
Baja Dogs

AnimalAdvocate - 11-11-2007 at 01:31 PM

Good news: There is a relatively new Animal refuge, called "Baja Dogs" on Hwy 1 in Centenario outside of La Paz. The goal of this refuge is to spay & neuter dogs & cats. This is a free service for those people who are unable to pay, but donations are accepted, and a set fee is charged for those who can afford to pay.

Bad News: The Canadian founder of this organization does not treat the animals well. Unfortunately, she schedules employees to be at the refuge only between the hours of 8AM-11AM & 5PM-7PM. The animals are kept locked in small cages virtually 24-hours a day. Rarely are they taken out for walks or exercise. The older dogs who have learned to "hold it" until they are taken outside are kept in better conditions than the puppies who have to go more often & can't hold it or haven't yet learned to wait until they're taken outside; the puppies are in solid bottom cages, so they're sitting or laying in urine & poop. Several puppies are kept in each cage, so you can imagine the poor conditions these little fellas are exposed to. There is water in the cages all the time, and they are fed when the workers are there.

The founder does NOT treat the Mexicano employees well....with dignity or respect. She recently fired the Veterinarian who was on staff M-F from 4PM-8PM & Sat. from 9AM-1PM. The reason given for being fired is that the Veterinarian had agreed to give 4 free surgeries per month, and in September she'd only given two free surgeries because Central de Salud did not bring the necessary supplies...such as anesthesia & material for stitches, antiseptic, etc. for her to perform surgeries. Hurricane Henriette caused Central de Salud to temporarily divert all their efforts to the human population. Because of circumstances outside the Veterinarian's control, the founder withheld her pay for September & October fired her the first week in November; WITHOUT talking with the Veterinarian to advise her WHY her salary was being withheld. Instead, the founder complained loudly about the Veterinarian to anyone who would listen!! The founder has withheld medical & surgical records, thereby witholding proof that the Veterinarian was an employee or performed any services at Baja Dogs.

The Veterinarian has tried to file a complaint with Secretaria de Trabajo, but since she has no proof, this agency can't help her recover her lost wages. Baja Dogs owes her $15,000 pesos, but the founder is only willing to give her $5,700 pesos. Because the founder is withholding business records, there is no proof of work performed. Secretaria de Trabajo has told the Veterinarian she can file a civil suits against the founder, but we all know who fast the legal system works!

The purpose of posting this information is to hopefully force the founder to see the error of her ways towards both the animals given into her care and the Mexicano workers she employs. She is disrespecting the people & the culture! Her kind of animal refuge is not an asset to Baja!

I'm very upset about this situation, but I'm at a loss as to how to make it better or make it go away. Any suggestions on how to deal with this situation would be greatly appreciated!:?:

backninedan - 11-11-2007 at 02:50 PM

I hope the founder sees this post and has the guts to answer the charges made.

If true, she shouldn't be allowed anywhere near an animal, nor an animal shelter. IMHO


Dave - 11-11-2007 at 03:37 PM

Originally posted by AnimalAdvocate
The Veterinarian has tried to file a complaint with Secretaria de Trabajo, but since she has no proof, this agency can't help her recover her lost wages.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this situation would be greatly appreciated

Dear AnimalAdvocate Disgruntled Employee and/or veterinarian or spouse/close personal friend of veterinarian,

1. Mexican citizens doesn't need proof to file or collect a wage claim from a foreign employer. ;)

2. Animal advocates generally don't give a c**p about how humans are treated. (Although this was listed as a secondary concern so perhaps you qualify.)

Try again.

My guess would be that the owner is trying but lacks the funding to address all issues. She's probably overwhelmed. Would you rather this place closed?

Team Dave!

Gypsy Jan - 11-11-2007 at 03:50 PM

Yes and right on.

