
From Choral Pepper: The Lost Diaz Grave

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David K - 9-10-2007 at 11:28 PM

Something to look for this winter???


Another chapter from Choral's manuscript 'Baja: Missions Mysteries, Myths' to share with you, about a mystery in Northern Baja from long ago and a recent search conducted by a Los Angeles policeman named Tad Robinette.

(Bruce Barber's new book, '...of Sea and Sand', has details of Barber's search and possible discovery of the Diaz Grave!)

The story of Diaz' grave constitutes a classification all its own -- part history, part mystery, part myth. It will not remain that way forever, though, if Los Angeles Police Department member Tad Robinette succeeds in his quest.

Upon reading my early Baja book, Robinette got caught up in the challenge of delegating immortality to the neglected hero Melchior Diaz. So in 1994, putting his military and law enforcement training to test, he set out to settle the Diaz question once and for all.

The explosive history of Diaz' grave first came to my attention through a letter from the late historian Walter Henderson while I was editor of Desert magazine -- ?explosive? because it refutes several hundred years of fallaciously celebrating Padre Eusebio Kino as the first white man to set foot on the west shore of the Colorado River. It was that chapter in my book that ignited Robinette's interest.

Baja Califorina's true first European visitor to the northern sector was Melchior Diaz, a beloved Spanish army captain dispatched in 1540 by Coronado to effect a land rendezvous with Fernando de Alarcon, whose fleet was carrying heavy supplies up the Gulf of California to assist in Coronado's expedition in search of the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola.

It was during the depression of the early 1930s that Walter Henderson and his southern California companions cranked their Model A Ford roadster through the rock arroyos of the unpaved road that led toward San Felipe, a Mexican fishing village about 125 miles south of the border at Mexicali. At a spot a few miles beyond a window-shaped rock formation known as 'La Ventana', they unloaded their camping gear, filled their canteens from a water tank in the rear of the car, and set out by foot.

On other of their frequent weekend safaris into Baja, if the Ford hadn't drunk too much of their water, they often camped overnight while searching for old Spanish mines, Indian arrowheads, or whatever else adventure produced. Sometimes they found the powerful horns of a bighorn sheep arched over its bleached and sand-pitted skull. At other times they heard the screeching wail of a wild cat or caught the fleeting shadow of a mule deer high up in the Sierras. If a covey of quail flushed from a sparse clump of desert greasewood, they knew that water was nearby. Sometimes they found the spring; most often they did not. Water is elusive in this rugged, raw land and rarely does it surface in a logical and accessible spot.

But on this cool day in April they were lucky. The Model A had behaved well and used less water than usual and they had managed to drive as far as the foot of the Sierra Pintos with only three punched tires. Henderson had long fostered a yen to find a way into a canyon oasis he had heard about from another man named Henderson (Randall, the founder of Desert magazine) who had described an oasis where native blue palms rose above huge granite basins of water stored from mountain runoffs after storms.

As it turned out, they had hiked too far south. Baja California was only crudely mapped in those days and the Mexican woodcutters who supplied ironwood for ovens to bake the tortillas of Mexicali and Tijuana had not yet been forced this far below the border, so there was no one to give Henderson and his party directions.

Throughout the entire Arroyo Grande and Arroyo Tule watershed, they had found no sign of man -- just twisted cacti writhing across the sandy ground, occasional stubby tarote trees, and lizards basking in the sun. On both sides of the wide arroyo up which they hiked, jumbled boulders stuck like knobs to the mountainsides. In some areas the mountains were the deep, dark red of an ancient lava flow, in other sectors they were granite, bleached as white as the sand in the wash.

When night fell, the hikers unrolled their sleeping bags, built an ironwood fire and fell asleep while watching the starry spectacle overhead. In Baja's clear air, the stars appeared low enough to mingle with their campfire smoke.

At dawn, they brewed a pot of coffee, refried their beans from the night before, and tore hunks of sourdough from a loaf carried by one of the men in his pack. There was no hurry. They had all day to explore as long as they kept moving back in the general direction of their car.

Late in the afternoon, after hiking across a range of hills, they came upon a curious pile of rocks set back a short distance from the edge of a steep ravine. For miles around there had been no other signs of human life, neither modern nor ancient. The pile was nearly as tall as a man and twice as long as it was high. The base was oval and the general shape of the structure resembled a haystack. The stones were rounded rather than sharp-edged, and although the ground in the vicinity was not littered with them, Henderson and his companions figured that they had been gathered at great labor from the general area.

They lifted a rock and turned it over. It was dark on the top, light colored underneath. The dark coating acquired by rocks in the desert is called desert varnish. It is caused by a capillary action of the sun drawing moisture out of the rock. The dark deposit is left from minerals in the water. In an arid region where rainfall is practically nil, desert varnish takes hundreds of years to form. The fact that these rocks were all coated by desert varnish on the top indicated that they had remained in their positions for a very, very long time.

The men were tempted to investigate further, but it was the end of April, when the dangerous red rattlers of Baja California come out of hibernation, so they contented themselves with speculation. The pile of rocks provided an inviting recess for these reptiles and the men were unarmed.

The rock pile stood close to the edge of a narrow ravine that twisted down from the hills over which they had descended. The site was not visible from the surrounding country so it obviously was not intended as a landmark. That it was a grave, they felt certain, even though it was an unusually elaborate structure for its isolated situation. Baja California natives have always conscientiously buried corpses found in remote countryside, but usually the grave is simply outlined with a series of rocks rather than built up man-high like a monument. Whoever lay beneath this rock pile was obviously revered by his companions who must have numbered more than a few in order to erect it.

Tilted against one end of the rock pile was an ancient piece of weathered ironwood nearly a yard long and as thick as a man's thigh. If a smaller crosspiece had been lashed to it to form a cross, the addition had long ago eroded away. Ironwood, Olneya tesota, is a tall spreading tree found only in washes of hot desert areas in the Southwest. Its wood is brittle, very hard and heavy, and it burns with a slow, hot flame. Mexican woodcutters have all but depleted the desert of it in recent years, but during the 1930s when Henderson discovered the mysterious grave, it still was conceivable that the heavy log could have been found close enough to drag to the graveside.

By this time the sun was falling low in the mountains behind them, so the men left the pile of stones and hurried on across the desert to reach their car before nightfall. They never had occasion to return.

Two years later, however, the memory of the mysterious pile of rocks rose to taunt Henderson and continued to do so for the rest of his life.

The Narratives of Castaneda had been translated into English and a copy had fallen into his hands. When he came upon a passage that read " on a height of land overlooking a narrow valley, under a pile of rocks, Melchior Diaz lies buried," he would have known immediately that he had found the lost grave of this Spanish hero except for the fact that Pedro de Castaneda, who traveled as a scribe for Coronado, believed that Diaz was buried on the opposite side of the Colorado River. However, Castaneda wrote his manuscript twenty years after it had happened and, since he was with Coronado rather than with Diaz, his only authority was hearsay.

Melchior Diaz would have been completely ignored by history had it not been for the exploits of Fernando de Alarcon, who had been fitted out with two vessels and sent up the Gulf of California by Viceroy Mendoza to support Coronado?s land expedition. A rendezvous had been arranged at which time the land forces were to pick up supplies that Alarcon would bring by sea. As Coronado and his forces moved north, however, their guides led them further and further toward what is now New Mexico, and away from the Gulf where they were to meet Alarcon. When Alarcon arrived at a lush valley near an Indian village far east of the Gulf, he established a camp and dispatched Melchoir Diaz westward with a forty-man patrol mounted on his best horses to search for Alarcon?s ships and make a rendezvous on the Gulf.

Diaz, traveling west, arrived about 100 miles above the Gulf on the bank of the Colorado River. There he learned from an Indian who had helped drag Alarcon's boats through the tidal bore that Alarcon had been there, but was now down river and had left a note on a marked tree near where the river emptied into the Gulf.

Diaz then marched south for three days until he came to the marked tree. At the foot of it he dug up an earthenware jug with contained letters, a copy of Alarcon's instructions, and a record of the nautical expedition's discoveries up to that point.

Knowing now that Alarcon was returning to Mexico, Diaz retraced his steps up the river to what is now Yuma, Arizona, where he forded the river. The trail through Sonora by which he had come north took his army far inland from the sea. In the event that Alarcon still lingered in the area, Diaz hoped that by following down the West Coast of the Gulf his men might be able to stay closer to the shore and thus sight the ships.

Marching southward from the present Yuma where they had crossed the Colorado, Diaz and his men came upon Laguna de los Volcanoes, about thirty miles south of Mexicali. It is from this point that the narrative grows vague, except for the historical account of Diaz' fatal injury and subsequent burial.

