

bajajazz - 1-24-2008 at 04:42 PM

I had a great downhome pigout of homemade biscuits and spicy sausage gravy this morning at a new little restaurant in La Paz called Baja Biscuits. First time I've enjoyed that kind of meal since living in the Arizona mountains, at a little joint where one of Barry Goldwater's sons (dead ringer for the old man, kind of spooky) was a frequent customer-- and it was a real treat.

Baja Biscuits is owned and run by a nice young couple from Tampa, Florida, named Ace and Linda Shawver. They're located at 1251 Belizario Dominguez, about three doors from the corner of Cinco de Mayo in La Paz on the west (water) side of the street. They're open for breakfast, brunch or lunch from 8 AM to 12:30 or 1 PM, Wednesdays through Saturdays.

Besides offering a great plate of buttery biscuits with spicy sausage gravy, they also serve breakfast burritos, homemade quiche, waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, cinnamon buns, bagels with flavored cream cheese, fruit salad, coffee and tea. And, they make their own sausage and may be offering it as a separate, take-home item.

For a breakfast freak like me Baja Biscuits is a godsend and another fine addition to a neighborhood that already boasts some of the best restaurants in La Paz.

To Ace and Linda and their kids -- thank you for doing what you're doing, and welcome to La Paz! :bounce::bounce:

DENNIS - 1-24-2008 at 04:47 PM

What type of sausage are they using?


bajajazz - 1-24-2008 at 05:14 PM

The lumpy kind you usually get in gravy.

Don't actually know -- they're making it themselves but I didn't ask about ingredients. It was tasty though, had some real flavor for a change.:lol:

vacaenbaja - 1-24-2008 at 06:08 PM

Sweeney Todd Knows?

BMG - 1-24-2008 at 06:19 PM

Sounds good to me. Will give it a try.

Al G - 1-24-2008 at 06:32 PM

I wish you would not have reported it.....:(:(:(
Now I will be there every chance I get.....:biggrin::cool:

DENNIS - 1-24-2008 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by bajajazz
The lumpy kind you usually get in gravy.

That's all I need to know. I'm on my way.

oldjack - 1-25-2008 at 07:40 PM

had the bisuits/gravy this a.m.... very good.... also tried Linda's quiche w/potatoe crust also very good... they are closes SUN/Mon/Tues and only open from 8-12 plan accordingly..........breakfast burrito looked to big to sample... maybe next time.

Watch that rear-end

Sharksbaja - 1-25-2008 at 07:48 PM

The official state meal in Oregon. You can tell by their physique. I guess some people like that kind of food. Really "sticks" to your ribs et all :lol:
Hmmm, I wonder if people ever thought about the nutritional/dietary value of such. Naaaa...:lol:
Not a good food to promote methinks but hey they understand demographics obviously. I think it's hilarious to name your restaurant Bigass Bisquits & Gravy.

Oh's like beating a dead horse.

End of sermon.

Went to Baja Biscuits this morning.

BMG - 1-25-2008 at 08:08 PM

We had a very enjoyable breakfast and I would recommend it. All the food was served piping hot.

Biscuits - excellent (order butter on the side unless you like lots of butter)

Biscuits and gravy - very good (no lumps though so can't call it homemade:lol:)

Spinach quiche - very good

Breakfast burrito - excellent

Coffee - excellent

Orange juice - fair

IMG_5243.jpg - 45kB

Al G - 1-25-2008 at 08:25 PM

Hey sharks...we all know it a heart attack on a plate...does that change anything, when you grew up with the best food ever made???
You give a old soul the choice of elegant breakfast or biscuits and gravy like my mama taught me to make...the only reason elegant meal sell is we all know about heart attacks...
I do think it is a good thing the younger generations are not exposed to real food:lol::coolup:
Texas country boy...Albert
PS...there is a lot more food to this story...:biggrin:

Tell it like it is

Sharksbaja - 1-25-2008 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Al G
Hey sharks...we all know it a heart attack on a plate...does that change anything, when you grew up with the best food ever made???
You give a old soul the choice of elegant breakfast or biscuits and gravy like my mama taught me to make...the only reason elegant meal sell is we all know about heart attacks...
I do think it is a good thing the younger generations are not exposed to real food:lol::coolup:
Texas country boy...Albert
PS...there is a lot more food to this story...:biggrin:

