
Advice with future BajaCactus Store/Restaurant

BajaCactus - 11-8-2007 at 02:31 AM

My friends,

I am looking for advice in our next project at BajaCactus. Being most of you seasoned and experience travelers, I believe your input will be most valuable.... any help will be most appreciated...

The idea is this: we are almost ready to begin the construction of our next project... The BajaCactus Store.

The main idea for this area is a to have a place where anyone can make a quick stop while traveling through Baja and cover their basic needs.

In this building we plan to have:

-- A convenience store, kind of like an AM/PM, where you can get the basics for your trip (ice, water, snacks, sodas, etc.)

-- Restaurant... inside the convenience store we have a small kitchen to prepare basic, quick good meals and some tables (in a private area away from the store products)... this is not intended to be a full service restaurant, but a place where you order your food, pick it up and enjoy it without wasting a lot of time... no waiters.

-- Prepared coffee... inside the convenience store we are installing a small area within the kitchen to prepare coffee... like mocha, espresso, frappes, etc.

-- BajaCactus library... instead of doing this sometime in the future in one of the motel rooms, we redesigned the original plans and inside the convenience store, on a loft, we manage to include the most awaited BajaCactus library in here.

Outside the store, but in the same building, we plan to have:

-- A small laundromat.
-- Dispensary... a 24/7 place to receive medical assistance, first aid and buy the basic over the counter medicine.
-- Public showers.

This is more or less the idea... the blueprints are ready, but before starting construction, I would like to see your point of view... what would you like to find inside/outside the store, either products or services, what other things you need that are hard to find and very much needed?

What would you like to have?... What am I missing?

Thank you very much for your help my friends... I really appreciated.

Antonio Munoz
"Where the Baja is so much more than a dream..."

[Edited on 11-9-2007 by BajaCactus]

Russ - 11-8-2007 at 05:49 AM

Antonio, You have a great idea here. I think once you're up and running you'll discover what items travelers want. The only thing I didn't see that is important is parking. Your project sounds like you'll bring in a lot of RV's. "Baja Cactus Resort"

[Edited on 11-8-2007 by Russ]

Convenience store

John M - 11-8-2007 at 06:40 AM

Russ has a right thought about the parking. On what part of your complex will the store be located? Do you see the store operating mostly during daytime hours?

Laundromat is a dandy idea!


4baja - 11-8-2007 at 07:34 AM

it would be nice to have a small selection of auto parts like all types of oil, make your own fan belts, tail light bulbs, tire repair producs exc, exc. i know that some of the stores have these but most are difficult to park next to when pulling a trailler or out of the way. look forward to the addition.:coolup:

shari - 11-8-2007 at 07:37 AM

Really great ideas about a bulletiin board?

oldjack - 11-8-2007 at 08:33 AM

I am confident that your new facility will be at least as good as your motel... that said... please have room for folks towing vehicles/trailers/boats to park... in that library or nearby internet access would be useful to many of us who "need to be connected".... a giant detailed map(probably designed/maintained by DavidK) would be useful to those of us who need direction in life... is there room in this resort for camping spaces for those in need.....

Oso - 11-8-2007 at 08:39 AM

Sounds great Antonio, you have the right idea on all counts.

BTW, I think you meant to say "most appreciated". But then "mostly appreciated" is probably quite accurate as well!:lol:

Packoderm - 11-8-2007 at 08:40 AM

Internet cafe?

It sounds like you're basically building a truck stop, so parking for trucks might be good.

DENNIS - 11-8-2007 at 08:42 AM


Whatever you decide to do, include bacon wrapped hotdogs and Pacifico.

dccf - 11-8-2007 at 08:47 AM

Will you adopt me?? Seems like you have covered everything. Good luck.

coconaco - 11-8-2007 at 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Packoderm
Internet cafe?

