
Complaint about Asuncion Fishing!!

shari - 10-26-2008 at 08:59 AM

Ya just can't please everyone!!!

Upon returning from thier first fishing trip in Bahia Asuncion, angler John Whitaker said he had only one complaint. "You said we would catch a fish on every cast...well....ONCE I had to cast twice before I hooked up!!!" He also commented that before he came, he thought that the reports from here MUST be over exaggerated, but the fishing far exceeded their wildest expectations.
Gotta love a happy client!

John flew in here with Jerry Feller and his buddies Doug Coffey and Stan Woodward, all from California. He was on a mission to catch his first yellowtail on the fly and try for a record cabrilla... so guide Juan Arce put him on the fish and he caught a 5.7 pound calico that may be a record. He was thrilled and captain Juan got a fly fishing lesson as well.

The guys limited out quickly on yellowfin tun, cabrilla and some nice yellowtail and even did some free diving at San Roque Island. The water is crystal clear and 76 degrees.

They had a blast in our village and made lots of new friends as they gave fish away. The lobster dinner at Ramonas Diner was awesome and she cooked up their catch too as lots of locals dropped by to see what all the noise was! They are already planning their next trip down.

Juan's partner Herman Arce's son was pretty excited as he got to put on the pilots headphones and he gave him his cap...I asked him if he wanted to go for a spin and he looked away and said, nah, maybe next time!
This group made a big impression on our village with their good humor and generosity. Juan now has a digital scale!!!

[Edited on 10-26-2008 by shari]

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shari - 10-26-2008 at 09:04 AM

John taught Juan how to cast with a flyrod which he thought was pretty cool and amazed how big a fish you could catch on light tackle...of course Juan manuevered the panga around which helped is the possible record cabrilla in all it's glory!

juanyjohncalico.JPG - 50kB

shari - 10-26-2008 at 10:41 AM

I dont have a clue about all this record stuff...but John sure was excited...sounds like there are lots of catagories, classes...types of rod, line, fly?????? tippet?? There are way bigger calico here, but this was a fatty and these guys were some of the most fun fishers we've had the honour of taking out. And I'm not over exaggerating THAT!

What was neat was Juan got to see how this flyfishing works and learned how to accomodate this type of hook-up.
Hey Whistler...are there some of your amigos from Abreojos in San Roque this weekend? Just wondered as they have dirt bikes and quads.

shari - 10-26-2008 at 11:22 AM

So, is that a yes then? I waved at them yesterday and wasnt sure who they were..there is a whole gaggle of em though with fancy riding gear and lots of rod holders on those quads...looks like they are enjoying themselves. Juan is fishing out of San roque these days as it's closer to the fish and a better beach for launching so we're out there alot lately...cheers

shari - 10-26-2008 at 05:02 PM

Yep, that's him...he was so excited about it...if he didn't get the record, he will one day!
Today was another outstanding fishing day...a real beauty...calm, not much swell...clear water...a wack of out in a couple hours on nice 20-25 lb yellowtail and nice tuna and a couple dorado.

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David K - 10-26-2008 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by whistler
Shari,there is a group of guys,American and Mexican that ride together.I think you met Ralph and Rich.Rich sold some spear gun bands to Juan.His dog,Roja rides on the back of his quad.My Mexican friends from Abreojos sponsor an off-road race.They on occasion check out different courses.
You once told me that Sirena knew Mayra Gutierrez.If you see her tell her,Glenn said hi and best regards to the family.

That would be "Fishin' Rich" who has 'Roja'... Cool guy we have camped with in the desert and Baja with my kids... Sarah loves Roja!

Here's Rich and elgatoloco at Guadalupe Valley in 2001:

and Desert Bull and Fishin' Rich at my Viva Baja #3 party in 2002:

was Nick Curcione a college professor?