Well Al, like I always said,food is subjective. I was watching a movie from the sixties showing masses of the general public. There were not any fat people that I could see.
When people excuse their diet simply because something tastes good then we're on the right track to the root of the problem. Of course people don't see it as a problem"it's my body" they say. What a crock. The next generation is supposed to have a shortened lifespan for the FIRST time.
That bothers me because it means that these people who constatly indulge in this type of eating surely will overtax our health care system. Why should I have to pay for someones health that could be controlled by conscientious eating. Don't get me wrong, it is ok to eat heart unhealthy foods occasionally. The problem I seee is the proliferation of corporate food products that lack little or ANY nutrition.
Another point is the products addicting additives. It might behoove some folks to look at the ingredients more closely. People these days hardly scrutinize what goes into their meal. Biscuits and gravy is a perfect example.
I know what I say means diddly to anyone really. I just don't get it. I guess it's whatever makes you feel good......until that fateful day you learn you and your 12 yr old son have diabetes or you have to undergo a quadruple bypass. That will MAKE you change your habits, or not. Especially when famous aging fat actors try to sell you blood testing equipment. I guess that reinforces that it's ok to be that way. Wow, what a society we live in!:no:
So go ahead, keep thinking that mom was serving you the wrong foods. Not true I'll bet. I'll bet your parents didn't get fat until the packaged and prepared food market took off in the 80s.
Oh.... and don't forget to exercise regularly.

You mean elegant food can't taste good? How rediculous.

comitan - 1-25-2008 at 09:09 PM

Sharkes its good to see we're on the same soap box, they won't listen! but when it strikes they'll wish they had.

bajaguy - 1-25-2008 at 09:31 PM

worked with a guy who went to the gym everyday, hiked, biked and went swimming as a regular workout, The guy ate fish, chicken and salads, drank soy and green tea. A real healthy specimin that made the rest of us look like sloths. he was killed when he was ran over by a bus crossing the street on one of his jogging trips

Since then, I don't pass up anything that "could be bad" for dessert first!!!!

Just looking out for your heart

Sharksbaja - 1-25-2008 at 09:56 PM

"Just my meaningless dos centavos"

That's how I see it too.;D I suppose it is a waste of time to espouse to an alternative.Sorry man just the line of work I'm in. I didn't say NOT to eat there. There are plenty of foods elsewhere that I feel the same way about. Just I see it so prominately here.
Sooooo you are defensive but then, so am I. I have opinions to express on the subject that I find relevant and important. I'm sorry if you don't. You have lots of company so do a push-up. If you can.:lol:
Actually if I had eaten there I wouldn't say a word about it here. Do you know why?:rolleyes:

JESSE - 1-25-2008 at 10:06 PM

Went there this morning, tried the Biscuits and the Burrito, the food was pretty good and i think a good addition to the food scene here in La Paz. I will be going back.

Sharksbaja - 1-25-2008 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Originally posted by Sharksbaja
"Just my meaningless dos centavos"

That's how I see it too.;D I suppose it is a waste of time to espouse to an alternative.Sorry man just the line of work I'm in. I didn't say NOT to eat there. There are plenty of foods elsewhere that I feel the same way about. Just I see it so prominately here.
Sooooo you are defensive but then, so am I. I have opinions to express on the subject that I find relevant and important. I'm sorry if you don't. You have lots of company so do a push-up. If you can.:lol:
Actually if I had eaten there I wouldn't say a word about it here. Do you know why?:rolleyes:

Because you are a hypocryte and a food snob?
I bet that's the wrong answer...
Bye the bye, I was not defensive about it and if you would like to have a little push up contest..... well, that would just be damn funny.:lol: I guarantee you I would kick your hiney.:lol:

So you are ignorant or just plain stupid??

Pushups.... anytime hiney.

Al G - 1-25-2008 at 10:17 PM

Well Al, like I always said,food is subjective. I was watching a movie from the sixties showing masses of the general public. There were not any fat people that I could see.

I am not sure which rocket I fired:lol:

Of course people don't see it as a problem"it's my body" they say. What a crock. The next generation is supposed to have a shortened lifespan for the FIRST time.

I just don't think this applies in California????I think I am the only fat person here:biggrin:
Do you know that people run so much here they not only have to repave the roads...they have to repave the sidewalks every year...

That bothers me because it means that these people who constatly indulge in this type of eating surely will overtax our health care system.
I thought we were talking about a couple of eat out breakfasts???
Why should I have to pay for someones health that could be controlled by conscientious eating. Don't get me wrong, it is ok to eat heart unhealthy foods occasionally. The problem I seee is the proliferation of corporate food products that lack little or ANY nutrition.
Another point is the products addicting additives. It might behoove some folks to look at the ingredients more closely. People these days hardly scrutinize what goes into their meal. Biscuits and gravy is a perfect example.

My god man...what do you put in your gravy???

