
Frankly, I thinks it sucks!

Sharksbaja - 7-16-2008 at 09:56 PM

The double menu ploy. One in English and one in Spanish with two different prices. I take offense with this as it insults my good intentions. Which is to spend money in that place.

I just hope they "new" entreprenuers up in the U.S. don't adopt this policy. Hell, for all I know they already do.

Problem is here that we can't exact revenge because Mexicans in America ONLY eat in Mexican restaurants!

Does it bother you?

Alan - 7-16-2008 at 10:03 PM

I'm afraid I have never seen one yet, If I see a menu in english usually I see spanish on one side and english on the other and the prices have always been identical.

rpleger - 7-16-2008 at 10:06 PM

I'm with Alan...I've never seen one eather...

MexicoGringoGuy - 7-16-2008 at 10:09 PM

Sanborns has this issue sometimes.. I think the Exchange rate is Very good for them!!

lizard lips - 7-16-2008 at 10:39 PM

Two Prices?I don't think I have seen this and if I did I always carry enough pesos to cover the charge with the listed peso amount.. Please explain Sharks

Sharksbaja - 7-16-2008 at 11:33 PM

Well I discussed this before and it happened in Mulege. I also was prompted by a recent discussion with another Baja resident.

The restaurant is called Donys' or is it Donis? I know it's one of those.

guadalupe - 7-17-2008 at 01:11 AM

Could you give us some examples of the prices in dollars and pesos for the same menu item please so we can understand?

MexicoGringoGuy - 7-17-2008 at 02:16 AM

Ok, I take offense too! It really makes me madder than hell to be singled out because I am American.. I feel like one bid bull's Eye or target, Not a person... The Menu with Higher dollar rated (Higher than the HIGHEST exchange rate), People qouting me one price, and me sending a friend back to ask, and it be less than half (I have done this alot! It really make sme mad when something like this happens and I usually tell them that I think they are crooked, dishonest, etc etc. In the best Spanish I can muster up being as mad as I may be at the time!

(Example: I saw this really nice silver coin like charm for a goucho necklace I had, and I really wanted it. I knew the prices of Silver and I knew the quality etc... BUT alone I asked the price, and was quoted 750 pesos, PERO con discuento es 650 pesos... I about fell over, I pretended all the sudden I was impressed and that it must be cartier or something, so I said thanks and left... well I met back up with my ex, (Mexican) I sent him to go ask.... he came back 20 bucks... She asked for 300 pesos he paid 200..... We both went back and I told her what I thought of her dishonest dealisngs and thretned to call the tourist board, etc etc.. and my ex laid it on too! (This was in Acapulco)

Devils Advocate now: :fire:

I used to run a Hotel on Duval Street in Key West, FL, and we locals , Every year would go to 1 of many local merchants to get the yearly Key West Locals ID card (with valid proof of residence) and it was used for substantial disounts on ALOT of things!!! I know, I know, its a resident thing in Key West Compared to a Being a gringo in TJ, BUT I think it happend to Europeans, , or anyone NOT from here.. So??


[Edited on 7-17-2008 by MexicoGringoGuy]:fire:

[Edited on 7-17-2008 by MexicoGringoGuy]

vandy - 7-17-2008 at 08:11 AM

I see this all the time!

The Mexican side will say "tacos.....$10" meaning ten pesos

The English side will say "tacos.....$10" meaning ten dollars, of course!

DENNIS - 7-17-2008 at 08:18 AM

Maybe people would be better served if they thought for themselves instead of letting a menu think for you. Pay in coin of the realm and avoid the head trip.

Bruce R Leech - 7-17-2008 at 08:43 AM

I just order in Spanish:lol:

rpleger - 7-17-2008 at 08:45 AM

I just had breakfast at Donneys and as I looked at the menu I saw the same price in both the English and the Spanish areas....

I payed my check in pesos which in the currancy of México...

lizard lips - 7-17-2008 at 11:16 AM

I take taxis all the time when I work in different cities in Mexico and find most all of them very honest when I approach them initially and speak Spanish but when I feel I am being singled out because the way I look I just close the door and look for another cab.

When it comes to the restaurant thing I have never been a victim yet

Speaking Spanish makes all the difference with most of these boneheads. I do feel sorry for for all of the tourists who routinely get taken advantage of.