The injury occurred one day when a dog from an Indian camp chased the sheep that accompanied his troops. Angered Diaz threw his lance at the dog from his running horse. Unable to halt the horse, he ran upon the lance that had upended in the sand in such a fashion that it shafted him through the thigh, rupturing his bladder.

References vary as to how long he lived following the accident. Castenada reported that Diaz lived for several days only, carried on a litter by his men under difficult conditions over rough terrain.

Castaneda's report may be flawed. Not only did he write it twenty years after the fact, but his report was based on hearsay evidence since he was with Coronado in what is now New Mexico and not along the Colorado with Diaz. A more modern historian, Baltasar de Obregon, wrote that Diaz lived for a month following the accident. Herbert Bolton, the distinguished California historian, wrote that after crossing the Colorado River on rafts, Diaz and his troops made five or six day-long marches westward before turning back after Diaz' injury.

If Bolton's information relative to the days that they marched is correct, and if Castaneda is accurate relative to the number of days Diaz lived after the accident, Diaz is buried on the West Coast of the Gulf. If he lived for a month, however, his grave very likely lies on the Sonora coast. This has never been established, although historians have searched fruitlessly for the grave on the East Coast of the Gulf for several centuries.

So convinced was Henderson that he had found Diaz' grave that he proposed an investigation to the Mexican consul in Los Angeles. He was received politely enough, but turned away with the deluge of problems his suggestion encountered. He was told that to conform to Mexican law of that time his search party must consist of from two to four soldiers, an historian with official status, a guide to show them where they wanted to go, a cook to feed them, and mules and saddles so the Mexican officials 'would not have to walk or carry packs on their backs like common peons.'
In addition, the party would have to include someone to put the mules to bed and saddle them, a muleteer, and a security guard to protect Diaz' helmet, leather armor, blunderbuss, broadsword, coins, jewelry and whatever else of value accompanied the skeleton in the grave. All this was to be paid for by Henderson. A further stipulation stated that if the area turned out to be too dangerous or rough for the retinue involved, regardless of expense incurred, Henderson would be obliged to call off the whole thing and turn back.

This, during those years of the depression, was out of the question for Henderson, or just about anyone else. In later years the rigors of such a trip for Henderson were too great. Faced with those complications, he ultimately went to his own grave never having solved the mystery of Diaz, but haunted throughout life by the memory of that mysterious pile of rocks. So Diaz sleeps, a neglected hero while Mexicans and Americans alike pay homage to the prevalent belief that Padre Eusebio Kino was the first white man to come ashore on the west side of the Colorado River.

Now that Baja has come into its own as a popular destination, the present government might be more amenable to investigating the gravesite if it can be found. According to Henderson's directions, a line drawn on the hydrographic chart of the Gulf of California from Sharp Peak (31 degrees 22 minutes N. Lat., elevation 4,690, 115 degrees 10 minutes W. Long.) to an unnamed peak of 2,948 feet, NE from Sharp peak (about twelve miles away) will roughly follow the divide of a range separating the watershed that flows to the sea. Somewhere near the center of that line, plunging down the westerly slope, is a rather deep rock-strewn arroyo. On the north rim of this arroyo, and set back a short distance, is a small mesa-like protrudence, or knob of land. There may be a number of arroyos running parallel. It is on one of these where the land falls away to the west that the rock pile overlooks the arroyo. That was as close as Henderson was able to identify it on a map.

On one of my flights with Gardner in the 1960s, as we flew over land and water to Sierra Pinto, some thirty-two land-miles north of San Felipe, I looked for a rugged ravine plunging down from the east side of Cerro del Borrego, a peak north of the present intersections of Highways 5 and 3, but even the practiced eyes of pilot Francisco Munoz, who circled the area several times, were not sharp enough to etch a rock-covered grave out of the colorless land. We did detect a dirt road about ten miles south of the La Ventana marker on modern maps that led into ruins of an old mine called La Fortuna. That may have been where Henderson and his friends left their Model A Ford and initiated their hike.

So much for my treasure hunting competence!

But if any reader has ever doubted the efficiency of an L.A.P.D. cop, put your mind at rest. I have dealt with many treasure hunters, professional and otherwise, but never have I encountered an equal in systematic persistence to Tad Robinette. Because of his intensive approach toward solving this mystery, I shall recount it in detail as he reported to me.

Consistent with law enforcement training, Robinette?s modus operandi depended upon finding a good topographical map of an area relatively unmapped in Henderson's day. After a series of long-distance calls around the United States, he finally located a store in North Carolina that stocked Mexican topo maps. Within weeks, he had a collection of the best on the market. They were helpful, but obviously not the map that Henderson had consulted. That one, Robinette determined, was probably a hydrographic map detailing the Gulf of California area north of San Felipe, since no detailed land maps had been made at that time. The hunt then began for a hydrographic chart dated prior to 1950.

At about this time Robinette learned of a library in the basement of the Los Angeles Natural History Museum that contained old maps, including hydrographic charts. Access, by appointment only, was arranged through the curator. Robinette arrived at his appointed time, was escorted through two sets of double doors, and then turned loose in a basement room lined with volume upon volume of obscure books, old magazines, and stacked layers of professional papers. He came upon a map section. No numbering system was used. The maps were haphazardly placed in drawers. By chance he found a small collection of hydro maps dated between 1880 and1930. Among them was a copy of the very map used by Henderson denoting the same peaks and elevations.

Because nothing could be removed from that library, Robinette made notes to facilitate ordering a copy directly from the archives in Washington, D.C. Three months later he possessed it.

He then painstakingly coordinated grids provided by Henderson's recollections superimposed upon modern detailed topo maps, geological surveys, historical records of the Coronado expedition, and the projected distance for a day's march. This way he identified the most likely areas for exploration.

It wasn't until 1998, however, that Robinette had accumulated enough information and time off work to convince him that a personal expedition was worthwhile. Then, limited to two days that included the drives back and forth to Los Angeles, he got a good look at the 'lay of the land' south of the border, but not much else.

His second trek, a year later, lasted for three days. This time he was rewarded by a fine rosy quartz vein, some spectacular sunrises, and a lot of mountain climbing experience, but he did not find the grave.

Trek Number Three had to be postponed until the year 2000. Then, accompanied by his partner on the beat, Jamie Cortes, they attacked the landslides, the defiles, and the cactus-covered lava mountains with vigor. During this trip they scoured the mid-section of the area Robinette had designated on his map. On the last day they had an encouraging break. They had come upon a low range of rolling hills after descending from Arroyo Grande that matched Henderson's recollection. But their time was up. The Los Angeles Police Department call to duty waits for no man.

So now we come to Trek Number Four. This time a third partner, Paul Dean, joined the hunt. Unfortunately, the promising 'low range of rolling hills' failed to keep its promise.

After exceeding the limits of exploration, Robinette had initially projected on his maps, time ran out again. Tired and discouraged, the party was straggling along a rough route in the direction of the car they had left behind when they came upon an unexpected pass that would have provided Henderson's party, as well as their own, a lower and easier route back to the La Ventana area where their car was parked. This appeared at the end of their allotted time, of course -- the destined fate of most treasure hunts! So they made a haphazard survey and left, promising themselves a return next year.

As I have written before, I'll write again, "Adventuring in Baja is like a Navajo rug with the traditional loose thread left dangling. To finish the rug would be to kill it. As long as it is unfinished, its spirit is still alive." Now who wants to kill adventure? Certainly not Tad Robinette. Nor do I.

So, as Robinette ended his report to me, I'll end this book, "To be continued"


Baja is filled with these wonderful stories that inspires exploration and discovery. Thanks to Choral for giving me the ability to share this with fellow Baja enthusiasts! See

Footnote: Bruce and Tad have been given the original letter and directions that Henderson mailed to Choral, which I now have.

[Edited on 7-15-2011 by David K]


Baja Bernie - 9-12-2007 at 07:37 PM

Happy that you are now posting Choral's stuff here.


Mexitron - 9-12-2007 at 09:29 PM

Wow...interesting mystery! Sounds like a great exploration to try...

Von - 9-12-2007 at 09:43 PM

pretty cool stuff David Im glad theres people who love baja as much as I feel for it. Thanks man.

Barry A. - 9-13-2007 at 09:20 AM


As always, great stuff!!!!! the grave is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but what an adventure trying to find it. Someday, somebody (you??) will find that pile of rocks, the grave site, I am betting. but, that Arroyo Grande area is so huge, and non-descript that it will be a real challenge.

Thanks so much for posting this.

Mango - 9-13-2007 at 09:52 AM

Great post David.

I have my Baja Almanac out right now. The area is not far from here and I have been meaning to poke around the La Fortuna mine for a while now.

This gives me a great excuse to head down there as soon as it cools off a bit.