BajaVida - 11-3-2008 at 07:29 PM

if so, he gave me my lowest grade in college more than 30 years ago
I think the name of the class was Deviance and Behavior
no wonder I did not do well

Nick C was the one

BajaVida - 11-3-2008 at 10:07 PM

I graduated from Loyola in 76.

capt. mike - 11-4-2008 at 10:38 AM

Shari - way cool, i have run into Jerry several times at the Serenidad during the whales trips. Great guy, nice plane. Takes guts to leave a 206 on an ungarded strip. did he hire a local guard?
i'd like to see more pictures of your runway for my achives until i too can make it down.

Iflyfish - 11-4-2008 at 11:34 AM


The internet is a wonderful thing, full of great information, however it is unfiltered and one can find all sorts distortions and vendettas if one reads enough. It is hard to be in the world in any sort of public way and not accumulate enemies and competitors. This post is from a person who it seems has a bone to pick. Remember when reading posts like this that there are always at least two sides to every story. Because it is written does not make it true.

Juan and Shari have a wonderful reputation here on Nomads and I have read over and over how people have enjoyed their hospitality. I too have enjoyed their amazing generosity and good will. I am sorry to read this post and the perspective of the person who posted it. Sounds like bad feelings on the part of the poster. Posting this in this way generates rumor and provides greater exposure to this persons negative feelings. He got a free ride on your post. Maybe you wanted it that way, maybe you have a bone to pick with Juan and Shari and if you do I hope you will take it up with them and not in this forum.

The sort of success and public exposure that Juan and Shari have had are bound to flush out negative feelings in some. Consider the source. What is their agenda?


SiReNiTa - 11-4-2008 at 12:11 PM

ok...i'll try to be calm..if that guy is the same person i think he is thenhe is a very disturbed man...and yeah why don't weask ejido juarez, every single person in that ejido LOVES my mom as does every one who meets her...or at least a 99% am i wrong?? and sure why not while we are at it ask the biosfera delvizcaino...when i went to school in guerrero i would see them in the street and the would constantly ask about my mom...ask every one on his list and they will tell you great things as most of those who already know her will...
and yes it's true you can't please everyone...

and if "frank" is checking this post you can rest assured that you can't and won't hurt my mom she is an awsome person so just stop trying...todo lo que tienes es que estas ardido de lo que nosotros tenemos una verdadera familia con amor y respeto...asi que deja d estar de enfadoso and get a life!

Iflyfish - 11-4-2008 at 02:51 PM


Your mom is a wonderful person and we know that. For years now we have read wonderful posts by people who have experienced the hospitality of Juan and Shari and yourself also. I know, I have been there and learned a great deal from your mom about whales. I will never forget our trip to the lagoon and those amazing creatures. I have experienced you and your parents generosity and kindness. You know who they are and who you are. There is really no need to defend them or yourself, your character is clear to all who have known you.

It is hard when someone takes a swipe at those we love. However no one is loved by all and if one is in the public domain then one is bound to meet up with people who for whatever reason do not like us. I have been there; I try to be honest and positive in the world and yet ended up with someone threatening my life. People interpret the world from their own perspective and sometimes we have no control over that perspective. We can only be in charge of how we comport ourselves.

Maybe the Newbie geobas did not realize that he was defaming your mother by posting his innuendo? Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and see if he desists or apologizes for the pain he has caused. Remember that Jesus told us that you will know his followers by how they treat others.

I am sorry that you have been upset by this; you have more important things to do. I hope you are doing well in College studying those amazing creatures of the sea that you and your mother both truly love.

Abrazos Forte


Actually it was not exactly a graduation

thebajarunner - 11-4-2008 at 03:17 PM

Originally posted by BajaVida
I graduated from Loyola in 76.

They gave him a diploma if he promised never to come back...

David K - 11-4-2008 at 03:56 PM


Let me take a minute to tell anyone who cares that I know geobas (George)... I have been to his home, worked on his irrigation, and talked about Baja a lot... George was an Amigo de Baja from before Baja Nomad.

