

gnukid - 11-23-2007 at 09:10 AM

Put some energy to action by simply writing to the Mexican government. It might surprise you how much people want to hear from you even in english or spanish.

Please don't begin a huge argument about whether this has merit, just use any energy you have to make one phone call or write one letter, it will make a difference.

Write a short letter or call an office and ask for increased security, more support of police actions and oversight of deliquents and police on the toll roads in TJ. Or you may mention a specific concern or experience you had.

Be brief, polite, identify yourself and your position and say thank you goodbye. It can't hurt and truly the government is listening and needs to know how you feel.

Suggested contacts are Director of tourism, Attorney General, State Police, etc... every letter and phone call lets them know, that you know, that they know, that you know, well you get the point, I hope.

Remember to be polite and direct.

Baja Directory

BCS Directory

Here's a sample imperfect letter asking for support to add security on the toll roads.


Attn: _______________

Somos preocupados por el bienestar de nuestros hijos, nos seguridad y tranquilidad familar en vacaciones en Baja.

Por favor tenir attencion a seguridad en route de los toll roads de Tijuana para sacar los deliquentos quien pasen como policia y molestar las turistas.

Tam bien, ayudarnos con presion a la policia para ser mejore con turistas en Baja y B.C.S.

Estamos escribiendo aqui por que este pais es un buen lugare y nosotros gustan la gente, la tierra y el mar.


Mr Smith

Address in Baja

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by gnukid]

Ojosraros - 11-23-2007 at 09:17 AM

can we fix the mistakes?

gnukid - 11-23-2007 at 09:24 AM

Please, write your own and post examples here.

I am fixing the mistakes as I can as well. I am not a fluent speaker but these excercises are worthwhile and I don't think perfection is important in that the mistakes convey the authenticity of the message from a tourist.

CaboRon - 11-23-2007 at 11:52 AM

You can´t be so naive as to think that the government listens or even reads your letters. :lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 12:00 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
You can´t be so naive as to think that the government listens or even reads your letters. :lol:

Ya con el pesimismo por Dios. It has to start somewhere and writing a letter just may help.

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

gnukid - 11-23-2007 at 12:47 PM

I promise you its working. It just takes time and cooperation. We have to give credit to those who try even a little. One child, one woman or even a man can make a difference by communicating the point effectively, with logic, ethics and emotion. Mexican people understand the issue, they get the point, we as a group just need to speak up, we are the most affected by the toll road problem, as has been suggested 'attention goes to where energy flows.'

Things are happening. In particular in mexico public opinion is powerful, more powerful than other rules. Please if you care about baja, it wont hurt to write a note in english or spanish and send it in an envelope to the offices noted, or send an email (less powerful) or make a call. You will feel empowered and they will feel empowered to act.

Its fun to participate in making your community the way you would like it to be.

We need to work together with the enregy we have to make the point externally, as well as internally in our community.

Have fun,

Paula - 11-23-2007 at 12:54 PM

I think you have a great idea there, gnukid. And it's a good idea to send cc'sof your e-mails, and of your letters, to officials at various levels, such as the chieff of police, the mayor, the governor and to Mexico City.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 12:56 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
Put some energy to action by simply writing to the Mexican government. It might surprise you how much people want to hear from you even in english or spanish.

Here is my letter I wrote.

Noviembre 23, 2007

Estimado Gobernador Eugenio Elorduy Walther
Gobernador de Baja California


Somos preocupados por el bienestar de nuestra seguridad y tranquilidad en vacaciones cuando estamos en Baja California.

Por favor ponga atención a la seguridad en los caminos de cuota de Tijuana a Ensenada y los demás caminos que usan los extranjeros turísticos para pasar al interior de Baja California para capturar a los criminales que pasan como que son la policía y quien roba y secuestra a extranjeros turísticos.

Tambien ayúdanos con presión a la policía en general para que ellos pongan más atención y se mejoran con su propio conducto cuando hacen contacto con extranjeros turísticos en Baja California norte y sur quienes nomás están visitando y portándose bien con cariño y amor a la gente de Baja California.

