
baja UFO sightings!!

capt. mike - 12-12-2007 at 07:53 AM

we are not alone. here's my recent story and i am sticking to it!!

Thanks giving week, we are on the patio fairly late enjoying my fire pit and some coffee drinks - yes loaded with booze but that's not a factor here!!

so in the north sky, and the moon was pretty good too, we see this bright white light moving slowly at about a 10 o clock relative azimuth and its just slowly moving....towards the south east.
not making any sound. was too bright for the ISS which i have seen before. Not a planet cause of the movement.
not a plane because there are none going that way at that time of night - besides the speed ruled out any jet nor was there any noise.

so we are watching this thing for about 3 minutes and momentarily glancing away in discussion when i looked back at it and it was GONE. i mean a second earlier there and bright and SLOWLY moving along.............then GONE in a flash, just like they turned off the light or else it zoomed away so fast one wouldn't have caught it!!

this was not my 1st UFO encounter, had another one at PSFO once and one at San Carlos too.
But this was Janeen's 1st "encounter of the 1st kind".

so who else out there has experienced stuff like this in baja.?

Agent Mike here, and we're out.:?::o:O

Bob and Susan - 12-12-2007 at 08:08 AM

do you guys notice the UFO's always go
to see people living in "trailers":lol:
"booze related" drinks nearby:lol:

you NEVER hear about some stockbroker
on wallstreet seeing a UFO
flying by HIS office window;);) stock tips:tumble:

gnukid - 12-12-2007 at 08:08 AM

There was a report of a burning star this last week. We have a telescope. Everyone saw the same thing.

Bob and Susan - 12-12-2007 at 08:12 AM

do you think aliens burned the star???:light:

Phil S - 12-12-2007 at 09:03 AM

While spending two weeks in Cabo for Thanksgiving, while sitting in our "corner" hottub at the resort, Wendy & I spotted a very bright light in the southern sky that changed from blues, to reds to clear??????? It stayed in the same place all evening. There was no booze during this relaxing evening. ??????????? Anyway. It seemed to be in one place for maybe two hours?????? We left for Loreto the next day, so could't find it that night, because of the mountain range obscuring our view????? Anyone know of this multicolored star or whatever in the southern hemisphere???

wilderone - 12-12-2007 at 09:44 AM

A friend of mine was camping in Sierra San Pedro Martir about 3 months ago. From a distance of about 7 miles from where he was camped, he saw a VERY large - he says about a mile in circumference - disc shaped, flat "thing" in the sky. It had a cloud-like layer on top of it as well as at the bottom. It came toward them, and as it did so, tilted about 70 degrees. It hovered for a few minutes, then it spurted a greyish cloud-like substance all around its perimeter, and then moved away and up into the clouds, blending with the clouds and atmosphere so that it was almost invisible. They saw it around 4:30 p.m., so they saw no lights on it. Later, he realized his watch had stopped for 10 minutes, his GPS was off by 15 miles, and his dog was very agitated during the incident.

mtgoat666 - 12-12-2007 at 09:48 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
not making any sound. was too bright for the ISS which i have seen before. Not a planet cause of the movement.
not a plane because there are none going that way at that time of night - besides the speed ruled out any jet nor was there any noise.

so we are watching this thing for about 3 minutes and momentarily glancing away in discussion when i looked back at it and it was GONE. i mean a second earlier there and bright and SLOWLY moving along.............then GONE in a flash, just like they turned off the light or else it zoomed away so fast one wouldn't have caught it!!

Maybe an "Irridium Flare." When the solar panels of Irridium satellites are aligned just right, they reflect sun light downward on us mortals and if you are in the narrow path of the reflected light from the flat solar panels, then you'll see a really bright light that quickly winks in and out. They are so bright you can see the "flare" in daytime. There are couple websites that allow you to predict when to look for an irridium flare based on your lat/long, so you may be able to back calculate your close encounter.
Also could have been reflection off of any other piece of large flat shiny space junk. USA and the ruskies spent billions putting trash in space to regale us with pretty lights when we watch the night sky
You said it was moving SE and dissapeared quickly, probabaly because it moved into earth shadow as it moved eastward, leading to quick wink out.

mtgoat666 - 12-12-2007 at 09:54 AM

Originally posted by wilderone
A friend of mine was camping in Sierra San Pedro Martir about 3 months ago. From a distance of about 7 miles from where he was camped, he saw a VERY large - he says about a mile in circumference - disc shaped, flat "thing" in the sky. It had a cloud-like layer on top of it as well as at the bottom. It came toward them, and as it did so, tilted about 70 degrees. It hovered for a few minutes, then it spurted a greyish cloud-like substance all around its perimeter, and then moved away and up into the clouds, blending with the clouds and atmosphere so that it was almost invisible. They saw it around 4:30 p.m., so they saw no lights on it. Later, he realized his watch had stopped for 10 minutes, his GPS was off by 15 miles, and his dog was very agitated during the incident.