Russ - 11-11-2007 at 04:16 PM

I don't know who the heck you are!:fire: My Chocolate Lab had an very delicate knee surgery at Baja Dogs, on Oct.26th, by two of the most caring vets I have met. Mason spent two weeks of therapy at that facility after the operation. Believe me, I checked out the place and I found the staff and the conditions superior to many in the States. Large chain link kennel areas. The floors are dirt but clean. She hopes to have concrete floors soon and may have them now. Yes, they had some create type kennels. They use them to retrieve abused and abandoned dogs. The strays are washed vaccinated and examined by one or both of the new vets and quarantined so they don't bring bad stuff into the general population. When I made a donation they would not except it until I wrote my information in a book. So the little amount of donations she was receiving at that time are well accounted for. She has dreams of a larger facility away for homes so the dogs won't bother any neighbors. Dhorea is a caring person and is involved in many programs to help disadvantaged kids.
Here is an article from the BajaInsider:
The poster of this thread should be hung out to dry by the locals who know the truth!

[Edited on 11-11-2007 by Russ]

AnimalAdvocate - 11-11-2007 at 04:54 PM


Dear AnimalAdvocate Disgruntled Employee and/or veterinarian or spouse/close personal friend of veterinarian,
None of the above! At best, I know & respect the Veterinarian & would have preferred she be treated fairly & honestly & allowed to continue her good & caring work with the animals.

1. Mexican citizens doesn't need proof to file or collect a wage claim from a foreign employer. ;)
They do when their pay is based on "production or output" rather than a fixed salary, that's why the medical & surgical records are so important.

2. Animal advocates generally don't give a c**p about how humans are treated. (Although this was listed as a secondary concern so perhaps you qualify.)
BOTH are of great concern to me!


My guess would be that the owner is trying but lacks the funding to address all issues. She's probably overwhelmed. Would you rather this place closed?
That's WHY I was looking for input as to possible solutions; for the sake of both the animals, and the employees who care for them.

Paulina - 11-11-2007 at 05:03 PM

Wow. As a "Newbie" you got that quote thing down!

Are you dually registered on Nomad?


DENNIS - 11-11-2007 at 05:24 PM

Yeah.... How does he/she do all that stuff?

Russ - 11-11-2007 at 05:31 PM

I smell a Rat!

AnimalAdvocate - 11-11-2007 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Russ
I don't know who the heck you are!:fire: My Chocolate Lab had an very delicate knee surgery at Baja Dogs, on Oct.26th, by two of the most caring vets I have met. Mason spent two weeks of therapy at that facility after the operation. Believe me, I checked out the place and I found the staff and the conditions superior to many in the States. Large chain link kennel areas. The floors are dirt but clean. She hopes to have concrete floors soon and may have them now. Yes, they had some create type kennels. They use them to retrieve abused and abandoned dogs. The strays are washed vaccinated and examined by one or both of the new vets and quarantined so they don't bring bad stuff into the general population. When I made a donation they would not except it until I wrote my information in a book. So the little amount of donations she was receiving at that time are well accounted for. She has dreams of a larger facility away for homes so the dogs won't bother any neighbors. Dhorea is a caring person and is involved in many programs to help disadvantaged kids.
Here is an article from the BajaInsider:
The poster of this thread should be hung out to dry by the locals who know the truth!

[Edited on 11-11-2007 by Russ]
Marisol, the Veterinarian who did the surgery on Mason & oversaw his recovery is the Veterinarian who was fired. Now; hearing that the Veterinarian you speak so highly of, the same person who took such good care of Mason is the same person this injustice was done to; does that change your reaction at all?

Yes, Dorea is a very attractive woman at first glance, and the initial impression she gives off is benevolent & caring, but her true nature comes out if you spend any time in her company. She doesn't have the respect in the local community that Marisol does, and for just cause.

I didn't make any accusations about the use or accounting for donations received, so I'm not sure what prompted those comments. My comments were limited to medical records which Marisol's pay was based on.

I doubt Dorea happened to mention that her application to create her new facility inside the Lomas Centenario housing development was denied by the city permit office, did she? So much for her honesty & sincerity in not bothering any neighbors!