I know what I say means diddly to anyone really. I just don't get it. I guess it's whatever makes you feel good......until that fateful day you learn you and your 12 yr old son have diabetes or you have to undergo a quadruple bypass. That will MAKE you change your habits, or not. Especially when famous aging fat actors try to sell you blood testing equipment. I guess that reinforces that it's ok to be that way. Wow, what a society we live in!

I believe you got my 50's food mixed up with your junk food of today...maybe?

So go ahead, keep thinking that mom was serving you the wrong foods. Not true I'll bet. I'll bet your parents didn't get fat until the packaged and prepared food market took off in the 80s.
My parents were never fat...both past at 84 and 89 years...they were turn of the century babies
Oh.... and don't forget to exercise regularly.
Damn ..does everyone have to keep reminding me:lol:
How come my parents didn't have to:biggrin:

You mean elegant food can't taste good? How rediculous. I did not say it does not taste good...just not as desirable.

The more I read this the more I think we are talking about different foods...

Sharksbaja - 1-25-2008 at 10:25 PM

I always have had trouble in the food dept on this board. It's like insulting someones mother then trying to defend yourself. Good luck.
Desirable? That about sums it up Al, gracias.
Whatever you think is good food....must be good food. Now that supports my subjective theory. (sigh)

case closed

Al G - 1-25-2008 at 10:51 PM

Hell Sharks...if you raise a kid on peanut butter, that is what he will desire. My favorite meal was pinto beans over sweet corn bread with a topping of chow-chow...still to this day it is my favorite. Great chefs give you variety and new...but you heart desires old...your new self desires new.
At my age it is all about health...and expect to live past my parents.
If I give up my old desires, the cost may be to high...after all we are here to enjoy ourselves...right?

bajadedom - 1-25-2008 at 11:22 PM

Hmmm - a 60's fat people....probably no african americans,bi-sexuals,punk-rockers,or Nomads either.....but I bet a few were smoking cigarettes!.....these times, they are a changin.....and there is still nothing you can do to keep your last day on earth from being your last day on earth,for what ever reason.....I've read studies that say laughter will add years to your life, and stress will kill let's all just get along and be happy while we are here....Green tea and oatmeal-or- bisquits and gravy...side by side.

Sharksbaja - 1-25-2008 at 11:50 PM

You're 105% correct Al. Except my parents became better cooks as time went on. They too were in their eighties and my dad chain-smoked most of his life.
I like fried chicken and a host of other foods I was raised on. Too bad you can't find my mom's chicken, it was fantastic. Also, I'm a sucker for a good hamburger. I guess something set me off and it was the gravy. One of our nearby restaurants serves buckets of it.
Unfortunately, I was told by one of their cooks what they make it with. It's sold in large buckets and it is a product I would never employ regardless of what I cooked. Thinking about that and the fact that they have a regular biscuit and gravy breakfast crowd sparked my protest. I can imagine a healthier product like a gravy made from the fat of an animal like I make for Thanksgiving. Yet these people love it and Soulpatch has a point, I am a food snob in the fact that I use ingredients that are not formulated in some lab. You see, we fry nothing or use anything but butter for fat.. This is an alternative that many people seek out.
Personally speaking Al, your statement:"My god man...what do you put in your gravy???" was exactly my jist. I would like people to know more about what they really are eating. I realize that could be painful for some. Many would rather not know.
Bajadedom, I don't know how old you are but when I grew up there were virtually no fat people in school. Today is a different story. We could talk about what our kids are ingesting thanks to our generation and why and how they got like fat(12% are obese) at such an early age. Look at high-fructose corn syrup. Doesn't really sound bad does it, but it's exacting a huge toll collectively.
I hope people don't defend stuff that's bad for kids, why would they, unless they possess the same addictions.
Again though, I understand that diversity of foods and foods without all the hollow ingredients inserted in processed foods can add many years to us and our children. Is that so wrong. Moderation?
As far as that gravy goes, eat it but don't get so fixed on it that it cancels out our/your good intentions.

Al G - 1-26-2008 at 12:05 AM

Great thread...good people saying all the right things....:cool:

[Edited on 1-26-2008 by Al G]

BMG - 1-26-2008 at 08:53 AM

I know people who go way overboard in both directions when it comes to eating. Some that eat anything and everything that tastes good and do so in mass quantities. Others that wouldn't let a 'bad' calorie touch their lips. I do tend to be more in the 1st category. I've heard the "sermons" over and over as we all have, just never paid much attention to the preachers. Anyway, here is the culprit:

Baja_Biscuits_d_Jan25_2008.jpg - 50kB

vandenberg - 1-26-2008 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by BMG
I know people who go way overboard in both directions when it comes to eating. Some that eat anything and everything that tastes good and do so in mass quantities. Others that wouldn't let a 'bad' calorie touch their lips. I do tend to be more in the 1st category. I've heard the "sermons" over and over as we all have, just never paid much attention to the preachers. Anyway, here is the culprit:

Looks like something my cat threw up this morning :biggrin:

DENNIS - 1-26-2008 at 09:09 AM


Who ate that stuff the first time?

