
Art & Beer, Pescadero, Todos Santos DON'T GO

jeffw - 11-7-2007 at 09:36 PM

Had the opportunity two weeks ago to stop at "Art & Beer" restaurant/bar, located in Pescadero, close to Todos Santos.
This had to be the worst Baja restaurant/bar experience.
The guy that runs this place is totally unreasonable, and has no sense of how to run a business. He is VERY RUDE, even charges a cover charge to even walk in the restaurant/bar. And no, don't even bother to ask to use his bathroom, this will be a cover charge. He eventually kicked me out of his establishment as I was standing in the dirt lobby, and not wanting to pay a cover charge or buy a $12 margarita, yes $12............This guy doesn't like dogs, so if you have one anywhere near his dirt parking lot, he physically gets in your face. Very sad that this occurs here...........wonderful location, great view, but total bad deal of an owner.

Of all the wonderful places to see, eat, and drink in Baja, this place takes the worst prize. This place is not an example of a good Baja experience. Having traveled my times down the peninsula, I have NEVER found such a bad spot.
There are numberous other postings going back many years about this bad place, but I had to learn the hard way.....should have read the postings first.....JUST DON'T GO THERE!!!

Diver - 11-7-2007 at 09:51 PM

I see nothing has changed.

My Hero

Dave - 11-7-2007 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
There are numberous other postings going back many years about this bad place

And he's still in business?

I think it's a common fantasy among those who spend their life in the restaurant/bar trade to retire and open a place like that.

Although therapy would be cheaper. :rolleyes:

DENNIS - 11-8-2007 at 07:29 AM

What's his name? This guy can't be trashed enough. A US transplant, I assume.

vandenberg - 11-8-2007 at 08:36 AM

Ever gave it a thought that maybe this guy doesn't want any business and does anything to run it off ?
Maybe just in it to launder money ? Just a thought.
I believe there are quite a few of those in Baja, Loreto and Chivato come to mind.:(

comitan - 11-8-2007 at 09:40 AM

I know his reputation so every time I pass I notice quite a few cars and that is hard to believe with his reputation, and no I will never go in just to check it out I don't need the hassle.

Minnow - 11-8-2007 at 10:02 AM

Tell me comitan. Doesn't this post, and the many others before it, make you want to round up all the stray dogs in your neighborhood and drop them on his doorstep.:biggrin:

cabobaja - 11-8-2007 at 11:45 AM

I live just a few miles south of Art & Beer. Went in a few years ago for a beer.
Have never been back. The owner is a $#@hole.

Dave - 11-8-2007 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Where one can tell the clients what he really thinks? Hmmm,

At least you know where you stand. If John Q. Public knew the damage a passive-aggressive waiter, bartender or cook can do, no one would eat out. :lol:

Marie-Rose - 11-8-2007 at 03:27 PM

Really glad to see this here again as I to am always blown away when I see so many cars parked there. When we were in San Ignacio we ran into a time share slaesman from Cabo who was raving about the place. Had the teeshirt, hat, etc:?:
We have heard of so many bad experiences and we were less than impressed with our one and only visit 3 years ago.
And don't even get started about the dog issue. Had a girlfriend who arranged a pick up there for a rescue pup and the owner kicked them off of his parking lot as well!!!!:fire:

Minnow - 11-8-2007 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Dave
At least you know where you stand. If John Q. Public knew the damage a passive-aggressive waiter, bartender or cook can do, no one would eat out. :lol:

Great advice Dave. Always be pleasant when eating out, or you might just get the clean looking plate that was double dipped in the pot water and let dry.:lol:

jeffw - 11-8-2007 at 03:57 PM

Its actually gotten so bad now, that all the truckers blow their horns the whole time passing this place!

I guess he stays in business because of the high traffic flow down that road, and unlucky tourists that don't know any better.....never see any locals there....!!