I'm sorry, Russ, I know you're angry at my original post, but I AM a of many locals who do know the truth; based on knowing her for a few years rather than first impressions. Marisol is a fine veterinarian & fine human being, and she doesn't deserve what's happened....nor do the animals in that facility deserve to lose her!

AnimalAdvocate - 11-11-2007 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
Wow. As a "Newbie" you got that quote thing down!

Are you dually registered on Nomad?


No, but a Nomad is translating & posting what I ask him to because I don't speak English, and I don't have the computer skills to post myself. I just became a Nomad today when I asked my friend to help me by translating & posting for me.


Russ - 11-11-2007 at 06:08 PM

I hate it when I'm SOOO wrong. Things change. I still would like to hear back from Dhorea and I will go back to Baja Dogs and check it out. I do believe that Marisol and her husband, Armando are excellent vets. I will see them after Thanksgiving. It would be a real tragedy if you are right. And I hate Crow.

AnimalAdvocate - 11-11-2007 at 06:25 PM

Thank you for that acknowledgment Russ! The information posted is accurate & current. I'll get a contact # for Marisol & U2U it to you as soon as I can. I hope Mason is doing great!

Marie-Rose - 11-11-2007 at 07:26 PM

It never ceases to amaze me... this forum is one of the best ways of getting information out!! (and advice ... gracias Dr. Tom!)
Please keep us informed re: Baja Dogs:O

Mexicanmullet - 11-12-2007 at 12:02 PM

I have worked closely on a project for Baja Dogs rescue with the Owner. Im sure that the veterinarian that was fired was fired on VERY Just-cause. Upon reading this article there is alot of bias information. The owner has given up many aspects of her life to dedicate her life to the well being of these mis treated dogs. The statement "The Canadian founder of this organization does not treat the animals well." Cannot even be comprehended as better than a Complete lie. There is no one i know that has had more Compassion and care for these animals. And this is shown by the rescue's website. The Dog on the front is my dog. She went from being on the highway starving with mange and with an eye infection. Now after the care and affection that dhorea and her veterinarians she is a healthy dog. Who will never stop showing how much joy she has to be alive.


Why would the named veterinarian be fired if she was such a good veterinarian? If she put so much time in? And why would she stay if there was such mistreatment? Did she put in the effort to save these mistreated dogs? She as an employee must have had responsibilities to care for these dogs. Because there were so many dogs at the refuge it could not SOLELY be the Owners responsibility or she would not have hired employees.

As for supplies, The owner is not a veterinarian, she is a dedicated charity owner. She must buy her supplies based on money she receives. She has given much of her own money to begin this safe haven for dogs. There is no protection from death on the streets of mexico for these dogs.

The owner has put many school level programs in place to show the mexican culture how to care for their pets and she herself has donated and distributed clothing for the children in her area. She cares about any human being and animal alike. To see the amount of Disrespect this person is paying to someone who has helped them before makes me sick. The owner is a wonderful person whom I have worked with before, who has brought the love of my life to me (my dog, who almost died) and cares about animals more than you will ever know.

If this happens to be your first impression of Baja Dogs Rescue, I beg you do not hold a bias against them because of an angered ex-veterinarian. There were many things named in this complaint that were not only the owners responsibility, and there were things named in here that are not the truth. Go to Baja Dogs Rescue and have a look for yourself. You are the only ones that can truely judge. If you truely love the veterinarian that has been fired, then stay true to her, as i will stay true to the owner. Baja dogs Rescue is a wonderful place. Do not hesitate to go there if you are in need.

Mexicanmullet - 11-12-2007 at 12:15 PM

please visit and see how many dogs listed have been helped..
They would most definitely be there than on the street at risk for getting their necks snapped.

My dog when she was brought to the rescue....

My dog now..