DENNIS - 1-26-2008 at 09:10 AM


We're on the same tracks this morning, I see.

BMG - 1-26-2008 at 09:13 AM

Originally posted by vandenberg

Looks like something my cat threw up this morning :biggrin:

Change to a different cat food.

BMG - 1-26-2008 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS

Who ate that stuff the first time?

Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and go for it.

bajajazz - 1-26-2008 at 11:10 AM

Man, talking about hijacking a thread!

What began as an innocent little restaurant review has turned into a miscellaney of moralizing sermonettes that grown people of average intelligence and judgement really don't need. Ascetics who promulgate the Dean Ornish diet have no business even reading restaurant reviews, let alone contributing to them.

Please, keep your self-denial, your repudiation of the joy of living (and eating) to yourself. Me, I'm heading down to Baja Biscuits for a plate of biscuits and sausage gravy before they close. I'll work it off later -- if I feel the need.

DianaT - 1-26-2008 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by bajajazz

Please, keep your self-denial, your repudiation of the joy of living (and eating) to yourself. Me, I'm heading down to Baja Biscuits for a plate of biscuits and sausage gravy before they close. I'll work it off later -- if I feel the need.

Sure makes me miss my granny---she made the best sausage gravy ever. Next time we are in La Paz, I look forward to trying this place----not to enjoy the food, but just to see if it is any where near as good as granny's was. :lol:

Thanks, it really does sound like a good place and while I love Mexican food, it is always nice to find a place for something different --- oh, you did say the biscuits were homemade, didn't you---ouch, I am getting hungry.


BMG - 1-26-2008 at 11:54 AM


Thank you for posting the original review for Baja Biscuits. I enjoy reading about the various restaurants here in La Paz. Keep posting!

vandenberg - 1-26-2008 at 11:55 AM

Now you guys make me feel quilty for throwing that cat barf in the garbage.:(:no::no:

baja_canuck - 1-26-2008 at 12:36 PM

Had the good ol' biscuits in gravy again this morning - fantastic as usual. This is coming from a Canuck who didn't grow up on the stuff in the ol' south....
Been visitin' this place since it opened - and it's consistently good.
I recommend the hot chocolate too! Especially thru the cold.

JESSE - 1-26-2008 at 04:08 PM

We tried the Quiche this morning, wasnt too impressed, but the burrito kicks a**;D

[Edited on 1-26-2008 by JESSE]

CaboRon - 1-27-2008 at 05:50 PM

I have had their Cinnimen (clearly don't know how to spell) rolls on a couple of occasions.... with their delicious Cream Cheeze frosting...... d e l i c i o u s ...... glad I moved out of town because it could become a habit.:lol:


Al G - 1-27-2008 at 06:02 PM Google desk has a great spell check. I have almost warn mine out...,:lol:
Edit: Forgot it does not work in U2U

[Edited on 1-28-2008 by Al G]

Al G - 1-27-2008 at 06:05 PM

Hey...a public Congrates on 1000 super duper Nomad...:cool:

longlegsinlapaz - 3-26-2008 at 10:41 PM

FINALLY made it into Baja Biscuits....I'm not a breakfast-every-morning-kinda-person:lol:....also not a sausage fan (yeah, I know what sacrilege!), but I can say that the quiche is excellent!!:yes::yes::yes:

lingililingili - 3-28-2008 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
FINALLY made it into Baja Biscuits....I'm not a breakfast-every-morning-kinda-person:lol:....also not a sausage fan (yeah, I know what sacrilege!), but I can say that the quiche is excellent!!:yes::yes::yes:

No chile peppers, eh? I have had quiche there three times now, all different, and I have loved every one of them!

BajaMarby - 9-1-2009 at 06:13 AM

Any biscuits & gravy lovers HAVE to try the B&G at La Bamba, next time you're in Rosarito. Homemade pork sausage and cramy, delicious biscuits. Yum!!! Can't get enough. They're at Km 29.5 in Rosarito.

bajajazz - 9-20-2009 at 10:15 AM

Ace and Linda have expanded their breakfast menu . . . now serving egg dishes, country skillet, waffles and grits. Grits! For lunch they're now offering a barbequed pork sandwich that's terrific. Ace is also grinding his own Italian sausage which when I tried it needed more seasoning but may be on the money now. Linda will serve her dynamite cinnamon rolls with a side of cream cheese frosting to go and they're a real albeit occasional treat . . . calories and all that.