Will be interesting to see what the new four lane will do to him and his pet policy......maybe someone should built a pet boarding house next to his business! or a margarita bar that sells them for less than $12

vandenberg - 11-8-2007 at 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
Tell me comitan. Doesn't this post, and the many others before it, make you want to round up all the stray dogs in your neighborhood and drop them on his doorstep.:biggrin:

They probably end up on the menu.:biggrin::biggrin:

vandenberg - 11-8-2007 at 04:02 PM


At least you know where you stand. If John Q. Public knew the damage a passive-aggressive waiter, bartender or cook can do, no one would eat out. :lol:

As an ex restaurant and barman, truer words were never spoken.:P:lol::lol:

comitan - 11-8-2007 at 04:12 PM

I wanted to reply but thought better of it, but Vandenberg you did good.

Bajabus - 11-9-2007 at 07:25 PM

I too lived full time a few miles south of him (I'm very part time now)and concur. The place is a major ripoff and the words would be better suited to the off topic area.

For the life of me I cannot comprehend how any cars are ever in front of that place. Must be the novelty of it.

DENNIS - 11-9-2007 at 07:54 PM

This story reminds me of a similiar one back in the very early seventies, Laguna Beach. A popular beachfront restaurant called the Beach-House,[ I won't mention the name] had a steady, transient clientele. The owner, Gail Pike [ can't remember his name] was unmoved that the food leaving his kitchen was just short of poisenous. Didn't taste very good either.
He, the un-named Mr. Pike, reasoned when asked about his prepared sewage, that his clientele were tourists and would, in all probability, never come there again. He couldn't have cared less about food quality and if his customers got sick, they would probably do that in another town or on a plane.
Maybe this boner-head at Farts'n Beer went to the same school.

cabobaja - 11-9-2007 at 08:28 PM

Oh, forgot to mention..........his art sucks too!

amir - 11-9-2007 at 08:57 PM

I've been to Art & Beer a few times and never had a problem.
It's not true that truckers honk their horns there.
And the margaritas are 80 pesos not 12 dollars. But they are the biggest margaritas in the world and they keep refilling it, so you only buy one drink.
And you get a seafood appetizer plate with that drink and chips and salsa, and then you get a free beer on your way out.
If an establishment doesn't accept dogs, then don't take your dogs there. And most establishments don't appreciate you using their bathrooms if you are not there as a guest. Both complaints about dogs and bathroom are bogus.
Alfredo and Lourdes are very nice people, maybe if they were weird to someone it's because they are like mirrors and only reflected what was shown them.
And a dirt floor in a palapa? Is that a complaint? C'mon, this is Baja Sur!
And a dirt parking lot? Is that also a complaint? What do you expect? Around here only the Pemex has a paved parking lot!
And how can someone who just went there once say that "never see any locals there"?
I think it's great that an establishment can refuse service to anyone, and I also think it's great that they don't cater to demanding and unreasonable customers.
I wonder what the real story is of what happened to jeffw there, that he feels he needs to come here as a newbie with only 4 post and exaggerate.

Marie-Rose - 11-9-2007 at 09:15 PM

The situation about the dog I was referring to was no where near the bar... it was in his parking lot. It was just a meeting spot where a vehicle could stop and meet.
And yes, you do get seafood with the drink... we got 3 clams that were less than fresh. The owner was totallied rude to us when he was mistaken and corrected about a jazz musician he referred to and my husband ( who is a jazz musician) corrected him.
And... I cannot understand why, if someone stops to take a look at the "art" (and I do use this term loosely) one could not be allowed to use the bathroom....

Wonder how it came to that

Dave - 11-9-2007 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
He, the un-named Mr. Pike, reasoned when asked about his prepared sewage, that his clientele were tourists and would, in all probability, never come there again.

Just a wild guess but:

You probably haven't had the pleasure of serving many tourists.

<Why are you tipping? We're never gonna come back here. Take all the napkins... and the sugar packets> :rolleyes:

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Dave

Just a wild guess but:

You probably haven't had the pleasure of serving many tourists.

You couldn't be more wrong. I was a bartender for 15 years in Newport Beach and did the same at Mammoth Mountain Inn, Jackson Wyoming and Old Orchard Beach, Maine. There are more but, you get the idea.
I tip huge......It's the way I was taught.

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 07:35 AM


Jeezo...How do you find this stuff?