TacoFeliz - 9-13-2007 at 10:08 AM

Very cool, David! Keep 'em coming. I'm guessing Google Earth usage spiked a bit when you posted Choral's story... I got out my topos.

Gnome-ad - 9-13-2007 at 03:50 PM

Thanks. Very interesting from both the modern and historical perspectives.

Neal Johns - 3-24-2008 at 09:12 PM

David K,
Sorry, but you are wrong about his location - I know because I was there when we buried him.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Gadget - 3-25-2008 at 12:16 PM

VERY COOL! I have a new Baja jones.


David K - 10-14-2009 at 03:11 PM

Any new interest to solve this Baja Mystery?

I have shared this chapter of Choral Pepper's book on Nomad a couple times since 2004... and hope to inspire some exploration of the desert. This year's Baja 1000 is going very near the area in question (Cerro Borrego/ Sierra Pintas) so I thought about exploring the information again... This is also near the Pole Line Road built in World War II by the U.S. for a telephone line to San Felipe where we had a radar station/ observation outpost.

In addition to the chapter in Choral Pepper's old and newer (unpublished) book copied above, I also have the original letter and directions from Walter Henderson mailed to Choral in 1967 about his 1930's discovery... A serious expedition is in order, if only to find the same pile of rocks. Should there be a Spanish officer's helmet, sword, or other items that prove it was the 1540 grave from the first land expedition to California, then that needs to be in a museum (wise words from Dr. Indiana Jones).:light:

Here is the region as drawn in 1962...

In 1930...

In 1941...

The desert is a wonderful place, but ignored because of its harshness unless people are motivated to discover and appreciate it. Choral always wanted her books and articles to encourage people to know the desert she loved.

David K - 10-27-2009 at 05:18 PM

This point:

"It was during the depression of the early 1930s that Walter Henderson and his southern California companions cranked their Model A Ford roadster through the rock arroyos of the unpaved road that led toward San Felipe, a Mexican fishing village about 125 miles south of the border at Mexicali. At a spot a few miles beyond a window-shaped rock formation known as 'La Ventana', they unloaded their camping gear, filled their canteens from a water tank in the rear of the car, and set out by foot."

In Choral's previous versions of this story, she said they parked at La Ventana (the window in the rock, perhaps near today's La Ventana on Hwy. 5). It was this starting point error that threw off early searchers.

The original letter from Henderson gives good details as to where they drove the Model A and began their hike.

More details yet to come!

[Edited on 10-28-2009 by David K]

dezertmag - 10-27-2009 at 09:09 PM

Hey David,
This has the makings of a GREAT story !!!! I wonder if there is anyone near this place that could take a look, or get some pixs ???


David K - 10-28-2009 at 09:31 AM

I hope to go this winter! Nomad 'bajalou' and his followers from El Dorado Ranch are the closest... and Nomad 'MICK', at Rio Hardy.

Tad Robinette has made like 4 trips into the area... and if he was given the same details from Choral that I now have, I think he would have found it? It is just a large pile of rock, not natural, and in an area that people were not yet traveling in the 1930's.

It was AFTER their hike that Walter Henderson read the story about Melchior Diaz and believed his rock pile was the 1541 gravesite.

I only ask anyone who finds it first, to please take several photos from various angles... I can cantact INAH and an archeologist who has permission to work in Baja, if the site looks promissing... Just as I did when (with help from Sharksbaja) we re-found the ruins of a possible proposed mission site 'Santa Maria Magdalena' that Choral Pepper and others on the 1967 Erle Stanley Gardner expedition saw...

dezertmag - 10-31-2009 at 11:07 PM

Hi Gang,
I was trying to see if I can come " close " to where this might be, and I found some very small formations that I placed a tag at. Take a look and see what you think. I used the instructions as follows " According to Henderson's directions, a line drawn on the hydrographic chart of the Gulf of California from Sharp Peak (31 degrees 22 minutes N. Lat., elevation 4,690, 115 degrees 10 minutes W. Long.) to an unnamed peak of 2,948 feet, NE from Sharp Peak (which I think is Cerro del Borrego -about twelve miles away) will roughly follow the divide of a range separating the watershed that flows to the sea. Somewhere near the center of that line, plunging down the westerly slope, is a rather deep rock-strewn arroyo. On the north rim of this arroyo, and set back a short distance, is a small mesa-like protrudence, or knob of land.

Ok... I can't seem to post the pixs... Can anyone help with this??? I don't have them on a site they are on my computer...


[Edited on 11-1-2009 by dezertmag]

[Edited on 11-1-2009 by dezertmag]

diaz1.jpg - 48kB

David K - 11-1-2009 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by dezertmag
Hi Gang,
I was trying to see if I can come " close " to where this might be, and I found some very small formations that I placed a tag at. Take a look and see what you think. I used the instructions as follows " According to Henderson's directions, a line drawn on the hydrographic chart of the Gulf of California from Sharp Peak (31 degrees 22 minutes N. Lat., elevation 4,690, 115 degrees 10 minutes W. Long.) to an unnamed peak of 2,948 feet, NE from Sharp Peak (which I think is Cerro del Borrego -about twelve miles away) will roughly follow the divide of a range separating the watershed that flows to the sea. Somewhere near the center of that line, plunging down the westerly slope, is a rather deep rock-strewn arroyo. On the north rim of this arroyo, and set back a short distance, is a small mesa-like protrudence, or knob of land.

Ok... I can't seem to post the pixs... Can anyone help with this??? I don't have them on a site they are on my computer...


John, send it to me... if you can't get it to post. What I do is use which has several auto resize choices (use 15" monitor size or smaller)... Any other web site also could host the photo and then just hotlink the photo URL here. For Nomad to host the photo off your PC, it needs to be sized below 50 KB... then use the Browse button to find that file and post it on Nomad.

dezertmag - 11-1-2009 at 09:22 AM

Hey Gang,
Ok here is the 2nd pix..... Thx david

diaz2.jpg - 50kB

bajalou - 9-6-2010 at 09:49 AM

It sounds like a great hunt for me. As you know, I'm friends with Bruce Barber, who spent several years researching and searching, without the help of Pepper's papers. Be great to give him a picture of the elusive spot.

David K - 9-6-2010 at 10:46 AM

Originally posted by bajalou
It sounds like a great hunt for me. As you know, I'm friends with Bruce Barber, who spent several years researching and searching, without the help of Pepper's papers. Be great to give him a picture of the elusive spot.

Yes, I have had long conversations with Bruce about Choral and the Diaz grave... which to be accurate was only called "a rock pile" by Walter Henderson. But, what else does one do in the desert but look for a 'pile of rocks'?:cool:

I did share the Henderson letter with Bruce and Tad... they both did a lot of investigative research and deserved to have the prime clue, which was given to me after Choral passed on, in a cardboard box full of letters and photos from her Baja trips and Desert Magazine publishing days.

Baja Off Road and Historic fun with an Indiana Jones twist! :light:

mtgoat666 - 9-6-2010 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by David K
But, what else does one do in the desert but look for a 'pile of rocks'?

based on this forum, it appears that most frequent thing done in desert is drugs (alcohol) :lol:

Ken Cooke - 9-12-2010 at 02:49 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by David K
But, what else does one do in the desert but look for a 'pile of rocks'?

based on this forum, it appears that most frequent thing done in desert is drugs (alcohol) :lol:

You should take your Toyota on the Pole Line Road 4wd road sometime w/my group. It is plenty of fun.:bounce:

BajaBlanca - 9-12-2010 at 03:08 PM

very interesting stuff .... does make the adrenaline flow a little faster thinking that one might find the grave and make history !!!

in general - where did the native Indians make their graves ? did they not bury thier dead with artifacts ? I have asked several amigos and no one seems to know anything .....

the locals here find arrowheads all over the place - due to the fishing, I guess this was quite a populated location. not only that but there is ONE, and only one, mountain about 40 minutes away from us that has sharks teeth and embedded shells all over it !! just incredible cause it is quite far form any water.

DesertGhost - 11-9-2010 at 06:34 AM

Hello David K and the entire Baja Gang,

It has been some time since I have been on this forum. After retiring from LAPD I went to Iraq for 3 1/2 years to train the Iraqi Police. I returned from Iraq last year and contacted Jaime, my old exploring partner, in hopes of continuing the search in Baja for the Diaz Grave. Both of us want to get back down to Baja and finish the search.

During our last couple trips in 2003-2005 we really believed that we were getting close. I have posted a couple pictures. One is of a trail marker that was commonly used by the Spanish. The other is of a "Face" that we located in what was prob an old Indian camp hidden away on a remote ridge and adjoining small valley. We also found a spring and large amount of pottery shards in the same area. For best viewing results copy the pictures into a photo viewer and zoom in on the mentuoned areas.