AnimalAdvocate - 11-12-2007 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Mexicanmullet
I have worked closely on a project for Baja Dogs rescue with the Owner. Im sure that the veterinarian that was fired was fired on VERY Just-cause. Upon reading this article there is alot of bias information. The owner has given up many aspects of her life to dedicate her life to the well being of these mis treated dogs. The statement "The Canadian founder of this organization does not treat the animals well." Cannot even be comprehended as better than a Complete lie. There is no one i know that has had more Compassion and care for these animals. And this is shown by the rescue's website. The Dog on the front is my dog. She went from being on the highway starving with mange and with an eye infection. Now after the care and affection that dhorea and her veterinarians she is a healthy dog. Who will never stop showing how much joy she has to be alive.

First of all, thank you Mexicanmullet for your time & effort working on behalf of the dogs of Baja!

Yes, Dorea gives her own time & money, but just because someone sets out to do good things, it doesn't necessarily show up in the end results. I'm glad for you and your dog that hers is a happy ending story. I never said the medical treatment of the animals is bad or inferior. I said that the animals are kept inside most of the day locked up in small individual travel kennels which hold urine & poop. The conditions the animals are currently kept in is not as good as it was when Baja Dogs first opened it's doors. And for the record, the Baja Dogs website is not a public forum, it says exactly what the founder wants it to say, since you mentioned "bias"! Baja Dogs has done many good things & saved many animals, the concept is a good one, it's the execution that I and many others here in the area find fault with.

Why would the named veterinarian be fired if she was such a good veterinarian? If she put so much time in? And why would she stay if there was such mistreatment? Did she put in the effort to save these mistreated dogs? She as an employee must have had responsibilities to care for these dogs. Because there were so many dogs at the refuge it could not SOLELY be the Owners responsibility or she would not have hired employees.

That's an EXCELLENT question....WHY was she fired? From another poster here, there was an initial very angry reply in defense of Marisol & her husband who wasn't mentioned in my original post. His anger was directed at me, and in Marisol & Armando's defense. Obviously, he has a lot of respect for a person wrongfully fired, just as I & many others do.

As for supplies, The owner is not a veterinarian, she is a dedicated charity owner. She must buy her supplies based on money she receives. She has given much of her own money to begin this safe haven for dogs. There is no protection from death on the streets of mexico for these dogs.

I never said or inferred the founder was a Veterinarian. But she is in charge & she directs the employees as to their job responsibilities.

The owner has put many school level programs in place to show the mexican culture how to care for their pets and she herself has donated and distributed clothing for the children in her area. She cares about any human being and animal alike. To see the amount of Disrespect this person is paying to someone who has helped them before makes me sick. The owner is a wonderful person whom I have worked with before, who has brought the love of my life to me (my dog, who almost died) and cares about animals more than you will ever know.

Yes, she has been involved in education programs in the grade schools here in Centenario. But she's not ALONE in her efforts! She has several paid employees, as well as a Board of Directions whose ideas & suggestions have been implemented, and for which she takes full credit for!

If this happens to be your first impression of Baja Dogs Rescue, I beg you do not hold a bias against them because of an angered ex-veterinarian. There were many things named in this complaint that were not only the owners responsibility, and there were things named in here that are not the truth. Go to Baja Dogs Rescue and have a look for yourself. You are the only ones that can truely judge. If you truely love the veterinarian that has been fired, then stay true to her, as i will stay true to the owner. Baja dogs Rescue is a wonderful place. Do not hesitate to go there if you are in need.

I repeat...I AM NOT Marisol!!!! I posted this because I sincerely feel that Dorea mistreated Marisol & because she withheld the medical & surgery records which prove Marisol's case before Secretaria de Trajabo. If Dorea truly "cares about any human being" & is such a caring & compassionate person, why doesn't she pay her employees Segurio Social; as is required by Mexican law? If she's so caring & compassionate towards children, why does she pay minor workers less than legal wage; as required by Mexican law?

[Edited on 11-13-2007 by AnimalAdvocate]

Marie-Rose - 11-12-2007 at 06:59 PM

Boy this is "deja vue"!!!:o In TS we recently had a similiar situation where the couple who run the most fabulous refugio around (do I sound bias???) had a very unfortunate situation with a very sick dog they were boarding. You would not believe the stories that were generated... many lies and half truths.
I have heard that Dorea is, and has been for many years... an incredible animal advocate.
I for one am keeping an open mind.

