
Dog-Nappers or pooch rescuers? You decide!

shari - 12-4-2007 at 08:59 AM

Several Nomads were present at the scene of the crime....the great dog caper...It was Sirenitas 18th birthday bash and we were all gathered together at the beach house eating, drinking Bajaboy’s famous garafon punch(which could be to blame for the dog snatching), and enjoying the live music and lively conversation between gringos and family and amigos from here, Guerrero Negro, Jesus Maria and BOLA. When the party was well underway, a cute little spaniel perro showed up and milled around the tables to clean up spilled supper and thrown away bones. Sirena’s boyfriendss gramma admired this cute little guy and asked one of our neighbours who it belonged to. Now, it could be that this lady had a beef with the dog owners family because she quickly answered...”Oh this dog doesn’t belong to’s always in the streets getting into everyone’s garbage...take it with you if you like it so much!” It is a common joke in these parts when someone admires your pet to respond by saying...take it with you if you like it so I assumed that this was just one of those jokes as this lovely little doggie looked like a purebred and very well cared for. So I didn’t give it another thought.
The following week, the police come to haul me down to the police station....I thought they needed some help translating for an unlucky tourist...but NO, they wanted to warn me that a family here was pressing charges against my daughter for DOGNAPPING!!! No way Jose! My daughter LOVES dogs and would NEVER do that officer! But they say they have several witnesses...gulp...hmmm...well, as fate would have it Sirena was out of contact visiting BOLA so I couldn’t ask her. The family said if their dog wasn’t brought back by the next day, Sirena would be in very hot water. Now it just so happens that Sirena and the daughter of this family have had a feud since high school when they were after the same boy...the plot this girl was rubbing her hands together with glee to make trouble for Sirena...small town politics..all is fare in love and war! Soooo...I was panicking trying to find out just what the heck happened to the little poochie and figure out a way to get him back to his rightful owners to avoid big probemas.
I finally got in touch with Sirena who told me her side of the story which was that her boyfriend’s grandparents had taken the little dog to Bahia de Los Angeles to give it a good home. So Sirena brought the doggie back to Guerrero Negro so the owners could pick it up....but NOOOOO, they wanted the dog delivered to them and an apology....I understand some tempers raged on both sides and they came to an impass about how the pup would get back home. Luckily Vacaenbaja called me to say they were just leaving Guerrero Negro and would be here in a couple of hours. AHA...I thought of a solution to the problem...and begged Señor Vaca to bring the doggie here, which he reluctantly agreed to but did....for which he was rewarded some lobsters. Nomads to the rescue once again!
NOW...the moral of this story...or lessen learned NOT take doggies that people say don’t belong to anyone. The police informed me that in the event of someone wanting to save a street dog, they have to check first with the delegacion (city hall or police) before snatching the pooch.
So....was it just a misunderstanding or was it dog napping? You decide!

Bajagypsy - 12-4-2007 at 10:22 AM

What a scary situation!!! So glad it all worked out in the end.

Leo - 12-4-2007 at 11:03 AM

Interesting small-town politics, if you ask me flared up by a misunderstanding, no daubt.
Glad it's resolved.

[Edited on 12-4-2007 by Leo]

DianaT - 12-4-2007 at 11:07 AM

Ah, the family feuds in small towns everywhere. :lol::lol:

It really is a sweet little dog.

Just glad the nomad called from GN when he did. Won't vote either way, except Sirena is most definitely NOT a criminal.

She may have turned 18, but she is still mama's little girl. :yes:

Second day of the party----before the dog incident!


[Edited on 12-4-2007 by jdtrotter]

Hook - 12-4-2007 at 12:15 PM

I think I would have gotten more clarification than an off-hand comment at a party that was "well under way" before taking the dog to BOLA.

But, hey, she's 18. It's part of the learning process.

Glad it all worked out.

But the feud still exists. Wonder what the next chapter will be????