It sounds like you're basically building a truck stop, so parking for trucks might be good.

get a subway, burger king, and star.uck franchises there also.....

will i be able to walk to the outlet mall?

wilderone - 11-8-2007 at 10:14 AM

Mi dos centavos.
Maybe the public showers, auto parts and quick coffee would serve Baja truck drivers - there is so much truck traffic now - so I agree that you'd need parking.
Personally, I have always stopped at the markets just at the left curve to buy beer, ice, tortillas and salsa. I like those stores and they always have what I want. So if you're just going to have ice, I would instead choose a one-stop store. But I might stop in when I got gas to get a coffee. It would best to have a nice sign - "Hot fresh coffee to go" and have a reasonable price - a fill-up of someone's travel mug for $1.50 with regular coffee would be wonderful.
The quick food, library, nice coffee drinks and internet would serve your guests' needs, as they wouldn't have to wander away from the hotel looking elsewhere for these things, and they probably aren't found elsewhere in town anyway - smart move.
So maybe think along the lines of exactly who you wish to corral - transient truck drivers (many); your own guests (they're already there); or drivers passing through (what do they need). Since most tourist drivers are just beginning or ending their trip by the time they're at El Rosario, determine what they might need - maybe not too much since they're either stocked up for their trip or don't need anything since they'll be crossing the border in another 5 hours or so.

David K - 11-8-2007 at 10:31 AM

Wonderful news Antonio... What you describe is much like the original Paradores along Highway 1 when it was completed in Dec. 1973... They were at San Quintin (at the Cielito Lindo road), Cataviņa, The L.A. Bay jcn. 'Parador Punta Prieta', the Eagle Monument/ state border and San Ignacio.

I agree with the others about parking for trailers, and semis... Glad to hear the library is coming... Wilderone and others of us Nomads who donated books are happy to see that!

Elizabeth and I hope to see you and Lorenia soon, please check your u2u as well...

Mil gracias for all you do... !!!

TacoFeliz - 11-8-2007 at 10:34 AM

Excellent plan -- Good luck Antonio :D:D:D

We'll be stopping by to check the progress on every trip.

Diver - 11-8-2007 at 11:49 AM

Also a sign advertising RV supplies.
Some basics like sewer and water hoses, spare water pump, bulbs, fuses, 5 gallon pumpas, etc.
These things are all hard to find in Baja.

Halboo - 11-8-2007 at 12:18 PM

We stayed at the hotel for the first time Monday night and it's just beautiful and has become one of our new favorite stops.
There are many good suggestions here and all I'll add is make sure there's enough parking! I can see your business will be growing fast.:yes:
Good luck and thanks for taking such good care of all of us.

windsurfeddy - 11-8-2007 at 12:25 PM

May I suggest that you sell homemade tortillas, preferably flour.
Also, if you could sell fresh bread "bollilos".
When we head down to Bahia De Los Angeles, we like heading straight to Bahia Guadalupe, and these staples seem hard to find at times in the early am.

bajaboolie - 11-8-2007 at 12:36 PM

I agree about the fresh tortillas/bollilos and coffee. If you do that, it will save me from posting a thread next year about where to find good coffee on the road. I tried coffee from another unnamed place that has awesome food, but had to dump it b/c it was horrible!

wilderone - 11-8-2007 at 01:22 PM

Just another thought. I spent a week in a very rural village ("village" is stretching it) in Chiapas. There wasn't much to do at night, but there was a small cafe/store on the premises where everyone gathered because there really wasn't another place to do that. There was a TV where we could watch whatever we could tune in, and also play VHS videos. If you wanted, you could purchase one of their videos in their market and play it. They had herb teas at the cafe - the jamaica te was very good. There was an outside counter (as well as an inside counter) to sell stuff in the store. Also sold were some fresh fruit and vegetables, sweet rolls, and local handicrafts. While waiting for a collectiva for 2 hours, I noticed many pedestrians from the road come up to the outside counter and buy things. It was a cozy, special place to meet other people too. The tables were picnic tables, so if there was room, you shared which whoever else was there.
You could get some Baja sportfishing videos and keep them on to keep your guests lingering and buying drinks in the evening.
A fireplace? Meling Ranch has a huge fireplace that is so inviting.

DianaT - 11-8-2007 at 01:33 PM

Just a little suggestion. Have a couple of salsas for the food. A few unnamed places in Baja that draw lots of gringos make their salsa for gringos---on the mild side, and some of us prefer the real thing.

Quality coffee is also important---fresh and IMHO, make it stronger and if you use something like Starbucks, don't cut it with cheaper coffee as done elsewhere.

Love your hotel, and I am sure your new businesses will be just as high quality.

Best of Luck and we will enjoy watching the progress.