George is a good guy, and I think he is just now getting active again on the Internet after a few dry years... Am I close George?

Now, about Bahia Asuncion and Juan & Shari's place... go to their guestbook and read my post today:

I am thinking it is the success that Shari has had in promoting Bahia Asuncion that has made someone jealous or angry.

George, if you take some time and read the countless nice comments Nomads have made about Shari, then the one or two negative things will seem quite strange and out of character... Elizabeth and I had a great time there during our July '07 Baja vacation:

Feel free to call or email me if there is a need!

>>> UPDATE 11-6-08: The 'geobas' I know and talked about above is NOT the geobas who has been posting on Nomad recently. Some imposter has stolen my friend's handle... Thanks to Doug for banning this fake!

[Edited on 11-6-2008 by David K]

Cypress - 11-4-2008 at 04:09 PM

Regarding the Bahia Asuncion posts. They're heavy on the self-promotion side, free advertising comes to mind. :D I'm not buying, not selling, enjoy the fishing pictures.:D Keep 'em coming.:D

Iflyfish - 11-4-2008 at 05:09 PM


The reference to Jesus, a pretty wise man in my book, was for SiReNiTa, whom I know to be Christian. It was meant as comfort to her. This has been very painful to this family. These are highly sensitive people. If you scratch me enough you will find that Buddhist metaphysics most closely mirror my perspective. I try to provide support in the context of the person I am attempting to support. I don't know you nor have I ever read any of your posts.

Now I know something about you. I am glad that I offered you the benefit of the doubt. One never knows what the motivation of another poster is.

You wrote “Secondly, I didn't set out to insult anybody. I was really concerned about the comment about the "irate Americans" that this person mentioned. This is a message board for Baja Nomads -- e.g. people that travel to locations in Baja. If some Americans are irate about something, I think that is topical.”

By posting the quote from their website on this forum you may have inadvertently added insult to these good folks. It appears from your post that was not your intention. One could read the post as the game “Let’s You Two Fight” a game outlined by Erick Berne in Games People Play. That’s how I read it.

As to “irate” Americans, the post you quote is from ONE person, in Spanish, who may have an axe to grind. If I posted on N omads that someone on another site had demeaning things to say about you would you want me to post that on this board out of my concern for the interests of all the others on this board? I doubt it. A direct email or U2U to Shari would have sufficed. If you wanted to "help" her then advice to take down the post would have been more direct and in my view more helpful. If I were in her position I would have a problem with deleting someones post to my site, I would not want to white wash what is said there, but I may be as naive in this as perhaps Shari is.

You wrote:
“I also received a nasty U2U from Shari, accusing me of being "Frank" or "Mike". I don't know who "Frank" or "Mike" are. I'm George. Some old-timers around here know me. My only message to Shari is that since the inflammatory comment is on HER website, why doesn't she just remove it? It's not rocket science, you know?”

Since the quote from the site is signed “Frank” is it possible that her feelings were hurt by reading this on the Nomad site and thought perhaps this person “Frank” may have a vendetta going and want to spread his views to this site? In the Hospitality business reputation is very important, comments like “Frank” made are designed to undercut the credibility of Shari and Juan. I don’t know what “Frank’s” motivation is. I do know that he posted his comments to their commercial site. You brought it over here. I wonder why? Comitan said it well, so many positive comments on their site and on this site, why would you choose that one to post? No doubt Shari wondered why also and drew a conclusion of her own.

You wrote:
“Now if there is something happening with real estate in Bahia Asuncion, would somebody please speak up? After all, that's what this board is for. It's not just a venue for all these shameless free plugs and new threads that get started every time somebody catches a fish in Bahia Asuncion, right Shari?”