Barry A. - 11-10-2007 at 09:44 AM


Jeffw's posting is mild compared to what we encountered there at ART & BEER several years ago------and I posted my experience on this forum at the time.

I am truly surprised that he is still in business------our experience there was the absolute worst experience I have EVER had at any eating/drinking establishment, all for the reasons stated by "Jeffw", plus a few more.

The guy was so obnoxious that we almost ended up in a fight, and yes, the Margaritas were $12 dollars US each, and were not that good. After buying $36 bucks (US) (120 pesos each) worth of Margaritas (there were 4 of us), he STILL refused to let my wife use the "bathroom" (?) (she did not buy a margarita). My wife was so desparate she used the "bathroom" anyway, with me fending off the obnoxious owner (thus the near fight----lots of pushing).

This guy should be taken out behind one of his "art" (?) samples and SHOT, putting him out of his misery.

I understand that he used to have a similar establishment up in Baja Norte and was essentially "run out", or something like that.

Somehow he stays in business, but it is a mystery to me. His wife, present all the time, was seemingly embarrassed for the outraged owner, and tried her best to defray the arguments but was totally unsuccessful------she tried her best, tho, and we had no problems with her.

We were under the impression that the owner was Mexican, as was his wife, but we could be mistaken. He deffinitely has a screw loose!

The Gull - 11-10-2007 at 11:21 AM

Not surprised that Amir likes the place.


amir - 11-10-2007 at 01:32 PM

Originally posted by The Gull
Not surprised that Amir likes the place.

Alfredo was never rude to me or my party. On the contrary: We were invited to Lourdes birthday party in February, and on another occasion also to one of their employees birthdays, and after they closed the bar all the guests went to a palapa in the back of the property where they played music (she plays drum set and he plays keyboards), and we drank and we ate and it was all very cordial. As I said before, maybe he has a problem with certain people and shows his contempt with obnoxious behavior. Different folks, different strokes... :saint:

You, on the other hand, Da Gull, I don't know why I like you! :?::?::?:


Dave - 11-10-2007 at 01:33 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I was a bartender for 15 years in Newport Beach and did the same at Mammoth Mountain Inn, Jackson Wyoming and Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

I'll put you on my guest list for when I have parties. :rolleyes:

Made many Sazeracs?

(I've drunk quite a few.) ;)

[Edited on 11-10-2007 by Dave]

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Dave

Made many Sazeracs?

Don't remember ever having a call for one. In fact, I just looked it up and it has a bit of one of my favorites, Pernod. Used to drink it almost straight...just a few drops of water added. The water turns the clear liquid to a milky white. For those unfamiliar with Pernod, it tastes like licorice. I like licorice a lot, especially when you can drink it. I'll bet I would have liked Absinthe.

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 02:03 PM


I can't help but wonder if you and everyone else are talking about different people. There is a humongous difference in your opinion of this guy. Maybe you just caught him on a good day.

jeffw - 11-10-2007 at 03:00 PM


Don't think there is a need to bash on the newbie comments....if it weren't for newbies there would not be a forum. My comments were NOT exaggerated as will see from other forum users. Proof is always in the pudding.

The margaritas that were served to us were $12 dollars each, maybe you paid an even lower price, but the going rate to gringos appears to be $12. And no beer on the way out, just a push!

And by the way, my dog never made it close to the restaurant, it was on public lands right off the pavement.

Remember, Amir, this is a restaurant "review" section, which is everyone's private opinion of a restaurant or bar. And other people may have had different experiences at this establishment, and other people may have paid other prices. I just feel this was MY WORST baja restaurant/bar

One and the same

amir - 11-10-2007 at 03:02 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Amir...... I can't help but wonder if you and everyone else are talking about different people. There is a humongous difference in your opinion of this guy. Maybe you just caught him on a good day.

Yep, the same person, Alfredo. Grover posted a picture in this thread, he's the guy sitting down with the trimmed salt and pepper beard. We've been there several times and he was in good behaviour every time. Then maybe it's because I've adjusted him and now he's all straightened out... :o:o

Hey Dennis, maybe this is one of those "multiple personalities" peoples.... :lol::lol::lol:

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 03:13 PM

Good points you make. After you've been here a bit longer, you'll probably spend less time in dedicated boards and hang around in "Todays Posts." Look at the top of the page and you'll see it. Click on that and bookmark it and when you come to the site, you'll see the latest posts from all forums. The news as it happens. That way you can stay on top of everything as it comes in with one glance. It'll save you a lot of time jumping all over the place.
By the way.....Amir isn't the "bashing" type. When you get to know him, you'll like him.