I am in Cabo and did not want to walk the 3 miles to downtown so while I was standing on the street corner yesterday there was a taxi (van) stopped for a light and asked him in Spanish how much to downtown. He told me 30 pesos. Of course I jumped in but if I would have asked him in English Im sure it would have been another story! And what's up with a $75.00 charge to go to the airport from downtown! It's outrageous! Im taking the buss......

I guess I am lying again

Sharksbaja - 7-17-2008 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by rpleger
I just had breakfast at Donneys and as I looked at the menu I saw the same price in both the English and the Spanish areas....

I payed my check in pesos which in the currancy of México...

That is the place close to the tortillaria, right?

That's great to hear! Now, can you tell me if you got the same menu my friend got? Personally I always try to get a menu in Spanish.
I suppose they KNOW you. I also suppose they would not leave menus in both languages with different prices laying about and hand a local one.

I'll never go back. Especially when the hostess adamantly insisted the menus were correctly priced. I usually pay with yen when in Mexico.:P

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-17-2008 at 11:54 AM

I have personally never seen two prices on a menu. I went to a place in Costa Mesa California once where the restaurant had no prices on the menu. When I got the bill I saw why! Sticker Shock!

MexicoGringoGuy - 7-17-2008 at 11:59 AM

I always pay in Pesos myself.. I don't ever use dollars here, In fact I sometimes have to draw out of the ATM in the states to buy a trolly ticket...

And I order in Spanish as well....


I dont think the point was JUST that, its that it does happen, or it is attempyted in many other forms besides the Menu thing, and its wrong to do it just because we are americans...

Some people come to mexico because it's supposedly "so cheap" and they put up with the shortcomings and problems, because its part of the charm, and plus its cheap, BUT you start making prices the Same as the US , the word will spread and people will stop coming, and go elsewhere. (the people that are left) Although there has always been a little known fact , that one must alway negotiate the price in Mexico... BUT now they are printing it on menus...

What's a menu??!!

Sharksbaja - 7-17-2008 at 11:59 AM

I'm happy to see that some of you, in fact a good percentage of you need no menu. That's what I get, but perhaps when casting your vote you decided to be flippant because you dislike the post. It is negative afterall.:rolleyes:
Perfect, now I've got myself confused. :?:

I guess that begs the next question; do you order in Spanish?;D

MexicoGringoGuy - 7-17-2008 at 12:02 PM

And its usually not 2 prices on one menu... Its usually One menu in Spanish with prices in Pesos, or a Menu in ENGLISH with prices in Dollars.... SO you would need to see both menu's to compare.... places try to hand me the English Menu, and I tell them its not neccesary that the Spanish menu will do just fine...


Sharksbaja - 7-17-2008 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
I have personally never seen two prices on a menu. I went to a place in Costa Mesa California once where the restaurant had no prices on the menu. When I got the bill I saw why! Sticker Shock!

My thinking is that, while I don't believe this is THAT common in Baja, maybe these shifty servants have a few menus with jacked-up prices stashed away. That's how I figure it.

When the OPPORTUNITY presents itself they use them. Besides, how would you know unless you sat there and could compare them to regular menus.

I might mention that Mulege has more OPPORTUNISTS per than I've witnessed anywhere. Petty theft mainly.

Of course those are more negative stories. Mulege has cooled off a lot since the "big one".

I've always tried to inject variety into my posts. It get very tedious and tiring to constantly hear bad news. Even when YOU YOURSELF are the messenger.

pls excuse the caps:lol:

Don Alley - 7-17-2008 at 04:06 PM

I was in Mulege today.

Stopped by Doney's and grabbed a menu. A waiter came and told me I had the Spanish menu and handed me the English one. I asked (in Spanish) if they were the same and he said yes. Doing a quick comparison, I saw that prices in both menus were in pesos, and were identical.

So I think the problem was solved, and justice has prevailed! Hooray!

CaboRon - 7-17-2008 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by rpleger
I'm with Alan...I've never seen one eather...

I have seen this several times in Cabo San Lucas.


CaboRon - 7-17-2008 at 04:16 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
I have personally never seen two prices on a menu. I went to a place in Costa Mesa California once where the restaurant had no prices on the menu. When I got the bill I saw why! Sticker Shock!

Yes, if there are no prices listed on the menu or you see the term "market price" , do not walk ... run to the nearest exit.


fulano - 7-17-2008 at 04:51 PM

Originally posted by lizard lips
Speaking Spanish makes all the difference with most of these boneheads. I do feel sorry for for all of the tourists who routinely get taken advantage of.

I am in Cabo and did not want to walk the 3 miles to downtown so while I was standing on the street corner yesterday there was a taxi (van) stopped for a light and asked him in Spanish how much to downtown. He told me 30 pesos. Of course I jumped in but if I would have asked him in English Im sure it would have been another story! And what's up with a $75.00 charge to go to the airport from downtown! It's outrageous! Im taking the buss......

I suppose, then, that Mexicans shouldn't complain when the tourist traffic drops off.

Speaking of dropping off, there is some kind of a running feud going on in Cabo between the taxi drivers and the airport transportation companies. It's been going on for months, but seems to be getting worse. It seems the tourists are trapped in the middle and are having to walk 300 meters because they are not being dropped off in the right place. Seems to be some kind of "territory" feud, as near as I can make out.

palmeto99 - 7-17-2008 at 07:57 PM

Fulano, this has been going on for over two years and is really nice when you have clients in town and you explain to them it is going to get worked out sometime in the future. Just more Mexican culture. Enjoy it while you can before the big bad americans change this cultural original . :cool:

Sharksbaja - 7-17-2008 at 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Don Alley
I was in Mulege today.

Stopped by Doney's and grabbed a menu. A waiter came and told me I had the Spanish menu and handed me the English one. I asked (in Spanish) if they were the same and he said yes. Doing a quick comparison, I saw that prices in both menus were in pesos, and were identical.

So I think the problem was solved, and justice has prevailed! Hooray!

Hallelujah! Thanks Don, I appreciate the look see.

Skip_Mac - 7-17-2008 at 08:46 PM

Sharksbaja and Don Alley, Thanks for the follow up. Seems there are some self fullfilling prophecies out there.. I mean...based on the experiences posted here, the "Problem" of dual pricing seems to be wildly overblown.

Do some people just take an adversarial attitude that makes them treat everyone else as basically bad and trying to rip them off...while other people take a life view that people are basically good and will generally NOT try to F U Over?

Reading these comments for several years now, I suspect that such a divide exists amoung Baja Nomad commenters.

It's Sad. There is so much useful, helpful and positive to share. But I am sick of reading knee jerk hate speech...while MY personal experiences and those of my friends have been overwhelmingly positive... Thanks to Sheri, Sirena, Green Tortiose and many Geology Field trips... I will ignore the flame baiters unless I somehow accidentially meet them in person south of the border. I certainly would not like to know them personally (unitl after therapy).

jeans - 7-17-2008 at 09:27 PM

Originally posted by lizard lips
And what's up with a $75.00 charge to go to the airport from downtown! It's outrageous! Im taking the buss......

Warning!! Make sure the bus actually goes to the airport!! The last time I was there I asked the tourist kiosk in downtown where to catch a bus to the airport. They said right there. I asked the busdriver if he went to the airport before I got on and he nodded his head yes.

We got to the airport TURNOFF and he opened the door.
I couldn't believe it. It was least 100 dergees, high humidity...

I had a large duffle & a carry-on so, with no other option, I started lugging it. Traffic zoomed past me for about 15 minutes with no one offering me a ride. Just as I was getting a bit overheated and wondering about heat stroke, a small beat-up car crammed with local laborers stopped and asked if I needed a ride... I jumped in in a heartbeat.

I'll get better information next time I take a bus to the airport.

Alan - 7-17-2008 at 09:53 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by rpleger
I'm with Alan...I've never seen one eather...

I have seen this several times in Cabo San Lucas.


No offence meant to anyone in CSL I just don't personally care too much for it so I have spent very little time there. It's just a personal preference. If population is any indicator I'd have to say my preference is not in the majority.

I don't mean to infer that it never happens in Mexico. I have just never personally witnessed it and I try to limit any of my comments only to MY personal experiences. Like many I could share numerous horror stories that I have been told. :lol:

I do know some restaurants do have Spanish only and English only menus. Last time I ate at the Bandido Grill in La Paz I was handed the spanish menu because I look Mexican, Armenian, Iranian, Italian opr any other dark complected nationality and have been mistaken as such all over the world. Even my wife, when she first met me she said I looked like a Greek God! (Now she says I look like a G#* D@#* Greek!) But I digress. He gave me the spanish menu and every one else in my party got the english version. As soon as I opened my mouth to order a beer (and I even said cerveza) he got a look of horror on his face when he realized his mistake. I told him no problem and kept the spanish version but the prices were identical. Drat! I thought I was finally going to experience exactly what I have heard others complain of!

