
Free Long Distance from Mexico,Magic Jack says its easier and better

Keri - 11-19-2007 at 09:34 AM

than Skype and vonage, Might be something good for us that travel back and forth between 2 places. Looks like we could use it in an internet cafe also. Check it out. No, I have no monetary involvement. Just found it and looking at it for myself. k:light:
edit Sorry I forgot the link

[Edited on 11-19-2007 by Keri]

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by Keri]

I just hooked mine up. It''s fabulous

Keri - 12-2-2007 at 10:12 AM

For anyone here in Mexico you can make free calls to the US . You also get a local number so people can call you. It's also portable , You can take it with you when you travel. I love mine. Again I have nothing to do with the company but I sure would like to have some stock in it. Take a look,k:yes::bounce:

bajaguy - 12-2-2007 at 10:22 AM


Their ad says that you can use your own this for incoming calls????? If have a local US number and am in Ensenada, if someone calls my US number, will it ring in Ensenada???

elizabeth - 12-2-2007 at 10:29 AM

It would be very useful, if in fact you can take it along with you without having to get a separate local phone number.

I can't find anything in the information about how this would work in Baja with a US phone number; however, they say starting yesterday that you can BUY prepaid foreign long distance credits????

Can someone more technologically advanced explain?

Yes your phone rings in Ensenada.

Keri - 12-2-2007 at 10:39 AM

My family was having a great time yesterday calling me on my new san diego number. also has free voicemail. All you do is plug it into your usb port and then a phone receiver in to it. That's it. You do not need the phone to be plugged into your wall connection. It can be used by phone or you can use the head set to your computer. Has a nice easy interface. I also like that you can take it wit you when you travel . That way I can take it to our place in San Quintin and use it when I'm there or you could use it at an internet cafe.. I love it. I'm going to tell everyone I know about it. There is a question and answer chat on the website. They can answer more for you.,k:bounce::tumble::spingrin::yes:

bajaguy - 12-2-2007 at 10:41 AM

wonder how this would work on a satelite internet service????

Is there a link that shows what areas their supplied numbers are from???

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by bajaguy]

I'm on wireless. it works great

Keri - 12-2-2007 at 10:50 AM

Elizabeth where did you find that info. I looked all over their page and couldn't find it. Bajaguy, They give you a choice of numbers after you register all different area codes.,k

bajaguy - 12-2-2007 at 10:56 AM

from Elizabeth.............they say starting yesterday that you can BUY prepaid foreign long distance credits????.....

Go to their homepage, click on customer support......go to the bottom of that page.... next to the purple e-mail envelope under International calling

Al G - 12-2-2007 at 11:17 AM

As for satellite, upload speed is too slow...they will not be able to hear you, unless you have a upgrade service.

comitan - 12-2-2007 at 11:49 AM

What will it cost after the free 30 day period.. And yes they are making money right now with you going to their site, just click upper right hand corner. No free lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!

It costs 39.95 for the jack

Keri - 12-2-2007 at 11:53 AM

and 1 year free calls.k

bajaguy - 12-2-2007 at 11:55 AM

$39.95 for Jack and first year of service, $19.95 for second year of service

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by bajaguy]

elizabeth - 12-2-2007 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Keri
Elizabeth where did you find that info. I looked all over their page and couldn't find it. Bajaguy, They give you a choice of numbers after you register all different area codes.,k

Here's what you get when you put international in the search box. You don't get anything with Mexico in the search box.

"Is there anything else I could be charged for that I am not aware of?

International calling requires the purchase of pre-paid calling minutes from our website.
Can my children run up any fees on magicJack that I won’t be aware of?
No. All calls from magicJack are free.

You cannot call 900 numbers or make international long distance calls with magicJack. We will sell international call minutes on our website shortly.
Can I make Calls to other countries beside Canada on magicJack?
Not at this time. We plan to sell international calling minutes in the near future."