I am perplexed

amir - 11-10-2007 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
Remember, Amir, this is a restaurant "review" section, which is everyone's private opinion of a restaurant or bar. And other people may have had different experiences at this establishment, and other people may have paid other prices. I just feel this was MY WORST baja restaurant/bar

So sorry you had such a bad experience, jeffw, and your review is what makes this forum varied, colorful and democratic.
Welcome to the Board!

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by amir
Hey Dennis, maybe this is one of those "multiple personalities" peoples.... :lol::lol::lol:

Jeezo...You mean....Could it be...Would they dare....Is it DocT and Sockpuppet?
Oh my God. Just when I thought we were rid of them.

Dave - 11-10-2007 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I like licorice a lot, especially when you can drink it. I'll bet I would have liked Absinthe.

I've seen authentic Absinthe in a TJ liquor store...Expensive.

Also an anise fan. Especially Arak from either Lebanon or Jordan. I think every European/Mediterranean country has its own version. Mexico tambien...It's called Xtabentun.

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Dave
I've seen authentic Absinthe in a TJ liquor store...Expensive.

Now that you mention it, I remember an article on it in the SD Union. I guess it is available but, if I recall, it was like "Real Cuban Cigars." So many arn't. I've got CRS today. Maybe I can find the article or, better yet, maybe you can.

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 03:59 PM

My apologies. Didn't notice that.

Phil S - 11-10-2007 at 04:05 PM

Well, Wendy sports one of his t shirts. Last year we stopped there after our trip to Cabo for two weeks. Food was o.k. He was friendly. Place had people eating there. Thought the price was a little on the high side, but didn't notice the margaritas were $12.00 If they were then I certainly wouldn't have ordered them. And I remember having two of them.????????
Perhaps it was his "off day". We'll stop there again on the way down, and see if he is still grumpy.
Maybe he needs to change his tee shirt to Art/Grumpy & Beer. Or maybe someone should have one made that says that, and go in and look for a reaction. I didn't see that reaction to anyone while we were there, and it was over an hour and a half we were in there. Any chance that some people have an "attitude" when they go in, and he's psychic & doesn't want them around. We are talking about the guy with the big beard aren't we??????????????????????????

The Sculpin - 11-10-2007 at 05:51 PM

Been there many times,
Been there with locals,
never had a problem,
always go back,
I even recommend it!
Not sure what you guys are talking about!

Roberto - 11-10-2007 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
In fact, I just looked it up and it has a bit of one of my favorites, Pernod. Used to drink it almost straight...just a few drops of water added.

Is there any other way to drink it?

Absinthe - after being outlawed in Europe for various reasons (wood alcohol?), it is now being produced again. So, you could probably find it somewhere.

P.S. you would probably like Sambuca as well. Molinari is the best.

[Edited on 11-11-2007 by Roberto]

shari - 11-10-2007 at 06:48 PM

oh goodie, the plot thickens...gotta love a good controversy...only problem is that now I WANNA stop there just to see for myself how grumpy or great the owner is....I'll smuggle in a 10 peso mexmix...jimador and grapefruit juice pop so I wont have the margs...did you say there was a cover charge?? ell...maybe not then

This is the guy we're talking about

amir - 11-10-2007 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Phil S
Any chance that some people have an "attitude" when they go in, and he's psychic & doesn't want them around. We are talking about the guy with the big beard aren't we??????????????????????????

Alfredo from Art & Beer.
These pictures were taken last December.

IMG_7953.jpg - 41kB

The lobby of Art & Beer

amir - 11-10-2007 at 06:57 PM

Lourdes, Alfredo's wife, is on the right.
When my wife (Gnome-ad), on the left, finds out I posted this picture, I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch...