That was my "limo" bringing me back from my recent vacation in aplpha centari. Usually when you mortals see us we brainwash you so you forget it. My driver must have been inattentive that day.

David K - 12-12-2007 at 09:59 AM

Mike, it sure sounds like a large satellite or the space station... just brighter in Baja... When you looked away, it went into earth's shadow.

Our alien brothers like to dart around different directions and speeds while we watch them... it is so much more fun for them that way!:rolleyes:

Natalie Ann - 12-12-2007 at 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Pompano
My question is: Do UFO's need any mesquite firewood?

Perhaps the bigger question, Pompano, if this... if they need mesquite firewood, will they be willing to chop it up? I've traveled with 'em before, and there's not room inside the ship unless the wood is neatly cut and stacked.:smug:


Hook - 12-12-2007 at 10:08 AM

I think the non-alien object that some of you are seeing is the disintegrating comet that has been in the sky for some time now. We saw it very clearly in Anza Borrego in late November. Maybe it is still around.

Mexitron - 12-12-2007 at 10:19 AM

Phil S--you may have been seeing the star Sirius, a blue star, but it changed colors because it was affected by the lower atmosphere refractions.

When I was in high school I took it upon myself to learn the constellations so I'd get up on the roof at night to figure them out. One night a green light came across the sky in a straight line--too fast for a plane but too slow for a meteor. It slowed down after crossing about half the sky and dimmed, proportionally, as it came to a complete stop. Then about a second later it took off again 90 degrees to the initial direction, becoming brighter and brighter as it increased its speed and went beyond the horizon out of site. No booze or pot or anything! A few years ago one of my friends said he saw the same thing while camping in the San Pedro Martir. Who knows what it was but still can't explain it.

DrTom - 12-12-2007 at 10:58 AM

never been a ufo sighting on a university campus

Sharksbaja - 12-12-2007 at 11:24 AM

Of course this photo isn't what we saw that night late in the mountains near Catavina but we saw something very bright and very out of place up there!

catavina_ufo.jpg - 36kB

BornFisher - 12-12-2007 at 12:06 PM

Satellites don`t have colored lights!!!!!
No you don`t see the green lights from the station, there are none!!
When you see a satellite, you are seeing reflected sunlight, so only when the sun shines green will the space station look green!!
That is why in the middle of the night, the satellites disappear, to reappear near dawn!!
But there is a meteor shower tonight!!

Cypress - 12-12-2007 at 12:07 PM

Saw six of 'em on a bright sunny day. Wasn't drinking or on any medication. Light colored oval objects at at least 30,000 feet. :O:O

capt. mike - 12-12-2007 at 01:11 PM

mtn goat has a reasonable explanation for my event.

nanuu nanuu.

BajaWarrior - 12-12-2007 at 04:30 PM

We have quite a few satelites in the evening for the first hour of dark in below San Felipe.

I've seen the flash too, it looks like when a car's windshield reflects the sun, just for a moment.

But then you never know...

I know this didnt happen in Baja

MrsFDT - 12-12-2007 at 05:32 PM

but it is UFO related. I cant say I believe in UFO's but also cant say I disbelieve. It's one of those things without a solid base either way.

I have seen one in broad daylight in the mountains of Kentucky. I was a child, about 10 or 11 years old and yes I lived in a trailor park...

I was walking to the store to get a pop, it was late summer on the road in front of the trailor park, when i caught something shimmery out of the corner of my eye. It was a small silver oval in the sky above the hill behind the trailor park.

It had lights, cant remember what colors but they alternated on and off. Normally I would have dismessed as a plane flying over but it stopped in mid air. After a second it began flying like a fly, is the best I can discribe it. Like flies do on lazy summer afternoons. Up, down, over up again.... There was no sound. I watched it for about a minute when it stopped again, hovered for a second or two, then it zipped out of sight within a split second from start to finish. A strait silent line, out of sight.

But just as it was dawning on me that I might have seen a real live UFO, the silence was broken by a boom then the sound of a plane, maybe 30 seconds after the thing disappeared. It wasnt 1, but a formation of 4 jets and they came from the same direction as the ufo had.

They were flying really fast, but no where near as fast as the other thing.:lol::lol::lol: I then though it was a UFO having some fun, playing "catch me if you can" It was pitiful, the differance in speed.