Estamos escribiendo porque el país de México es una maravilla y con los delitos de criminales y el conducto de ciertas policías destruya el país y el apoyo personal y financiad que traen los extranjeros turísticos.

Gracias por su tiempo,

Your name and e-mail address

Send it to

Attn: Gobernador Eugenio Elorduy Walther

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
Put some energy to action by simply writing to the Mexican government. It might surprise you how much people want to hear from you even in english or spanish.

That's pretty funny. I have friends who, after being robbed in their home, tried to call the police in English and got nowhere.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 01:29 PM

With pessimism we get nowhere in life.

Diver - 11-23-2007 at 01:53 PM


Can you also post an english translation of your letter, please.

And does anyone have addresses of other officials to send the letter to ?

Thank you

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 01:57 PM

I will try to translate what I wrote in Spanish. I am rusty..

Here is receipt message I received from the website Governor’s website upon sending the above letter.

Postmaster: Administrador del Sistema de Internet

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 02:00 PM

gnukid started with the letter in Spanish and I just added to it. gnukid gets the credit for staring this...

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Originally posted by CaboRon
You can´t be so naive as to think that the government listens or even reads your letters. :lol:

Ya con el pesimismo por Dios. It has to start somewhere and writing a letter just may help.

Pesimism? Is that what it is? How about being realistic. You're suggesting that we send them a form letter. Who reads form letters especially when they contain complaints? Do you? I'll betcha don't. You would be better off if you sent them a unique personal letter. Include a couple of pictures of your dog so that they can see they're dealing with a good person. That will make them stand up and take notice.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 02:27 PM

Here is the translation as best I can do of the letter I wrote in Spanish.

Dear Governor Eugene Elorduy Walther
Governor of Baja California


We are worried about our well-being, security and family peace while on vacation in Baja California.

Please pay attention to the security on the toll roads between Tijuana and Ensenada and the rest of the roads foreign tourists take to get to the interior of Baja California so that the criminals who pose as police officers who rob and kidnap foreign tourists can be captured.

Also help us with putting pressure on the police in general so they will better their conduct when dealing with foreign tourists who are just visiting Baja California and who only have love and affection for the people of Baja California.

We are writing because Mexico is a wonderful place but with the crime committed by criminals and the conduct of certain police officers the country along with the personal help and money that the foreign tourist’s bring is being destroyed.

Thank you for your time,

Your name here

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 02:32 PM

Well Dennis do not talk about it just do it. Any contribution is greatly appreciated I am sure. Whether it is a personal letter or an e-mailed form letter, just do it.

Remember your mood is: Open minded and a good listener

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 02:35 PM

You folks had best hurry your letters to Elorduy. He won't be there much longer. The governor-elect is José Guadalupe Osuna Millán.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 02:38 PM

When José Guadalupe Osuna Millán is in we can send one to him too.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 02:39 PM

Let's start something here and now.

gnukid - 11-23-2007 at 02:41 PM


You are intelligent with positive energy and experience and knowledge. Why not simply use that expertise to send a single message to those who may care to know your interests. I can promise you that each effort received helps.

Now, obviously, if you call an office and attempt to speak in english its probably not understood, you may ask for a person who speaks english, such as "se encuentra una personne quien habla englais.' Then you will wait for the person. Or practice your mesage in spanish, why not, its fun. A letter on the other hand can be passed around to those who speak english and they can share that letter with others.

Even if someone doesn't understand immediately they will process the info and comprehend over time. Practice delivering your message with patience and clamness and try try again.

For those of you who have no experience in doing so with government officials it may be a fantastically empowering experience to learn that messages delivered in the medium required are received, just try.

If you visit baja is there any reason why you wouldn't try at least to send a simple kind message expressing your concern, if not than this really isn't a place for you to visit.

Concerned Consumer Comments ?

MrBillM - 11-23-2007 at 02:43 PM

I'll be anxiously awaiting the news of positive results from this write-in campaign. It will, no doubt, be Front-Page news soon.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by gnukid

You are intelligent with positive energy and experience and knowledge. Why not simply use that expertise to send a single message to those who may care to know your interests. I can promise you that each effort received helps.