Even though we are both excited and anxious about returning to Baja, we are delaying the continuation of our adventure till the 2011-2012 winter season. I look forward to discussing the Diaz grave with all and have no problem with anyone going with us when we do make the trips.

Best Wishes,

[Edited on 11-9-2010 by DesertGhost]

DesertGhost - 11-9-2010 at 06:44 AM

OK the pictures did not post...any advise?


BajaRat - 11-9-2010 at 02:48 PM

Thanks David, very cool.

David K - 11-9-2010 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by DesertGhost
Hello David K and the entire Baja Gang,

It has been some time since I have been on this forum. After retiring from LAPD I went to Iraq for 3 1/2 years to train the Iraqi Police. I returned from Iraq last year and contacted Jaime, my old exploring partner, in hopes of continuing the search in Baja for the Diaz Grave. Both of us want to get back down to Baja and finish the search.

During our last couple trips in 2003-2005 we really believed that we were getting close. I have posted a couple pictures. One is of a trail marker that was commonly used by the Spanish. The other is of a "Face" that we located in what was prob an old Indian camp hidden away on a remote ridge and adjoining small valley. We also found a spring and large amount of pottery shards in the same area. For best viewing results copy the pictures into a photo viewer and zoom in on the mentuoned areas.

Even though we are both excited and anxious about returning to Baja, we are delaying the continuation of our adventure till the 2011-2012 winter season. I look forward to discussing the Diaz grave with all and have no problem with anyone going with us when we do make the trips.

Best Wishes,

[Edited on 11-9-2010 by DesertGhost]

Here are the two photos from Tad:

David K - 7-15-2011 at 08:24 AM

8 months since I posted Tad's photos and after our Lost Santa Isabel Mission Expedition (April, 2011), there is renewed interests in another Baja expedition...

Best done in the winter, it would be good to do some planning ahead.

As mentioned before, I do have the 1967 letter and directions to the 'rockpile' (Diaz Grave?) from Walter Henderson to Choral Pepper, from his 1930's discovery. The area we need to look at is not far from Hwy. 3... and I think I have narrowed it down to 3 arroyoys that meet the description... after scouting the area on Google Earth.

A trip up Arroyo Grande (from the Pole Line Road/ La Ventana) may pinpoint the one arroyo where Henderson found the 'rockpile', because of what he described seeing when they reached Arroyo Grande.

It is a large, pile of rocks we seek... it could be the lost grave of the first European explorer to set foot in California (1541)... it could be something else. It is a quest to find something that was seen 80 years ago and has lead to many stories and questions.

Viva Baja Mysteries!

DesertGhost - 7-15-2011 at 03:01 PM

Well Hi David,

So how weird is this, I dug out all my research material on the Diaz search just last week and started reviewing the maps and notes I had from my previous trips. Then out of nowhere I get notification of your post to the old thread today...we must be thinking along the same lines. lol

I completely agree with you about doing the search during the winter months. There is only so far a ATV or 4x4 will get you in the search area where the most interesting discoveries are in the most rugged and hard to get to locations. It is my plan to return to the search area around mid-January and spend about a month camping in the area I am interested in.

I am including a jpg from Goggle Earth to give you a rough idea of the area I am speaking of. And as for explanation for some of the pushpins on the map I am providing you these notes:

Old Spanish Mine
31°35'16.99"N 115° 7'16.90"W
I have a report on hand from a geologist that visited this location in the 1950's. In the report he sampled vein material at the bottom of the main shaft and found it had over 1/2ounce of gold per ton. He went on to explain that the mine was very old at the time of his visit but had been worked off and on until the 1930's. My notes:
NNW of this now active mine (2001) and at about 2-4 miles there are more portals and works also dating back to the 1930's to 1970's or 80's as evident by the trash still on site. Will be doing Placer sampling in the future in areas away from the active mine and outside their concessions.

"The Narrows"
One of the first places I entered the search area back in the 90's. Had to get out and dig a path through some of the canyon. I have a couple pics of this area I will also send.

Finger Rock #1
Right after getting up through the Narrows I came across "Finger" Rock #1. It stands about 20 feet tall and is quite impressive. There is a series of strong thick quartz veins near here running NNW.

Finger Rock #2
In close proximity and North and West of Finger Rock #2, on the ridge lines, small canyons and trails just below the ridge line we found extensive evidence of past human habitation. It was surprising to us the thickness of the plant life in some of them. We also found a large amount of old pottery shards along many of the trails or just below them.

North and NNE of Finger Rock #2, at a fair distance(LOL), is the area where we located the rock "Face" and the Spanish Trail Marker Rock. Those pictures I sent before and I see you have them posted now.

So there you have a bit more information and stuff to look over. In the above post I see you mention the original letter from Henderson that Choral had. As you might recall about 10 years ago we were at her place for dinner one night. I remember her saying something about not being able to find the letter after searching for years, she promised to contact me if she did find it, but sadly she left us before she had a chance to locate it.

David it is a very nice thing for you to offer me the kinda continues on her thoughts and ideals of how she would of liked the project to continue. Your a good man.

One last thing for this email. During one of my visits to Choral she mentioned that she had been contacted by a couple guys/explorers who had returned from Baja with a small Spanish bell, supposedly located in the Laguna Hansen area. Did you find any info about that in her papers?

Let me know if you have any questions.

David K - 7-15-2011 at 05:35 PM

Hi Tad,

I did not see any letter about a bell... but I have to admit, I have a very big box of her Baja stuff... It is mostly photos from the Erle Stanley Gardner expeditions... which I made a web site to show everyone:

You have other interests in the Sierra Las Pintas besides the Henderson 'rockpile'? A little gold would sure be nice to cover expenses of our expeditions!:light::cool:

I did email you the original letter and directions from Henderson (and to Bruce Barber as well) a few years ago... Afterall, you both spent a lot of time and energy searching for the Diaz Grave based on Choral Pepper's articles in Desert Magazine and in her Baja book! I think it would be what Choral would want, to share them with you... so I did.

Sadly for Bruce, he never got to talk with Choral, before she died... I would have facilitated the connection and she would have loved to share what she knew. If you don't have that email, let me know...

In her writings, she left out some details of what Walter's letter contained and that caused Bruce to do his extensive search from the wrong starting point (La Ventana), when it was many miles to the southwest. Bruce is now too far along in years to continue, I think... I am not sure if you also were looking in the same area... ?

January is a possibilty for us to go into the area... Mi esposa has vacation time already set aside... Now, if I can interst her into allowing for maybe two days of searching?

1) Pinpoint which of the arroyo canyons that the 'rockpile' was located in by driving in Arroyo Grande, using clues provided by Henderson.

2) Hike (or drive/ ATV) up that arroyo from Arroyo Grande or from the opposite side near Hwy. 3.

3) Photograph the rockpile. Mystery Solved!:bounce:

DesertGhost - 7-15-2011 at 06:16 PM

I like the choralpepper website , it is very nice thanks for the link.

I just searched all my old emails and I can not find the one with the letter. I dont remember getting it but I am getting old also so maybe I am just having a "senior" moment. There is also a chance I lost the email when I lost a computer during my travels a couple years ago. If you can find it David would you mind sending it to me again?


David K - 7-16-2011 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by DesertGhost
I like the choralpepper website , it is very nice thanks for the link.

I just searched all my old emails and I can not find the one with the letter. I dont remember getting it but I am getting old also so maybe I am just having a "senior" moment. There is also a chance I lost the email when I lost a computer during my travels a couple years ago. If you can find it David would you mind sending it to me again?



I sent it out with some old maps of the area that contains points mentioned in the letter.

One of the greatest moments I had in Baja was finding the site of Choral Pepper's 'Lost Mission' (Santa Maria Magdalena) on New Year's, 2009... 42 years after she and Bruce Barron (with the Erle Stanley Gradner Expedition) first discovered it:

Choral, Bruce, Ricardo Castillo, JW Black, all on the expedition could not recall the location (I spoke with them all)... Thanks to a Nomad who spotted what looked like walls in the general area, south of L.A. Bay... we went to see if it was them... IT WAS!

DesertGhost - 7-16-2011 at 05:04 PM

Thanks David, Just got the email with the letters and maps attached. Give me some time to look them over and compare with my field notes.

Also, belated congrats on locating Santa Maria Magdalena.


TMW - 7-17-2011 at 10:30 AM

In the second picture from John at Dezert Magazine the mark for Diaz 1 would be fairly easy to get to since it is very close to the CODE race course which is just over a mile to the SSW. Diaz 2 is a little more complicated as Google Earth is not so clear but there is a couple of washes to the NNW that connect to the CODE race course and they connect to what appears to be roads that come within a half mile of the site. The roads are probably from the mining operation.

dtbushpilot - 7-17-2011 at 11:34 AM

Count me in, I've already spent most of the money that I got for my share of the Padre gold from our lost mission adventure....wait a minute, was I supposed to tell that part of the story or not? I forget now what our agreement was that we made around the camp fire:?::? sucks getting old......dt

TMW - 7-17-2011 at 12:41 PM

DT you should do the Pole Line Rd run with Motoged and Ken and the group. It is a fun ride. If you guys go I'll go and be glad to haul your extra stuff in my Toyota.