Party pooch pushes play parameters

zforbes - 12-4-2007 at 01:15 PM

I remember that little dog from the party...and from the next day when he scattered the contents of a bag of garbage throughout the yard at Shari's beach house. Hope he doesn't nose his way up the hill to our little casita looking for new garbage treats. I'm a dog lover, but poochy is in need of a little manners training to stay healthy. Not all garbage is dog food! In any event, I'll know to steer clear of any efforts that could lead to dognapping charges from the neighbors.

Minnow - 12-4-2007 at 01:20 PM

Party crashing Pooch needs some manners. Maybe he will stick a little closer to home after his BOLA trip. What kind of dog was it. Oh, wait a second, I know. Mom was a ,Heinz 57, and dad was a, champion fence jumper, .:spingrin:

mtgoat666 - 12-4-2007 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by zforbes
I remember that little dog from the party... Hope he doesn't nose his way up the hill to our little casita looking for new garbage treats. I'm a dog lover, but poochy is in need of a little manners training to stay healthy.

Don't blame a dog for trying to steal garbage. Blame the garbage owner for not responsibly securing his/her garbage. :P

Minnow - 12-4-2007 at 02:19 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Don't blame a dog for trying to steal garbage. Blame the garbage owner for not responsibly securing his/her garbage. :P

Follow your logic. That means blame the owner for not securing the dog.:lol:

mtgoat666 - 12-4-2007 at 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Don't blame a dog for trying to steal garbage. Blame the garbage owner for not responsibly securing his/her garbage. :P

Follow your logic. That means blame the owner for not securing the dog.:lol:

The world was a better place before N-zis passed leash laws. If you hate dogs, you should build a fence around your property, and not pass laws against freedom.

Hook - 12-4-2007 at 04:08 PM

Yeah, let's spend thousands on fences for want of a six dollar leash by the owner.

Now, that's freedom...........dogs with more rights than property owners.

Bob and Susan - 12-4-2007 at 04:38 PM

when dogs start talking they can roam free...

until then they are ONLY animals and
need to be leashed and contained

IMHO and my 2cents:P

motoged - 12-4-2007 at 04:52 PM

Over the past several months, your posts have led me to believe my next Baja trip will lead me to Asuncion for a wide range of reasons.

However, the upsurge in crime in your community has me worried. Will I need to caravan with other nomads so as to reduce the chance that a basura-strewing canine might over-take me and lead me into false kidnapping allegations???

While I generally appreciate a polite pero, am I at risk of canine capture? With all that tail-wagging and hand-licking, I might consider petting El Pero....would that constitute assault on my part??

And consorting with your criminal family....would that put me at risk of incarceration....guilt by association???


mtgoat666 - 12-4-2007 at 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
when dogs start talking they can roam free...

until then they are ONLY animals and
need to be leashed and contained

IMHO and my 2cents:P

ya, you better get after your congressmman for not leashing all of the cats, rabbits, squirrels, coyotes, birds and lizards. and what about those ants that annoy me more than dogs (damn ants always stealing from my kitchen)
dogs are just another animal, don't see why they need to be singled out for leashes. you don't like animals, you go live in a bubble. you want to leash the dogs, then you tame your dang cats. :P:P

mtgoat666 - 12-4-2007 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by Minnow
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Don't blame a dog for trying to steal garbage. Blame the garbage owner for not responsibly securing his/her garbage. :P

Follow your logic. That means blame the owner for not securing the dog.:lol:

The world was a better place before N-zis passed leash laws. If you hate dogs, you should build a fence around your property, and not pass laws against freedom.

Here, I'll just screw this thread up further. In my neighborhood if the dog were to continue to offend after speaking a few times w/the owner the dog would soon find itself on a free trip to it's next lifetime. Mysteriously.:saint:

Y'all like killing dogs in Pt Loma?