Now, obviously, if you call an office and attempt to speak in english its probably not understood, you may ask for a person who speaks english, such as "se encuentra una personne quien habla englais.' Then you will wait for the person. Or practice your mesage in spanish, why not, its fun. A letter on the other hand can be passed around to those who speak english and they can share that letter with others.

Even if someone doesn't understand immediately they will process the info and comprehend over time. Practice delivering your message with patience and clamness and try try again.

For those of you who have no experience in doing so with government officials it may be a fantastically empowering experience to learn that messages delivered in the medium required are received, just try.

If you visit baja is there any reason why you wouldn't try at least to send a simple kind message expressing your concern, if not than this really isn't a place for you to visit.

Hear, hear...I second that.

gnukid - 11-23-2007 at 02:58 PM

I am dispatching a group of do-gooders to meet with Mr Bill personally and often to enforce the commonly understood point through long winded time consuming slow conversations that at times the enemy is from within who detracts from simple efforts and those that are inclined to do so with facetious comments you are perhaps not at all a friend to us.

For those who have suffered at the hands of robbers, could you please put aside any negativity and simply make a single effort to communicate your concern. The fact is there is a disconnect between so many english speakers and mexican government and yet you are the ones who need to speak up now. So stop making excuses. Your comments detract from the goal which is to support us as a group for those who have suffered greatly even if you haven't.

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by gnukid]


Dave - 11-23-2007 at 03:11 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
I am dispatching a group of do-gooders to meet with Mr Bill personally

Might I suggest some names?

I'd also recommend travel insurance. :rolleyes:

motoged - 11-23-2007 at 03:14 PM

Originally posted by gnukid

If you visit baja is there any reason why you wouldn't try at least to send a simple kind message expressing your concern, if not than this really isn't a place for you to visit.

Right on !

From a range of your recent posts, it appears that you are doing something to try to make a difference...and not just sitting back whining and taking shots at other's efforts.

I think your suggestion is worthy and I will be composing my letters/e-mails over the next few days....and will have a friend fluent in Spanish proofread my efforts.

My wife was mugged/robbed by a San Jose del Cabo taxi driver on the way to the airport in 2000 and she refuses to return to Baja....while friends and some authorities in SJdC offered support, they needed a police report....which she eventually went to local police (RCMP) to disclose. Unfortunately, the RCMP discouraged her by saying, "They won't do anything about it".

This response only encourages folks to be pessimistic/victim-oriented and does less than written complaints/concerns.....I had to let the issue go at that time as pursuing it with my wife only aggravated her trauma.

I have been to the Baja a number of times since that trip and have exercised the best caution I can....and have avoided being pulled over or robbed (except by an over-priced steak in La Paz).

The recent threads on this forum and others regarding Baja crime is making me reconsider my next trip there, and that is a heartache as it is my favourite place on the planet.

Thanks for your efforts.:saint:

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
I am dispatching a group of do-gooders to meet with Mr Bill personally and often

Now......This I wan't to see. Do you mind if I watch? I'd give anything for the beer concesion.

Packoderm - 11-23-2007 at 03:40 PM

What can it hurt?

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
When José Guadalupe Osuna Millán is in we can send one to him too.

I think it has already happened. The date was set for Nov. 1.

You're right Packo......It can't hurt anything.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 03:56 PM

I'm sure hope Gobernador José Guadalupe Osuna Millán de Baja California forgives me if he is the one in office now.

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 03:59 PM

Well, if you really want to know, you could write him a letter.

bajaboolie - 11-23-2007 at 04:03 PM

I think writing letters is a great idea. It certainly won't hurt, and could help. The real heat will probably need to come from somewhere else (like the tourism businesses who will be effected by a boycott), but letters from those who have second thoughts about returning will only support their efforts. A combined effort from many sources may get them to pay attention. And finally we have some media coverage.

"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Thanks for posting the letter you wrote to them, ELIN, it give us good ideas about what to include. How about instead of copying the letter as a template/form, we write our own letters with our own stories? I think it would have a better impact and better portray how much we really care (instead of just copying a letter and sticking a signature and stamp on it.)

