !?!?


Cypress - 9-10-2007 at 12:19 PM

Bajaboy. Thanks for the fishing report. Looks like you all had some fun. About feeding the needy people with your excess catch? What else or you gonna do with it, eat 200 lbs. of fish in a day or two? Why not give the "needy people" a few dollars? Sorry, know your intentions are good, but this slaughter of fish with the justification for giving it to the "needy" is getting a little lame.:(

Diver - 9-10-2007 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
... but this slaughter of fish with the justification for giving it to the "needy" is getting a little lame.:(

I don't see it that way in many cases - this case.
In this case, the fishing had been poor for quite a while and YT scarce. In a small community you owe favors and receive favors. You help take care of those in need. Money is not always the easiest thing to spend for example when you already owe the mercado on a tab.
For these guys to go out and hit some fish on one trip is not a "slaughter", IMHO. It was definitley NOT their intention.
The people of Asuncion still live mainly from the sea.

Besides, I have often been on boats with others and one or two will get hits and then another hit while waiting for someone else to get their first. Many are released when possible but depending on the fish/hooking they may not live anyway.

Not to say that I am in favor of the indistriminate killing of more fish than you need as I am not; I just don't see this as one of those cases.


bajabum - 9-10-2007 at 12:51 PM

What slaughter??? Give me a break...

Al G - 9-10-2007 at 12:57 PM

Great shots Bajaboy...I needed that. Hope to see you there in Janurary...BTW I do not agree with Cypress...when the bite is on, I most always over catch to a small degree and release all I can and know the fish will live...this is all the point of the sport. Now if I lived there year around...I would not bring home 6 yellows, but for a trip once in a sounds good to me.

Bajaboy - 9-10-2007 at 01:44 PM

Let me clarify...Juan and I caught 6 YT between us. I brought home three fish for the freezer. Another fisherman asked if we would trade a 'tail for a white seabass and we did. We had caught some barracuda and bonito as well. We gave this fish to the needy.

Cypress, if I gave the locals money instead of fish and they chose to buy Tecate with it....well...enough said...I feel better providing some food....and they also enjoyed the clothes I brought down as well....


rts551 - 9-10-2007 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bajaboy. Thanks for the fishing report. Looks like you all had some fun. About feeding the needy people with your excess catch? What else or you gonna do with it, eat 200 lbs. of fish in a day or two? Why not give the "needy people" a few dollars? Sorry, know your intentions are good, but this slaughter of fish with the justification for giving it to the "needy" is getting a little lame.:(

Lame???? Ever lived in a small fishing village, Cypress? Sorry but I do the same thing and the people really appreciate it.

Cypress - 9-10-2007 at 03:05 PM

rts551 Lived in a fishing village?:?::biggrin:Was shrimping and fishing at an early age. They would meet us at the dock with an empty pan and a hungry look. Sorry. We had to pay for fuel, ice, bait, rent, utilities, broken gear and on and on.:O Lame? You don't give your bread and butter away.:D

capt. mike - 9-10-2007 at 03:26 PM

i am more interested in the property details than fishing.
so - what's the deal? what did you get? etc??

rts551 - 9-10-2007 at 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
rts551 Lived in a fishing village?:?::biggrin:Was shrimping and fishing at an early age. They would meet us at the dock with an empty pan and a hungry look. Sorry. We had to pay for fuel, ice, bait, rent, utilities, broken gear and on and on.:O Lame? You don't give your bread and butter away.:D

Sorry, you didn't answer the question... but anyway.. these coastal towns are not what you lived in... not many docks here. And I don't give my bread and butter away.. just some extra to someone who doesn't have the means to fish.

Bajaboy - 9-10-2007 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
i am more interested in the property details than fishing.
so - what's the deal? what did you get? etc??

here's more info:


BajaWarrior - 9-10-2007 at 03:55 PM

Hey Zac,

My wife and I were in Bahia Asuncion two weeks before you were for a week. I fished with Juan too, although the water was too cold for Yellowtail at the time, we had a great time fishing the rocks for Calicos and Whitefish, also both Juan and I had a nice hookup on the troll bringing in two monster Barracuda.

I still have not posted my trip report yet being busy with shopping, preparations, loading material, and at last building our new home below San Felipe each weekend.

You don't think some of these guys will bash me because Juan and I caught and kept too many fish in one day do you?

Preview of trip report: Awesome!

[Edited on 9-10-2007 by BajaWarrior]

Cypress - 9-10-2007 at 04:09 PM

rts551 No. Have never lived in a fishing "village". :D You can catch and give away as much as you're able to bring ashore.:D I'm just experiencing a little de-ja vu.:D

Pappy Jon - 9-10-2007 at 07:14 PM

Bajaboy, I don't think you should have given away your excess fish ... you should have sold it to the locals instead. That's the American way ya' know(J/K).

BTW, when I went fishing with Juan I didn't keep any fish and it all stayed with Shari and Juan's family, and probably a few others. Clearly the village got more out of the fish than I would have. I'm sure none of it went to waste, even though it was "excess."

elgatoloco - 9-10-2007 at 10:01 PM

We just had BajaboyJuanAsuncionYT ceviche for dinner! Chased down with some ice cold mexican beers. Sat out on the patio and swore we could hear the blowhole and the barking sea lions on Asuncion Island!

Mil gracias! :biggrin:

Iflyfish - 9-11-2007 at 12:14 AM

What a great report Zac. I love the pics on your site!

You should not have to justify your good will to anyone. The fishermen of Asuncion, Juan included, are very proud and protective of their resources. I have seen the extra fillets go around that town like mana from heaven. It is wonderful to be able to do some good for others.

I look forward to meeting you and yours.


capt. mike - 9-11-2007 at 07:25 AM

Interesting. I am confused on one part though - how did you set this purchase up without a fideocomiso? did the municipality title go back to origination of the grant with no breaks?

unless you are a corporation i thought foreigners could not hold land title as clear fee in mexico and the only way to hold without risk is in a bank trust?

so what am i missing on your deal Zac?

looks like a fun place to develop and improve tho.

Diver - 9-11-2007 at 07:42 AM


I don't know about Bajaboy's situation but there are ways...

1. A corporation is not for holding your private vacation home; its only for businesses. You can however, lease your home back from your corporation when you are there and pay the appropriate tax and all is legal.

2. When planning to purchase with a Fidicomiso, after checking the title, you can pay for the property in return for an irrevocable power of attorney from the seller. You give this to your agent/attorney/bank and they do the fidicomiso after the fact.

3. You have some "legal" friend buy the property and hold your title for you under whatever "trusting" agreement makes you comfy.

4. I'm sure I'm missing something ...

And for some folks, the relatively small investment to purchase is just worth the chance at the dream.
Get off your wallet and buy something !! :biggrin:


shari - 9-11-2007 at 08:21 AM

My dear cypress...just to let you in on our life here...Juan has a sister who's daughter has been through hell and back with throat cancer ( a young non smoker) and they have a very large family. All "excess" fish goes to her which she used to make machaca which she sells to school kids at lunch (instead of them eating junk food) or to visitors or to feed their family. Whenever Juan gets back from fishing there is a line up of amigos to help take care of the excess fish which feeds their family, there are a lot of families who do not fish but are very poor and LOVE it when we give them fish. I'm sure if you met our amigos who really NEED this fish you would change your tune. Like Chato, a very old man who's only income was fishing from his rowboat which got wrecked in last years hurricaine so he's REALLY in need. So we try to distribute our excess to these folks instead of feeding the fat sealions with released fish.
Now, about the land deal, it was an extreme pleasure helping bajaboy and Zoe find their casita because unlike most gringos, they didn't HAVE to be on the beach but now have a sweet little casita way in the back of town with lovely hills behind them for mountain biking and walking and have terrific neighbours and are only a block up from the new plaza. I know they arent' buying for an investment but for their personal enjoyment. They will have years of felizidad and immersion in our lovely village and I know will give back more to our community than they take....I can't wait to much on that organic lettuce Zoe...hurry down.

