
Advice for tavellers re:safety precautions

shari - 10-11-2007 at 07:33 PM

We just spent an agonizing 3 hours trying to find out what happened in an accident just north of Vizcaino...bajaboy told us a car flipped over and we happened to be waiting for guests to arrive here in the afternoon. So we wanted to check to see if it was them who had an accident...well, nobody answered at the police station...nobody answered at the hospital but finally when we did get through, no one had been admitted in emergency...we finally got through to the protecion civil office who told us the person who flipped was a woman named Kristy who was travelling in the company of her cat and she was OK. So whew, it wasn't our guests, but where are THEY??? It is now 8:30 and we are once again I would like to stress the point of please take our phone # or the phone # of someone who you can call in case anything bad happens. I will also now rething my normal procedures and stress the importance of calling us if our guests get held up...OK yeah, this is baja..mexico time etc...but you must consider us here waiting for you, thinking the worst when you don't show please folks..think of your hosts and how they worry...please let them know if you are going to be late...and it is very good practise to call from the road to let us know you are fine and on your way. It was awful for us thinking our guests had an accident, and these anxieties could be relieved with a simple phone call. This was a lesson for us to get more detailed info from our guests..maybe a cell # too. So if anyone is waiting for Kristy and her cat, I hear they are in Guerrero Nego dealing with the police.

Jack Swords - 10-12-2007 at 07:12 AM

Shari...after more than 100 trips down the peninsula I usually don't pay attention to "safety precautions" postings, but your insight and knowledge is invaluable. So seeing you as the poster meant it was an important thread. Thank you for your contributions to the board and hospitality to fellow Nomads.

DianaT - 10-12-2007 at 10:12 AM

You have a very good point. It is very difficult to be the one sitting, wondering, and waiting for someone --- the mind does not paint pretty pictures. Brings back memories of when my boys were teenagers.

If one of your expected guests is delayed, a simple phone call would work.

Hope your guests arrived???


toneart - 10-12-2007 at 11:16 AM

Shari, or anyone who knows......What is the best cell phone carrier to use in Baja and where can it be purchased or rented? I have heard that you can rent a cell phone and that the plan is reasonable, but if traveling, we would have to stop in a border town :( to get it.

toneart - 10-12-2007 at 11:34 AM

Just after my last post I noticed a parallel string: cell phone; Moviestar or Telcel. But it doesn't address my questions. Shari, I would like to know which cellphone service works best in range for your phone number, and where to get it. I travel alone it it would be comforting to know that you are there. Hopefully it would also work in Mulege. I am going back down between the week of Christmas and New Years. (We'll talk by U2U about availability at your place for a stop over).

Bajagypsy - 10-12-2007 at 11:52 AM

I'm not sure if this has been answered but I to would like to know which cell phone service works for Asuncion, and if we bought one, and used cards, if it would still be valid when we weren't there?

Bob and Susan - 10-12-2007 at 11:59 AM

shari...that's NEVER going to happen:lol::lol::lol:

too many variables on the road to your place

WAY to hard for the normal vacationer to contact you at the "hotel"

some people will show up and others won't
you should get a non-refundable deposit:biggrin:

that's just the way it is in your business....

if they were friends i'd get in the truck and drive up tp look for them immediately:yes:

Minnow - 10-12-2007 at 12:18 PM

Bob, it does show the compassion Shari has for people. I don't think it is if the guests show up or not, but why the guest did not show up. No need to get a cell phone people, just pull into any tienda and by a phone card and make the call. Shari's nerves will love you for it.:biggrin:

805gregg - 10-12-2007 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
shari...that's NEVER going to happen:lol::lol::lol:

too many variables on the road to your place

WAY to hard for the normal vacationer to contact you at the "hotel"

some people will show up and others won't
you should get a non-refundable deposit:biggrin:

that's just the way it is in your business....

if they were friends i'd get in the truck and drive up tp look for them immediately:yes:

Thats a good idea that way if they are in an accident and can't stay, you will still get some of their money.

