
Thoughts About Dogs and Baja

DianaT - 11-11-2007 at 03:04 PM

Recently someone posted a rather negative thought about dog threads and what he felt was the wrongful ascribing of human qualities to our animals. Guilty of many posts relating our fur babies with Baja and guilty of enjoying all of the dog threads, I was left wondering why it seems so natural to relate Baja to our pets. Yes, many of us cherish our pets and while we know they are not just furry little humans, they do experience feelings and emotion. But I thought there must be more. :yes:

Our thoughts as to how we see Baja through our dogs and the dogs of others.

1.Watching our babies run free with no leashes----we feel free from some of the constraints of the problems of the city left behind.

2.As they smile and wander off the dirt roads and trails to explore the dunes---again, it is a feeling of freedom, freedom for us to explore off trail seeking and finding some of nature’s little treasures.

3.Seeing that dirty face wondering why no one yelled “no” or “bad dog”” when they dig a hole in the sand -----a sheer enjoyment of the open spaces where so few wander that one hole makes no difference, and with the tides and wind, the hole will soon fill-up.

4.Freely rearranging the birds on the beach----for us, it is the enjoyment of living where there are too many birds to count and they will return over and over. OK, one minor thing here, we don’t let them chase migratory birds or they might not return.

5.Enjoying meeting new dog friends with the advantage of dog language being universal ----but while we are learning a new language, there is often a lot of communication with hands and other body language with our new friends. No, we don’t greet them and check them out the same way. :spingrin:

6.Seeing our dogs and other Nomad’s dogs kicked back on their back, feeling safe, secure and totally relaxed----it is how we feel sitting on our front porch watching the world drift by.

7.Seeing one Nomad dog sleeping while using a cow patty for a pillow---oh the times we have slept in places and conditions we would not even consider in the US.

8. They just bring added joy, happiness, and they make us take those long walks. :yes::yes:

Well, those are just some of the reasons we so often relate our dogs to Baja and why we enjoy all the dog threads. Sure hope some of you can add more.

Speaking of dogs, here are two very depressed Baja dogs----confined to quarters. They just don’t understand why we don’t want lots of dog prints in the new cement being poured. :no: :no:

I really don´t understand

Even my toy doesn´t understand

And two toys won´t make me happy---we want outside.

Yes, they do express emotion, IMHO

Diane and John

[Edited on 11-11-2007 by jdtrotter]

Roberto - 11-11-2007 at 03:13 PM


I have had dogs all my life. They are the best friends one can have. I know that's a cliche', but cliche's become such for a reason. My latest one is a Lab, and he's the sweetest animal I can imagine. He wants nothing more than to be with us, his family. So, I understand where you are coming from.

That all said, there IS a big difference in attitude towards dogs in Mexico. For most Mexicans, dogs are an appendage, not a pet. They give no thought to killing dogs when there are too many around. That is where the comment you refer to comes from, I think.

Now for all you who are going to criticize me for saying this - it is what I have observed, and also what I have been told by many Mexicans themselves. It's also a generalization, and as all such, it is not universally true, but it IS a common outlook.

DianaT - 11-11-2007 at 03:24 PM


I was referring the the comment on Gadgets great travel thread through the eyes of his Duke ---the comment that criticized dog threads.

I should have been clearer---but I hope this thread will lead to other people sharing their thoughts about their dogs and not about how dogs are treated.

None of us can stand to see a dog mistreated, but I hope to keep this about Baja Dog Lovers.


Barry A. - 11-11-2007 at 03:26 PM

It is reported that the Lewis & Clark expedition members, as well as the attendent Native Americans, loved dogs also-----they were delicious.

Personally, I like cats.

I KNOW that I am flawed, and in few ways deserve the TOTAL affection and love given by a dog, and therefore it makes me uncomfortable to be the object of that blind love-------

Cats truly know me, and reflect that in their measured and cautious love---------now that reflects the true nature of a relationship, to me--------you must constantly "earn" love, as it should be, IMHO.

And as for freedom------in this country I feel completely free without the reassurance of a furry friend (tho I admit it is sure fun to watch their crazy happy antics in the wilds)


Paulina - 11-11-2007 at 03:33 PM


Nicely said. We had the choice of leaving Cora home with me and Cody, or letting her go to the race with Dern. It was not a tough decision. We said the "M" word to Cora and she was springing on all fours like a kangaroo and was up in the truck in a flash. That was yesterday morning, 5 am.