Cypress - 9-11-2007 at 09:24 AM

shari Sorry to hear of the family health problems. My sentiments regarding the giving away of excess fish were directed towards the affluent so-called "sports" fisherman that takes 2 or 3 hundred pounds of fish then gives them to any and all takers, regardless of need or circumstances. :( Enjoy the fishing reports, pics, etc. that you and your visitors post from Ascuncion.:yes:

shari - 9-11-2007 at 09:33 AM

I totally agree that in some areas, the sportsfishermen take too much just for fun and possibly some gets wasted...but that is definately NOT the case here so I'm glad you understand. I had no idea that Juan's fishing charters were going to have such a positive outcome for so many locals here in spinoff benefits but I sure feel good about it. I urge all our future visitors to not bring so much of their own food...Juan's sister is a fabulous cook and can cater to your rental casita...fresh, hot, economical, wonderful food made with love and will really help out with her medical bills! Win win situation.

David K - 9-11-2007 at 07:15 PM

Unless a Nomad is a personal friend or acquaintance maybe one should not 'throw stones' at what he shares with us.

Constant negative comments thrown at Nomads who take time to post their trip stories will only end this great feature of Baja Nomad and chase others away.

If you don't have something nice to say, then don't... Some respect for your fellow Nomads would be welcome... I mean, Baja Nomads are people who love Baja. Perhaps we have different things we love about Baja... but it is 'Baja' that we have in common here.

If you know of an issue that might be harmful to our beloved Baja, then by all means post about it... but please don't pass judgement on other Nomads if you don't know them or weren't even there...

PEACE, LOVE and FISH TACOS... right???:spingrin::D:light:

Tomas Tierra - 9-11-2007 at 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Another fisherman asked if we would trade a 'tail for a white seabass and we did.

Good trade Kimosabe!

Nice report Zac...6 yellows aint jack, well iguess technically it is:D, dont let anybody tell you your taking to many if your giving it away to people who will eat it..Unless your taking over limit. Going to the Thetis Bank and bringing home half a dozen cow tunas, now that's a waste.(edit) AND IS LAME!!(probably fun pulling on ONE of those 200# pluser's)
When I give away a nice piece of fresh fish and ask later how it was and get, " uh, I froze it for later"......Off the list!

Good points DK

[Edited on 9-13-2007 by Tomas Tierra]

shari - 9-12-2007 at 10:04 AM

We really enjoyed baking the white sea bass we traded and so did the guys who got the YT...we were all happy and full.
David is right...I have met many lurkers who won't post for fear of being jumped on...too bad cause they are real nice folks with different points of view that would be worthwhile hearing. Lighten up folks and try to stay positive or at least constructive.

Bajaboy - 9-12-2007 at 10:19 AM

Thanks for the positive comments all. I realize we all have different opinions and some times it's just best to keep them to ourselves. I really enjoy reading about people's adventures, experiences, and trips. I often think to myself that I might have done something different but that's the beauty of reading about another person's trip. It's was their experience and not mine.

Keep on sharing and let's stay positive. Different strokes.....

Thanks again Amigos!


Cypress - 9-12-2007 at 10:25 AM

shari, DK and anybody else that cares to read this, I'm all about different points of view.;D Who decides whether my point of view is negative? :?: Have seen fisheries depleted to the point of no return thru overfishing. Would catch over 1,000lbs of snapper before noon and now the limit is 2 fish/day. :) Never thought there'd be any end to 'em. I was wrong.:no:

Skipjack Joe - 9-12-2007 at 10:35 AM


I just wanted to say that I understand where you're coming from and fully support your thoughts on this matter. I didn't post because this subject has been discussed ad nauseum and nobody's mind will be changed. I do, however, support your right to express your views, whether I agree with them or not, and I don't consider that bashing.


The board already has a board moderator and his name isn't DavidK. Please don't try to fufill that role. Also, don't speak for the forum because I, for one, don't agree with you on this.


DianaT - 9-12-2007 at 10:51 AM

John and I welcome you to our neck of the woods. Look forward to meeting your mother. Can't enjoy your pictures as this dial up at the Internet Cafe is reaaaaaaaaaaaal slow. When will any of you be back down?