BCSSurfer - 10-12-2007 at 12:43 PM

get an at&t phone with an international plan and choose your country as mexico. telcel is at&t's partner so you basically get telcel service with your north of the border phone number. My iPhone works great just about everywhere in baja. it evens downloads my email as i drive.

cbuzzetti - 10-12-2007 at 12:43 PM

I use my ATT/Cingular phone and buy the Mexico plan for $4.95/mo extra.
It does cost $.60/min to use for all charges and works anywhere that the Telcel or Moviestar system is active.
You must have a quad band phone for this to work.
It may not be the cheapest alternative but it does work well.
I am able to get reception up to 10 miles offshore while fishing as long as there is a tower nearby.
I get better reception in Baja than I usually get at home.
Go Figure!!!

I like your style

Dave - 10-12-2007 at 12:48 PM

Originally posted by 805gregg
Thats a good idea that way if they are in an accident and can't stay, you will still get some of their money.

Are you an attorney? :rolleyes:

shari - 10-12-2007 at 12:51 PM

I really don't understand Bob & Susan's laughing faces...this is serious and not laughable at all...we were very worried..and whether it's not the way it's done in this "business" I don't give a pinch of coon caca...the point is that "guests" who are often friends.... or soon to be friends are at risk driving here and we worry and care about their welfare...not their deposit. We usually have lots of correspondence with our guests before they come...I have decided for my own piece of mind and their safety to do things a little different now and ask guests to please just call from the road..there are lots of places to do that from and it's good for guests to know how to do this and can contact us in an emergency too...

Paulina - 10-12-2007 at 01:47 PM

Originally posted by BCSSurfer
get an at&t phone with an international plan and choose your country as mexico. telcel is at&t's partner so you basically get telcel service with your north of the border phone number. My iPhone works great just about everywhere in baja. it evens downloads my email as i drive.

Sheesh, the highway is dangerous enough with all those black cows hanging out on it, let alone you're downloading your email from behind the steering wheel as you tootle on down the road ? There are times when being unavailable is a good thing.


Paulina - 10-12-2007 at 01:51 PM


I get what you are saying, and the deposit is not forefront in your concern, rather the safety of your guests/ future friends. Your point with me is well taken.

There have been times when I was expecting company in Bahia and heard through the grape vine that there was an accident on the road in. I've driven that road many times looking for my delayed visitor, or the person who fell on bad driving luck, just to give a hand. Someone was missing their arrival. So, like I said, good on you for making the post.

Ps. I need your phone number.


edit: need that number for my baja journal!

[Edited on 12-10-2007 by Paulina]

toneart and Gypsy

DianaT - 10-12-2007 at 02:35 PM

We bought our cell phone at the TelCel store in Bahia Asuncion. It is an inexpensive phone and uses the cards---only pay for time used.

However, after two months, the time runs out, but when you buy a new card you get the unsed time back---Actually, it is not time but money left since different calls cost different amounts.

The two biggest problems I had was getting the phone registered which has to be done and all the directions were in Spanish -- much I waded through and understood, but not all of it. However, the lady in the BA TelCel phone who speaks no English helped me get a hold of an English speaking service rep so I could register the phone.

Also, at the suggestion of another nomad, I looked for the directions in English on the Internet and found them. Before that, we stopped at a big TelCel office in the Home Depot Center in Ensenada for help as I knew someone there would speak English.

Good luck

Dave - 10-12-2007 at 02:39 PM

Dianne, from the menu you can set your phone to English. Scroll through and find the language page.

DianaT - 10-12-2007 at 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Dianne, from the menu you can set your phone to English. Scroll through and find the language page.

Yes, I found out how to do that, but I still needed the written directions and found those on the Internet.

Bajagypsy - 10-12-2007 at 03:06 PM

thanks jdtrotter for that information, I think I'll buy one when we go down next

motoged - 10-12-2007 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by shari
I really don't understand Bob & Susan's laughing faces...this is serious and not laughable at all......

