
Returned from BOLA

DENNIS - 5-20-2008 at 01:34 PM

David K has that info. It's his friend, Vince Bond.

tripledigitken - 5-20-2008 at 02:57 PM

Ahh yes............................

Bond, Vince Bond!;D

Iflyfish - 5-20-2008 at 03:48 PM


It's Bond.........Vince Bond. :o

Iflyfish - 5-20-2008 at 03:50 PM


It bothers me too when I run into surley border guards, they are the "welcoming face" of the USofA.


Von - 5-20-2008 at 04:04 PM

Being myself of public service sometimes i understand their feelings having

one of the most crappies job in world. Talking to so many people all day sucks.

Yes its there job but they are humans. its a drag oh well.

I crossed for 7yrs every day believe me I know how it is from both point of views, forget about it, let it go, nathing you do will make there day worse or better.

mtgoat666 - 5-20-2008 at 04:24 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
I fired him off an email.
I am sure I will get a response promptly.
Or entered into another database.

the bosses are just like the peons -- the only people that homeland security can attract are the rejects from law enforcement. the homeland security boss that read your complaint is now retaliating by entering you in the rectal exam database. homeland security is full of small minded sadistic bureaucrats, complaining to them is dangerous...

Terry28 - 5-20-2008 at 05:56 PM

I submit that you are full of caca" or at least your reply is. You try dealing with all the folks that they deal with and keep a "positive " attitude. People are people and anyone is entitled to a bad day, Don't judge everyone by the few folks you mad have interacted with, and now I will get down from my box , and yes, I do feel better

David K - 5-20-2008 at 09:54 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
David K has that info. It's his friend, Vince Bond.

Mr. Bond is one of my irrigation customers, and has always been a very nice person to deal with... I have known him 10 years... and beacuse the sprinkler and drip system still is operating well, 10 years later... I am probably on his okay list!:lol::light:

When I saw his name given on an Internet posting (here)... I contacted to let him know what Baja Nomad was all about and he asked me to post some details about the new rules regarding documentation required when returning to the U.S.

This was after an exchange about what happened when the American family who was returning from the Baja 1000, pulling a McMillin trailer were assulted near Tijuana/ Rosarito and had their vehicle taken from them... It's all on Nomad.

baitcast - 5-21-2008 at 05:43 AM

Dealing with the public in any form on a day to day basis is the most thankless job in the world,I can,t amagine what it must be like at the border.

Bob and Susan - 5-21-2008 at 06:11 AM

"Dealing with the public ":o:o

its actually FUN for the the boys at the border...

where else can you go:?::?::?::?:
the "secret" tunnel???:lol:

they couldn't care less if everyone waits or gets mad...
job security:light::light:

[Edited on 5-21-2008 by Bob and Susan]

4baja - 5-21-2008 at 06:36 AM

yea franko, we allso met a a-hole there last trip what was the only crappy part of the trip. i let him know what i thought of him. bummed i missed the trip but buying a house was a little more importent. closes friday party soon after up at the cabin.

sloopy - 5-21-2008 at 06:45 AM

I've crossed the border over a hundred times and I'd have to say about 99.9% of the time, we simply get asked our nationality or where we were born. Only once did I have to go through secondary with a dozen or so other vehicles, get out and watch as a huge x-ray truck scanned all the cars.
On the other hand, I heard that a U.S. Customs Agent in Calexico was arrested for assisting in drug and/or alien smuggling and also a young lady I know who had a good job issuing Mexican Passports in TJ quit her job recently. Apparently, her "new" boss started telling her to issue some passports with the paperwork she was handed. When this young clerk said she couldn't without speaking and meeting the applicants, she was told in no uncertain terms, she had better issue the passports or she would be sorry. The young lady said she couldn't do it because the regulations stated she had to personally see the applicants face-to-face to ask them questions. Bottom line....she didn't like what was starting to go on and quit her coveted position rather than get involved in what seemed to her, at least, illegally issued Mexican Passports. Sort of like the Dateline special on similar happenings in Peru.
Wonder how long something like this has been going on? Maybe bin Laden is cleaning bathrooms in Malibu?

Martyman - 5-21-2008 at 11:24 AM

Most of my border dealings have been civil. Border guards that are mean or are not nice need to get a different job. Not all people are good with the public.

RockhouseTom - 5-21-2008 at 05:52 PM

Hey Soulpatch,

One of our best trips ever! Can't wait to see those pictures of the kids with the fish they caught. You left out the part about them catching enough to feed us all that night.

If I have not told you enough times yet, you should have followed us to Tecate. An 11 minute wait at the border and no secondary towing a loaded flat bed trailer. A new record for us. I guess we got one of the good guys at the border, although your family looks pretty suspicious!:lol:

Sharksbaja - 5-21-2008 at 06:38 PM


Maybe bin Laden is cleaning bathrooms in Malibu?