David K - 7-17-2011 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by TW
In the second picture from John at Dezert Magazine the mark for Diaz 1 would be fairly easy to get to since it is very close to the CODE race course which is just over a mile to the SSW. Diaz 2 is a little more complicated as Google Earth is not so clear but there is a couple of washes to the NNW that connect to the CODE race course and they connect to what appears to be roads that come within a half mile of the site. The roads are probably from the mining operation.

John (dezert-mag) did not have the information from Henderson when he made those points... He is many miles from the correct area.

dtbushpilot - 7-18-2011 at 12:30 AM

Originally posted by TW
DT you should do the Pole Line Rd run with Motoged and Ken and the group. It is a fun ride. If you guys go I'll go and be glad to haul your extra stuff in my Toyota.

Well, that's just great, sounds like motoged is planning a baja trip and didn't tell me about it.....I can't believe he would let a broken leg and my pointing and laughing at him get in the way of us having another Baja adventure together.....when and where is this taking place, I want to go:bounce::bounce::bounce:.....dt

DesertGhost - 7-18-2011 at 04:57 AM

Originally posted by TW
In the second picture from John at Dezert Magazine the mark for Diaz 1 would be fairly easy to get to since it is very close to the CODE race course which is just over a mile to the SSW. Diaz 2 is a little more complicated as Google Earth is not so clear but there is a couple of washes to the NNW that connect to the CODE race course and they connect to what appears to be roads that come within a half mile of the site. The roads are probably from the mining operation.

Hi TW, you are right the Diaz 1 and 2 sites are easy to get to. I have been in both areas and you are right there are many small tracks/roads that close to the mining operation. Concerning the old CODE course, I tend to stay away from the course as it is usually is much rougher to travel over (either by design or past uses).

I am still in the mindset that the grave is actually further south west. Now that I have the additional info that David provided I am even more convinced of the general location is SSW of Diaz 2.

TMW - 7-18-2011 at 12:39 PM

From Hendersons description of going west from El Chinero to the base of the hills puts him due north of the Borrego race course crossing about 5 miles from Hwy 3. That area is easy to access. From the north side in Arroyo Grande I've been down it in my full size truck past the dam by about 3 miles until I was blocked by a rock field. Looking for a side wash with huge verticle walls souldn't be too difficult. DK had marked one as AC and from Google Earth it appears to be the best bet as far as I can tell and it is SW of Diaz 2. I wonder how far could someone walk in half a day in that terrain which is what Henderson did before he found the rock pile. I must admit I'm always leary of descriptions based on someones memory.

David K - 7-19-2011 at 02:04 PM

Henderson (and friend) walked 2 days (limited water)...

From the parked Model A (north of today's Borrego Wash checkpoint), they walked over the saddle (divide) in the hills using the most logical route to get to the other side (Arroyo Grande)... They found the 'rockpile' as they descended towards Arroyo Grande from the divide... about 1/4 to1/3 down.

There are 3-4 westward flowing arroyos that drop into Arroyo Grande from the Sierra Las Pintas divide... Henderson gives details as to what Arroyo Grande looks like where the (correct) arroyo joins it, as well as details of the terrain at the site... (I am not posting until one of us Nomads can give it another try this winter).

They spent the night in Arroyo Grande then returned to their Model A. They wanted to get further northwest to the Tinajas mountains or La Palmita oasis... and realized they hiked from a point too far south, after the walk.

Choral Pepper (perhaps intentionally) left out some details or changed some from this letter to write her chapter... If any of you get Bruce Barber's book ('... Of Sand and Sea'), you know he would have could found the rockpile with the intense energy and science he put into the search... but only IF he had the correct starting point!

Tad (DesertGhost) is the other explorer who has made several trips into the Sierra Las Pintas seeking the 'rockpile'... When I discovered the original Henderson letter and directions in Choral Pepper's collection, I thought it only fair to send them to both men because of their passion and desire to share their adventures with us Baja history fans.

I too have a desire to find (or at least see) the 'rockpile', and it matters not if it is the 1541 grave of Melchior Diaz. Choral Pepper was dear, sweet lady whose love for Baja and the desert inspired so many of us to just get out there and enjoy what so many keep away from... the desert!

Melchior Diaz on Wikipedia

David K - 7-19-2011 at 02:19 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Melchior Díaz was an early Spanish explorer of Western North America who "was a hard worker and skillful organizer and leader. He inspired confidence in his companions and followers, and always maintained the best of order and of diligence among those who were under his charge".[1] He was involved in three expeditions associated with the explorations of Francisco Vazquez de Coronado.[2]

He was placed in charge of the town of San Miguel de Culiacán by Nuño de Guzmán. When in 1539, Fray Marcos de Niza returned from Pimera Alta reporting he had seen the fabled cities of Cibola, Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza sent Diaz as the leader of a small expedition preliminarily to determine if reports by Fray Marcos were true. Information he gained was to benefit Coronado's planned and much larger expedition. He departed on November 17, 1539.

When Diaz failed to return at the expected time, Coronado embarked without him in February 1540. Diaz and Coronado met en route, and Diaz joined Coronado's group. Coronado then sent him on his second expedition to locate and investigate some villages reported in the area. He found the villages and reported they did not live up to the grand descriptions that had been given. Diaz was then sent ahead by Coronado to secure feed for the expedition's livestock.

In July, 1540, Diaz was sent to take the now-mistrusted and hated Fray Marcos back to Mexico and (say some reports) to take over leadership of the outpost at San Geronimo (or Hieronimo) in the valley of Corazones and from there to attempt contact with the fleet of Hernando de Alarcon, which was to be the maritime arm of Coronado's expedition. In September, 1540, he began his third expedition, traveling overland to the head of the Gulf of California. Near the confluence of what is now the Colorado and Gila Rivers he learned from the natives that Alarcon had departed, but had left a cache of supplies and correspondence, which he located. The message basically stated that "Francisco de Alarcón reached this place in the year '40 with three ships, having been sent in search of Francisco Vazquez Coronado by the viceroy, D. Antonio de Mendoza; and after crossing the bar at the mouth of the river and waiting many days without obtaining any news, he was obliged to depart, because the ships were being eaten by worms".[3] Diaz crossed the Colorado River, becoming the first person of European background to do so, and named it Rio del Tizon ("River of Embers" or "Firebrand River") from the practice of the natives for keeping themselves warm. He was impressed with the physical strength of the natives of the area. He explored for four days west of the Colorado, perhaps as far as the Imperial Valley.

While on this expedition (reports vary, some saying it ended further exploration, others saying it occurred while on the return) Diaz accidentally suffered a mortal wound. He threw a lance at a dog that was attacking their sheep. The lance stuck into the ground and before he could stop, Diaz impaled his groin on the back end of the lance. He lingered for twenty days, but died en route in January, 1541.

Because of his untimely death, we do not have the kind of memoirs commonly written by other Spanish explorers. The reports that he made in the course of his expeditions, however, were quite detailed and contributed much to the knowledge of the area and the times for both contemporary and later readers. His name for the Colorado River was the accepted name for almost two centuries. He reported details of Native American culture. He discovered and reported geothermal hot springs, probably the ones near Calexico.


Now, if we can accept that the hot mud springs Melchior found are those near Cerro Prieto (the volcano south of Mexicali) and not the ones by the Salton Sea... It helps place him on the peninsula...


El Vergel - 7-19-2011 at 07:54 PM

I'm down for this adventure, as it sounds as ridiculously sick as the Sta. Isabel excursion!

[Edited on 7-21-2011 by El Vergel]

BAJACAT - 7-19-2011 at 08:37 PM

lets go...this time I have i feeling we will find something...

TMW - 7-20-2011 at 09:22 AM

Howling winds at night, blazing sun during the day can't keep members of the dirty eight from marching over rock strewn hills and sandy arroyos in search of another adventure across the desert of Baja. A rock pile covers the body of a long ago soldier of another era cut down in the prime of his life. His spirit wanders the hill tops and valley floors seeking help to build the monument he rightly deserves.

We will find it.

David K - 7-20-2011 at 09:40 AM

Originally posted by TW
Howling winds at night, blazing sun during the day can't keep members of the dirty eight from marching over rock strewn hills and sandy arroyos in search of another adventure across the desert of Baja. A rock pile covers the body of a long ago soldier of another era cut down in the prime of his life. His spirit wanders the hill tops and valley floors seeking help to build the monument he rightly deserves.