Russ - 11-12-2007 at 09:09 PM

"That's an EXCELLENT question....WHY was she fired? From another poster here, there was an initial very angry reply in defense of Marisol & her husband who wasn't mentioned in my original post. His anger was directed at me, and in Marisol & Armando's defense. Obviously, he has a lot of respect for a person wrongfully fired, just as I & many others do."
----Don't know how to do that "quote" thing.-----
I hope I didn't convey that I Knew that Marisol was wrongfully fired. I know nothing. And even less after this posting. And I'm still angry! The dogs are what are important here. When I was there I experienced a well run facility, all the people I met seemed happy to be there and helping with the dogs. The vets were happy to be able to use the facility for their procedures. I did not see dogs created in the general population area. Only in the admitting room. I'm going back after Thanksgiving and will see both people. I will not post my impressions again concerning this thread. You all, I guess, should make your decision. The End

AnimalAdvocate - 11-13-2007 at 09:14 AM

Sorry Russ, didn't mean to imply that the way you apparently took it. What I should have said is you felt she is an excellent veterinarian which you made clear in your first post. I was pointing out your high regards for her, and didn't mean to imply that you felt she was wrongfully fired. I'll try to be more careful in translating for content rather than a literal translation....unlike most of the on-line translators!

Mexicanmullet - 11-13-2007 at 08:34 PM

Ive been inquiring about baja dogs and someone told me that there is a mexican woman from centenario who is part owner of baja dogs and im not sure of her last name but i think her husbands name is ruban. Does any one out there know if this is true?

bajajazz - 11-13-2007 at 11:09 PM

I don't have a dog in this fight, so to speak, but I feel a need to get my two cents in.

I've been a property owner here for 20 years -- and in all that time the local Mexican population has never given a s..t about the welfare of homeless animals. All the effort expended to create a humane shelter in La Paz for stray dogs and cats has come from Gringos. And it totally tees me off to see the one person who has managed to pull it all together get trashed in public print over some personnel issue that is nobodys business except the two people involved.

Further, I've visited the shelter and found it to be clean, well organized and staffed by people who really seem to care about the animals in their charge. Dhorea deserves a medal, not crap like this. :fire:

Stickers - 11-13-2007 at 11:42 PM

Thank you Jazz, I agree.

AnimalAdvocate ?????? What are you proposing?????

The Animal Services budget where I live is about $16,000,000 U.S. per year. I live in an area where the population takes very good care of their animals and spends about $3 billion dollars a year (privately) on their pets.

There are always budget shortfalls when it comes to shelters private or public. That's the way it is......even the shelters built and sponsored by movie stars with great wealth have continuous problems staying afloat.

Many Vets generously donate time and shelters are always staffed with many volunteers to help. (not paid)

That's the way it is.


Baja Dogs Cofounders

bajaretreat - 11-14-2007 at 10:31 AM

Mexicanmullet - the Mexican woman you are referring to, Olga, and her husband Ruben, are neighbors of Dhorea Ryon, and Olga is cofounder as well as a member of the board of directors. :light:

BajaDaisy - 11-14-2007 at 04:42 PM





baja dogs

eglazier - 11-15-2007 at 05:58 PM

i know nothing about the departure of Marisol the vet, but i have been visiting the shelter every two weeks to leave food. i have also been visiting an old male dog with the use of only three legs that we had been feeding on jalisco between the abasolo and insurgentes. i took him in because he was being beaten on by other dogs and felt at his old age he needed some care and peace. he has gotten that and good care; looks fine now.
i have never seen the filthy conditions described in the first post. i felt there was good care given to all the dogs there. caring for many dogs is a hard job and my belief is that it was being done well.
it is unfortunate when an idea from the mind of someone is broadcast as a diatribe rather than given in some thoughtful statement. criticism is worthwhile if it is presented carefully and if it is correct. i believe this one was wrong on both counts.
for info, we did not take the dog home for we have 8 already, de calle, and also 5 cats and we could not be certain the old dog and the cats would good together.