Then I remembered what my dad had said about Roswell and government conspirecies during camp stories. When my dad got home I excitedly told him all about it, then I got in trouble for making up stories.:no: So it's been resting in my head and has only come out for the kids enjoyment.

Gosh I dont even know if Ive told FDT this. lol, well I guess he'll read it now.:lol:

Anyway I thought I would share that.
As an adult now, though Im still on the fence about it because it is a memory of my 11 year old self and I havent ever seen anything like that since or heard similer story's of UFO tag. So I guess you decide

As for Me

Sonora Wind - 12-12-2007 at 05:50 PM

Assigned several times for training at the Nevada Test Site. I can neither confirm nor deny. I can only say, Capt. Mike, we're not alone:cool: ;D;);D;)

Sharksbaja - 12-12-2007 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Sonora Wind
Assigned several times for training at the Nevada Test Site. I can neither confirm nor deny.

The test site or ufos?:biggrin:

I Can See

Sonora Wind - 12-12-2007 at 06:34 PM

The Shark is feeding.:lol: The Test Site. I would call it a money pit on steroids. But for sure a wounderful place to bury secrets, and radio active stuff. As is Mt Weather Va.:cool: Spent several months in both places. But I like Sisters much better. I think one only has to look around to see we, as the worlds out there are as the sands of Baja. Many indeed.

4baja - 12-13-2007 at 07:52 AM

we saw these long things flying by at punta diablo one evening, closer inspection it said pacifico on the sides of them.:cool:

TMW - 12-13-2007 at 08:29 AM

In 1966 on board the USS Kitty Hawk it was evening and I was on the flight deck doing maintenance. We had crossed the international date line and in condition 1 cat, meaning we had 4 F4 phantoms on the catapults with pilots in the c-ckpit. When called they could be launched within 3 minutes. Over the load speaker came launch condition 1 cat, launch all birds. With the jet engines running up and off the port side several miles away passed a bright blue object moving in the same direction we were and went out of site. In a few seconds another or maybe the same, coming back on the starboard side. The air boss called off the launch. Later we heard that whatever the thing was it came into radar site and went out then came in again and out faster than we could launch the planes. Our planes were no match for it's speed. It was said to be a UFO. Maybe it was two missiles, I don't know.

vandenberg - 12-13-2007 at 08:53 AM

I think one only has to look around to see we, as the worlds out there, are as the sands of Baja. Many indeed.

We are but a speck in the enormity we're part of and to think that we're the only intelligent, and I'm using this word lightly, beings is preposterous.

wilderone - 12-13-2007 at 11:11 AM

UFO reporting site

Sur2baja - 12-13-2007 at 01:47 PM

How many times have I told you Dad, DO NOT eat the worm!

bonanza bucko - 12-14-2007 at 08:18 AM

Lots of times when there is a launch at Vandenberg AFB north of Santa Barbara just about dusk the contrail will be in the sun and the ground in Baja will be in the will swear that you are looking at a space craft/UFO. I've had guys who were cops and firemen in the US come running into Alfy's cantina scared stiff after seeing one of these out on the road into there.


I have seen what you speak of many times Bucko

Sonora Wind - 12-14-2007 at 08:39 AM

In the westerns skys from Vegas. It was always a wounderous sight.:cool:

Ensenada UFO's

bajadock - 12-14-2007 at 09:06 AM

MrsFDT - 12-14-2007 at 12:57 PM

:biggrin:I remember when I looked like that........ Id like to see her after 3 youngans and 10 more years. I think my kids scared my UFO's away:?: :biggrin:


Sonora Wind - 12-14-2007 at 04:48 PM

At closing time. Or so I've been informed by a reliable source whom I shall not reveil at this time.:lol::lol::cool:

Capt. Mike

Sonora Wind - 12-14-2007 at 04:58 PM

All Kidding aside. Whatever you saw, light?plane/reflection?delayed Vandenburg effect/ escaped dudes from area 51. At least you saw it, and it will live with you as an instresting life experence forever.:cool:

capt. mike - 12-15-2007 at 07:03 AM

yeah that's fur sure SW.
the thing is - i am now discounting this effect of "went behind the earth's shadow"
whatever that is - because there were other things visible at where it went out - like stars etc.

it was not like miles AWAY altho i can't really say how far away it was but i am thinking 000's of feet, like 10-15 maybe??

oh well, a mystery i guess - i think it knew we were talking about it, ESP or sumthin and then it took off!!