We will find it.

That's the attitude we need!

Here we are on the last quest... The LOST Mission of Santa Isabel:

bajalou - 7-20-2011 at 10:16 AM

Have to be there for this one-----

David K - 12-25-2011 at 10:42 AM

Where are you Lou?


captkw - 12-25-2011 at 10:53 AM

feliz navadad,,I resecptfully would like to have beer with you///the beer is on are a wealth of incredible info that should not be lost !!thank you !!

David K - 12-25-2011 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by captkw
feliz navadad,,I resecptfully would like to have beer with you///the beer is on are a wealth of incredible info that should not be lost !!thank you !!

Same to you!!!

I am sharing as much as possible before it is my turn to go to the great Boojum Forest in the sky!

We can preserve the past with photos and maps... I know I sure appreciate the works of writers, map makers, and photographers of the past!

Baja is a land of wonder and adventure... been going there almost 50 years, and I still can't get enough!!

David K - 5-8-2012 at 11:24 PM

Next winter for this?

Neal Johns - 5-9-2012 at 12:04 PM

Next fall will not be so cold at night.
I might as well come - been up Arroyo Grande all the way to the rancho and over the race course several times. You all need supervision. :lol::lol::lol:

Debra - 5-9-2012 at 06:48 PM

If "kneel" is in, me too! He as been avoiding me for years now. Going to catch up with you!

Haven't read this whole thread, but, have to thank DK for bulling me with my brocken back to go meet Choral. v(Aug. 2001)....what a great lady! She gave me a couple of her books, she was so grasious.................I wish I would have spent more than that one afternoon with her!

[Edited on 5-10-2012 by Debra]

Neal Johns - 5-9-2012 at 11:33 PM

Oh boy, we will have a good time, Deb. Remember your WiW number.

Uh, well, maybe not too good a time, my wife is married! :lol::lol::lol:

David K - 5-11-2012 at 09:57 PM

Okay... well, maybe next winter... Since Baja Lou wanted to do this, maybe it can become a Lou Wells Memorial Event: Nomads getting together exploring the desert near San Felipe?


El Vergel - 12-23-2012 at 05:10 PM

You have my attention! What if we find it?

Peaceful Happiness and the Merriest Wishes of Wellness to all this Holiday Season.

[Edited on 12-24-2012 by El Vergel]

David K - 1-30-2013 at 03:46 PM

Any excitement out there for this one? You know how to contact me!

Well gang, it is getting very clear that the years are slipping by without any of us trying more to find the 'rock-pile'... Odds are it has been found and whatever treasures (helmet, sword, shield, etc.) have been removed... (from Indiana Jones: "This belongs in a museum!")

Of course, it may not at all have been the grave Melchior Diaz, and he was buried in Sonora, as most history writers claim?

To Henderson, it was most certainly a man made rock pile, of significant size, and when he read of the burial site for Diaz, it matched what he saw down in Baja.

With a Nomad's help, I was able to find and confirm the location of Choral Pepper's 'lost mission' of Santa Maria Magdalena, discovered in 1966 with others on the Erle Stanley Gardner expedition ( ).

Locating the 'rock-pile' discovered by Walter Henderson, showing it to an archaeologist, and confirming it is indeed the grave of the first European explorer to walk into California, as Choral believes, would make it two for two!

GregN - 1-31-2013 at 09:37 AM

San Felipe's Bruce Barber romped all over that area for years searching for
the grave. His 2003 book "...of sea and sand" covers his search and his conclusion.

David K - 1-31-2013 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by GregN
San Felipe's Bruce Barber romped all over that area for years searching for
the grave. His 2003 book "...of sea and sand" covers his search and his conclusion.

Yes indeed and sadly he had the wrong starting location. He wanted to meet with Choral but she died before Bruce and I began communicating. As mentioned, Choral left out details in her magazine story. I have mailed Bruce the correct data.
See the earlier posts... Bruce thought Walter Henderson started at La Ventana.

[here is what I posted a couple years ago:

Choral Pepper (perhaps intentionally) left out some details or changed some from this letter to write her chapter... If any of you get Bruce Barber's book ('... Of Sand and Sea'), you know he would have could found the rockpile with the intense energy and science he put into the search... but only IF he had the correct starting point! ]

Bruce started his search 20 miles away from where Henderson started his walk. That doomed his otherwise excellent attempts. He has been given the correct starting point, but may not have the energy so many years later from when he tried before.

[Edited on 1-31-2013 by David K]

Diaz Grave

PaulW - 6-10-2013 at 09:14 AM

Please count me in

TMW - 6-10-2013 at 11:31 AM

There are some things Henderson said that either don't make sense or they are incorrect for the location. Use Google Earth and follow the arroyos westward and note the elevation. The ones that drain westward to A. Grande are to the north. The ones he speaks of drain to the east.

David K - 6-10-2013 at 04:02 PM

Originally posted by TW
There are some things Henderson said that either don't make sense or they are incorrect for the location. Use Google Earth and follow the arroyos westward and note the elevation. The ones that drain westward to A. Grande are to the north. The ones he speaks of drain to the east.

Hi TW, I have identified 5 possible arroyos that flow westward (northwest in some cases) into Arroyo Grande, from the east.

There are clues in the letter Henderson sent Choral Pepper that Choral did not write in her magazine or book chapters. It is pretty exciting for me to have the original letter, and I hope to get in there for a look along with my Nomad amigos... Could be fun, like we had in April, 2011 looking for the Lost Mission of Santa Isabel (in Arroyo el Volcan)!

Because of the effort that Bruce Barber and Tad Robinette (DesertGhost on Nomad) put into the search for the 'Pile of Rocks' (Henderson never claimed it is Melchior Diaz's grave), I have given a copy of the letter and directions to them both, out of respect for their efforts, and a couple other Nomads as well... should I disappear from this planet! I only ask that if any of you find the 'Pile of Rocks' found by Walter Henderson, to please take photos and share them here.

Melchoir Diaz still missing!

John M - 6-10-2013 at 07:19 PM

The Baja Nomad forums do nothing if they don’t spur dissent and discussion and opposing views.

Non-provable topics are best suited for this sort of thing. The gravesite of Melchoir Diaz is perfect. This isn’t meant to challenge the current thoughts and Nomad thread on the Diaz grave but to offer the fact that other opinions exist.

While David and many others before him (Randall Henderson & Choral Pepper included) firmly believe the Diaz grave is in Baja, there are others who think otherwise. This is the beauty of unsubstantiated but thoughtful research – differing opinions based on a scarcity of facts.

I have previously shared these thoughts with Mr. David K.

A pretty well-renowned researcher, Jack D. Forbes, wrote an article, published in 1958, titled Melchoir Diaz and the Discovery of Alta California. At the time Forbes was a candidate for the doctorate in history in the University of Southern California. His lengthy article while not about proving or disproving the location of the Diaz grave makes this point:

"After locating Alarcon's message, Diaz proceeded, as the facts indicate, to journey up the Colorado River to a point perhaps fifty leagues or five to six days north of Yuma. Thus he would have been at least as far as Blythe, California, and perhaps to Parker, Arizona. At any rate, he then seems to have crossed the river, being the first Spaniard to do so. Thus it seems clear that Melchior Diaz was the first European to set foot on the soil of what is now the state of California."

Forbes puts his death near what is today Niland, California.

As compared with other writings by those wishing to sway opinion on the matter, Forbes’s work has many sources footnoted for the inquisitive researcher; Choral Pepper, Randall Henderson, and Ronald L. Ives do not, though they do cite a few sources such as Castaneda.

John M

David K - 6-10-2013 at 10:43 PM

I am not sure where he was buried, only that Walter Henderson found an unusual pile of rocks that fit the description of Diaz's grave, back in the 1930's. It was after his discovery that he read of Diaz' death and realized what he may have discovered while trying to hike to some blue palm trees!

I am interested in re-finding that pile of rocks to see where Walter Henderson was. The same way I wanted to find the walls that Choral Pepper wrote about in 1966, that she later believed could be a proposed mission of 'Santa Maria Magdalena'...

All great fun things to do in Baja California!

TMW - 6-11-2013 at 07:19 AM

DK do you want to share the 5 arroyos you found?

David K - 6-11-2013 at 07:42 AM

Originally posted by TW
DK do you want to share the 5 arroyos you found?

I will send you what I have Tom...

Mexitron - 6-11-2013 at 03:48 PM

Sounds like a interesting trip---could you send the names of the canyons to me too? I might have poked around in a couple of them before

David K - 6-14-2013 at 08:18 AM

Hi Steve,

No canyon or arroyo names on the Almanac topo, at least the ones I think contain the rockpile.