Diane and John

[Edited on 11-8-2007 by jdtrotter]

Bajaboy - 11-8-2007 at 01:46 PM

Hey Antonio-

Sounds to me like you have a few creatures here and may want to distinguish between them. One suggestion-you might consider have some items related to the gas station and others to the hotel. In other words, the public showers, mini-mart, etc. might coincide better with the gas station. Whereas the laundry and library might be an attribute of the hotel.

I suppose if this is housed together, though, that it will be associated with the gas station and not the hotel. Is this correct?


Bob and Susan - 11-8-2007 at 01:53 PM

sportfishing videos???

it's an AM/PM mini mart!!!!:lol::lol:

bajalera - 11-8-2007 at 05:47 PM

Sounds great, Antonio, I look forward to stopping by.

Some thoughts...

BajaCactus - 11-8-2007 at 07:18 PM


First I would like to thank you ALL for taking the time to write your ideas... THANK YOU!!!... I am already taking notes.

Now, to answer some questions:

-- Parking... you are right, this is very important, however we do not have a lot space, this is what we could squeeze in... there will be around 8 normal size parking spaces in front of the store (toward the highway)... plus, during the day, since we usually do not have guests at the motel, the 30+ parking spaces will be available (in the back of the store).

-- The main idea for the store/restaurant is to give service mainly to our motel guests and travelers... truthfully, I did not think on truck drivers simply because we do not have enough space to park those huge vehicles.

-- For those of you who remember our facilities, this convenience store will be constructed where our actual laundry machines for the motel are housed at the moment... having the front towards highway 1 and the back to the motel. One of the ideas to build it there is to serve as a sound barrier for the motel rooms, blocking some of the sound from the traffic on highway 1.

-- High quality coffee... yes... salsas... definitely.

-- Fresh made tortillas... nice idea, I will try to include it.... what we have already considered is fresh made donas and bread (I will see about the bolillos).

-- The kitchen is highly visible, so much that you will be able to see your food while is being prepared... hygiene very, very, very, extremely important. Do not want to spoil anyone vacation or trip to Baja.

-- ATM... I have been trying to get one for a couple of years now, but I have found no bank willing to install one there... yet. I will keep trying.

-- Giant map and bulletin board... good ideas... I will see about that... I am getting a really nice idea on this while I write.

-- There is a small place inside the store for souvenirs, local made arts and craft.

-- Unfortunately, we do not have enough space for camping or RV's... that is one thing we will not have.

Again, thank you so much my friends... your help is most appreciated (you see Oso... I am learning already... jejeje).

Antonio Munoz
"Where the Baja is so much more than a dream..."

[Edited on 11-9-2007 by BajaCactus]

DENNIS - 11-8-2007 at 07:45 PM

Hey...Don't forget the bacon wrapped hotdogs.

bajaandy - 11-9-2007 at 09:40 AM


Sounds like you've got a great idea going! Coffee, quick and easy hot food, a few "on the road" necessities. I like the idea about the map and bulletin board. Everybody likes to look at maps of Baja.

wilderone - 11-9-2007 at 10:37 AM

And decorate the walls with photos of Baja, all donated by nomads, including historic ones.
And sell artwork, also displayed on the walls.

David K - 11-9-2007 at 12:11 PM

If you are catering to tourists needs and not truckers, then the showers would not be needed, because if someone is staying long enough to shower, they should get a room at Baja Cactus! Use that area for bigger laundromat or bathroom area, perhaps?

The mission photos from Jack Swords would be a great feature on the walls... petroglyphs too! Anything to let the traveler know Baja isn't just 'Cabo' and hotels!

Russ - 11-9-2007 at 01:15 PM

I agree with David K. I don't see the need for showers. Maybe use the space for bacon wrapped hot dogs on the locally made sweet hot dog buns. Oh, Jeeze, I'm hungry!


Garry - 11-9-2007 at 01:24 PM

Keep the showers, an have water an air also. Dancing Girls out front. Tecate Girls would work

Neal Johns - 11-9-2007 at 01:26 PM

Baja books and maps for sale.

[Edited on 11-9-2007 by Neal Johns]

DENNIS - 11-9-2007 at 01:27 PM

How about a massage? Don't all AM-PMs have massage facilities?