She knows her "Mexico" and is, as I type, stretched out in the sunshine on our front porch tiles.

It would have been selfish of me to keep her here with us when I KNOW that she'd rather be in Baja. Just like her mom.


Either You Get Dogs

Gypsy Jan - 11-11-2007 at 04:14 PM

...or you don't.

I mean in the "one of the greatest part of life in their own manner" way, not in the "oh, he's so cute, human baby substitute" way.

Companion animals, be they dogs, cats, birds or whatever engages your affections, are, in essence, creatures true to their own nature and we share our space with them.

If you love dogs...great! I love dog stories. Other people don't.

That's why I proposed a separate forum to Doug for stories about our critters in Baja and sharing information about resources, i.e., vets and other stuff. He has server and time issues, but the suggestion is under consideration.

[Edited on 11-11-2007 by Gypsy Jan]

Diver - 11-11-2007 at 04:27 PM

We never go anywhere without Zeke.
Although he occasionally goes places without us !!

He and the wife Rita LOVE Baja !!

z.jpg - 37kB

Diver - 11-11-2007 at 04:29 PM

And Zeke wants to know if we can bring Kit too ??

kit.jpg - 41kB

DrTom - 11-11-2007 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
..Either You Get Dogs

...or you don't.
[Edited on 11-11-2007 by Gypsy Jan]

The first question my later to be-wife liz asked me was "where do your dogs sleep?" my reply was "well, im concerned I may have to surgically remove a pillow from my labrador- Buck's behind" (i didnt use the word behind, but you get the idea)......

Youre either an animal person or not. Now personally I used to be a cat person, but then i discovered that if youre a cat person, you get really weird as you get older, and there's nothing stranger than an elderly woman with 18 cats.....Im a dog person and liz is a dog and horse person. (not youre typical horse person I might add.....)
So if you dont get dogs, you wont get me or liz.

Diver - 11-11-2007 at 05:06 PM

Oh yeh, lets not forget Bucky !!
He gets lonely at home without us.

Wow, how did I do that ??
Click on the blue "buck".

[Edited on 11-12-2007 by Diver]

Attachment: Buck (34kB)
This file has been downloaded 140 times

Russ - 11-11-2007 at 05:12 PM

Freedom Rules!

Thanks Daine, Mason

Mason.jpg - 45kB

Roberto - 11-11-2007 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter

I was referring the the comment on Gadgets great travel thread through the eyes of his Duke ---the comment that criticized dog threads.

I should have been clearer---but I hope this thread will lead to other people sharing their thoughts about their dogs and not about how dogs are treated.

None of us can stand to see a dog mistreated, but I hope to keep this about Baja Dog Lovers.


Yes, I know what you were talking about - the thing about Gringos anthropomorphizing their dogs.

bajabound2005 - 11-11-2007 at 07:21 PM

Isn't it amazing how much better your dog behaves when in Baja? That's what we found when we just vacationed here. No leash, no problem. No fence, no problem. And now that we are here full-time, they pretty much run the campo. Barney (now world-famous) is the self-declared mayor of our camp. He meets and greets everyone coming and going. All three dogs announce new arrivals -- people, cars, or things (like a backhoe) they have not seen in the camp before. They don't annoy anyone. They love it here as much as we do. The landowner's dog comes to our house every day for a treat.

And the best vacations we've ever had are those we could take our dogs on with us. Without them by our sides, we always just worried about them at home! We'd have a dog sitter (never kenneled -- well, maybe once) but none-the-less, we love having them wherever we go...even when it's a little inconvenient.

And yes, a labrador makes a nice pillow! Beagles are great footwarmers. And wild haired terrier mixes? Just fun to watch.

Since We Are Sharing

Gypsy Jan - 11-11-2007 at 07:55 PM

...our secret life with dogs.

The alpha male rottweiler takes the head of the bed - you will adjust your pillow.

The female rot takes the end of the bed and watches out the window, all night.

The baby Great Dane figures out a way to get on the bed, between all.

The German Shepherd sleeps on the pillow beside the bed and patrols the house all night.

Uhmmm..where do I sleep? Wherever.

Paula - 11-11-2007 at 07:56 PM

Who Let the Dogs Out?

just one...

...or a whole bunch of 'em

Diane, I can't believe you don't want these precious prints to customize your cement! Actually these aren't Fillmore's prints, but came free of charge in the product as purchased. I really like them.:biggrin:

Paulina - 11-11-2007 at 08:23 PM

I was told it was good luck to have a dog's paw print set in your tiles. I have one in my house.


Dog Print Tile

Gypsy Jan - 11-11-2007 at 08:31 PM

Yes, we have them in our casa. Somebody said that they were good luck. Maybe they were more expensive?

I like our dog print tiles.

Halboo - 11-12-2007 at 09:47 AM

Herc and Shally love Baja!

Paulina - 11-12-2007 at 10:30 AM


Watch out for the dead, dried puffer fish that are on your beach. Your pup will be drawn to them like a rawhide chew toy, and they are deadly.


Diver - 11-12-2007 at 10:32 AM

Careful there soulpatch;

Most vets do not recommend taking puppies to Baja until they have completed their Parvo series. Little guys don't do well if they get it.
Although chances are he'll be fine, maybe something to consider.


wilderone - 11-12-2007 at 11:04 AM

At the risk of being stoned, I need to say (I didn't bring up the subject in teh first place), that you dog owners should not assume that other people like your dog as much as you, that they are possibly even fearful of dogs, that barking, growling dogs are an annoyance, that people don't like having their crotches sniffed or having a dog jump at them, that dog poop is just plain obnoxious - anywhere, that leash laws are for everyone - even your dog, that it's really not ok to bring your dog into the grocery store, Target, etc. even if you think they're so cute in your backpack on your back, that listening to someone's baby talk to their dog is like listening to The Simpsons or opera (get me outta here), that dogs chasing birds, squirrels, chipmunks in those animals' own habitat may be fun for your dog, but traumatic for the little animal/bird (in fact animals have starved having had a dog pee next to their hole in the ground because they think a predator is near), and that an untrained, ill-mannered dog is your fault.
Ok - go ahead - I can take it.

Barry A. - 11-12-2007 at 11:13 AM

Wilderone----------HEAR, HEAR!!!!!!!

Especially the part about dogs terrifying people-------both my wife and I have been badly bitten by dogs, and we both are frankly terrified by them, almost involuntarily. In my case, the dog bite happened out of the blue and it cost MY insurance over $7000 to repair the damage----we had to sue the dog owner to recover the money. My wife, I know, loses a few years off her life everytime a dog comes running up to her-----------

-------and usually all the owners can say, while laughing, is, "fluffy doesn't bite"-----------give me a break!!!!!

Folks with dogs, pullease keep your dogs restrained!!!!


DianaT - 11-12-2007 at 11:16 AM

Gosh, the grocery stores here in Bahia Asuncion have their own dogs.

We do plan on a few dog prints before things are finished. Now that you mention it, lots of prints could be very decorative.

Yea, not everyone likes dogs, and that is OK.

Barry A. - 11-12-2007 at 11:27 AM


WE both love dogs, and have owned several, ------that is NOT the point--------

It is OTHER PEOPLES dogs that we don't know about, and until we have time to make friends with them, from experience we know to be really careful------but what do you do when a dog just rushes up to you barking and growling???? In our case, we lose a few years off our lives, and I don't think that is right-------we should not be subjected to that, I don't think, if it can be avoided by the owners taking the responsibility for their dogs.

OK, I have ranted enough-----------:no:

mtgoat666 - 11-12-2007 at 11:37 AM

Originally posted by wilderone
At the risk of being stoned, I need to say (I didn't bring up the subject in teh first place), that you dog owners should not assume that other people like your dog as much as you, that they are possibly even fearful of dogs, that barking, growling dogs are an annoyance, that people don't like having their crotches sniffed or having a dog jump at them, that dog poop is just plain obnoxious - anywhere, that leash laws are for everyone - even your dog, that it's really not ok to bring your dog into the grocery store, Target, etc. even if you think they're so cute in your backpack on your back, that listening to someone's baby talk to their dog is like listening to The Simpsons or opera (get me outta here), that dogs chasing birds, squirrels, chipmunks in those animals' own habitat may be fun for your dog, but traumatic for the little animal/bird (in fact animals have starved having had a dog pee next to their hole in the ground because they think a predator is near), and that an untrained, ill-mannered dog is your fault.
Ok - go ahead - I can take it.

Hey! What do you have against the Simpsons! You some kind of angry cartoon-hater? Hate that it hits too close to home when cartoon ridicules you? The Simspon's dog, Santas Little Helper, is an ideal dog.