Bajagypsy - 12-4-2007 at 05:29 PM

lol...I guess that makes us San Roque dog nappers......:o

DanO - 12-4-2007 at 05:30 PM

The couple of times I've been dumb enough to leave a bag of trash sitting around outside (instead of in the garage or a covered can), my local pack of Baja dogs got into it. Those two occasions helped train (a) me to not leave trash out and (b) those dogs to stay off my property. Humans and dogs are very trainable -- no leash or fence needed.

ELINVESTIG8R - 12-4-2007 at 05:35 PM

This is a case of a caring girl with a heart of gold whose only intent was to give an abandoned dog (which I am sure there are many there) a good home. Then the canijo owners went and made a federal case out of it.

BajaWarrior - 12-4-2007 at 05:36 PM

Fence your yard and let you dog run loose on your own property. In additon, it won't get run over by a car, or get in a fight with another dog and get hurt, or worse, bite someone.

That is responsible pet ownership.

Besides, I own a fence company, I need the work.

shari - 12-4-2007 at 07:06 PM

I don't know HOW that garbage got outside...after leaving the party in the wee hours...I think Madame Zoe is guilty!!! She had the nerve to clean up...we were all too hung any rate most guests have fed this cute little spaniel so when he sees gringos he heads for the beach house and we welcome of the cool things about Asuncion is there aren't many fences and lots of nice perros...but watch out for those dog nappers! My vote is they are guilty..such a nice dog OBVIOUSLY had an owner and it was a case of someone...."I like it so I'm gonna take it". But the woman who said take it away certainly made it easier for the dog nappers to justify their crime. But it's a lesson to out for your pooches.

DianaT - 12-4-2007 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by motoged
Over the past several months, your posts have led me to believe my next Baja trip will lead me to Asuncion for a wide range of reasons.

However, the upsurge in crime in your community has me worried. Will I need to caravan with other nomads so as to reduce the chance that a basura-strewing canine might over-take me and lead me into false kidnapping allegations???

While I generally appreciate a polite pero, am I at risk of canine capture? With all that tail-wagging and hand-licking, I might consider petting El Pero....would that constitute assault on my part??

And consorting with your criminal family....would that put me at risk of incarceration....guilt by association???



Risk it ---

[Edited on 12-5-2007 by jdtrotter]

Packoderm - 12-4-2007 at 10:37 PM

It looks like somebody might have made a mistake by not checking with authorities before taking the dog. This seems to be a new thing, but it seems OK I guess. But I don't see how Sirenita should take the heat for it - it was her boyfriend's grandma who took it, right? Nevertheless, If I were Sirenita, I would have personally returned the dog and apologized up and down about how I failed to uphold the law regarding pet adoption and for failing to report a stray animal. I would have also provided the owners of the spaniel with a leash and some printed materials on how to properly contain the animal. Where is the closest animal control center to Asuncion? If the dog were to stray again, I would kindly oblige to arrange transport of the dog to the center in, say, GN or wherever it is. You've got to help where you can.

vacaenbaja - 12-5-2007 at 01:13 AM

(With apologies to Cool Hand Luke)."..When a dogs master is gone, uh he gets to thinking about trying to find him. Before he knows it his mind aint right.
He s got rabbit in his blood and he trys to run.."..THAT DOG DEFINITELY HAD "THE RABBIT IN HIM" It was a joke to last the whole trip. The Dog was a very nice and clean well cared for spaniel that looked to be very close to a pure bred.
Every chance the dog had he tried to get out of the car and run. It was a source of constant worry that the dog would somehow escape and we would arrive in Asuncion sans dog.
But we finally arrived at our destination with the fugitive dog.
Shari was as always a helpful and gracious host.
We had a great time staying at BIRD DOGS' WIP house. The fishing was great. I caught a 40 LBS Yellowtail and my friend Ing/Doc C. Romo caught a yellowtail weighing in at 35lbs. Too bad Lic.J. Martinez beat him out.
I think that my two friends came down with a bad case of
Asuncion Baja Fever. Everyone at work has "Fish Envy" when
they see the size of the yellowtail to be had at Asuncion.
To be sure our next trip will find us bringing some Baja newbies to this still very special place in Baja.

shari - 12-5-2007 at 02:27 PM

OMG, can you imagine the horrific situation if the doggie had escaped!!! Sirena making those cute abalone earings in a Sta.Rosalia prison:mad: thanks again vaca for the rescue...and hey, how about some photos of the fish gentlemen? I saw the "hot" dog roaming the neighbourhood this morning!

SiReNiTa - 12-5-2007 at 08:56 PM

yeah right let them try...i didn't even take the darn should have heard what she said to me on the phone..did you really expect i was gonna lay down and let her insult mua?? not likely...i am half canadian but that part of me is pure mexican...huge temper and not easy to calm down..ask my mom...those people think they can trample everyone just 'cause they have money well boohoo...and don't get me started 'cause i will never end...........just remembering this makes me maaaaaaaad:mad:
they should get a good look at who took their dog first then start fighting...and the dog was really happy in BOLA, the kid who got him bought shampoo, pedigree food, a really cute leash and a bed for him...when i took him his parents had to tell they poor little guy that i was taking the dog to the breaks my heart everytime he sees the leash and says it was his dogs...

docsmom - 12-5-2007 at 09:23 PM

Of course you had no ill intent in this situation. I strongly believe that.
But sweetie, if someone had taken one of your perros home, how would you react? Anger first, reason later? Or reason first, reaction later? You just explained your hot Mexican temper. Now's the time to take the high road.
I believe in you. :)

vacaenbaja - 12-6-2007 at 01:14 AM

This dog caper seems to be somewhat of a national past time in Baja. I had commented to my friends wife who is from La Paz about the incident and she just about finished my sentences as I was telling the "tail" She told me that in BCS
It is quite common especially if there is some bad blood.
People will tell strangers or the non suspecting "that dog belongs to no one. Sure you can take it"etc. Knowing full well it beongs to fulana, who would just go to pieces if anything were to happen to their dog.

shari - 12-6-2007 at 07:21 AM

It always amazes me the unique and devious ways los mexicanos seek revenge/justice. I'm sure Sirenita will figure out a way to get hers! thanks for that vaca.

SiReNiTa - 12-6-2007 at 05:33 PM

i'm not out for revenge mom, you should know me better than that...i know everything in this life is fair, if i do something bad then karma throw's it right back at me...the same with that family...i'm not the first one and most definantly not the last one they try to hurt and step on...the difference is that i'm not letting them...and if you really think that i want to get back at them for that, well...i'm sorry for you because that just shows how little you know your own daughter.

Paulina - 12-6-2007 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by shari
It always amazes me the unique and devious ways los mexicanos seek revenge/justice. I'm sure Sirenita will figure out a way to get hers! thanks for that vaca.

You don't happen to be a Scorpio, do you?

Hook - 12-6-2007 at 06:07 PM

That's pretty sad about the little guy in BOLA.

With all the abandoned dogs in Baja, especially the ones outside of Rosarito in that shelter, it would seem someone could replace it with another.

What a great Christmas gift it would be for him.

SiReNiTa - 12-6-2007 at 06:48 PM

really sad...he loves dogs...i'd post a picture of him but i don't have my mom is not the scorpio paulina...I is a piscis...

Paulina - 12-6-2007 at 08:07 PM

Good for you Sirenita for turning the other cheek. I believe in Karma too.


ps. check your u2u

shari - 12-6-2007 at 08:26 PM

No No No Sirenita...I wasn't talking about YOU...gosh I know you better than that darling...I was talking about Rosa...the lady who said "Take the dog, he doesnt' belong to anyone" I figure she has a beef with the dog mother...I'm pretty sure she knew who's dog it was...oh my!

SiReNiTa - 12-7-2007 at 05:12 PM

no problem...just next time take a second look at what you write mom...and thank's paulina...