IMG_7956.jpg - 43kB

Barry A. - 11-10-2007 at 07:03 PM

That's the guy I ran into-----------look at the wild look in his eyes--------he is ready to explode!!! :lol:

As for having "an attitude", my wife is the sweetest person I have ever known and she almost never gets mad-----I thought she was going to explode------she had to leave the place to keep from hitting they guy with a bottle------

I have honestly NEVER had any problem with any other restaurant folks in MY LIFE.

This guy is nuts, and I think all the varied posts tends to prove that-----totally skitzo, this guy------multible personalities. You can deal with that if you want, but not me ever again. :fire:


The Infamous Bathroom at Art & Beer

amir - 11-10-2007 at 07:05 PM

Why some people are not allowed to use this bathroom???
It's bizarre what some people have posted on this thread.
I don't doubt some people were denied access, but why?

As for me, I would pay a "cover charge" (if there was one) just to see inside this palapa bathroom. It's quaint, rustic, romantic, and well, it has a functional toilet: To flush it you have to dumpt water scooped from a big barrel (behind where I'm standing to take this picture). At night its lit by candlelight...

IMG_7999.jpg - 47kB

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
Is there any other way to drink it?

Absinthe - after being outlawed in Europe for various reasons (wood alcohol?), it is now being produced again. So, you could probably find it somewhere.

I don't know how else to drink it. In all my years behind the bar, it was used very little. It's only on the market as a legal substitute for Absinthe which became illegal for containing a Wood Worm narcotic or something like that. It's full of dope. That's why I doubt the real item is on the store shelves. I don't know. It's Tijuana.

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by amir
Why some people are not allowed to use this bathroom???

It looks like some tried to use it but, missed. That must say something about the fast acting food.

Barry A. - 11-10-2007 at 07:25 PM

Phil S.

I am a retired Federal Cop-----maybe he sensed that, or maybe even I mentioned it before he went ballistic (but I don't think so)------and maybe he hates cops----who knows------I am only reporting what happened, with no imbellishments. I will admit that he did not seem to have any problems with the other couple with us------they both sorta admired his "art", and I was not that impressed, but did try to hide that----maybe not well enough.

As for a cover charge-----my Gawd, isn't $36 bucks USA enough of a "charge" to gain access to a bathroom??

When we left, the other couple did say that this guy was a bit nuts in their opinion-------they don't think I did, or said, anything to deserve his wolverine reaction.

When he told my wife that she could not use the restroom, I did say, "you have got to be kidding" and laughed (I really thought he was kidding)----that did not help things as he was deadly serious---------from there things deteoriated rapidly!!! especially when my wife went ahead and used the bathroom, with me guarding her outside the door.

Miserable guy------needs to go sit on the beach and chill out .:mad:

Paula - 11-10-2007 at 07:39 PM

All very interesting. I've wondered about the place when we've driven by. I thought it must be really good or really bad, but we've never stopped. Now I'm wondering about the art. Any one have pictures to post?

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 07:41 PM

This guy owes jeffw and you, Barry, more than an apology. He couldn't buy advertising as effect as he's getting here for free. Now, even those who are convinced that he's really Charles Manson will stop in to see what it's all about.

Barry A. - 11-10-2007 at 07:43 PM

And that is good, Dennis-----------then EVERYBODY will "know" what an alien this guy is. :lol:

Minnow - 11-10-2007 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.

When he told my wife that she could not use the restroom, I did say, "you have got to be kidding" and laughed (I really thought he was kidding)----that did not help things as he was deadly serious---------from there things deteoriated rapidly!!! especially when my wife went ahead and used the bathroom, with me guarding her outside the door.

Miserable guy------needs to go sit on the beach and chill out .:mad:

Man, I gotta meet this guy.:lol::lol::lol:

Better yet, next week, I will bring like 50 of my racer friends by to say hi.:lol::lol::lol:

Minnow: signing off for a couple of weeks. Be careful all.

DENNIS - 11-10-2007 at 07:50 PM


Go by and put a collar and leash on this creep and take him out for some excercise.

Only one photo from gallery at Art & Beer

amir - 11-10-2007 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Paula
All very interesting...
... Now I'm wondering about the art. Any one have pictures to post?