Baja Dogs

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 06:50 PM

We appologize for our lateness in replying to these posts. We had some difficulty setting up an account and we also wished to post pictures in reply.

1. Baja Dogs Helpline of La Paz, A.C. is a legally registered Mexican Charity organization (Associacion Civil) and abides by the strict guidelines applicable to an Association Civil. It is curently comprised of 6 board members who meet regularly and who vote on decisions related to the structure and function of the dog refuge and other community activities and services. It is funded by and keeps accurate records of donations made to the charity. Several members of the board also donate signifigant amounts of their own money and/or labor for basic refuge operations or animal care. The refuge is currently staffed by volunteers and a few paid employees who are responsible for cleaning and animal care.

2. Baja Dogs has never hired a Veterinarian as an employee. A Veterinarian opened a private vet. clinic within the refuge. This veterinarian has recently chosen to leave the clinic. No one has been fired. Baja Dogs Helpline does not have any medical or surgical records belong to this veterinarian. Records held by Baja Dogs are solely related to the vaccine and medical records of the refuge dogs and a copy will be given to the adoptive owner. Other information regarding this issue is either false or inaccurate.

3. We invite anyone who has questions to please visit us. The information on the layout of the clinc as well as the treatment or misstreatment claimed in the original post is not true. We are posting photos taken at various times of the day so that readers can see for themsleves what the refuge and the animals look like. Come see us anytime (weekends 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. are best because you may find that "special someone" to adopt). You will see the fantastic care these rescued street dogs receive, as well as their spacious play areas. They are Mexican dogs and do take siestas between 1 PM and 4 PM.
Notable frequent visitors to the refuge include: Dr. Marcos Acuña and Dr. Pepe Acosta from the Centro de Salud, as well as the Subdelagado of Centenario. All three are supporters of Baja Dogs Helpline and the work this non-profit agency has done in the La Paz, Centenario and Chemetla areas.

Baja Dogs

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:19 PM

Here are some photos in and around the grounds of the Refuge.

Photos Baja Dogs Refuge

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:22 PM

Outdoor space.jpg - 37kB


BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:23 PM

Outdoor time.jpg - 43kB

More outdoors

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:25 PM

Shade area.jpg - 41kB

Baja Dogs Refuge Outside

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:27 PM

Siesta in the shade.jpg - 37kB

Inside the Refuge Baja Dogs

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:29 PM

Now you can see for yourselves the size of the cages, and how the refuge is maintained. We hope you'll note on the time stamps that these Photos were taken at various times during the day. They were also been taken on different days

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC]

Play time.jpg - 38kB

Indoor Photos

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:31 PM

Here's some shots of those tiny cages.

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC]

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC]

Puppy in Cage.jpg - 38kB

Puppies in Cages

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:32 PM

Here are the puppies napping together in a cage. They prefer this for contact and warmth.

Puppies napping together with their toys.jpg - 37kB

Puppies Together

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:33 PM

Here they are all snuggled up together in their cage, napping.

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC]

PuppySiestas.jpg - 38kB

Puppy Naps

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:34 PM

And yes, sometimes they even like to nap alone.

Puppy siesta.jpg - 37kB

More puppies

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:41 PM

And here are the puppies inside. Please note the people footprints from someone who has come in from the street. They are very visable against the highly polished floor.

DSC03245.jpg - 35kB

And one last Photo

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-15-2007 at 07:52 PM

We could post more, but these photos should be sufficient to give readers a good idea of what the refuge really looks like.

We hope you can come visit, adopt a dog, or help support the work at the refuge. A lot has been done on a very small budget. We always need help. Donate some money, some time or both.
We're located on Calle Agustin Olachea Aviles #2
Entrada at Miguel Hidalgo and Nicolas Bravo in El Centenario.
Our e-mail is:
Write or come by.