I will absolutely write a letter (or more, over time...maybe every time something gets reported?). With buzz about tourism businesses applying heat and the media coverage, I feel that our letters may help.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 04:19 PM

Everyone please remember this is gnukid's idea not mine, I just piggybacked on his thoughts.

Bajaboolie, you are right. It is a better idea to individualize the letters instead of using form letters.

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

DrTom - 11-23-2007 at 06:12 PM

I would think someone who can get to Donald Trump will have some effect if he knew his potential customers were getting shook down.....I bet he can get some action.....

gnukid - 11-23-2007 at 07:25 PM

The efforts I have tried over the past few months seem to be slowly working, right now, Chino is free but no one will sell him drugs, he walks with caution and he knows there are some police out to put him in jail. Very different than a crazed drug addict who thinks he owns the neighborhood with fear.

The rest of the bad guys are scared now too. They don't want to come here or be seen with Chino because of el P-nche gringo loco. The drug deliveries stopped so whether they want to or not they don't have drugs to sell or buy. That's a direct hit. Now they buy candles to read at night and talk to their kids. The government has been here to our neighborhood many many times and they are acting in their own way, I suspect. I still expect Chino will be picked up soon and put in jail, he doesn't have enough money or friends to pay off the cops any more.

I can sense tranquility.

Voy a 'tequilas' para tomar y disfrutar la ciudad.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-24-2007 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
When José Guadalupe Osuna Millán is in we can send one to him too.

I think it has already happened. The date was set for Nov. 1.

Dennis you were right José Guadalupe Osuna Millán is now in office. Here is the reply I received from the governor's office.

I sent him another letter with his name attached.

Estimado Sr. *******

Turnaremos su comentario al C. Gobernador JOSÉ GUADALUPE OSUNA MILLAN, quién asumió el cargo el pasado 1 de Noviembre del presente.

fdt - 11-24-2007 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Estimado Sr. *******

Turnaremos su comentario al C. Gobernador JOSÉ GUADALUPE OSUNA MILLAN, quién asumió el cargo el pasado 1 de Noviembre del presente.

Dear Mr. Martson

We will convey your comentary to the C (Citizen) Governor José Guadalupe Osuna Millan, who took charge (office) this past November 1st of the present year.

Regretfuly I think that letters will be answered in the same manner for everyone, unless someone takes a bunch of them personaly to him, yes, to him, not an assistant. :light:

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-24-2007 at 06:38 PM

Thank you, fdt. Yeah I know what it says. I wrote another one anyway with the name of the new Governor. I plan on sending one to the Presidente de La Republica and the heads of the PGR the Policia Preventiva and the Head of the Marine Corps. I am still optimistic something can get done. We all at least have to try.

This is the Governors address and the letter I sent.


Noviembre 24, 2007

Honorable Gobernador José Guadalupe Osuna Millán
Gobernador de Baja California

Saludos de Lake Elsinore California,

Estoy preocupado por el bienestar de mi familia cuando voy de vacaciones a Baja California. Cuando uno abre los periódicos se lea que hay otro desastre en el camino con turistas extranjeros que están robados y secuestrados.

Por favor haga algo para la seguridad en los caminos de cuota de Tijuana a Ensenada y los demás caminos que usan los extranjeros turísticos para pasar al interior de Baja California para capturar a los criminales que pasan como que son la policía y quien roba y secuestra a extranjeros turísticos.

Tambien ayúdanos con la policía en general para que ellos pongan más atención y se mejoran con su propio conducto cuando hacen contacto con
extranjeros turísticos en Baja California norte y sur quienes nomás están visitando y portándose bien y quien tienen nomás cariño y amor a la gente de México.

Escribo porque el país de México es una maravilla y con los delitos
de criminales y el conducto de ciertas policías destruya el país y el apoyo personal y financiad que traen los extranjeros turísticos.