Good luck and welcome

John and Diane

Ken Bondy - 9-12-2007 at 10:53 AM

Great report Zac. I got hooked on your Picasa site and spent an hour wandering around all your photos. Wonderful!! You know how to live :)


Bajaboy - 9-12-2007 at 11:19 AM

Ken-I'm slowly migrating all my photos to Picasa. Check back for more Baja photos. And I enjoy your photos as well. I used to fish out of Morro Bay quite a bit.

Diane-my mom and I are headed back down either the end of Oct or first week of November. Hopefully our paths will cross then.


Natalie Ann - 9-12-2007 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by David K
Unless a Nomad is a personal friend or acquaintance maybe one should not 'throw stones' at what he shares with us.

Constant negative comments thrown at Nomads who take time to post their trip stories will only end this great feature of Baja Nomad and chase others away.

If you don't have something nice to say, then don't... Some respect for your fellow Nomads would be welcome... I mean, Baja Nomads are people who love Baja. Perhaps we have different things we love about Baja... but it is 'Baja' that we have in common here.

If you know of an issue that might be harmful to our beloved Baja, then by all means post about it... but please don't pass judgement on other Nomads if you don't know them or weren't even there...

PEACE, LOVE and FISH TACOS... right???:spingrin::D:light:


This was a fine thread to read until you stepped in. I was enjoying a perfectly swell trip report and discussion, when you came along and killed any feeling I was having about, ahem, peace/love/fish tacos.

Please stop moralizing to the rest of us.... at least until someone dies and makes you god.

Thank you,

Natalie Ann

Cypress - 9-12-2007 at 12:50 PM

Skipjack Joe, Natalie and Bajaboy Thanks. :tumble: It was not my intention to jump on anybody. Thought I'd myself clear and don't appreciate getting piled on. Bear in mind, these seemingly unlimited supplies of fish are far more limited than we want to believe.:(

Sharksbaja - 9-12-2007 at 01:26 PM

Cypress, I think you articulated your point just fine. There are greedy self centered people everywhere. Some are fish hogs, others are forum hogs and a few are chicken hogs.;D :lol:

Tomas Tierra - 9-12-2007 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
It was not my intention to jump on anybody.

you called him "Lame"........hmmmmm.

Diver - 9-12-2007 at 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Natalie Ann
Originally posted by David K
Unless a Nomad is a personal friend ...................................................................................................................................................... ..................................
PEACE, LOVE and FISH TACOS... right???:spingrin::D:light:


This was a fine thread to read until you stepped in. I was enjoying a perfectly swell trip report and discussion, when you came along and killed any feeling I was having about, ahem, peace/love/fish tacos.

Please stop moralizing to the rest of us.... at least until someone dies and makes you god.

Thank you,

Natalie Ann

I coudn't agree more !
Someday we will meet and make beautiful music together ! :biggrin:


Cypress - 9-12-2007 at 03:11 PM

Tomas Tierra Lame? Just figure of speech.:D No insult intended. :?:Ever heard of "grasping at straws"?:?:

Sharksbaja - 9-12-2007 at 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Tomas Tierra Lame? Just figure of speech.:D No insult intended. :?:Ever heard of "grasping at straws"?:?:

Yeah, I see that every time someone whips out a bag of coke.

Cypress - 9-12-2007 at 03:39 PM


David K - 9-12-2007 at 05:55 PM

Oh, so it is okay to play God or dictator when a Nomad tells us how much fish he caught (and shared with others) and someone can condemn his actions???

I know Zac and his character is good and giving... You closet Baja travelers need to get off the back of people who share their stories here freely or else they will not give us any more...

Natalie & Diver, how is it you don't see the issue I was addressing? If I wasn't clear, I appologize... The message was we all should have respect for each other and applaud the generosity of Nomads like Bajaboy instead of what he got here.

Natalie Ann - 9-12-2007 at 06:12 PM

Originally posted by David K
Natalie & Diver, how is it you don't see the issue I was addressing? If I wasn't clear, I appologize... The message was we all should have respect for each other and applaud the generosity of Nomads like Bajaboy instead of what he got here.