Marie-Rose - 11-15-2007 at 09:31 PM

Thank you so much for the info... as i sit and reply with Mamacita on one side and Kobe (rescue from last spring) on the other...gracias.
You are obviously very involved and knowledgeable... the dog rescue business is always an emotional one

AnimalAdvocate - 11-17-2007 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by bajajazz
I've been a property owner here for 20 years -- and in all that time the local Mexican population has never given a s..t about the welfare of homeless animals. All the effort expended to create a humane shelter in La Paz for stray dogs and cats has come from Gringos.
Then you must obviously only hang around with gringos & not have any Mexican friends. There are a LOT of Mexicans who sincerely care about street dogs. I am one, or I wouldn't have started this post in the first place! And I'd say that the 3 Mexicans on the Board or Directors care, or they wouldn't be doing the unpaid work they do! You can go to the Baja Dogs website to verify the nationalities of the Board of Directors, since my word here doesn't seem to be trusted.
And it totally tees me off to see the one person who has managed to pull it all together get trashed in public print over some personnel issue that is nobodys business except the two people involved.
Well, according to Baja Dog's response, there is a 6 person Board of Directors (3 Gringo & 3 Mexican) who make this type of decisions, so I'd think that it's between more than two people involved. I care about the animals and I care about the Vet who was forced to leave. Her absence is not in the animals best interests.

edit: typo

[Edited on 11-18-2007 by AnimalAdvocate]

Diver - 11-17-2007 at 06:27 PM

Yawn....another glass of whine, anyone ?? None for me, thanks !!


AnimalAdvocate - 11-17-2007 at 06:46 PM

This will be my last post, because I believe that my posting here in the first place will have a bad effect on the dogs. What I have posted here is the truth! I'm saddened by most of the responses here who are siding with a gringo over the word of a Mexican. Many of the puppies and larger dogs ARE kept in travel kennels sitting in their own pee & poop for hours. The dogs are NOT walked or exercised as often as they were when Baja Dogs first opened.

I do have documents that could prove all I've said here, but am reluctant to post it for fear of what could happen to the animals & I don't want to violate the confidence of the person who gave me the papers. Please just believe me that Baja Dogs is not what it seems to be on the surface. And yes, they DO make sure someone cleans the cages when they know someone is coming in!

I posted this information here in hope that it would force Dorea to do things right, not the wrong way, for the animals & the people. Obviously my hopes were in vain. :(

Baja Dogs

BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC - 11-17-2007 at 10:33 PM

Baja Dogs was formed by people who cared about the large number of street dogs and abandoned dogs in La Paz, regardless of the nationalities of the people. All board members joined together to form the Association because the starving dogs they continually encountered in the streets saddened them all. In fact, the Board is made up of 4 Mexicans, a Canadian and an English National. Check your facts please.

Baja Dogs has facilitated the sterilization of over 800 dogs. Documentation of this is available.

One of the Board members, who is the veterinarian in charge of the refuge, is Dr. Bertha Haro, President of the Colegio de Veterinarianos (Veterinarian Association) of La Paz, and she is a well respected professional in the community.

These posts appear to be a personal attack on Dhorea.

If you, Animal Advocate, really have the documentation you claim, please bring a copy to either the Board or to the Attorney for Baja Dogs.

Marisol was not “forced to leave”. She chose to leave. Baja Dogs could no longer afford to pay for vaccines when they already have a volunteer vet on staff who is willing to do them. As someone mentioned, most shelters depend heavily on volunteer veterinarian services. Even with these services, the cost of running a refuge is extremely high.

The dogs get lots of exercise daily. The dogs are outside during the day unless sleeping or recovering from sterilizations or some illness, and sleep indoor at night for security reasons. A volunteer comes 2 hours a day 5 days a week just to walk the dogs. The refuge is cleaned continually. Again, please come see us. Animal Advocate, you are welcome to come help clean, or donate some bleach, which we go through by the gallon.

[Edited on 11-18-2007 by BajaDogsHelplineLaPazAC]