Gracias por su tiempo,

David M

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by fdt

Regretfuly I think that letters will be answered in the same manner for everyone, unless someone takes a bunch of them personaly to him, yes, to him, not an assistant. :light:

Like what? One can just walk right in and see him saying, "Here, governor. I have a handful of other-than-praising letters from dissatisfied North Americans for you. They want you to know that they know that you now know there's a problem on the roads and quiet areas under your jurisdiction and will appreciate that it stops. Thanks a lot."

Ferna...You make it sound so simple.

gnukid - 11-24-2007 at 06:54 PM

I wrote to the Attorney General anonymously about the problems in el Manglito with Chino and they sent someone the next day... Afterward, Chino said he would pay me $2000 pesos to drop it. I said I am not in control of the Secretaria's response to crime in the neighborhood...

Someday soon either I am going to be brought up on false charges or they are going to actually arrest Chino or both. I'd give those 50-50 odds right now.

Iflyfish - 11-24-2007 at 07:02 PM

I applaud the efforts of Gnukid and others to do something positive about the crime that concerns us all in Baja. I have in the past taken umbridge with Gnukid over what appears to me to be an over optomistic perspective. However it behooves us all to do something, anything that provides us with a sense of potency and the ability to express our outrage over the injustices we have experienced and read about. To sit by and be simply victimized reinforces our sense of powerlessness. Even if letters do nothing to change the outcome of this situation, they provide us with a legitimate way to express our own feelings and that has value in and of itself.

I for one would be interested in someone posting the email addresses of the significant public figures involved in these issues. I am not spending my dollars in Baja this year and would very much like to tell those with power exactly why!

I am not certain who counts. I know that there are elements of the Mexican Goverment that are very intersted and concerned about tourism and tourist dollars. I would like someone to post the email addresses of those people so I can email my concerns to them.

Thank you,


fdt - 11-24-2007 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS

Ferna...You make it sound so simple.

Dennis, it is very simple if you know the right people. ;D

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish

I know that there are elements of the Mexican Goverment that are very intersted and concerned about tourism and tourist dollars.

Oh yeah, Rick, that's real uplifting. After seeing , time and time again, how the Mexican government bristles when they hear of a migrant chaffing from the cheap toilet paper in Los Angeles, it assaults my sense of balance to hear that their concern about us is our money. I guess that's what we are to

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-24-2007 at 07:29 PM

I would like someone to post the email addresses of those people so I can email my concerns to them


You can start here with the Governor of Baja California: José Guadalupe Osuna Millán, Gobernador de Baja California

Send your e-mail to:

Use your home e-mail not yahoo, etc.

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8

Use your home e-mail not yahoo, etc.


ELINVESTIG8R - 11-24-2007 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by ELINVESTI8

Use your home e-mail not yahoo, etc.


I hope everyone has an e-mail address from their Internet Service Provider (ISP). I think using ones ISP home e-mail address gives the e-mails more credibility. It’s just a thought.

fdt - 11-24-2007 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
. I think using ones ISP home e-mail address gives the e-mails more credibility. It’s just a thought.

How true. :yes:

gnukid - 11-24-2007 at 09:53 PM

Baja Secretary of Tourism

State Director of Tourism

Coordinador Estatal

Domicilio: Carr. Al Norte Km. 8.5, Edificio FIDEPAZ,
Fracc. FIDEPAZ, La Paz, B. C. S., C. P. 23000
Telefono: 01 (612) 124 0103
01 (612) 124 0199
01 (612) 124 0100
Fax: 01 (612) 124 0722

Federal Secretary of Tourism
Secretary of Tourism – federal

Secretario de Turismo

Domicilio: Presidente Mazarik No. 172, Piso 8
Col. Chapultepec Morales, Mexico, D. F., C. P. 11587
Telefono: 01 (55) 3002 6300 ext. 2660 y 2661
Fax: 01 (55) 1036 0789

NOTA: En BCS no hay delegacion de la Secretaria de Turismo

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by gnukid]

rpleger - 11-24-2007 at 11:06 PM


Thank you for the address for Baja Sur.

And thank you for your input on this board.

Iflyfish - 11-25-2007 at 06:50 AM

Thank you.


ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 06:57 AM

Thank you gnukid. I am sending my e-mails right now.

Everybody let's get on board and send our e-mails to these people and maybe something can be done. Let's at least try.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 07:58 AM

Ok two e-mails away.

Estimado Señor Lic. Alberto Treviño Angulo, Director Estatal de Turismo de Baja California

Saludos de Lake Elsinore California,

Ya escribí al Honorable Gobernador José Guadalupe Osuna Millán Gobernador de Baja California y al estimado Rodolfo Elizondo Torres, Secretario Federal de Turismo de México tambien pidiendo ayuda con el siguiente problema.

Estoy preocupado por el bienestar de mi familia cuando voy de vacaciones a Baja California. Cuando uno abre los periódicos se lea que hay otro desastre en el camino con turistas extranjeros que están robados y secuestrados o peor.

Por favor haga algo para la seguridad en los caminos de cuota de Tijuana a Ensenada y los demás caminos que usan los extranjeros turísticos para ingresar al interior de Baja California para capturar a los criminales que son o quien pasan como que son la policía y quien roba y secuestra o peor a extranjeros turísticos.

Tambien ayúdanos con la policía en general para que ellos pongan más atención y se mejoran con su propio conducto cuando hacen contacto con extranjeros turísticos en Baja California norte y sur y México en general quienes nomás están visitando y portándose bien y quien tiene nomás cariño y amor para la gente de México.

Escribo porque el país de México es una maravilla y con los delitos de criminales y el conducto de ciertas policías destruya el país y el apoyo personal y financiad que traen los extranjeros turísticos.

Perdóname, soy Gringo y mi Español que no es tan bueno. Ojala entiendes mi mensaje de auxilio.

Gracias por su tiempo,

David *******

wilderone - 11-26-2007 at 11:14 AM

"You're suggesting that we send them a form letter. Who reads form letters especially when they contain complaints"
It matters. They count. One by one. Do you think DOING NOTHING is better? Another Baja crime story on the front page on the SD UT; letters; awareness; ACTION. Yes - write the letters. Send the emails. JUST DO IT. What do you have to lose by doing nothing? What do you have to lose by doing something?

gnukid - 11-26-2007 at 12:24 PM

You can write a personal letter in english and send it by us mail to address noted easily, in fact it arrives by mail in a few days here. You may write it a personal manner to the secretary directly, draw on the letter, whatever you want. You might even say something like merry christmas from baja nomads.

Keep the addresses in your wallet and when you have a problem and are the victim of a crime, call the office immediately and say remember me, I wrote you some time ago now I really need you to act.

The personal touch will get attention.

Much like the US, the letters in any format will provide the opportunity for the Secretary to use them to increase his budget, apply for funds, etc... and possibly use the funds to address the issues or maybe not. Things take time in Mexico.

Hook - 11-26-2007 at 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by gnukid
I am dispatching a group of do-gooders to meet with Mr Bill personally

Might I suggest some names?

I'd also recommend travel insurance. :rolleyes:

And kevlar vests for the observers. None needed for the suggested names I assume, Dave? :lol:

DENNIS - 11-26-2007 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
You can write a personal letter in english and send it by us mail to address noted easily, in fact it arrives by mail in a few days here.

I don't know where "here" is but, it takes two weeks for the phone bill to go from Tijuana to Punta Banda, 100 miles. The post marks are dated.

gnukid - 11-26-2007 at 01:24 PM

Oh sorry I meant when someone sends me a letter from the US it arrives at my home in La Paz very quickly. The office/home for the secretary's will receive the mail quickly from US postal addresses.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-26-2007 at 11:00 PM

Well gnukid I went and wrote to the President of Mexico on his website tonight. The following is what I got back. It is for Mexican Citizens to write to him to petition for things so I hope he won't hold it against me that I am sending the message here.

Solicitud Ciudadana

Número de Registro: 2672.

DAVID *******

¡Gracias por escribir a la Oficina del Presidente Calderón!

Su correo ha sido recibido exitosamente.