Your concerns are well-expressed and appropriate, IMHO. Perhaps your spirit of hosting is represented is perhaps that of the those who laugh at the issue.


Bob and Susan - 10-12-2007 at 04:15 PM

sorry shari i didn't mean to laugh out loud.....but

you are a business now...
you are no longer a housewife having friends overnite
this will happen ALL the time...over and over

people are paying you money to "entertain" them

not ALL people are curteous and will call if they don't show
that's part of your business as a B&B

the trick is to get the money "up-front"
then the ball is in their court to "show up"

you cannot worry about people you do not know
otherwise you'd carry the weight of the world on your shoulders

sorry if you think i'm gruff....i am:no:

Paulina - 10-12-2007 at 04:56 PM

Ouch Bob.
That was my first thought.

I can see your point as a business man. IMHO you moved to Baja with that intention. Business first.

On the other hand, I can see Shari's point as a real person who hasn't fallen into the business spiral. She still has the personal relationship to her business side. She lived and lives in Baja first and business is a second. Again, all my personal opinion. She seems to worry more about the person than the $ sign attached to that person.

That is old school baja to me. I'd like to know that if I were expected to show up at Shari's and missed my arrival date she'd be looking for me, rather than someone else who said, oh well, another vacancy...bring 'em on.

In my opinion.


[Edited on 13-10-2007 by Paulina]

toneart - 10-12-2007 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
We bought our cell phone at the TelCel store in Bahia Asuncion. It is an inexpensive phone and uses the cards---only pay for time used.

However, after two months, the time runs out, but when you buy a new card you get the unsed time back---Actually, it is not time but money left since different calls cost different amounts.

The two biggest problems I had was getting the phone registered which has to be done and all the directions were in Spanish -- much I waded through and understood, but not all of it. However, the lady in the BA TelCel phone who speaks no English helped me get a hold of an English speaking service rep so I could register the phone.

Also, at the suggestion of another nomad, I looked for the directions in English on the Internet and found them. Before that, we stopped at a big TelCel office in the Home Depot Center in Ensenada for help as I knew someone there would speak English.

Good luck

Thank you Diane! This is the specific information I/we Nomads can use. What I would do is stop into the TelCel office in The Home Depot in Ensenada and hopefully buy a phone with a card. I hope to meet you and John, too.

Although Shari didn't respond to my questions, I appreciate the spirit of her concern for guests. A phone call to someone who has her guests' well being in her heart is definitely someone I would like to know. Aren't we Nomads all friends? (Don't laugh).


DianaT - 10-12-2007 at 05:36 PM

Just want to clarify---the big Tel-Cel place in Ensenada is not IN Home Depot, but in that center.

When are you headed south? We may be up in your neck of the woods---Colfax----around 12-1 Mother-in-laws birthday.


CaboRon - 10-12-2007 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by 805gregg
Thats a good idea that way if they are in an accident and can't stay, you will still get some of their money.

Are you an attorney? :rolleyes:

This common and acceptable practice in the hospitality industry. No one who travels regularly will have a problem with that.


motoged - 10-12-2007 at 06:20 PM

It is possible to have good business practices that demonstrate responsibility (customer's AND proprietor's) as well as compassion.

As long as the rules/expectations are clear and folks accept the conditions, it is fair to all concerned.

Bob, I assume that your "laughs" were meant in jest more than not and were perhaps intended to express some disbelief that some travelers accept their own responsibilities as much as one might wish for them to.:light:

Baja&Back - 10-12-2007 at 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
Ouch Bob.
That was my first thought.

I can see your point as a business man. IMHO you moved to Baja with that intention. Business first.

On the other hand, I can see Shari's point as a real person who hasn't fallen into the business spiral. She still has the personal relationship to her business side. She lived and lives in Baja first and business is a second. Again, all my personal opinion. She seems to worry more about the person than the $ sign attached to that person.