Do they have caves in Malibu?

Haven't had any really rude agents but got sent to secondary by a nice one. Sat there ten minutes then they said go.

Don't they enter your plates into their computer. I would imagine that they get a readout of certain data. Perhaps it shows the agent how many times you cross and that might either flag you or prompt them to investigate more.
I'll bet they have more info then we'd like to know about.:wow::wow::wow:

DENNIS - 5-21-2008 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Martyman
Most of my border dealings have been civil. Border guards that are mean or are not nice need to get a different job. Not all people are good with the public.

So true. It's a tough job, I'm sure but, if an agent can't handle the front lines, he/she shouldn't be on them. It weakens the process.

Frank....Glad you got a positive response from the top. Doubt if much will change but, it shows your complaint wasn't round-filed.

Martyman - 5-22-2008 at 08:58 AM

Hey soulpatch;
Yes us western geckoites are very pompous and need to separate ourselves from you south-enders. We drink only the cheapest mezcal and smoke Faro cigarrettes with our stems & seeds.

Debra - 5-22-2008 at 09:33 AM

Glad to hear you and the family are home safe and sound. Great seeing the kids, they are getting sooooooooo big. And I would love to see the pictures of them fishing.

We had a BIG BLOW (westy) last night, knocked my concrete wall down! I'm afraid my roof is next! Also knocked over the new sign a Gueromo's (sp?) and shiskabobed it! Power was knocked out all over town, back on now. Sammie and Andy told me that a wall came of of Bo's trailer, have'nt checked it out yet, I'll check on your place too and report back.

Paulina - 5-22-2008 at 09:53 AM

Hey Deb,

Let me know if my trailers are still there. If so, would you give them a push for me? Save me some $$$ in tearing them down!


boe4fun - 5-22-2008 at 10:04 AM

Hi Deb, Check your U2U for a synopsis of our trip. Vaya con Dios, Paul

David K - 5-22-2008 at 10:07 AM

Hi Debra,

Reports from people in L.A. Bay are great... speciall from friends we all know!!

Please see if you can get Mary Ann to post here on Nomad... too!

Anything else new in Gecko? Is Doc there much? Sylvia and the girls all doing well??


RockhouseTom - 5-23-2008 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Martyman
Hey soulpatch;
Yes us western geckoites are very pompous and need to separate ourselves from you south-enders.

no worrys Martyman there be only pirates on the south side!:lol:

pr.jpg - 45kB

RockhouseTom - 5-23-2008 at 07:11 PM

Hey Debra,

Could you let me know if my new boat cover survived the west wind.
Did it knock down your block wall? If so Wow! Also, interested in Bo's old place.

Thanks, Tom

4baja - 5-24-2008 at 05:27 AM

deb, wich wall on bo's place blew down. ill let joe (new owner) know. thanks

Debra - 5-25-2008 at 02:28 PM

Tom, I did a cruise of camp and checked everybody's places. Your place looks just fine. Yes, I did loose half on my wall, oh well, I'll just put it back up, part of the "game" right? :biggrin:

I think the wall that came down at Bo's is the same one that has been down for awhile? South wall. All else looked okay.

Paulina....... sorry, your trailers are still there, all in one piece ;)

David, Doc keeps going between here and T.J. he's gone right now but, will be back on Wensday (or Thursday) :biggrin: The family is fine.

The fishing tourney is this weekend, they are getting some Yellowtail.......
ran into the Baja 500 on the Gecko road yesterday (I slapped my seat belt on and prayed! :o :o :o

cpg - 5-25-2008 at 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Debra
We had a BIG BLOW (westy) last night, knocked my concrete wall down! I'm afraid my roof is next! Also knocked over the new sign a Gueromo's (sp?) and shiskabobed it! Power was knocked out all over town, back on now. Sammie and Andy told me that a wall came of of Bo's trailer, have'nt checked it out yet, I'll check on your place too and report back.
The wind was scary Wed evening.

[Edited on 5-26-2008 by cpg]

4baja - 5-26-2008 at 06:01 AM

deb, the south wall was not the one that fell before it was the north wall. when you get time could you do a visual as i need to to let jo know if he needs to come down. ill allso e-mail beach bob. thanks.

Debra - 5-26-2008 at 11:41 AM

It is the south wall........looks like it just laid down. Didn't see any real damage, I'll take a closer look.

fishbuck - 5-26-2008 at 11:51 AM

How is the tournament going? Any Yellowtail?

fishbuck - 5-26-2008 at 01:54 PM

I checked Guillermo's webpage and the yellows are in town!
Looked like the fish we 30-40 lbs.
Anybody want to split a panga June 7-8?
If we get 3 peple we can split Guillermos Megapanga which is not $350.
Anybody know the best deal on a panga in Bola?

cpg - 5-26-2008 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
How is the tournament going? Any Yellowtail?