It appears that you like Cypress read Shari’s posts as advertisement. I can understand that perspective, they do have a Bed and Breakfast as well as Guide Service and have helped many with transactions related to Real Estate, construction, where to have laundry done, who has the freshest handmade tortillas and coldest beer etc. I would never have heard of this wonderful place nor have visited it had I not read about it on Baja Nomads. For this I am grateful for Shari’s posts. I also enjoy her efforts at cross cultural exchange and understanding. We have engaged in prolonged dialogue on these issues and I have learned a great deal from her about these issues.

My experience of Juan and Shari is that they go overboard, way overboard to welcome and facilitate people who come to Asuncion and they have contributed significantly to their community by increasing knowledge and hence tourism to this rather remote spot. They also need to make a living and rightly so. I watched people rip them off because of their naive generosity. I also know that Real Estate, particularly in Mexico can be very tricky business indeed and that the caution “buyer beware” is apt in regard to that issue. I also know from my own experience buying and selling property that disputes, misunderstandings and hard feelings are rife in that domain. I had someone come back to me on a Real Estate transaction who wanted me to effectively rebuild the office I sold him because he did not like the original construction and this was AFTER the entire transaction closed. I paid him thousands of dollars extra to remedy problems that he identified AFTER his and my inspectors both said that the property was sound and AFTER the transaction was complete. The more I gave him the more he demanded. This was in the USofA. Now if you ask him, he would probably say that I was some sort of creep out to cheat him? Go figure? I cannot imagine a field more complex than Real Estate transactions in Mexico where the rules of the game shift over time. Your asking others on this site to post their grievances is a way to open a can of “he said”, “she said” worms that I think has no place here. There are legitimate and appropriate ways to address issues like this, posting a third parties rant from another site in order to generate negative comments is in my view an inappropriate use of this forum. If you have a legitimate beef or you own, that then is another matter.

I have followed the great threads of people building homes in Asuncion and hope they will keep posting their wonderful adventures. I really enjoyed the thread of Susan and Bob and their construction project. I have also followed with interest how they addressed problems and issues they came across and welcome their personal experiences with this. Keep ‘em coming.


shari - 11-4-2008 at 06:04 PM

OK...wasnt gonna get sucked in by this but.....just let me say, I wish I had a fish picture from todays trip with Baja computer has gone into rehab and I am on a very old laptop with lots of missing bear with me if I spell something wrong...
Nope.....definately NOT a rocket scientist but for some strange reason, I have no access to a computer....PLUS....I'm very busy with our friends here.....eating, making sashimi, having fun,...sorry that bugs some people. Most people who come here ask us to all keep in touch through this site which is what we PLEASE....if you are insulted by my posts....please do not read them...gotta go have some fun....excuse me

David K - 11-6-2008 at 08:32 AM

>>> UPDATE 11-6-08: The 'geobas' I know and talked about above is NOT the geobas who has been posting on Nomad recently. Some imposter has stolen my friend's handle... Thanks to Doug for banning this fake!

shari - 11-6-2008 at 08:54 AM

geez...and I U2U'd an apology for jumping to conclusions about his/her identity....I guess I take that apology back then...gosh, this is just too weird...but thanks doug for figuring it out.

Russ - 11-6-2008 at 10:18 AM

What kind of sicko would steal some ones handle and then post malicious Dibble? Thanks Doug.

dao45 - 11-6-2008 at 11:46 AM

Juan and Sheri are very nice people.And thats all I got to say about that

Cypress - 11-6-2008 at 01:01 PM

Iflyfish, :)I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't lump me in there with some sort of wierd identity thief. :( I enjoy Shari's posts, SiReNita's, all the Nomads associated with Ascuncion and their pictures.:) Wish 'em all the best of luck and hope the fish keep-on biting!:spingrin:

Iflyfish - 11-6-2008 at 03:55 PM


You wrote: “Regarding the Bahia Asuncion posts. They're heavy on the self-promotion side, free advertising comes to mind. I'm not buying, not selling, enjoy the fishing pictures. Keep 'em coming. ”