MexicoTed - 12-16-2007 at 10:44 PM

About 17 years ago a couple friends and I headed up to Guadalupe Canyon midweek in the summer. We knew it was hot in the desert and thought we'd have the camp with only a few souls there, but no one was there besides the three brothers.

Anyway, on our first night around 10pm while lying in a hot tub, one of my friends notices a bright light moving through the stars while looking west up to Sierra Juarez. It was moving slowly as a jet may do if it's high in the air. While staring up toward the general direction and enjoying the stars, it turn straight down towards earth as if it was falling in a perfect line, but at the same slow speed. We both caught it with our eyes and couldn't believe it. Then after a minute it stopped and headed north on a even line with the mountain tops. Eventually it just disappeared.

We were a little spooked, because of the perfect 90 degree turns. Seemed like it was landing nearby in the desert. Tough night of sleep thinking every little animal in the desert making noise was the aliens coming into camp....


MrsFDT - 12-17-2007 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Sonora Wind
All Kidding aside. Whatever you saw, light?plane/reflection?delayed Vandenburg effect/ escaped dudes from area 51. At least you saw it, and it will live with you as an instresting life experence forever.:cool:

Yeah! thats right.

GeoRock - 12-21-2007 at 11:17 AM

Now, I'm not claiming to be one of "them," or anything, but I do feel a bit of kindred spirit welling up in family and friends swear I am an alien, but I lay no such claim on myself.

I can lay claim to several UFO sightings. First one I was about 10 years old and at the San Diego city dump with my older brother. It was a sunny day with just a few puffy clouds. I noticed that everyone unloading their trash had stopped, and many were pointing up at the sky. My 19 year old brother and I looked up and there was a classic silver shaped disc UFO floating above the dump area. It was very close, very distinguishable, and without a doubt a UFO. Who knows? Perhaps my family is right; the mother ship was checking on me... Anyway, jets came chasing it before too long. It just shot quicker than silly string out of sight completely.

Next time I was 19 and camping in the San Bernardino Mountains. A friend pointed up to the night sky and said, "Look, there's a UFO." All of us looked, and sure enough a bright light was moving along. It stopped for a moment, then changed direction by 90 degrees, and moved a bit until it shot out of sight quickly.

My most recent one was in Bahia in April 2007. It was witnessed by my 20 year old daughter and myself.

The UFO that we saw was in a moonless sky. I went outside of the Baja house just to look around, something I do often even at night. I spotted a light so bright it could not be a star. Way too close also. I watched it a bit, then went inside to tell Alicia to come look. I said, "Alicia, come outside. There's something I want to show you." She responded, "What is it?" I could tell she did not want to bother.

"It's the mothership, they are are here to get me." I joked. "Yea, right," was her response.

She walked outside, I pointed, and her jaw dropped as her eyes grew as big as saucers, pun intended.

I retrieved the binoculars from the Hummer. The object was triangular shaped, and it looked black inside the triangle. As I watched, a spray of multi-colored lights shot out around the perimeter for about 20 seconds and then stopped. Alicia and I watched as it moved away and down to the left.

Later in the night, about 3 a.m., it had moved to a different part of the sky. And it was not Venus, as my Baja friends tried to claim. Venus had risen and was to its left. We saw it again the next night, in a different place in the sky. That was it, it did not appear to us again.

Alicia and I know that what we saw was not a star. Our Baja friends, who did not see it, laugh at us. We don't care, because what we saw was not a star and we know it.

Now you all know I am crazy!

Sonora Wind - 12-21-2007 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by GeoRock

Now you all know I am crazy!

Crazy Yes Crazy Crazy Crazy! Santa That's Crazy. Easter Bunny more Crazy! Area 51 ??? I saw some things, but who realy knows. Intel life in the great out there. The Chances are 200,000,000 to one. GOOD Ods:cool: Something like a sure Bet.

[Edited on 12-22-2007 by Sonora Wind]

Russ - 12-21-2007 at 06:04 PM

ELINVESTI8 when I plugged in your site I go an error (?) message "403 FORBIDDEN"

CaboRon - 12-22-2007 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
do you guys notice the UFO's always go
to see people living in "trailers":lol:
"booze related" drinks nearby:lol:

you NEVER hear about some stockbroker
on wallstreet seeing a UFO
flying by HIS office window;);) stock tips:tumble:

Thatīs probably because Ļ"some stockbroker" is not looking at the world around him, but is only interested is himself.


ELINVESTIG8R - 12-22-2007 at 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Russ
ELINVESTI8 when I plugged in your site I go an error (?) message "403 FORBIDDEN"

Russ, which site are you referring to?

[Edited on 12-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]