
Mama Espanosas

Steve&Debby - 1-17-2009 at 09:23 PM

Well we went to Mamas on January 10th on our way home from a great trip all the to Cabo then around the horn on our way home. Went in and sat down,maybe three other people besides Diver in the restraunt. My mouth was watering for Mamas famous lobster.So when the waitress came over I said I will have the Grande Langosta. The waitress said she would have to check with the kitchen.She came back and said NO Langosta:mad::mad::mad:.I could not believe what I was hearing,Mama Espanosas with no Langosta.Thats like McDonalds without a Big Mac ,Burger King without a Whopper,Taco Bell without a Taco.Well after I calmed down I thought well no Langosta so my wife ordered chili rellanos and I ordered shrimp tacos.
Our order arrived ,we both got shrimp tacos.My wife deceided that the tacos were ok, and did not say any thing,until we took a bite. these were the worst shrimp tacos we had ever had:barf::barf:. The shrimp were very fishy tasteing and not fresh, but the little scoop of rice was good.The restaraunt was very clean,but the food sucked.Also the price was rediculous,Two orders of shrimp taco,two beers and a margarita for 38 American Dollars:fire::fire::fire:.
Next year we will defanatley skip Mamas and pick another spot to stop and eat. Any recomendations for good Langosta?

Bajahowodd - 1-17-2009 at 09:56 PM

Happens way too often. I kinda think that nomads are living in a world of nostalgia. Especially since everyone stays at Antonios making it easy to just walk next door. There are other better places to eat in town.

Steve & Debby

Sharksbaja - 1-17-2009 at 11:04 PM

That sucks. Shrimp are highly perishable> Sounds like they weren't fresh.

David K - 1-17-2009 at 11:14 PM

We have posted here so many times... other places for dinner than ESPINOZA'S.

Lobster at Ed's "Baja's Best Restaurant" and ask Ed to fix them 'his way'! Far end of town, across from the new Turista Motel.

The price of lobster has gone way up Ed told us, so be warned.

Photos of Ed's inside and out (remodeled restaurant) in my trip report Baja 1-09 Part 7.... in the Nomad Baja Trip Reports forum.

Next in line for dinner would be Primo's "Bocana Beach Restaurant" in front of the Sinahi Motel.

Third would be Hugo's "Tacos Mision" (no lobster), but great burritos and stuffed potatoes.

Lauriboats - 1-18-2009 at 04:49 AM

We had the same type of experience and have not been back to Mama Espinozas.

oxxo - 1-18-2009 at 07:04 AM

We were "underwhelmed" at Mamas on two different occassions a couple of years ago. Caballos locos couldn't drag us back to what has to be our WORST dining experience ever anywhere in Baja.

Russ - 1-18-2009 at 07:59 AM

What a shame that some one in Mama's family can't get it right! It should be an historic landmark and probably is to some extent. Some are getting good food and service there according to past posts. But I'm not taking the chance of being ripped off or worse until I hear there is a new management.:no:

David K - 1-18-2009 at 09:52 AM

There are really MANY other places to eat in El Rosario... just none with this much publicity over the years.

We had good lobster in 2004 there, good breakfasts each time (perhaps a good thing being next door to Baja Cactus?)... Seems dinner and slow service is the weak areas for Mama.

I hope David (ELINESTI8) relays some of this so they do improve... With a major change, I am sure we would give them another chance... as it is said, it is a Baja landmark, afterall! Roli (Mama's daughter) has been running the place for many years... She is very nice and I am sure would want to improve if so many negative comments were known to her.

Afterall, Baja race posters, stickers and ammonites can only draw clients for so long before bad food and service keeps them away!

Roli (on the right) with Antonio (BajaCactus) and Lorenia, in 2005:

[Edited on 1-18-2009 by David K]

DianaT - 1-18-2009 at 10:00 AM

It really is a shame about Mama's --- after our last try, we sure won't go back--unless we hear major changes have happened.

Since Baja Bed and Breakfast has remodeled, we may give it one more chance. We finally had given up on them----last breakfast we had there was so, so, and there were lots of other problems covered before. Some may have been fixed with the remodel. And maybe they have quit smoking while customers are eating. While they cut their Starbucks coffee with other coffee, it is still better than most.