That is old school baja to me. I'd like to know that if I were expected to show up at Shari's and missed my arrival date she'd be looking for me, rather than someone else who said, oh well, another vacancy...bring 'em on.

[Edited on 13-10-2007 by Paulina]

Sorry, Paulina, it's not to do with who's point of view is what, or the money.

The point is that, if Shari doesn't get prepaid deposits, she is leaving herself open to more & more guests just not showing up. Without a financial commitment, a lot of folks, sitting at the Viscaino junction, might just keep driving south. After all, it's no skin off their nose if Shari is waiting for them, is it? This is just the way of the world these days.

Besides, using proper business practices, guests will respect her operation as being more professional and feel they got better value going there.

This is not meant to flame you or start arguements, just to help Sheri & Juan (who appear to have a fine business sense anyway).

Cheers :yes:

[Edited on 10-13-2007 by Baja&Back]

DianaT - 10-12-2007 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Baja&Back

Sorry, Paulina, it's not to do with who's point of view is what, or the money.

The point is that, if Shari doesn't get prepaid deposits, she is leaving herself open to more & more guests just not showing up. Without a financial commitment, a lot of folks, sitting at the Viscaino junction, might just keep driving south. After all, it's no skin off their nose if Shari is waiting for them, is it? This is just the way of the world these days.

Besides, using proper business practices, guests will respect her operation as being more professional and feel they got better value going there.

This is not meant to flame you or start arguements, just to help Sheri & Juan (who appear to have a fine business sense anyway).

Cheers :yes:

[Edited on 10-13-2007 by Baja&Back]

You make some very good points, however, it would be really difficult for Shari to receive deposits. There is no bank in Bahia Asuncion---not even an ATM. There is a Western Union office, but to wire money is really expensive. While there is no post office, they do deliver mail to the Western Union, but when it arrives is questionable----so while I think the deposit idea might be good, not sure it is practical in this case.


Bob and Susan - 10-12-2007 at 07:30 PM

you can open a citibank account over the internet
you do not have to sign ANY papers or go into ANY office

ANYONE can transfer money to that account from anywhere...
after that the money for the deposit is hers

a deposit shols ALWAYS be taken for a reservation...ALWAYS
this gives the renter "buy in" to be "on time" or lose their deposit

if shari is in business she MUST have a business bank account in mexico

transfering money from a american internet bank like citibank to banamex or bancomer is quite simple

we never have any's ALL in the bank...
we transfer it back and forth all the time

when we need a couple hundred pesos for gas or milk we just stop at the ATM

sorry guys i really didn't mean to laugh out loud...really

but...again... this will happen over and over

people on vacation for just a few weeks WILL NOT take the time to rent or buy cell phone service JUST won't happen

woody with a view - 10-12-2007 at 08:17 PM

paypal is an option...

oxxo - 10-12-2007 at 08:24 PM

I'm sorry, I just don't understand. This thread is not about getting money from intended guests, it is about Shari's real concern with the welfare of her friends - guests or otherwise.

Although I have never met Shari, she has graciously given me her personal cell phone number if I ever run into trouble between Los Cabos and La Frontera. And I will use it if I ever get into a pinch. It is programmed into my TelCel phone.

I have met Serinita and she is a most charming and intelligent young lady. And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! I'm just sorry I can't be there for the birthday bash!

Thanks Shari for your thoughtfulness and concern.

toneart - 10-12-2007 at 08:25 PM

My impression is that no malicious harm was intended by Bob's laugh icons. He is teaching good business sense.

Having said that, I still believe that, business acumen aside, Shari is coming from her heart with real concern. So this string is about awareness of perils on the road and imploring people who are expected to report when they are late. Sure, she may get burned by some people, but that is a topic for discussion elsewhere. Shari is now informed with the business aspect (if she wasn't already) and it is her choice to take prepaid deposits or not.