IMG_7960.jpg - 48kB

Barry A. - 11-10-2007 at 09:07 PM



Do I really have to explain??? :lol:

A figure of speech-------you know, like REALLY UNCONTROLLABLY MAD??? not litterally as you suggest.

Our anger fed off each other to the point of getting out-of-control.

After seeing those pictures of "art", it all comes back to me----------:no: I guess I am just not an appreciator of THAT type of art. :lol:

No, you really DON'T have to explain...

amir - 11-10-2007 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.


Really Uncontrollably Mad: RUM

Maybe he had too much RUM that day? :lol::bounce::lol::bounce::o

Paula - 11-10-2007 at 09:29 PM

Thanks, Amir.

As a person who really loves good abstract, I think from the picture that his stuff doesn't work, though the orange and blue piece on the right may have something happening.

Not a sign in his favor:dudette:

The Sculpin - 11-10-2007 at 09:48 PM

I guess I have to agree with the mirror thing. I love the Bloody Mary's, and after a few of those things, it's hard to take the "complimentary" beer at the end. I just take it and dump it by the car. One of these days, the local constabulary will figure this thing out as a great scam. Get pulled over....donde viaje? Art & Beer....300 pesos profavor! I have heard he's had "problems", but he's so damn colorful! What's an extra 20 minutes!?! Anyway, I still recommend it. Baja is full of the good and the bad. What matters is how you deal with it!!


DonnaMare - 11-11-2007 at 11:57 AM

Wow, you guys, this is fascinating to read, and great timing too because I am about to head down there for the first time and just yesterday on the Trip Advisor forum this place was RECOMMENDED to me by someone who seems pretty savvy about Baja. WEIRD!! I was told it's a hidden gem. I am SO GLAD I saw this post prior to my departure!

One of you really should get onto the trip advisor forum (under Los Cabos forums) and mention what the reality of this place is!!!!

DENNIS - 11-11-2007 at 12:12 PM

Well, DonnaMare..... That could be a most important task on your trip. To discern the truth, according to you, and give is an unbiased report. We'll look forward to it.
And please, let us know if the old man changed his stained shirt.

The Sculpin - 11-11-2007 at 12:20 PM

Alas Dennis, I fear that we will not be able to get an unbiased opinion from DonnaMare - she hasn't been there yet and she has already established what the reality of the place is!

DonnaMare, maybe you should go have lunch in the patio at the Hotel California instead. It's a little pricier, and it's a different kind of local color.

Leave Art & Beer to the dangerously deranged and delusional!

Good Luck!


DENNIS - 11-11-2007 at 01:07 PM

If it isn't out of her way, we need to know about that shirt.

The Gull - 11-12-2007 at 01:55 PM

The owner's shirt needs to go to the cleaners.

Apparently from the postings, he has been taking his customers there.

amir - 11-12-2007 at 02:02 PM

Gull, did you just remove your post where you quote The Sculpin, and then wrote: Amir?

I answered your post, and that is gone, too. Weird!

The Gull - 11-12-2007 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by amir
Gull, did you just remove your post where you quote The Sculpin, and then wrote: Amir?

I answered your post, and that is gone, too. Weird!

Weirdness is all around us. UFO's, chubracabras when will it end?

DENNIS - 11-12-2007 at 02:43 PM

Originally posted by amir
Gull, did you just remove your post where you quote The Sculpin, and then wrote: Amir?

I answered your post, and that is gone, too. Weird!

Sculpins too.

Thanks Hose A

Gypsy Jan - 11-12-2007 at 09:35 PM

for sorting out the silly stuff.

So many questions; if I visit this establishment, will I be charged U.S. 11.00 or U.S. 12.00 for a margarita; will I be able to use the bathroom or not; will I be given a beer on exit; will the art inspire me or make me want to vomit?

So many questions.


The Gull - 11-13-2007 at 04:46 AM

I had the same thoughts...that is what prompted my "inquiring minds want to know" connection to the National Enquirer - UFO's & Chubracabras.

Will the owner wear a shirt without a stain?

Will the parking lot ever be empty?

What menu item should I choose for the worst meal at the highest price in Baja?