
La Paz Magote development

Jack Swords - 12-6-2007 at 12:54 PM

Took this photo today...sure is a different view of the Bay now.

Bob H - 12-6-2007 at 01:03 PM

WOW.... those buildings look like twins! So much going on in La Paz these days.
Thanks for the update.
Bob H

Hook - 12-6-2007 at 03:20 PM

What ever happened with the old abandoned Gran Baja?

Natalie Ann - 12-6-2007 at 03:30 PM

Seeing this picture reminds me of the day I was watching the gorgeous sunset in La Paz, then turned around only to see a huge shiny new Burger King had been built on the Malecon, right there in the historic district. It was awful - I cried.

After that trip, I remember posting on the old Amigos board of seeing this monstrosity and being horrified. I was nearly stoned... why didn't I want to see little Mexican children having the same advantages as our children in the states?!

It wasn't all that long ago, yet now the Malecon has many modern buildings and an Applebee's :barf:
and when you go outside, Jack has shown us the new view of El Mogote.

Lucky little Mexican children.... I can see it's getting a lot better for them. :rolleyes::no::mad:

vandenberg - 12-6-2007 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Hook
What ever happened with the old abandoned Gran Baja?

They're in the process of turning that building also into condos. Pricey ones I might add.
Can't remember where I did see the article.
Baja insider maybe/:?::?:

comitan - 12-6-2007 at 03:45 PM

I will bet that if you were to show that photo to the people of La Paz 80% would not have even noticed. I'm one of the 80%.:saint::saint:

vandenberg - 12-6-2007 at 03:46 PM

From the Insider:

In La Paz proper there are a variety of new real estate projects underway. The Villa la Posada complex will include condominiums and poolside two and three level designs as well as bay view condos in the 8 story tower. In the same area, the former Gran Baja Hotel has been for years. Construction has begun to renovate the property into condominiums and fractional ownership vacation units. These projects are just part of the changing face of the La Posada area of La Paz. Single family homes and even some lots are still available in this area, where real estate values will benefit greatly as these two projects come to fruition

Hook - 12-6-2007 at 03:50 PM

So, is the Aquamarina RV Park still going strong? Has it been encroached on much? I havent been back there in probably 8-9 years.

fdt - 12-6-2007 at 03:58 PM

Oh well I guess, if you notice the quote from the Insider they even changed the name of the place, " La Posada area of La Paz", my gosh, not even the original owner of La Posada, Bill Callahan called it that, it is Playa Sur.

Diver - 12-6-2007 at 04:22 PM

As of last spring, the Aquamarina is still there and doing fine.

Don Alley - 12-6-2007 at 05:40 PM

I really noticed the development on El Mogote at sunset. Lots of lights there now; I guess you gotta go out there for the famous sunsets now.

bajalera - 12-6-2007 at 07:18 PM

To look on the bright side, the array of lights over there will brighten up the night view from the Malecon.

Barry A. - 12-6-2007 at 07:32 PM

Some of you MUST have seen the view across Hong Kong harbor--------breath taking!!!!! at night, or by day.

But, this is NOT the Baja that attracted me many years ago.


BMG - 12-6-2007 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Jack Swords
Took this photo today...sure is a different view of the Bay now.

Jack - your camera is too good! Try a disposable Instamatic and El Magote shrinks down a bit.

toneart - 12-6-2007 at 08:10 PM

To me, the photo was shocking. It obliterates the view I had grown to love. Well, that's progress. Also, that's just another reason for me to never return to La Paz. (See no dogs on the Malecon string). The cliche goes, "growth is inevitable". Fine, but it looses me and others who remember when. :(

Roberto - 12-7-2007 at 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Hook
So, is the Aquamarina RV Park still going strong? Has it been encroached on much? I havent been back there in probably 8-9 years.

As I understand it, the owners have retired and the park is closed for business, except to a few long-timers and close friends.

Cervisin - 12-7-2007 at 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Hook
What ever happened with the old abandoned Gran Baja?

CaboRon - 12-7-2007 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by toneart
To me, the photo was shocking. It obliterates the view I had grown to love. Well, that's progress. Also, that's just another reason for me to never return to La Paz. (See no dogs on the Malecon string). The cliche goes, "growth is inevitable". Fine, but it looses me and others who remember when. :(

No dogs on the Malecon....means no more dog sh&t..:bounce: YEAH :bounce:

Itīs all in the perspective dude....:lol::lol::lol:


Cervisin - 12-8-2007 at 05:31 AM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by toneart
To me, the photo was shocking. It obliterates the view I had grown to love. Well, that's progress. Also, that's just another reason for me to never return to La Paz. (See no dogs on the Malecon string). The cliche goes, "growth is inevitable". Fine, but it looses me and others who remember when. :(

No dogs on the Malecon....means no more dog sh&t..:bounce: YEAH :bounce:

Itīs all in the perspective dude....:lol::lol::lol:


So what you saying - by your perspective - is no more dog sh&t because all the stray dogs will obey the signs + there is going to be sufficient enforcement of that rule....

gnukid - 12-8-2007 at 07:20 AM

The Magote deal is probably the most short sighted, ill conceived, worst thing that happened to La Paz because it has destroyed the most beautiful resource la paz had, which was a beautiful sunset, a tranquil open clean beach remote beach, a marshland to feed and grow insects and the birds and fish. And for whose benefit?