Hook - 11-9-2007 at 01:30 PM

Space IS an issue for you, I am sure. You need more parking to accommodate all this.

Solution: buy Mama Espinoza out and combine the two properties. Gain a small kitchen and room for more parking and the store.

Mexitron - 11-9-2007 at 02:32 PM

It may be hard to be too many things to too many people. Good coffee, quick food and a place to hang out(library/internet cafe) sound great. There are markets where we can buy groceries and hardware in town. I love that fireplace at Melings, might be a good idea.

Showers are a good idea

BajaVida - 11-9-2007 at 03:16 PM

sometimes people want to clean up before heading north and visiting Ensendada or crossing the border

gotta have winni con huevo for breakfast

and we need good tea for those of us who do not drink coffee

Showers are a BAD idea

Hook - 11-9-2007 at 03:59 PM

Showers are a BAD idea. Promotes riff-raff clients. :lol:

[Edited on 11-9-2007 by Hook]

Bajabus - 11-9-2007 at 07:01 PM


Is the problem with getting a bank to install an ATM machine the data connection required?

I am not sure if you accept credit cards right now but we offer a commercial service via satellite called the transaction series that allows you to process up to 300 transactions per hour and can directly connect to a card reader so you can swipe customer credit cards. It's $39 per month plus about $900 in satellite equipment.

If your Mexican bank offers merchant services and card readers I don't see why it would not work for direct communication and deposit with them. The system does not offer INTERNET access just a configured direct connection to the merchant processing your transactions.

You can also connect an ATM machine to it if your bank is willing.


You could set up a USA bank account and contract separately for merchant services In the USA. There are a ton of folks offering merchant services and the money is in your account 2-3 days later. They typically charge anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5% and about $75 for the card reader.

Of course you would still be liable for IVA on your transactions to Hacienda.

You could even offer cash back up to a certain amount on purchases.

Something to consider.

Paulina - 11-9-2007 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by wilderone
And decorate the walls with photos of Baja, all donated by nomads, including historic ones.
And sell artwork, also displayed on the walls.

Like this?

The baja "Wall of Shame".

And perhaps a frontage sign endemic to Baja...


[Edited on 10-11-2007 by Paulina]

docsmom - 11-9-2007 at 08:32 PM

Paulina's "wall of shame" would keep me there for hours!
A warm or cool beverage in my hand, needing to stretch my legs for a bit.
Photos are an excellent, low cost, brilliant idea!

salvavida - 11-9-2007 at 09:46 PM

I know it may be expensive, but, purified Block Ice would be a great seller for south bound travellers.

wilderone - 11-12-2007 at 11:09 AM

Another idea. That hand-drawn El Rosario map that David K. made should be either made into a postcard which you can sell for 50 cents, OR - I like this one better - run off about 500 copies and put a sign out, that says "Free Map". Everyone will come over for their free map of El Rosario and maybe buy something too, and it will make the other townspeople happy because maybe people will learn something about El Rosario and spend more money in town. Later, you can add other shopkeepers' business card info on the back, or logo or whatever, charge them a little bit to have their advertising on the "map", which will pay for subsequent copy runs of the map. Eventually, have a nice color cardstock version made, which you can sell for $1.00. I'm sure David K. will be happy to run off the first 500 copies!!!

David K - 11-13-2007 at 04:59 PM

The problem is the map of any Baja town is so quickly outdated (places change names/ businesses close/ new one open)...

However, it is fine with me!

(ps I am out of state on vacation, checking Nomad on borrowed laptop)

Bajaboy - 11-13-2007 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by David K
The problem is the map of any Baja town is so quickly outdated (places change names/ businesses close/ new one open)...

However, it is fine with me!

(ps I am out of state on vacation, checking Nomad on borrowed laptop)

Excellent reason to go back often and keep the map up-to-date.


wilderone - 11-14-2007 at 09:56 AM

Si, with 2,000 people driving through town every day, hundreds will be passed out for free in the first couple of months. As the map incorporates more and more "business card" ads, and places of business change, it will become continually updated and new versions run off, which shouldn't be too cumbersome to do - maybe twice a year or so. I think it would be valuable to travelers to know where to get a tire fixed, a weld, a small museum, a good meal - good for the town in general, and of course, it should have the Baja Cactus logo and contact numbers on the front, which people can take with them and have for the future.