So, have the people shown up yet?:?:

Stickers - 10-12-2007 at 08:45 PM

Originally posted by toneart
My impression is that no malicious harm was intended by Bob's laugh icons. He is teaching good business sense.

Comon tone.....Shari doesn't need any teaching. Bob does.


toneart - 10-12-2007 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Stickers
Originally posted by toneart
My impression is that no malicious harm was intended by Bob's laugh icons. He is teaching good business sense.

Comon tone.....Shari doesn't need any teaching. Bob does.


Nah-h-h-h. Bob's a pro.

Bajagypsy - 10-12-2007 at 10:58 PM

The whole point of Shari's post, is that she is an actual "caring" human, and doesn't really care about the $$$$$$$$. We have a bad habbit of beining behind schedule, or getting side tracked, and thanks to Shari's post, we now realise the suffering she goes through waiting for people to arrive. Due to this post, next time down, we will purchase a cell phone to let people (Shari) know where we are and when we should arrive.

Not everyone wants to make there millions and frankly, the reason we like Asuncion and recently purchased land there, is that the people acutally care, and everyone is not out for themselves.

(edit for spelling, I was to anxious)

[Edited on 10-13-2007 by Bajagypsy]

[Edited on 10-13-2007 by Bajagypsy]

Bob and Susan - 10-13-2007 at 06:25 AM

no...i need training

i have to work on "human relation" skills daily

this has ALWAYS been a problem for me and i know it

i truly didn't mean to upset shari
i belive her thoughts do come from the heart

"its crule world" out there so be prepared

Minnow - 10-13-2007 at 07:38 AM

For all those that would like an emergency contact I would suggest Hose A in northern Baja. He has been there in a rough situation for me, and I am guessing, would do the same for any Nomad in need. Thanks Gene for your help in the past. :P

CaboMagic - 10-13-2007 at 08:29 AM

Shari I say your compassion is refreshing and admirable & applaud your endless willingness to offer help, suggestions, ideas, answers, with great sense of humor, insight, and concern about visitors to Baja be it their first or thousandth trip.

Sadly, kindness is viewed as weakness by some, and sometimes <equally sadly> in offering a hand, 'they' take the arm... as the region has grown and attracts heavy hitters, I'm reminded often business is business .. friendship is friendship ... combining the two very tricky. In 1991 I did not find it to be like this in Cabo.

At one time we required $100 per boat/day for deposit & found some would 'walk' from that - whether they were hung over or got a 'better deal' (read as timeshare pitch offered discounted trip) so we increased deposits to 50% of total cost. No one walks away from that. We too get some of the interesting stories that Grover eludes to and have to make a judgement call about whether its a novells or not.

I relate to Bobs biz sense and where he was coming from .. I dont know him personally but I doubt he intended to hurt nor insult Shari.

Shari I am confident you will discover the balance that works best for you - and wish you mucho success and happiness to your definitions.

What/who started this thread by not showing up missed out on an experience of a lifetime .. and hopefully will contact you & let you know all is ok.

DianaT - 10-13-2007 at 08:48 AM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by jdtrotter
The two biggest problems I had was getting the phone registered ...

What does "registered" mean? You saying that they're now requiring identification associated with prepay phone accounts? Or is this something like a guarantee registration?

Thanks-- Larry

I don't know why, but when you first purchase the phone, you get a message that they want you to register it. When I called, they wanted basic information like name and address---our address is always interesting because they have not created our road yet, so like many people, we just use the name of the main street sin numero.

I really find this thread interesting. There seems to be a perception that if someone is in business and does want to make some money, it is inconsistent with being a caring human being----just confusing to me. I can't imagine any one making the effort to run a business and NOT caring about making any money ----not talking about greed, but we all need to eat and want a secure future. One can still be a caring human being---

Nothing wrong with trying to get ahead. And, regardless if someone is a customer only, a customer friend, a friend, or whatever, if someone is expecting you on a certain day, one should call if you are delayed----no fun to sit and worry.