BajaNuts - 9-20-2009 at 03:46 PM

I realize this is an old thread but I just have to share my sausage gravy recipe-

6lbs breakfast sausage
1/2 gallon sausage grease & butter.
10 cups flour
3 gallons milk
3T black pepper
1T white pepper

Guaranteed heart attack on a plate! But man, oh, man.........YUMMY!

What can I say, old restaurant recipes aren't the healthiest.



Gypsy Jan - 9-20-2009 at 05:50 PM

Yumm, hmm, yumm...ahhh...ack...gurgle...clunk.

The end of Gypsy Jan...but an oh-so-satisfying one.

RIP, smiling.

BajaNuts - 9-20-2009 at 06:04 PM

smiling all the while.........

and for a killer Red-Eye gravy(no pun intended), substitute 6# bacon for the sausage......

now you have the added benefits of all the nitrates, etc in the bacon:lol:

JESSE - 9-23-2009 at 10:08 AM

I love their food, but 2 out of 3 times i go there for breakfast, they are closed. I just tried yesterday, no luck. Love their burrito and cinnamon rolls.

Cypress - 9-23-2009 at 10:51 AM

Dog gone it! Seems like most everything I like best in the food and drink dept. is bad for my health. :no: But it is.:D

Bajahowodd - 9-23-2009 at 12:51 PM

6 lbs. 3 gals. Nuts- How many servings does that recipe make?

akbear - 9-23-2009 at 06:06 PM

I went by today a little after noon & sign said Wed- Sat 8am - 12pm.

Just have to make my own !

BajaNuts - 9-23-2009 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
6 lbs. 3 gals. Nuts- How many servings does that recipe make?

ALOT! I don't remember but it'd be pretty easy to do the math.

here we go!

3 gal milk+ 8 cups grease+ 6# meat (actual volume would be about 8cups) 10c flour(volume = 5 cups) yadayadayada+x+?=+-++.........

around 70 cups....(x8 oz per cup) = 540 oz ..........(at 10 oz gravy per serving.........= 54 servings!

we'd always go a little heavy on the gravy and only get 45-48 servings out of the batch.

Darn Good Gravy!

The kicker was when another restaurant in town ran out of gravy on a big weekend and they called us to see if they could buy a few bags of packaged gravy mix (we used the same coffee supplier so they ASSUMED we used that company's packaged gravy mix). Imagine their suprise when I told them we made it from scratch! Looking back, I realise that there was a huge marketing point there that never got exploited...........


edit for trying to figure out how to BOLD-TYPE 54 servings.......... irrelevant....... PS hope the math is right, didn't use a calculator.

[Edited on 9-24-2009 by BajaNuts]

Bajahowodd - 10-27-2009 at 05:34 PM

Hey nuts, what if you are only a couple?

Red eye gravy

Dave - 10-28-2009 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by BajaNuts

and for a killer Red-Eye gravy(no pun intended), substitute 6# bacon for the sausage......

Red eye gravy is made by adding coffee, not bacon.

JESSE - 10-28-2009 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by audiobaja
Ugh. I heard they BB decided to close. I thought we were getting into the zone where everyone would be able to hang in for another season. Captain Tony's, La Meta, La Tasca, etc, etc. All this bad restaurant news is depressing!

I don't think the bad season was the real problem John. I tried to eat there at least 3 or 4 times during the year and it was closed for different reasons. So when your hungry for breakfast, you inmediately go for a place you know its a sure thing.

If its true its sad, they had a good product.

vandenberg - 10-30-2009 at 04:25 PM

You and B&B entered one of the toughest businesses to be in. Lots of folks who know how to cook, have the notion that this business is a piece of cake. It probably has the largest percentage of failure of any small business. And IMO rightfully so. Takes more then just customers to make it succesful. Correct buying and avoiding spoilage are 2 major reasons for surviving slow/down times.
Have been around the food/drink business all my life, so know some of the in and outs. Starting, especially a restaurant, in this down climate is asking for disaster.
Doesn't seem to deter entrepreneurs here in Loreto though. New restaurants spring up weekly and close just as fast.


Lee - 10-31-2009 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by JESSE
I love their food, but 2 out of 3 times i go there for breakfast, they are closed. I just tried yesterday, no luck. Love their burrito and cinnamon rolls.

ANyone have the phone number for BB?