I had no intention of lumping you in with this guy. I know you to be an honorable man and greatly appreciate your posts and contributions to this site. I was attempting, and probably did not say it well, that you had a legitimate perspective and that I could see how you might interpret Shari’s posts as advertisement, in some ways they are in that they inform us as to what is happening in her community and I thought your post had a legitimate perspective. Because they have a Bed and Breakfast and other enterprises in Asuncion they do have an economic interest in people finding out about their community and what is happening there. No offense meant at all to you or to your post. I have already stated how much I have learned from Shari’s varied posts and how pleased I was to have found her on this site as my visit there is a highlight of my life. I apologize if I left the impression in anyone’s mind that I viewed your post as lumping you in with the bogus geobas post. At the time of my writing I did not know anything about the geobas identity heist and was trying to be as even handed as possible. I wish I could write clearer, give me Osprey's pen, oops, already taken.


Cypress - 11-6-2008 at 04:21 PM

Iflyfish, No apology necessary. Thanks tho. My fault for being too quick at accusations. I enjoy your posts.

shari - 11-6-2008 at 05:18 PM

Most of our friends who have visited or bought property here ask me to please post reports of how the fishing is as often as possible and what is happening in the village. It is much easier to do this on Nomad than email everyone seeing as this is where many of us met.
This time of year is fishing season and lots of our visitors come to do that so want daily updates if possible.
So Cypress, I really dont intend them to be free advertising...but more like providing free information for those who asked for it.
I must admit you hurt my feelings and made me kinda not want to post anymore...but I am easily hurt. Perhaps it would just be better for you not to read my posts...which is why I always put the word Asuncion in the title so the people who dont want to read them can avoid them.

David K - 11-6-2008 at 05:22 PM

Shari, your posts are some of the best on Nomad... Do not think of going away because a couple out of 4,000+ Nomads don't like to read about the goings on in Asuncion!

Hook - 11-6-2008 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by David K
Shari, your posts are some of the best on Nomad... Do not think of going away because a couple out of 4,000+ Nomads don't like to read about the goings on in Asuncion!

I guess I must have missed the post where someone said they ".....don't like to read about the goings on in Asuncion!". Care to fill me in, DavidK?

shari - 11-6-2008 at 05:30 PM

gracias that case, I will relate a cool fish story I heard today from some amigos who fished yesterday in their inflatable. Juan gave them the coordinates for a secret spot and off they went....they tried to troll with cedar plugs which have been hot lately and...nada...then they switched to purple rapallas and BANG...double hook ups every time they put their lures in the water....but get this....they caught tuna, yellowtail, a real nice dorado....AND 5 big calicos...ALL on the purple " rapalla....WOW not THAT is weird and wonderful....calicos on rapallas....who da thunk it.

Cypress - 11-6-2008 at 05:34 PM

Shari, You're posts are informative and enjoyable. I didn't intend to hurt your feelings. Sorry my posts gave the wrong impression.

David K - 11-6-2008 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Hook
Originally posted by David K
Shari, your posts are some of the best on Nomad... Do not think of going away because a couple out of 4,000+ Nomads don't like to read about the goings on in Asuncion!

I guess I must have missed the post where someone said they ".....don't like to read about the goings on in Asuncion!". Care to fill me in, DavidK?