Se ha iniciado el trámite sobre su petición. Le recordamos que nuestro punto de partida es el reconocimiento de la veracidad en la información que nos ha proporcionado. Si para la adecuada atención de su asunto se requieren datos adicionales, servidores públicos pertenecientes a la Oficina del Presidente se pondrán en contacto directo con usted. En todo momento, harán referencia a su Número de Registro.

Posteriormente, una vez que sea validada su petición, se le asignará en su caso un folio, con el que Usted podrá dar cabal seguimiento a su petición.

La Red Federal de Servicio a la Ciudadanía es la instancia que desde la Oficina de la Presidencia de la República tiene la responsabilidad de apoyar las peticiones y asuntos que los ciudadanos dirigen al Presidente Felipe Calderón. Así, de manera periódica la Red Federal de Servicio a la Ciudadanía presenta un informe de los asuntos que la ciudadanía plantea a su Oficina.

En caso de que requiera detalles sobre los avances de su petición, ponemos a su disposición los siguientes teléfonos:

Lada sin costo: 01 800 22 19 567
Del área metropolitana de la Cd. De México: 55 22 76 00.

En referencia a sus datos personales éstos serán utilizados únicamente con el objeto de atender su solicitud, y serán protegidos de acuerdo a la Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública Gubernamental y los Lineamientos de Protección de Datos Personales emitidos por el IFAI.

Petición al Presidente

Honorable Presidente Felipe Calderón Presidente de la Republica De México Perdóname, soy Norte Americano y mi español no es muy bueno. Ojala que entiendes mi mensaje de auxilio.

Mi nombre es David ******* y te mando saludos de mi casa en Lake Elsinore California. Ya escribí por correo electrónico al Honorable Gobernador José Guadalupe Osuna Millán Gobernador de Baja California; al Señor Rodolfo Elizondo Torres, Secretario Federal de Turismo de México; y al Señor Lic. Alberto Treviño Angulo, Director Estatal de Turismo de Baja California sobre el siguiente problema.

Estoy preocupado por el bienestar de mi familia cuando voy de visita a Baja California México. Cuando uno abre los periódicos se lea que hay otro desastre en el camino, en las ciudades y las playas de Baja California México con visitantes extranjeros que están robados, secuestrados o peor asesinados.

Por favor haga algo para la seguridad en los caminos de cuota de Tijuana a Ensenada y los demás caminos que usan los visitantes extranjeros para ingresar al interior de Baja California y los caminos de México en General. Trata de capturar a los criminales que son o quien pasa como que son, la policía quien roba, secuestra y matan a los visitantes.

Tambien ayuda con la policía en general para que ellos se mejoren su propio conducto profesional cuando hacen contacto con visitantes en Baja California y México en general. La mayoría de visitantes extranjeros nomás están visitando y portándose bien. Ellos vienen a México porque tienen cariño y amor para la gente Mexicana y tambien porque México es un país maravilloso. Si los criminales y ciertas policías malos siguen con delitos contra los visitantes extranjeros eso va a destruir el bienestar de México. Eso es lo que yo pienso.

Señor Presidente, te urjo que usted mismo se involucra en esta obra bueno para limpiar el país de los malos y ponerlos adonde se merecen de estar. Yo se que usted tiene muchos responsabilidades como Presidente de La Republica Mexicana pero por favor ponga atención en la problema de la seguridad de los visitantes a México tambien.

Señor Presidente, muchas gracias por su tiempo. Atentamente, David W. *******, Sr.

El derecho de petición es una garantía individual que se encuentra definida en el art. 8° de la Constitución de nuestro país, debe ser respetada por los servidores públicos, siempre y cuando se formule por escrito, de manera pacífica y respetuosa. Sobre toda petición debe recaer una respuesta de la autoridad. Este derecho es un instrumento fundamental para vincular a la ciudadanía con bienes y servicios públicos.

Todas las comunicaciones que se deriven de este mecanismo electrónico se encuentran enmarcadas en el ejercicio del derecho de petición y permiten una mejor y más rápida atención de los planteamientos hechos por la sociedad.

gnukid - 11-27-2007 at 04:15 AM