I like my dog, but I save the dog-baby-talk for home, and I restrain myself from writing in her voice, like loonies on this board who attacked me for pointing out their childishness.

Lap dogs that can fit in your purse for a trip into Target store are not real dogs -- they are like cats, snacks being raised by nice humans for the benefit of the wily coyotes (at least that's the case here in so cal).

When walking in rural areas where you might meet protective snarling dogs that think they own public land or beach, I carry walking stick and swing at charging dog first, ask questions later. Pity the people can't control their dogs, then get upset when people defend themselves.

vandenberg - 11-12-2007 at 11:45 AM

I carry walking stick and swing at charging dog first, ask questions later. Pity the people can't control their dogs, then get upset when people defend themselves.

A 9-iron works great.:biggrin::biggrin:

toneart - 11-12-2007 at 02:14 PM

Want to play? Here's Paco!

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DianaT - 11-12-2007 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

I restrain myself from writing in her voice, like loonies on this board who attacked me for pointing out their childishness.

Looney and childish---now that is an opinion I can live with. Guess there are a few of us out here. :lol::lol::lol:

BTW, disagreeing with you, your opinions, and expressing personal thoughts that belong only to us, IMHO, is not an attack.


Paulina - 11-12-2007 at 06:29 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
Originally posted by mtgoat666

I restrain myself from writing in her voice, like loonies on this board who attacked me for pointing out their childishness.

Looney and childish---now that is an opinion I can live with. Guess there are a few of us out here. :lol::lol::lol:

BTW, disagreeing with you, your opinions, and expressing personal thoughts that belong only to us, IMHO, is not an attack.


I guess I can't stay young forever. But, I can choose to be immature for the rest of my life. :P
And my dog will still love me.


Paula - 11-12-2007 at 09:45 PM

I guess I can't stay young forever. But, I can choose to be immature for the rest of my life. :P


Paulina, I've been saying almost these exact words since I was 30!! Now I guess I'm REALLY immature for my age:dudette:

And my dog seems fine with it because he's just an old puppy.

Oops, hope I didn't gross out any old (or young) fuddy-duddies with that sentiment:o

Packoderm - 11-12-2007 at 11:56 PM

The attitudes among different people vary widely - from beloved companions to thit chó. Myself, I haven't had any real problem with any dog that was owned by a tourist. I even like them better than some people. If I did have a problem with them, I know I would have to go to some kind of controlled environment such as a resort in order to keep away from them. Some people don't care for children - there's a place to get away from them too.

When I bring my dog camping, I always introduce my dog to my camp neighbors. I get the vibe really quick. If need be, I'll move. It would be a real shame if there were to be leash laws at the Sea of Cortez beach-camps. Baja is the only place drivable where I can escape Kalifornia as it exists throughout the U.S. It is prohibitively expensive to fly with a dog.

bajajudy - 11-13-2007 at 07:31 AM

Both of my dogs are rescue dogs and both are always on leashes. Mochi is a car(well anything with wheels) chaser and Eta hates other dogs(we have tried every method of socializing her but she just doesnt like other dogs..).
I walk every morning next to the estero and I feel that it is my obligation to make sure that the birds there are not disturbed by dogs chasing them, so they stay on their leashes.
Am I a bad person who has bad dogs.....NO I am a person who understands the responsibility of owning dogs.

That said....I am just a kid at heart who has Mexican mutts that have genes that I dont understand but love anyway.

vandenberg - 11-13-2007 at 02:50 PM

But, no matter what,

I Didn't do it:(

sorry pup.jpg - 30kB

DrTom - 11-13-2007 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Don Jorge
prefer it here in the North Country where geese and pheasants fall out of the sky.
I don't take mine to Baja but I certainly understand why people do take their dogs with them.

It seems I am either on a boat, in a canyon or in a cantina in Baja and my dogs don't fish, they can't scramble up boulders very well and they are too young to drink......

Good dogs good people, bad dogs bad people?

Nice looking lab.

docsmom - 11-13-2007 at 09:13 PM

Absolutely he did not do it! He told me so and I believe it!
So what's his name and his story?

vandenberg - 11-14-2007 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by docsmom
Absolutely he did not do it! He told me so and I believe it!
So what's his name and his story?

No name ,no story.
Was send to me by a friend in an e-mail. Not his dog either. No idea where he did get it.
But it's cute,no?

DianaT - 11-14-2007 at 11:41 AM


That picture should be the poster picture for all rescue organizations-----what a shot!

Diane and John