What you said was perfectly clear. Apparently it was me who was unclear. What I meant to say was (speaking slowly here) we are adults and do not need you to tell us how to behave. The board has moderators for that. Now stop your whining, David... please.

Diver - 9-12-2007 at 06:15 PM


Sorry to bother you but is it OK to say "shut-up" on this forum ?
I am just so tired of listening.....
And I knew, without a doubt, that it was coming, again, and that it will never stop ....


Like drug addicts:

Sharksbaja - 9-12-2007 at 06:19 PM

"I just can't help myself":rolleyes:

Let me explain........................................(yawn)...............................

Al G - 9-12-2007 at 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bajaboy. Thanks for the fishing report. Looks like you all had some fun. About feeding the needy people with your excess catch? What else or you gonna do with it, eat 200 lbs. of fish in a day or two? Why not give the "needy people" a few dollars? Sorry, know your intentions are good, but this slaughter of fish with the justification for giving it to the "needy" is getting a little lame.:(

Cypress do me a favor your post...
Twist, squirm, and spin all you want to...You meant what you said...unless you apologize, it still means the same...
This has nothing to do with what anyone else has posted...I can apologize for my errors and I will respect and forget when others do...

Cypress - 9-12-2007 at 07:18 PM

Al G You're 100% right about me saying what I meant.:bounce:

Al G - 9-12-2007 at 07:59 PM

Bajaboy. Thanks for the fishing report. Looks like you all had some fun. About feeding the needy people with your excess catch? What else or you gonna do with it, eat 200 lbs. of fish in a day or two? Why not give the "needy people" a few dollars? Sorry, know your intentions are good, but this slaughter of fish with the justification for giving it to the "needy" is getting a little lame
Originally posted by Cypress

Skipjack Joe, Natalie and Bajaboy Thanks. :tumble: It was not my intention to jump on anybody. Thought I'd myself clear and don't appreciate getting piled on. Bear in mind, these seemingly unlimited supplies of fish are far more limited than we want to believe.:(

I don't know what your game is, but it is absolutely clear your intention was to make a moral judgment as to how many fish Bajaboy should catch and give away...period:mad: also worth mentioning, you made it clear his "needy people" excuse was "lame"
Nobody will ever convince me if you say my excuse is lame, you are not calling ME lame. Think about it Cypress...
To make it clear...I am a fisherman and Conservative and do share and respect your view on conservation...I get the feeling your stand now is a recent event...born from abuse. I can apologize if needed...

Roberto - 9-12-2007 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Diver

Sorry to bother you but is it OK to say "shut-up" on this forum ?
I am just so tired of listening.....
And I knew, without a doubt, that it was coming, again, and that it will never stop ....


Even if you do say it, do you think it will matter? If you have any doubt, let me say, from experience, that the answer is no. Not that it stops me from doing it periodically. In fact, it's become something of a sport. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You can't teach an old dog new tricks

Roberto - 9-12-2007 at 09:20 PM


Please stop moralizing to the rest of us.... at least until someone dies and makes you god.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Now THAT'S a classic.

Tomas Tierra - 9-12-2007 at 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Would catch over 1,000lbs of snapper before noon and now the limit is 2 fish/day. :) Never thought there'd be any end to 'em. I was wrong.:no:

Your not falling for that "science" stuff are you??

You know, send a submursible down looking to do a fish count.
"Don't see any Phillipe, must be overfished"

If you were a snapper and saw that thing coming down with lights on and a big neon NOAA sticker on it, what would you do?? (sound of ricoched bullet now):?:

bajabum - 9-13-2007 at 01:40 PM

Cypresses statements qualify him as a non-sports fisherman and his knowledge level of yellowtail fishing is clearly zero. :lol: He obviously has a little bit of "left" "gotta save the world" blood in him to make such a non-qualified, uneducated statement like that. :o If a delerious comment like that was made on a serious fishing forum the guy would be laughed off the bds! 6 yellowtail on a boat with 2 fishermen is only half the legal bag limit, no where near a slaughter or unresponsible. I dont think sportfishermen could slaughter fish even if they tried! :cool:

Cypress - 9-13-2007 at 01:43 PM