Bob, I had to laugh when you said for cash, you just run to the ATM. The cloesest ATM we have in Bahia Asuncion is about 70 miles away in Vizcaino, and that is real new! Prior to that, one had to go to Guerrero Negro. With a Mexican Bank account, one can get some money from Western Union, that is when they have money.


[Edited on 10-13-2007 by jdtrotter]

woody with a view - 10-13-2007 at 08:55 AM


Bob, I had to laugh when you said for cash, you just run to the ATM. The cloesest ATM we have in Bahia Asuncion is about 70 miles away in Vizcaino, and that is real new! Prior to that, one had to go to Guerrero Negro. With a Mexican Bank account, one can get some money from Western Union, that is when they have money.

seems like a new opportunity....:light:

David K - 10-13-2007 at 09:10 AM

Shari and Juan are awesome people who really do care about people... The B&B is more of a service that benefits us travelers than it is a money maker for them... Shari and Juan have gone out of their way to assist visitors and see that they have a good experience.

They both know that in a new business there will be discoveries on how to do things, how to treat people and how to handle situations. We Nomads are the most lucky, because they are tayloring much around our input here on the Internet and in person, at Asuncion.

Thanks you Shari & Juan for caring about people and not letting a few bad apples spoil the operation!

Minnow - 10-13-2007 at 09:24 AM

Originally posted by David K
Thanks you Shari & Juan for caring about people and not letting a few bad apples spoil the operation!

That is true David. She let you stay with her.:lol::lol:

You know I am just kidding. Have a great day, and thanks for your input.:lol:

David K - 10-13-2007 at 09:30 AM

Careful how you word that Tom... I stayed with Baja Angel :yes:! :lol:

TMW - 10-13-2007 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by jdtrotter

I really find this thread interesting. There seems to be a perception that if someone is in business and does want to make some money, it is inconsistent with being a caring human being----just confusing to me. I can't imagine any one making the effort to run a business and NOT caring about making any money ----not talking about greed, but we all need to eat and want a secure future. One can still be a caring human being---

Nothing wrong with trying to get ahead. And, regardless if someone is a customer only, a customer friend, a friend, or whatever, if someone is expecting you on a certain day, one should call if you are delayed----no fun to sit and worry.


[Edited on 10-13-2007 by jdtrotter]

The huge majority of people have never owned or run a business nor been a manager in a position of controlling income and out flow, profit and loss. Many if not most people see a company as a profit only entity. It's the boss that's making all the money and doesn't care anything about me. It's that atitude they have all though their life and it most likely won't change. The interesting thing is that many have kids that feel the same way about them. I know people that slam the company they work for, for being cheap, uncaring, stupid sobs. The same company that pays them a good wage, provides medical, eye and dental benefits, a pension and 401K matching funds. They won't quit and go elsewhere because of the benefits. So maybe they're just venting as they say.

I think anyone that runs a business should care about their customer. Good customer service brings people back. I see poor customer service all the time and often the business fails because of it.

shari - 10-13-2007 at 10:33 AM

Wow, mil gracias to all of you who understood my plight...usually I DO get a deposit but these nomads have been contacting me for a year now and I KNEW they were coming for sure and only were gonna be here a couple days on their way to Loreto. We do use paypal and some send us deposits western union(which is real hit and miss) Our amigos dont need to send a deposit. I have operated successful businesses in Canada and am pretty good at it. Now, our guests DID arrive was a mix up in dates I I always make lemonade with lemons...look for the silver lining etc...I was glad this happened (again) so I revise my and learn amigos....we just finished the pitaya waffles and fruit salad and are heading out to enjoy the wonderful day in San Roque...hopefully Juan will catch a yellowtail from the beach!!! Bajaboy and Juan are replacing some walls and painting his new casita today then will head out in the morning on the deep blue in search of YT! thanks again everyone for your does this worrying heart good to know we're on the right track.