Debra - 5-26-2008 at 06:35 PM

The winner of the tourny was an Italian gentalman (sorry can't remember his name) I believe his fish was 44lbs.

Cpg: Nice fish! Are you down here? I was at Guerllmo's both days when the fishermen came in. If you are still here, come on down to Gecko's, I buy you a cold one! Debra

fishbuck - 5-26-2008 at 07:42 PM

Oh yaaa! How are they fishing? Down deep with iron? Are they on the surface yet?

Debra - 5-27-2008 at 12:10 PM

They are so far, down deep, one lady caugth a 30lb. she said she brought it up from 300ft. sorry, didn't catch what they were using. I'll find out.

I did hear a report from folks at Gecko last week that there was a big boil of bait fish and the Yellows followed them up, caught a few smaller ones. But mostly they are catching bass, a few triggers. Two boats from Gecko out again today, I let everybody know if they do any good.

4baja - 5-28-2008 at 06:27 AM

here there on the chew at romedios from a guy at daggets. full limits for all on there boats.

cpg - 5-28-2008 at 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Debra
The winner of the tourny was an Italian gentalman (sorry can't remember his name) I believe his fish was 44lbs.

Cpg: Nice fish! Are you down here? I was at Guerllmo's both days when the fishermen came in. If you are still here, come on down to Gecko's, I buy you a cold one! Debra

Thanks for the offer we headed out the 23rd.

The wind was blew us off the water on the 22nd. But 4 days of good weather at San Francisquito.

Looking forward to getting back down there!

Paulina - 5-28-2008 at 08:34 AM

What a nice parting shot! Beautiful fish!

Did you guys drive down to S.F.? Can you fill us in on the work being done there, if it's happening at all?


fishbuck - 5-28-2008 at 10:46 AM

Originally posted by 4baja
here there on the chew at romedios from a guy at daggets. full limits for all on there boats.

Do anyone know how much Daggert's gets for a panga? Who's got the best panga deal in town?

Debra - 5-28-2008 at 11:39 AM

Ok, as of yesterday...........the fish were on top, Santiago got 3 yellowtail while trolling with "romedios" (sp?) he said he got them on the east, and north of Smith's. I guess there were 5 or 6 boats working the boil, don't know how the others did.

Paulina - 5-28-2008 at 02:09 PM


If you wanted to fish with Jose, Juan's relative, I believe he works for Sammy Diaz Sr. I don't think there are any real "deals" to be found as the different pangas are priced pretty closely, with the exception of the super pangas. I don't know the current prices as we have our own panga, but maybe Debra can find that out for you if you have to know ahead of time.

cpg - 5-28-2008 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
What a nice parting shot! Beautiful fish!

Did you guys drive down to S.F.? Can you fill us in on the work being done there, if it's happening at all?


Thank you!
Yes we drove down It is the same as it has been the last few years. Juan is keeping it clean but no real improvements. There freezer is working. Some of the residents are saying that the property has been sold. The plan is to build a nice fly in resort with a longer runway for larger aircraft. The buyers/buyer supposedly owns a resort in cancun or acapulco not sure though. As far as any work being done there was no sign of any change. Will have to wait and see what happens.

Take care

Paulina - 5-28-2008 at 09:32 PM

cpg, thanks for the reply and the updated info.


preston - 5-30-2008 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Originally posted by baitcast
Dealing with the public in any form on a day to day basis is the most thankless job in the world,I can,t amagine what it must be like at the border.

Gee, and people say we're overpaid. :fire:
How much is overpaid for the most thankless job in the world?
I actually largely enjoy my interactions w/the public. If I didn't I would have changed careers long ago just like I did a few times when I couldn't see myself spending a lifetime being miserable.:light:
I guess many people think that is OK. Not this kid.

Soulpatch: RIGHT ON!!

There is absolutely no excuse for not being pleasant. Millions of people deal with the public EVERY day, all day in their jobs. In the private sector, you would be fired if you were disrespectful to customers more than a few times. Bottom line: suck it up ... and if you can't ... then change jobs (as Soulpatch suggests).

4baja - 5-30-2008 at 06:30 PM

we allways give you positive feedback eventhou we think your a piece of (*%&^%^$ buddy. lets get to baja and fish!!!

Roberto - 5-30-2008 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Ouch! You almost hurt my feeling!;)

I notice that you use the singular, instead of the plural. :o Most people have feelings, hardasses like you have a single feeling. :lol::lol::lol::lol: