
Monday, November 19th - Who is helping with La Turquesa Mine Road?

Ken Cooke - 10-26-2007 at 09:13 AM

Monday the 19th is approaching fast. I am getting ready for my trip to Colombia, so I have to have BAJA GRANDE planned, and this is the only part of the trip that is not ready. So...Who plans to help out with the La Turquesa Mine Road? TW? Anyone else? We will have between 17-19 Jeeps, and everyone is ready to lend a hand in opening up this route. We will have shovels, work gloves, hats, and bottles of water.

Please let me know 100% who plans on being there, so I have an idea of what to expect. Thank you, very much...

David K - 10-26-2007 at 09:22 AM

In case some Nomads want more detail, here is when the idea began to repair the old mine road and make a shortcut to Gonzaga Bay from Hwy. 1:

Also, a web page on that trip of last February:

The grade looking down from the top, 4.6 miles from Hwy. 1 at Km. 213/214:

It's the mile from the mine to the bottom of the grade that was washed away, where the Jeep club is trying to repair...

[Edited on 10-26-2007 by David K]

Ken Cooke - 10-26-2007 at 09:39 AM


Do you think this guy will make it? Yep, that's Chris Glass' Tijuana Explorer on 40" IROKs!!!

Now, that's what I call, BIG PIMPIN'!!

David K - 10-26-2007 at 09:45 AM

looks like a possibility Ken! Good luck!

Here is the page with The Squarecircle's report when he and two other rigs went in from the mine side (like Ken will):

TMW - 10-27-2007 at 09:03 AM

Ken leave the guy home and bring the girls. I'll entertain them while the rest of you work on the road.

I've got several pry bars etc. I'll be at the mine or the turn off from hwy5 north of Cocos Monday morning the 19th. Look for my white Toyota. Sat. and Sun. I'm going to explore the trail off hwy 1 at Guayaquil to another mine near the El Canelo wash. Then head down to Cocos and up to the Turquesa Mine area.

Ken Cooke - 10-27-2007 at 09:09 AM

Our group will be camped out along the beach south of Alfonsinas. There will be so many of us, I won't want to scramble around to find where you are (with 15 Jeeps following behind). Plus, I have never been up to the mine.

Maybe we can meet at the Pemex in Gonzaga Bay on Monday morning at 7 a.m.???

David K - 10-27-2007 at 10:07 AM

Ken, once you leave Hwy. 5 for the turquoise mine, there is only one road! It appears to end at the green pools, but drive over the lava area to the left (south) of the creek to continue to the turquoise mine, which is on the right (north) side of the creekbed, on the side of the hill. for green pool pictures (by Wayno of Blythe's B&B Bait store) and on the second page, turquoise mine photos from me in 1975.

Chris and I went to the green pools in '92 (GPS waypoint listed):

Green Pools, La Turquesa Canyon: 29°33.72'/ 114°23.89'

Map from Cliff Cross Baja Guide, 1970, shows turquoise mine to the west of Hwy. 5 (dirt), 3 miles north of Las Arrastras site... abandoned today.

[Edited on 10-27-2007 by David K]

Ken Cooke - 10-27-2007 at 10:15 AM

Okay, here is perhaps a better plan:

Our group will climb the road to the mine leaving
Hwy 5/Turquoise Mine junction at 8 a.m.
So, if TW is camping at the mine, we can simply meet him there.
Be prepared for more Jeeps than you are used to seeing in Baja! :lol:
We're ready to open up that road and play on some rocks!!:yes:

[Edited on 10-27-2007 by Ken Cooke]

TMW - 10-28-2007 at 10:57 AM

Ken the turn off is at 29-34-20 x 114-22-00 @ 1182ft from google earth. I will be at the turn off on Monday morning with a buffet breakfast waiting for you. Well, maybe just coffee.

Ken Cooke - 10-28-2007 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by TW
I will be at the turn off on Monday morning with a buffet breakfast waiting for you. Well, maybe just coffee.

I can't drink cafe, amigo. But, thanks for the gesture! :light:
I will see you with 10-15 volunteers, then...maybe more depending on who wants to be pulled away from the sand and sea for a day on the rocks. It looks like we will possibly make some headway into this route! :bounce:

Good Luck!

Sharksbaja - 10-28-2007 at 12:52 PM

Hey, how come DK ain't leading the charge?? I would think he and the SqCircle would be on it. You need to balance the group by adding some Toys to the mix.;D

Ya know when I look at those big tires on Chris' rig I can't help but wonder how that carrier and small axles take all that torque and punishment. Has he had any differential probs running those?:?:

Gadget - 10-28-2007 at 03:18 PM

Hope you guys do good. Wish I was the first full size Bronco to make it through there. GSB is going on the jack stands to fix issues from our month in BCS and assorted other parts of Baja. Will not be back together before we leave for BoLA on the 9th for the 1000 and Thanksgiving with the folks.
Good skill to ya all ;)

Ken Cooke - 10-28-2007 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Gadget
Hope you guys do good. Good skill to ya all ;)

Muchisimas gracias por todos esos palabras. :bounce:

David K - 10-28-2007 at 05:11 PM

Yes, I will support the effort with posting details and more... But, as for being there that day, it follows the Baja 1000 and we will be on vacation that week... Thanksgiving is a big celebration for Baja Angel and the days before (when Ken will be in Baja) will be prepping for turkey day.

Good luck Ken and the Rubconers !

TMW - 11-17-2007 at 08:59 AM

I'm going to miss this trip. Problems at work are keeping me here. Anyone seeing Ken let him know and I'm sorry.

bajalou - 11-17-2007 at 06:10 PM

I'm supposed to see Ken tonight so will pass the word.

bajalou - 11-17-2007 at 09:31 PM

Ken and crew made it to San Felipe around 6pm today. All going well - about 24 people total. Were duly impressed by the food at El Colorado and now heading into town to check in at the Hotel and then visit some night establishments. Then 9am head south to Bahia Gonzaga and on Monday up to the Turquoise mine (fixing the road as they go).

Ken Cooke - 11-24-2007 at 11:28 PM

Our group of 5 vehicles made the drive from Gonzaga Bay to La Turquesa Mine and were amazed by the technical nature of the road we encountered. After inspecting a hole in the side of the La Turquesa Mine hill, our groups' Total Chaos-equipped Taco entered the wash leading past the mine first.

This proved to be more problematic than anything. By traveling this section of wash alone, the Toyota eventually found trouble, and then had to exit the wash due to cholla cactus thorns sticking into its Bridgestone Revo treads. :no:

Nick parked his Tacoma and pulled thorns out of its' tires while the rest of our Jeeps tried to cover the distance while aiming towards the zig-zag trail down the side of the mountain located west of the mine.

Our Jeeps hit some dense vegitation and were not able to continue forward just 1/4th of a mile from the mine. With a sturdy tractor, we could make a road leading to Hwy 1 with no problems. But, with just 4WD rigs and cactii everywhere, we had to do the smart thing and turn back. On my way towards Nick, my rear tire found a huge hole, pushing the front drivers side skyward, but not quite enough to cause me to flop on my side. These trails south of the border are no joke - they contain serious obstacles that will make most drivers a nervous wreck.:yes:

David K - 11-25-2007 at 08:35 AM

Thanks for the report Ken... So, it seems without a bulldozer there will be no shortcut to Gonzaga via La Turquesa?

Please post photos and the rest of your trip report soon!

Ken Cooke - 11-25-2007 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by David K
Thanks for the report Ken... So, it seems without a bulldozer there will be no shortcut to Gonzaga via La Turquesa?

Please post photos and the rest of your trip report soon!

I will try to post photos tonight. Today, I clean the layers of mud off of the Jeep, and vacuum away all of the dust.

BAJACAT - 11-25-2007 at 12:42 PM

Thanks for your effort guys it's well appretiated..

Ken Cooke - 11-25-2007 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by BAJACAT
Thanks for your effort guys it's well appretiated..
Thanks for the kudos. We had a great time. You should have seen the Total Chaos-equipped Tacoma fly off of the cliff right next to the mine and land in the wash. Nick said he wouldn't try that stunt again, but he sure had a great time proving that he could do it! I think both Toyotas dented their sheetmetal on this trip, but both drivers had a wonderful time in the process! :bounce:

juanroberts - 11-28-2007 at 01:25 PM

Details, details! Pictures, pictures!

Have you thought of putting slime in the tires or sweeping the choya with a flamethrower?

Ken Cooke - 11-28-2007 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by juanroberts
Details, details! Pictures, pictures!

Have you thought of putting slime in the tires or sweeping the choya with a flamethrower?

The rocks there were petrified, and the ledges were tall in some places. I was afraid that I'd ruin my only ride to work. It was fun, but we'll give it a go in another year or two...

[Edited on 11-29-2007 by Ken Cooke]


John M - 11-29-2007 at 06:30 AM

Ken - did you get a photo of the obstacles that finally blocked the route? The dense vegetation you would have had to drive through? Perhaps a photo looking up canyon?

Good reports - thanks - John M

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-29-2007 at 06:32 AM

Great photos.

Ken Cooke - 11-29-2007 at 07:39 AM

Originally posted by John M
Ken - did you get a photo of the obstacles that finally blocked the route? The dense vegetation you would have had to drive through? Perhaps a photo looking up canyon?

Good reports - thanks - John M

Yes, I took a photo, but you can't tell by all of the brush what the ground looks like. I will post it this evening so you can see. This photo was taken high above from the mine looking down into the canyon. Trust me. If 2 Rubicons, a Total Chaos-equipped Tacoma, a lifted Grand Cherokee, and a lifted Wrangler X couldn't make it up, our chances are sunk without a bulldozer. :(

TMW - 11-29-2007 at 08:16 AM

Ken did you see any signs of the motorcycle trail thru the wash. If not each bike may just pick their way thru. I would guess not many bikes go thru over say a years time.

David K - 11-29-2007 at 09:07 AM

Tom, looking down from the grade, I saw lot's of m/c tracks in the wash coming from the mine... DEVEAU here on Nomad recently traveled it... It is Kacey Smith's 'XR Ride' in her Baja GPS Guide.

DEVEAU - 11-29-2007 at 05:56 PM

Boy, I am supprised, I figured you guys would get through. Bikes are real narrow I guess.

TW, the motorcycle trail is not real worked in but it becomes pretty obvious once you start. Much easier West to East.

Instead of our annual Thanksgiving trip we raced the 1000 this year. I am working on a report but can't get the guys to stop babbling about Flats, Being nerfed by a truck, Throwing the bike down in the middle of the highway to stop traffic, Two bikes being stolen and then found in Cabo and getting stitchs in El Rosario to make any sense of what really happened? Hopefully by this weekend they can fill me in on the details. We did finish!

David K - 11-29-2007 at 06:19 PM

Deveau, looking forward to your race story!

TMW - 11-29-2007 at 07:34 PM

Deveau, congratulations on finishing the 1000, that's a long long race to Cabo. But what you mentioned above has me really wanting to read your race report. Sounds like you had all the problems etc that go with a grand race like the 1000.

Ken Cooke - 11-29-2007 at 10:38 PM

Originally posted by TW
Ken did you see any signs of the motorcycle trail thru the wash.

Nothing. Plenty of Cholla, though.

The vegitation was plenty thick. Not worth losing expensive tires over...