Al G - 12-2-2007 at 03:59 PM

I use a product called has all the services listed by Magic Jack, except the jack for old analog phones. I trashed my last analog phone more then 2 years ago. I believe magic jack, if they don't have to charge for the "jack" and support blue-tooth for my cell...may be price completive. I don't use the phone much and on my last trip didn't use all of the $10 I ordered in 4 months, but my own US number cost $12 every 3 months...way too much. The "Magic Jack" seem to be their gimmick...would hate to pay for ancient technology to use their service...a lot easier to travel with blue-tooth cell or lite weight head phones. on an annual basis at $ is hard to beat for living in Baja...

Edit: just in case, some may not realize to have real time phone must be awake and on-line to have a call come in.

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by Al G]

bajaguy - 12-2-2007 at 04:06 PM

It appears that if you get a US number from them and call a US number there is no charge. If you use a US number to call a foreign number then you will need to buy the foreign minutes.................????

Also it looks like it will support a digital phone or a wireless phone system in your house if you plug the base unit into the jack/usb device

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by bajaguy]

I don't know how it works,

Keri - 12-2-2007 at 04:30 PM

But I live here in Baja. I have it plugged in to my computer here at home and I have a phone handset plugged in to that. I can call US numbers. I have called friends in Atlanta, kids in Calif and Mother in AZ. Worked everywhere no problems. My mother has called me a bunch of times(boy did I make a mistake there LOL) and my son who calls me all the time already calls me more on the 619 number I now have. I did try to call Loreto. Wouldn't let me or I don't know how to dial on this or that is where the international units you pay for come in. I will find out more tomorrow. I'll let you know more then. However it works ,it works. I love it, k:spingrin: PS. I did sign up with a US addy and cell phone number. Don't know if that makes a diff or not,k

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by Keri]

bajaguy - 12-2-2007 at 04:49 PM


looks like the setup doesn't know or care where you are as long as you have a US number and are calling/receiving from US numbers. You can't call Loreto because you don't have the International credits/plan.

I think you could call anyone in Mexico if they had a US number at their Mexican location.

Al Your computer does not have to be on.

Keri - 12-8-2007 at 11:56 AM

The free answering device picks up if you have your magic jack unplugged or if your computer is off. International units will be ready in about a week. It does not work with a cell phone ,k quote]
Edit: just in case, some may not realize to have real time phone must be awake and on-line to have a call come in.

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by Al G]

[Edited on 12-8-2007 by Keri]

conquestkm - 12-9-2007 at 09:29 AM

I'm still a little unclear how it works in Baja .Example if you use your laptop at say a McDonalds or Am Pm mini stop (free wifi access) and plug in this device and then call on your cell phone .Will it work??
Next example I'm still unclear on .Is if you are in your house 1. you need DSL access (Telnor no longer offers dial up service) right ??

You will need a handset not a cell phone

Keri - 12-9-2007 at 09:52 AM

and the only the receiver not the base set. it does not need to be plugged into the wall connection.Then as long as you have an internet connection it will work. I bought a little $5.00 phone at Walmart so I can take it with me when I travel. I have wireless here and have no problems.I don't know about telnor. Check out their website. They have a live chat line that can answer your questions better than I,k

Al G - 12-9-2007 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Keri
The free answering device picks up if you have your magic jack unplugged or if your computer is off. International units will be ready in about a week. It does not work with a cell phone ,k quote]
Edit: just in case, some may not realize to have real time phone must be awake and on-line to have a call come in.

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by Al G]

[Edited on 12-8-2007 by Keri]

I understand what you are saying..."the voice mail works with the computer off".
I was saying "real time answering" needs the computer on and on line for you to receive a call at the time the call is made.
Sorry for the confusion on my part...
Do you receive calls while you on line? I never seem to be on line when I received a call...sorta like setting your cell on voice mail only:biggrin:
I think I will order one tomorrow, because I like the price.

Yep, That is what I meant

Keri - 12-9-2007 at 11:00 AM

yes I have received calls while online, I had the head set on and I about jumped out of my skin went it rang. You can switch back and forth between headset and telephone any time you want. You can plug this into your existing phone or do like I did I bought a cheap phone especially for magic jack. Just make sure you buy one with the right connectors k :yes: