
Removing fish hook from thumb

Santiago - 11-8-2008 at 02:35 PM
The above link takes you to a good description to what I did to my friend's thumb on our last Baja fishing trip. Andy had caught a small yellowtail on the trailing hook and while he was trying to release it he burried the front hook in his thumb. I grabbed a pair of small bolt cutters I keep on the boat for just this reason (lower left corner of photo) and cut the fish loose, mainly to keep Andy from screaming each time the fish would thrash. Andy tried to pull the hook out but couldn't, even thought I crimp all barbs, all the time. I then told Andy I would do the procedure just like a doctor did on me a few years ago. I wrapped a line around the bend in the hook, Andy applied pressure down on the eye and I gave a gentle tug and it popped right out. Washed it with beer and fished on.

woody with a view - 11-8-2008 at 02:44 PM

good info....

i hope to never have to use it!

Cypress - 11-8-2008 at 02:47 PM


Saddists and Masochists

toneart - 11-8-2008 at 02:53 PM

would love this method. What about the rest of us wimps?:o:barf::lol:

thebajarunner - 11-8-2008 at 07:14 PM

Hey, it works,
I read the thread,
drank some beer,
and now I feel a lot better

thanks doc.....

woody with a view - 11-8-2008 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by thebajarunner
Hey, it works,
I read the thread,
drank some beer,
and now I feel a lot better

thanks doc.....

amazing ain't it? i "rinsed" with beer, just like in the story and i feel most refreshed...

Skipjack Joe - 11-8-2008 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
... it popped right out. Washed it with beer and fished on.

E. Hemingway must be somewhere smiling approvingly.

vandenberg - 11-8-2008 at 10:02 PM

Well, here's one for the books.
During a salmon fishing trip on the Sacramento River, my father in law set on a double treble hook flatfish and one hook embedded in his scrotum. Fun, fun, fun !!!
And I'm not embellishing on this story.:biggrin::biggrin:

toneart - 11-8-2008 at 10:28 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Well, here's one for the books.
During a salmon fishing trip on the Sacramento River, my father in law set on a double treble hook flatfish and one hook embedded in his scrotum. Fun, fun, fun !!!
And I'm not embellishing on this story.:biggrin::biggrin:

I hope he wasn't casting at the time! :o:o:O:O

toneart - 11-8-2008 at 10:32 PM

Hey, Bajarunner and Woody. You guys are swilling the beer without the embedded hook. I can do that too. :yes:

If I am in error, let's hear the gruesome details. :smug:

Bob and Susan - 11-9-2008 at 05:50 AM

"my father in law set on a double treble hook flatfish and one hook embedded in his scrotum"

is this what is refered to as a...
"pocket fisherman"??? :lol::lol::lol:

baitcast - 11-9-2008 at 07:20 AM

All this information on how to remove a hook is fine and nice BUT what do you do when your trolling with something like a Rebel fastrac with THREE BIG TREBLE hooks and a couple are implanted in your hand with a wild dorado all over the boat:o
Faint I guess:lol:

vandenberg - 11-9-2008 at 08:25 AM

Originally posted by baitcast
All this information on how to remove a hook is fine and nice BUT what do you do when your trolling with something like a Rebel fastrac with THREE BIG TREBLE hooks and a couple are implanted in your hand with a wild dorado all over the boat:o
Faint I guess:lol:

Punt !!:P:lol:

Pescador - 11-9-2008 at 03:52 PM

When I was a teenager on a trip to San Carlos, Sonora, I went fishing with a crusty old guy who was a regular snowbird and a friend of my parents. I guess he did not have a lot of experience cause I caught a big trigger fish and he instructed me to give him the fish in order to remove the hook from the fish's mouth. He put his thumb in a little too far and the trigger fish chomped down and took the first 1/2 inch off the end of his thumb. Blood was shooting out and he hollered for me to open his tackle box, which I did. He grabbed a little bottle of tequila, poured some on his thumb, poured some more down his throat, took out a well used handkerchief, wrapped it around the thumb, and we fished for the rest of the day.

Skipjack Joe - 11-9-2008 at 08:09 PM

Took a half inch off! I can believe it. Just that clicking sound they make as the two halves come together convinced me. I've brought up my lead sinkers with deep scars in them from dumb triggers that don't seem to know better.

Getting hooked while flyfishing is common. A sudden gust of wind comes up on your forward cast and your fly is in your back. I once had to walk a couple of miles at Tuolumne Meadows to find someone willing to get an adams out of my back.

baitcast - 11-10-2008 at 07:49 AM

:lol: Ya that clicking and grinding sound does get your attention!! my worst case was a bass and a plug bouncing around on my hand:o caught me on the web between my thumb and forefinger not a good scene,had to push it though and cut off the tip,hopefully its the last.

mulegemichael - 11-12-2008 at 03:56 PM

On a father/son bonding trip once several years ago I had a grim then "young" son and I were bass fishing in Washington and I had accepted that he was drinking alcoholic i was...we sat around the campfire and talked of his college experiences and sucked up a few cervezas...climbed in the tent later with my ball cap still on...woke up later with a pain in my hand...come to find out i had left a rapala stuck to the brim of my hat and it was now firmly stuck to my sleeping bag, my hair, my hand and my was imbedded past the barb on one of trebles into the meaty part of my left had my son cut the corner of the sleeping bag off, cut a chunk of my hat off, and cut a wad of my hair off so that i could get out of the was getting light and i knew i had to work fast so i could catch the daylight bite..i had all this "stuff" dangling from my right hand and got out the needlenose pliers...grabbed the hook by the bend, gritted my teeth and ripped it out....a paper towel and some duct tape and we were fishing 15 minutes later...i hadn't heard of the "line around the hook" trick yet..i know now..

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-12-2008 at 05:15 PM

Reading this post reminded me when I was a kid working the clam camp near Colonia Vicente Guerrero. I was surf fishing and was nicked with a rusty fish hook on my left little finger. A few days later my finger was swollen to the size of a D-Cell battery and it started stinking. An Indian man working at the camp looked at my finger and told me my finger was rotting. I now know it was gangrene. The Indian told me we needed to collect leaves from a plant called Hediondilla (Chaparral) to make a tea to soak my finger and to make a poultice. It took many soakings and poultices but I never lost my finger thanks to that Indian and his knowledge of the medicinal properties of the Chaparral bush.

Iflyfish - 11-12-2008 at 08:24 PM

I had a doc (fisherman) remove a treble from my hand once using a large hollow needle. I now carry them with me fishing.


Run hollow needle into hole made by hook and press hollow needle over barb and push down and then pull hook out. The first doc wanted to cut and he saw what was happening and took over.



El Camote - 11-12-2008 at 08:45 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
During a salmon fishing trip on the Sacramento River, my father in law set on a double treble hook flatfish and one hook embedded in his scrotum. Fun, fun, fun !!!

What a way to bag a fish! :lol:

I'm still crossing my legs over that one. :o

feather river salmon fishing

msawin - 11-12-2008 at 10:02 PM

Speaking of this.... Took a "friend" salmon fisn'in on the feather river, marysville... We ended the day going after smallmouth bass.... We were doing good, tell my buddy set the hook in the big'en, My left nipple "breast". He ripped it setting the hook....... " gottem"

.. Afriend of ours cut the loose hook short and pulled it thru.. A good day a fish'in...

oladulce - 11-16-2008 at 01:40 AM

Thanks for the link to that article Santiago. Good simple explanations and diagrams for fish hook removal. I haven't seen all of those techniques before.

There's rarely a doctor in the clinic in our remote town and my husband and I are sometimes called upon in "emergencies" such as this. It can be pretty stressful since we aren't physicians, and don't have hands-on training in some of the situations that come driving up to our front gate.

Since it's 3 hours down a bumpy dirt road to a victim's next hope for medical treatment, we usually at least try to help.

I made a copy of the article so next time a neighbor drives up with a fish hook in his palm (happened a few months ago), we'll have some more treatment options to try. I should probably practice on an orange in the mean time.

oladulce - 11-16-2008 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Pompano
I wish this did not look so familiar.:wow:

OOOO Pompano- (gulp) !

Please share the story about this incident, especially how it was removed.


Dear amigos and vecinos- if you come walking up my front path with one of these stuck in you somewhere...

I'll be hiding under the bed ;)

AcuDoc - 11-16-2008 at 12:36 PM

That is one reason I went to pinching down the barb on my hooks

Santiago - 11-16-2008 at 01:58 PM


I noticed that the photo I posted was way too small - here's one that shows the offending memeber - not as good as Pomp's though.

Iflyfish - 11-16-2008 at 05:39 PM

Santiago, next time go to a pro, they license them here in the states.


Santiago - 11-16-2008 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Santiago, next time go to a pro, they license them here in the states.


Pro??? - we dont' need no stinking pros - we do'ld it ourseves. Andy comes from solid Polish stock and if, unlike me, you managed to make it through high school history without first splitting a doobee with Gordon in the bathroom before class you'll recall those people know how to live with pain.
When we got back to camp I made him soak it in a shot glass of bleach and he didn't even wince. Of course, since I'm in charge of the evening's c-cktail hour I made sure he got the same shot glass. He did mention he thought the tequila had gone off a bit.

Iflyfish - 11-17-2008 at 03:25 AM


Speaking of piercing, your practice sounds good to me. If it doen't kill 'm it will cure 'm eh? Your history lessons sound much better than mine, very civilized civics there my friend.

I had a friend once who cut his hand badly on the chuck, out of Barre de Navidad, chasing Marlin. I had tequila and super glue with me. I gave him liberal amounts of the tequila both topicaly and internaly and then super glued the cut together and bandaged it. He used a glove on that hand the rest of the day, healed well.