If we find it, then let's call it Arroyo de Diaz, yes?

elbeau - 6-14-2013 at 09:26 AM

Hey DK, send me what you have. I'll do some overlays like the good ol' days :D

elbeau - 6-14-2013 at 11:17 AM

And just to set the record straight, if setting foot on the west side of the Colorado river is the measure we're going by the Alarcon himself did so before Diaz. He visited with many natives on both sides of the river. Of course, he didn't travel away from the river's shoreline very far, but I'm pretty sure that his were the first boots on the ground west of the Colorado.

David K - 6-14-2013 at 05:55 PM

It is all pretty interesting...

Hey elbeau, you were pretty good with Google Earth on zooming in on the odd shaped rocks along Arroyo el Volcan (2011)... I wonder if you could find the 'rockpile', from space?

Edit: Thanks for this link!

I will read it later... Is there a similar one for Melchior Diaz from that site?

[Edited on 6-15-2013 by David K]

elbeau - 6-14-2013 at 08:38 PM

Yes, I'm the master of expending great effort doing research the ultimately ends with finding a bunch of rocks in the middle of nowhere. This is one job that's right up my alley!:smug:

[Edited on 6-15-2013 by elbeau]

elbeau - 6-14-2013 at 10:25 PM

I have completed my analysis of the mystery grave and have found evidence that it was already looted by an overenthusiastic boy scout. it just me, or does that look a lot like DK?

[Edited on 6-15-2013 by elbeau]

David K - 6-15-2013 at 07:43 AM

This belongs IN A MUSEUM!!!! :light:

David K - 12-1-2013 at 05:50 PM

Okay, we are nearing the Winter of 2013/2014 so once again, I am popping up this thread... and hope that some blessings make an expedition possible... If anyone reading this does find the Pile of Rocks before I do, I ask only to see photos of it. To see something that was found 80 years ago and know where Walter Henderson hiked from his Model A would be great.

In Henderson's 1967 letter to Choral Pepper, he describes the rock formation in Arroyo Grande that would indicate which of the side arroyos the 'Rock Pile' was in. In Choral's Desert Magazine articles and Baja books, she altered (on accident perhaps) and left out a few details that Henderson provided. This totally through off Bruce Barber in his intense search for the site in the 1990's... from La Ventana.

Indeed if the Pile of Rocks is the 1541 grave of one of Coronado's captains, it would be remarkable!

vacaenbaja - 12-2-2013 at 04:44 PM

Baja ROCKS!!

PaulW - 1-26-2014 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Mexitron
Sounds like a interesting trip---could you send the names of the canyons to me too? I might have poked around in a couple of them before

The only ones I can find on INEGI H11B26:
S of "C Polmo" and "C Viernes Santo"
"Canada Juves Santo"
Which further SE becomes "Canada Las Tinajas"
Lots of mine sites are also noted.

PaulW - 1-26-2014 at 09:25 AM

David K,
Send me what you have for the 5 washes and I will try to define which ones I have driven. Your guidance will help for that area. And I am still looking for The B Barber Ventana in the 2nd wash S of the Ventana road??? He says the one I found is not the correct one??
I will go back soon and report.

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by TW
There are some things Henderson said that either don't make sense or they are incorrect for the location. Use Google Earth and follow the arroyos westward and note the elevation. The ones that drain westward to A. Grande are to the north. The ones he speaks of drain to the east.

Hi TW, I have identified 5 possible arroyos that flow westward (northwest in some cases) into Arroyo Grande, from the east.

There are clues in the letter Henderson sent Choral Pepper that Choral did not write in her magazine or book chapters. It is pretty exciting for me to have the original letter, and I hope to get in there for a look along with my Nomad amigos... Could be fun, like we had in April, 2011 looking for the Lost Mission of Santa Isabel (in Arroyo el Volcan)!

Because of the effort that Bruce Barber and Tad Robinette (DesertGhost on Nomad) put into the search for the 'Pile of Rocks' (Henderson never claimed it is Melchior Diaz's grave), I have given a copy of the letter and directions to them both, out of respect for their efforts, and a couple other Nomads as well... should I disappear from this planet! I only ask that if any of you find the 'Pile of Rocks' found by Walter Henderson, to please take photos and share them here.

David K - 2-16-2015 at 09:32 AM

Winter 2014/2015 is in its third month... the years slip by pretty fast, and we aren't getting any younger.

Choral Pepper left me with two mysteries. One I found after extensive searching a a Nomad's sharp eye using Google Earth, south of Bahia de los Angeles. The other is finding Henderson's 'Rock Pile' that he would later attribute to the lost grave of Melchor Diaz, the first Spaniard to walk into California.

5 arroyos

PaulW - 2-16-2015 at 01:12 PM

DK wrote
I have identified 5 possible arroyos that flow westward northwest in some cases into Arroyo Grande from the east.
Arroyos from the Ventana road going south are as follows
1 31 41.526 115 10.665 Faint gully and not explored.
2 31 41.212 115 11.087 Partly explored and is where Bruce Barber sent me to find his Ventana. I probably found it but time was late and I did not proceed further up the arroyo. Should be easy travel. I think this is the arroyo he and his buddy were when they stumbled on a rock pile.
However his detailed driving instructions were full of inaccuracies. He said take the first easy arroyo east which seemed accurate.
3 31 40.614 115 11.141 Not explored but looks doable from the map.
4 31 39.429 115 11.868 This is the west side mine haul road. It leads into a huge arroyo and valley with many small mines on both shoulders of the thing. Good luck because mine security will chase you out.

TMW - 2-16-2015 at 04:45 PM

I think we have been looking at the wrong Arroyo Grande. In the Lower California Guidebook by Gerhard and Gulick map 3 there are two Arroyo Grandes shown. The one we know of that runs by the wells for the mine and the other is shown running east and west just above Cerro Borrego and I think the latter one is what Henderson walked into. I know that on the map the latter one was probably ment by the book authors as the ranch but I think Henderson was referring to it in his statement especially when he talks about how they drove up to the hillside and reaching the base of C. Borrego. Something to ponder at least. Last year when Phil and I went down Arrroyo Grande we only saw one place, as I recall, that came anywhere near Hendersons description of huge verticle walls.

PaulW - 2-16-2015 at 06:14 PM

Davids 1962 map defiantly shows two Arroyo Grandes. Is this the map Tom is referring to. As we know Borrego, Arrajal or Sharp could be the summit called Borrego on the 62 map.
Looking at the map IMO the second AG is probably Arroyo Arrajal, and I can see the connection heading northerly toward Pinta Pass and easterly where Arrajal becomes a flat flood plain heading to Hwy3. Arrajal does have uncounted side arroyos not explored by me.

BTW, the flow of water from the CODE track to get to the present day AG flows NW at the N end and SE from the S end after Pinta Pass East. When driving cross country in then N area we crossed dozens of water paths heading NW.

David K - 2-16-2015 at 06:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I think we have been looking at the wrong Arroyo Grande. In the Lower California Guidebook by Gerhard and Gulick map 3 there are two Arroyo Grandes shown. The one we know of that runs by the wells for the mine and the other is shown running east and west just above Cerro Borrego and I think the latter one is what Henderson walked into. I know that on the map the latter one was probably ment by the book authors as the ranch but I think Henderson was referring to it in his statement especially when he talks about how they drove up to the hillside and reaching the base of C. Borrego. Something to ponder at least. Last year when Phil and I went down Arrroyo Grande we only saw one place, as I recall, that came anywhere near Hendersons description of huge verticle walls.

The Arroyo Grande that is behind Borrego Mountain (Arrajal mtn in the Almanac) is the same one that goes to the wells for the gold mine west of La Ventana restaurant.

The following is from memory, I don't have the letter in my hand...

Henderson and his friend was seeking a way to get to the canyons where he might find blue palm trees. They would later realize they came too far south on the old dirt road to San Felipe.

Henderson drove from near El Chinero west in Arroyo el Arrajal (as called in the Almanac) and he gave the latitude of where they parked and began the hike.

They found the rock pile while hiking over the range and while descending down to Arroyo Grande, westward... They spent the night in Arroyo Grande it would seem. They hiked to the base of Borrego Mountain (Arrajal) and back over the ridge to the car. Henderson gives details of where and what to look for to Choral Pepper hoping she could get Erle Stanley Gardner to fly her over the area. Henderson also IDs a rock type formation in Arroyo Grande where the rock pile wash meets Arroyo Grande.

I am asking everyone to please photograph the rock pile if they should find it... it looks out of place (ie. man made) and is the size of a large grave on the flat bench on the north side of the canyon. I would naturally appreciate being there when it is found or have an opportunity to see it before it is looted. This would be an important historical discover and put Diaz firmly into the books as the first land expedition into California.