I guess you did? I was responding to Shari and she got it... Because I care Hook, here is what my responce was to:

>>>" I really dont intend them to be free advertising...but more like providing free information for those who asked for it.
I must admit you hurt my feelings and made me kinda not want to post anymore...but I am easily hurt. Perhaps it would just be better for you not to read my posts...which is why I always put the word Asuncion in the title so the people who dont want to read them can avoid them. "<<<

flyfishinPam - 11-6-2008 at 06:14 PM

in gleening the posts i didn't realize i was logged in. i was not intending to post here anymore but i could't finish iflyfish's post cuz my eyes got crossed and i didn't see the posts by geobas either- but i can take a wild guess as to who this was.

whoever it was i really don't give a rat's nalgas but they went by a several aliases that were recently banned. this same person went as far as to try and duplicate my alias and used Flyfishingspam. they stalked my posts and they stalked sheri's. in fact i pulled myself into it right near the end of the busy season defending sheri as i just couldn't believe what was posted on this board. and allowed to stay.

sheri's posts are a huge value to this forum and they need no explaination or defense.
i did read flyfish's part that these types will make themselves known to anyone in the public eye. true sheri don't take it personally.

as far as promotion is concerned, shari's is a fairly new establishment and the marketing medium here is free and well targeted, she needs to get the word out there, got a problem with that? yo no. in fact i want to visit the website now and plan a trip in the future. gotta get out of this rat race for a spell.

vacaenbaja - 11-7-2008 at 01:03 AM

Shari, as well as many others provide exactly what I am looking for in a website relating to Baja. Up to date first hand information about places to go and things to do.
So she has a business in the area. Good for her. Why should I take offence if she makes this known? You can count on Shari to point you in the right direction if you have any questions about how to get something done.How many times has a traveler wished that there was someone around who spoke both english and spanish to help them out?
I like the fish reports about what is biting and how big. Asuncion is a phenominal place and while I have heard and read about it many years before it was the posts made by Shari that made me finally go out and see for myself.
So I for one thank Shari and everyone else for their sharing
and continued promotion of all the great places there are to experience in Baja.

SiReNiTa - 11-7-2008 at 01:37 AM

gosh i love you guys!!!
and's true...we shouldn't let what other people say bother long as all the people we care about know how our family is and how we are as people then...let the rest judge by that...thank's's just that i have seen mom get pointed at and insulted because we are different that i guess i can't take it any's hard to be different especially when your in mexico...and that makes it necesary to learn how to defend yourself...i learned that the hard way and i guess some of that still strikes out when i am angry...i apologize if i hurt anyones feelings with out ever...if the boot fits...then i guess i can't be to sorry...let's get back to nice stories pleeeeeeeeeez!!!!
ook...i may actually start posting again...i want to share some interesting facts about aquaculture here in baja that i have learned at school!!!

maybe later tho...

love ya!!

BajaGringo - 11-7-2008 at 02:18 AM

So what did I miss and who is the newest/reborn troll???

Iflyfish - 11-7-2008 at 03:10 PM


His post was pulled, but if you read my posts on the subject you can follow the thread.


I for one would love to read about what you are learning. I had the opportunity to talk Psychology recently with a 4th year student in the subject and it seemed that she was learning about the field at the point where I left off. Knowledge is additive and I would love to hear what you are learning about aquaculture in Mexico, fascinating subject and one that has far reaching implications. I have a good friend who is an Ethicist whose area of expertise is related to salmon farming. It seems that there are many constituencies in the controversy whose views are never heard. Your direct experience with a small community whose very livelihood is dependent upon the sea provides you with a unique perspective on these issues, one that I hope you will never loose. Please share with us what you are learning and remember that when you do that there may be controversy over what you say, however this controversy is exactly how science and knowledge progress.


Skipjack Joe - 11-7-2008 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by shari
calicos on rapallas....who da thunk it.

Actually calicos take rapalas quite readily. As do all rockfish and groupers. Spotted bay bass love them. Even halibut love them.

It's just that calicos usually like the middle and lower end of the water column and rapalas are usually fished near the top. But when the bait's on top then rapalas work real well. I saw calicos boiling on those pelagic red crabs one summer at asuncion and the surface action was great fun.


Skipjack Joe - 11-9-2008 at 12:03 AM

calico.jpg - 50kB

baitcast - 11-9-2008 at 05:49 AM

Great shot of the boy Igor,with all the kelp and rocks that would be a hand full.