MexicoGringoGuy - 7-17-2008 at 10:28 PM

I don't think ANYONE implied that this is rampant, and happens to every gringo in every resturanunt .. BUT it apperntly has happened a few times for more than one person to speak of it.. SO maybe one has been here 100 years and its never happened to them.. GOOD.. or maybe they have had their gringo blinders on for a hundred years and never noticed (which happens alot) Some of us have lived mexican lives so to speak.. and know what to look for... And some of us don't allow ourselves to be taken advantage of .. with that said, I ,nor , anyone else is saying that A gringo will be taken advantage of in Mexico if he isnt paranoid or cautious .. God knows that could, and would never happen!

palmeto99 - 7-17-2008 at 10:38 PM

So bringing it up for debate is a bad thing. How about some advice for people to get the Mexican price on the menu or is that not allowed because it takes away from the Mexican experience..:cool:

MexicoGringoGuy - 7-17-2008 at 10:44 PM

Debate is always good... BUT debate is one thing, and Negative rebuttels just because it hasnt happend to you (or you dont THINK it has happend to you) is quite another.


Barry A. - 7-18-2008 at 04:42 PM

I have told this before on this board, but it seems appropriate again------------

Me and several friends were in a restaurant in El Rosario. When the bill came I suspected (I knew!!!) that I was being overcharged-------when I smilingly pointed this out, the waitor got a big smile and said, "es cheap for you, Amigo". My friends, knowing what a cheap-skate I am, about died laughing---------

What could I say----------------------:O:no:

They were right------what COULD I say????? :lol:

Go with the flow-----and I did.

(I hope that is the way I told it last time) :lol:


Sharksbaja - 7-18-2008 at 06:55 PM

Hence the "what's a menu" poll stat Barry.:coolup:

TMW - 7-19-2008 at 09:21 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
I have personally never seen two prices on a menu. I went to a place in Costa Mesa California once where the restaurant had no prices on the menu. When I got the bill I saw why! Sticker Shock!

The only time I eat at a place with no prices on the menu is when someone else is paying.

CaboRon - 7-19-2008 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by palmeto99
So bringing it up for debate is a bad thing. How about some advice for people to get the Mexican price on the menu or is that not allowed because it takes away from the Mexican experience..:cool:

Taxi Cartel

CaboRon - 7-19-2008 at 10:36 AM

Originally posted by jeans
Originally posted by lizard lips
And what's up with a $75.00 charge to go to the airport from downtown! It's outrageous! Im taking the buss......

Warning!! Make sure the bus actually goes to the airport!! The last time I was there I asked the tourist kiosk in downtown where to catch a bus to the airport. They said right there. I asked the busdriver if he went to the airport before I got on and he nodded his head yes.

We got to the airport TURNOFF and he opened the door.
I couldn't believe it. It was least 100 dergees, high humidity...

I had a large duffle & a carry-on so, with no other option, I started lugging it. Traffic zoomed past me for about 15 minutes with no one offering me a ride. Just as I was getting a bit overheated and wondering about heat stroke, a small beat-up car crammed with local laborers stopped and asked if I needed a ride... I jumped in in a heartbeat.

I'll get better information next time I take a bus to the airport.

That's because the GD taxi cartel in Cabo San Lucas is out of control .... they are no longer alowing shuttles to drop off at the airport .... enjoy the quarter mile walk, with your luggage , in the one hundred degree heat .. the taxi drivers are bottom feeder scum bags who recently charged me one hundred pesos to go two blocks.

And a majority owner just happens to be the mayor and his family.

Kind of like Rosarito Beach in that respect.

Once again the pinch is on and several travel agencies have decided to stop putting packages together for CSL .

I invite you to read the current issue of the Gringo Gazette wherin you will find several articles about the latest antics of the taxi cartel..... and how they somehow bought off the Supreme Court in Mexico City ... this government is rotten to the core.


[Edited on 7-19-2008 by CaboRon]

rpleger - 7-19-2008 at 10:37 AM

I don't know about prices in a menu...but I do know that some restraunts and hardware stores that I've been shopping in for ten years give me a special break on prices every now and then...Is this the Mexician prices you guys are so worried about?..,

[Edited on 7-19-2008 by rpleger]

CaboRon - 7-19-2008 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by palmeto99
How about some advice for people to get the Mexican price on the menu...

1) Speak the language and use the currency of the land.

2) Expect fair treatment.

3) Resist-- calmly and politely-- in the rare cases where you might experience the contrary.


Excellent Advice