David K - 2-18-2015 at 01:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PaulW  
Davids 1962 map defiantly shows two Arroyo Grandes. Is this the map Tom is referring to. As we know Borrego, Arrajal or Sharp could be the summit called Borrego on the 62 map.
Looking at the map IMO the second AG is probably Arroyo Arrajal, and I can see the connection heading northerly toward Pinta Pass and easterly where Arrajal becomes a flat flood plain heading to Hwy3. Arrajal does have uncounted side arroyos not explored by me.

BTW, the flow of water from the CODE track to get to the present day AG flows NW at the N end and SE from the S end after Pinta Pass East. When driving cross country in then N area we crossed dozens of water paths heading NW.

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why some are seeing two arroyos named Arroyo Grande! Well, today, elbeau mentioned it and gave me the visual aid, circling the names!

There is ONE arroyo named 'Arroyo Grande' on the map and then there is ONE rancho named 'Arroyo Grande' on the map... the ranch is the small circle at the end of the dirt road from east of San Matias Pass. If you don't read the guidebook or see that little circle, you may think there are two arroyos named Arroyo Grande!

The arroyo on the map that is below the Rancho Arroyo Grande name is what the Almanac calls Arroyo El Arrajal and heads straight for El Chinero mountain on the 1962 map.

PaulW - 2-18-2015 at 02:17 PM

Good eye

elbeau - 2-18-2015 at 03:04 PM

Just to make sure we keep this as confusing as we can:

Henderson wrote to Choral Pepper in 1967, describing a trip that happened several decades earlier. While composing the letter it's possible that he used the 1962 map and made the same mistake that we just did :lol:

David K - 2-18-2015 at 04:49 PM

Oh that will keep them guessing El Beau!

In the letter, where they parked the Model A is given. That alone is gold as to their route to Arroyo Grande!

Choral Pepper never disclosed the details in Desert Magazine or her Baja book, and that left folks like Bruce Barber starting their search at La Ventana (the last point Henderson drove to according to the published articles).

I am not even sure if Choral new she had the letter still and if she just wrote from memory when she read the letter in 1967? The letter was buried in the big box of papers and photos I received after Choral died.

Just a side note, Choral had a nick name her friends/family used, and it came from her father: 'Corke' (the e is silent). I don't use it because of her known name and that the silent e would be questionable. The e was added by her (she told me) to make the word Cork look feminine.

She was a cool lady and loads of fun to visit with and chat about Baja with!

Choral at the cave she discovered from a helicopter and unseen from the canyon trail. Mexico's anthropologist named it after her (Pepper Cave), but Choral insisted she would need to climb to it for that honor. J.W. Black joined her and Dr. Margain took photos from across the canyon where the helicopter could land...

Choral and J.W. Black climbing to the cave she discovered

J.W. Black at Pepper Cave

The first American woman at San Francisco de la Sierra, arriving by copter (mules were the only other way, 2-3 day ride) in the early 1960's...

Choral (wearing hat) with the women and children of San Francisco

Erle Stanley Gardner and Choral Pepper...

The gang was treated to great stories around the campfire by mystery novelist (and Perry Mason creator), Erle Stanley Gardner.

With San Ignacio's famous Frank Fischer (with copy of Gardner's whale book)

'Uncle Erle' as the gang called him loved Baja and the desert and loved people to be with him... he covered all expenses for everyone he invited along. The Perry Mason TV series and his books made these Baja expeditions possible.

In 2001, Coronado, Calif...

TMW - 2-18-2015 at 05:14 PM

I don't think Henderson made it to Arroyo Grande. Based on where he parked his car he would have had to walk NW not west to get to any wide area in Arroyo Grande. I think he walked into Arroyo El Arrajal. I think the fact that he says, "verticle walled blocks before reaching the base of Cerro Borrego," tells me he was walking west or SW not NW, especially. In his letter to Pepper he referenced the Guide Book map3 and I think he also saw Arroyo El Arrajal as Arroyo Grande since it is not noted as Arrajal on map3.

David K - 2-18-2015 at 05:38 PM

They realized they were too far south for where they hoped to get too... so Northwest was the correct direction to try and get to the Tinajas range where they hoped to find blue palms.

Obviously, going 20 miles by foot in good conditions is an all day event. They walked less than 10 miles or let's say near 10 miles from the Model A to Arroyo Grande (the arroyo, not the ranch). I think they then went south to the foot of Borrego Mountain (Cerro el Arrajal today) and back east over the divide into the arroyo tributary of El Arrajal to the Model A.

It wasn't until Walter was back home, maybe years later, that he read the Mechior Diaz story and concluded that was an explanation for the elaborate pile of rocks.

TMW - 2-18-2015 at 10:00 PM

PaulW have you driven the 2013 SF250 course that went thru Arroyo El Arrajal? If so did you see any huge verticle walls?

David K - 2-18-2015 at 11:17 PM

My hunch is that Henderson returned to the Model A on the race course (RM 130 to RM 120, 10 miles)... and that was after he came up Arroyo Grande (5 miles?) from where he saw the vertical walls (which were at the junction of the west flowing wash he arrived to Arroyo Grande in, on Day 1.

PaulW - 2-19-2015 at 08:58 AM

I don't think so. In that time frame there probably were no roads until the racers defined them north of the ck pt. Sure one could make way thru several arroyos and climb over several substantial ridges. A very difficult path until arroyo Arrajal is reached - then on to Pinta pass then on to AG.
If the two crossed Pinta pass west and the easiest way to get close would have been via the Buck Indian trail which starts at Chinero. It could also be accessed from the area east on the San Matias road. The Arrajal outflow plain is pretty big and can be driven all the way from Hwy 5 or 3.
After PP west heading N, I know of no vertical walls and the arroyo flow is NNW. No west flow.
Walls can be seen in Arrajal, but nothing like in the guts of AG.
Lots of west flowing arroyos out of the Pintas on the trail N of Pinta pass east, but tall walls are not present.
Clarification needed. Where did they park the A ?
PPW is the SCORE track, PPE is the CODE track.

TMW - 2-19-2015 at 10:29 AM

We need to see the map Henderson was using at the time. It may better explain which way he went after leaving the car. I doubt he just took off without having some reference as to which way to go.

David K - 2-19-2015 at 04:57 PM

Well, it seems this is getting enough attention to give us all a break, and I would like to see the rock pile before I die... details sent to Paul, no doubt a great Nomad who went to the aid of Pappy Jon in Arroyo Matomi last year without hesitation... and we thank him for that and these great posts on Nomad.

u2u sent

Please photo the site well and share with me if you find it.

TMW - 2-19-2015 at 09:44 PM

It will start getting hot soon and we will not be able to start looking. I think we should start by following what Henderson did. Drive out to where he went and parked then start walking. On the ground in the area we may be better able to define where he went. Plot some possible paths first but try and visualize what he saw. Maybe get a plane to fly over the area first if we can.

David K - 2-19-2015 at 10:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
It will start getting hot soon and we will not be able to start looking. I think we should start by following what Henderson did. Drive out to where he went and parked then start walking. On the ground in the area we may be better able to define where he went. Plot some possible paths first but try and visualize what he saw. Maybe get a plane to fly over the area first if we can.

A drone would be great!
I think we have ATVs now that can get closer to the west flowing canyon, by going up the gentle slope from the east side. However, from the Arroyo Grande side, if that huge block wall is seen, then that would be the correct canyon to go up from... that is what I was hoping to see in your photos... the prime choice was the one you didn't get a picture of...
Well, the cat's out of the bag... almost no secrets left to share... almost!

David K - 2-19-2015 at 11:04 PM

Here's a map showing Diaz' route ... well the route we hope he took, ending in the Sierra Pinta (Sierra las Pintas in the Almanac):

TMW - 2-21-2015 at 11:32 AM

Here are the 15 side washes Phil and I photographed in Jan. of 2014.

Wash 1

Wash 2

Wash 3

Wash 4

Wash 5

Wash 6

Wash 7

Wash 8

Wash 9

Wash 10

Wash 11

Wash 12

Wash 13

Wash 14

Wash 15

David K thinks I missed a wash but I forgot which one. He can provide the GE GPS location.

David K - 2-21-2015 at 11:38 AM

Awesome job TW!

Without going through our email exchanges, I think the wash I had called 'B' on my map is between your #6 and #7 washes in the map above. It is a long winding canyon with what looks like the landform that Henderson said the rock-pile was on.

David K - 2-21-2015 at 11:45 AM

Here it is on Google Earth:

[Edited on 2-21-2015 by David K]

TMW - 2-21-2015 at 11:54 AM

Wash 3 was interesting in that it had high walls and rock piles up high. Wash 4 openned into a wide area of Arroyo Grande and 3 was next to it.

Wash 3 from AG

Wash 3 further in

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