Magote is just a joke and it is the most ill conceived one to boot. Building a resort on a remote sand bar/marshland in a wind tunnel/hurricane alley with no transportation or infrastructure is idiotic and worse, once the bridge is built mogote will have destroyed la paz bay completely, by destroying the ecosystem as well as the estetic, La Paz's two prime resources.

Not to mention the idiocy of trucking in a bad element and dropping them off at sunset and picking them up at sunrise completely unpoliced and in your neighborhood. Already the workers they brought in to work there make up the worst element in La Paz--robbers/druggies since they are underpaid drug addict outsiders and desperate and hungry with no place to sleep at night, they spend the whole night huddled together off the malecon, hungry and cold, robbing the yachts and tourists and pacenos at night who previously enjoyed the malecon.

Imagine if some developer brought bus loads of poor, angry, outsiders and dumped them in your nice tranquil neighborhood at 5pm and picked them up at 8am in the same spot everyday. It's more insanity for La Paz.

If Magote was such a nice resort place people would want to stay there at night and camp like all over Baja, but its not and no one can spend the night there where they constructed. It's an exposed sand bar thats either burning hot exposed or freezing cold and windy. Not even one person of the hundreds of workers can/will stay there for one moment they don't have to be there. Its like a prison, like alcatraz, where you watch the malecon circus and you would do anything to escape.

[Edited on 12-8-2007 by gnukid]

capt. mike - 12-8-2007 at 09:16 AM

:lol::lol::lol: hey are obviously gnu....:lol::lol::lol::rolleyes:

gnukid - 12-8-2007 at 11:58 AM

I have been in la paz for 20 years haha. The truth is la paz hasn't changed much at all in its personality. The first time I arrived to meet my girlfriend, the family played a big joke when I got to their house, there was a fake wedding planned and everything and each person said oh you are getting married to which I replied no there must be a mistake, no-no mistake. Of course it was all a nice joke until eventually when I tried to leave and finally 4 ford granadas pretended to chase me through the streets of La Paz hahaha. Well each day now is no different.

La Paz has a sense of humor. It is defined by its sense of patience, tranquility and peace. La paz is the city that isn't, that may never be, the place that is just about to become something, maybe or maybe not. La Paz is loco and each day more crazy not less crazy.

Each day we imagine that someone, somewhere will actually do something, someone will get up early and make something happen--so you know, that person is you! The new arrivals are the spirit that makes La Paz what it is.

So come to La Paz and make it happen.

If everyone who arrived followed the most basic information provided here, the bad guys would know if you mess with gringo its gonna hurt and it never pays. It social training. If people learn that it doesn't pay to mess with gringo, they will give up because gringo will make it hurt bad. You have a responsibility.

Just never give up your license or reg, Legally on the back of your reg says keep a copy and leave the original at home, do the same with the license and when they tell you oh you need a original (which of course you have) say sorry I can show it to the judge in court if you give me a ticket.

Remember the goal is to get a ticket which can easily be resolved in the transit office. Don't believe the cops. You can go to the transit station in any town and pay the ticket in moments. IF you ever get a ticket and pay there you will feel empowered and it will be cheap, there is a 50% discount for showing up and you can contest it immediately with a judge at the window. Use your camera and bust the bad guys and you will be very happy.

In La Paz after another day of messing with cops and all the trouble to make it through the day with los chamacos y cabrones, we say "Gano por que no perdi", I won becuase I didn't lose!

Voy camping y pescar en Las Cruces, hasta luego.

capt. mike - 12-8-2007 at 01:09 PM

i love la paz - hey kid you are alright in my skinny book.:biggrin:

JESSE - 12-8-2007 at 03:11 PM

"4 ford granadas"


CaboRon - 12-8-2007 at 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Cervisin
Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by toneart
To me, the photo was shocking. It obliterates the view I had grown to love. Well, that's progress. Also, that's just another reason for me to never return to La Paz. (See no dogs on the Malecon string). The cliche goes, "growth is inevitable". Fine, but it looses me and others who remember when. :(

No dogs on the Malecon....means no more dog sh&t..:bounce: YEAH :bounce:

Itīs all in the perspective dude....:lol::lol::lol:


So what you saying - by your perspective - is no more dog sh&t because all the stray dogs will obey the signs + there is going to be sufficient enforcement of that rule....

I guess they must be...... because I am not seeing any dogs on the Malecon.:bounce:

Just a couple of gringas the other day... who I guess donīt respect the law.



Cervisin - 12-8-2007 at 04:47 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by Cervisin
Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by toneart
To me, the photo was shocking. It obliterates the view I had grown to love. Well, that's progress. Also, that's just another reason for me to never return to La Paz. (See no dogs on the Malecon string). The cliche goes, "growth is inevitable". Fine, but it looses me and others who remember when. :(

No dogs on the Malecon....means no more dog sh&t..:bounce: YEAH :bounce:

Itīs all in the perspective dude....:lol::lol::lol:


So what you saying - by your perspective - is no more dog sh&t because all the stray dogs will obey the signs + there is going to be sufficient enforcement of that rule....

I guess they must be...... because I am not seeing any dogs on the Malecon.:bounce:

Just a couple of gringas the other day... who I guess donīt respect the law.



What?? They left a "deposit" ?? On the Malecon?? I be dam'd

No dogs?? Suggest a little morning jogging at 5:00 - 6:00.....

BMG - 12-8-2007 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
It is defined by its sense of patience, tranquility and peace.

Did you take into account the great patience of the drivers?

Or the tranquility of the kids blowing off firecrackers until almost midnight every night?

And, of course, the incredibly loud, distorted music that many Mexicans seem to enjoy?