Not for lobster, but we like Tacos Mission, but then again, another person had a very bad experience there.


[Edited on 1-18-2009 by jdtrotter]

bajabound2005 - 1-18-2009 at 10:03 AM

Those stuffed potatoes at Tacos Mision are FANTASTIC, even better than lobster! Last time we drove through El Rosario, they were closed (too early in the day). Next time we are planning the trip just right for those potatoes.

DianaT - 1-18-2009 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by bajabound2005
Those stuffed potatoes at Tacos Mision are FANTASTIC, even better than lobster! Last time we drove through El Rosario, they were closed (too early in the day). Next time we are planning the trip just right for those potatoes.

:yes::yes::yes: They are incredible---just bring some extra lipitor. :lol:

It was your report about those stuffed potatoes that convinced us to try them----

[Edited on 1-18-2009 by jdtrotter]

Bob H - 1-18-2009 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by David K
Next in line for dinner would be Primo's "Bocana Beach Restaurant" in front of the Sinahi Motel.

I totally agree about this place... great menu and wonderful food!

We also had a great lunch at the little white and red school bus taco place just around the bend. Shrimp tacos to die for!

Bob H

LancairDriver - 1-18-2009 at 11:15 AM

The lobster and hospitality used to be primo "back in the day"

DSC00055-R.JPG - 26kB

Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 12:32 PM

I do think it's a case of resting on their laurels for Mama's. They have history, a prime location and a hotel nearby (Baja Cactus) that seems to fill up nightly. i know, for myself, when coming North, Mama's is convenient. Don't feel like having drive to dinner after settling in. Have had good food at Bocana Beach, only peeked into Ed's, pre-remodel. Just don't feel like walking that distance in the dark on what is an uneven, often muddy shoulder. Bet that helps Mama's business.

Am surprised that Steve&;Debby said the place was empty. I know tourism is down, but I cannot recall seeing Mama's empty at dinner time.

Anyway, Zagat doesn't give any stars to any restaurant in El Rosario!

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-18-2009 at 01:08 PM

No restaurant in Baja California is immune from being lambasted for their food preparation or their prices. Mama Espinoza’s Restaurant is no exception.
That said Mama's is still a great place to eat. I eat there every day while on my two week vacation to visit with Mama except when I am at Rancho El Metate. I also stay at Mama Espinoza’s motel called La Cabanas.
It is clean and a secure place to sleep. The only thing is you must heat your room with a small wood burning stove.
When I go down in March 2009 I will let Rolli know of the complaints I saw here. All I can say is if you don’t like to eat there for whatever reason go someplace else to eat. It’s pretty simple.

[Edited on 1-18-2009 by ELINVESTI8]

Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 02:14 PM

I think you have it wrong, David. Mama's is a landmark restaurant. For decades, people enjoyed eating there. It is also in a convenient location. What I see from the various posts here, is a sense of slippage in the attention to detail. Telling people to eat somewhere else won't help the business.

Paulina - 1-18-2009 at 02:19 PM

Wasn't there something posted a while ago that mentioned the possibility of Antonio opening a restaurant at/near his hotel?


ELINVESTIG8R - 1-18-2009 at 02:30 PM

Bajahowodd I live and eat at Mama's when I go visit. I lived there 42 years ago when it was a hole in the wall. I have complete access to the kitchen, their refrigerators and freezers. I see all the food before they prepare it. I see them clean the stove. I see them cook the food. I see them store the food in its proper place when not in use. I have total access to everything. I have never seen them prepare perished food. I know for a fact that Rolli has given days off without pay to some of her employees for not properly storing food. And yes if people feel it is not the place they want to patronize they should go to those other places David K speaks about. More people love it there than hate it. As I said before I will let Rolli know what has been written here.

BajaGringo - 1-18-2009 at 02:39 PM

I don't know if I am just lucky or when they see me they decide to cook some "good" food but I have been eating there several times a month for a couple of months now and haven't had a bad meal yet.

I guess I just must have good karma...


Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 04:12 PM

Paulina- Antonio's restaurant is either on hold because of the decline in tourism, or because he doesn't want bad feelings Rolli and himself. Take your pick.

bajalinda - 1-18-2009 at 04:26 PM

We overnighted in El Rosario a week ago and had dinner at Bocana Beach and breakfast at Ed's Baja's Best B & B. Both meals were great and we would not hesitate to eat at either place again.

We are also among those who have stopped going to Mama Espinosa's because of so-so food and increasing prices.

We had never eaten at Ed's Baja's Best before so were not aware of any previous issues that existed before the apparent re-model. I can report that the restaurant was clean and nicely decorated, food was very good, the price was right and there were no smokers and no traces of lingering smoke, so if that was an issue in the past it seems to have been taken care of.

David K. - thanks very much for all your info and pictures in your trip report part 7

Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 04:49 PM

To be fair, I've had some great chile colorado Mama's. I don't eat lobster and rarely eat shrimp. Never understood the big hoopla about either, but especially shrimp. I've always scratched my head when at buffets that serve shrimp, watching people walking to their tables with plates piled high. some sort of mystique, maybe.

On a further note of fairness, upon reviewing some of the posts, I can see where some posts were a little harsh. This forum influences alot of people's decisions, and could have a significant affect on merchant's livelihoods.

DianaT - 1-18-2009 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
On a further note of fairness, upon reviewing some of the posts, I can see where some posts were a little harsh. This forum influences alot of people's decisions, and could have a significant affect on merchant's livelihoods.

IMHO, yes and no because one person's special place others might report as a rat hole.

Also, I think that it is almost worse not to say anything because sometimes things can change. For instance, as do most, we really like Baja Cactus, but a couple of times people have posted complaints---it has given Antonio a change to address those complaints. I think that is better than someone just smiling, going away unhappy, and never returning, and privately passing on negative reviews to others.


Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 05:19 PM

All the more reason to wonder why David seemed a tad haughty. You would think it would be wiser to take the criticism, offer to look into int (he did), and not tell people to eat elsewhere.

BajaGringo - 1-18-2009 at 05:24 PM

I took that as he just didn't want people to think he was try to push Mama's on anybody...

Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 05:47 PM

Different strokes, BG. I wouldn't have gone beyond sharing his own experience, and acknowledging that he will share the complaints with Rolli. Tough economic times and the border fear factor- merchants should be seeking all the customers they can get.

You travel up and down from San Quintin. Notice a dropoff in U.S. plates?

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-18-2009 at 08:04 PM

Haughty? Never!

BajaGringo HIT IT

BajaGringo - 1-18-2009 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
You travel up and down from San Quintin. Notice a dropoff in U.S. plates?

Yes, traffic is down. I have met a lot of gringos in the area looking around though lately. Most tell me that they want to come to / stay in Baja but are looking for parts further south, away from the border.

Signs of the time I guess...

Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 08:52 PM

OK. OK David.

How further South, BG?

BajaGringo - 1-18-2009 at 09:21 PM

South side of Ensenada and down...

Bajahowodd - 1-18-2009 at 10:39 PM

Let me know when there's a price drop at Punta Banda.

BajaGringo - 1-18-2009 at 10:44 PM

I hear there are some cheap lots for sale out towards the point. Some young golfer guy is wanting to sell that God-forsaken land...


Packoderm - 1-18-2009 at 11:19 PM

I had bistek ranchero at Mama's and it was fine as usual. The wifi access is nice. It's an easy walk from Baja Cactus. I'll probably stop there again.

Hook - 1-19-2009 at 06:52 AM

Even if you manage to be served a decent meal there (a crapshoot, IMO), how can you guys stomach paying those prices? I thought they were outrageous and that was a few years back already.

DENNIS - 1-19-2009 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Hook
Even if you manage to be served a decent meal there (a crapshoot, IMO), how can you guys stomach paying those prices? I thought they were outrageous and that was a few years back already.

I guess the Baja Experience for some is all about tradition rather than quality and service. Kinda like having a nice drink at Hussongs.

David K - 1-19-2009 at 09:55 AM

When your on vacation, you want nice... As I have stated, I never had bad food at Mama's... and find breakfast the best meal to have there. My lobster dinner for Thanksgiving, 2004 was awesome .

There are just so many other restuarants and taco stands in El Rosario to try, we usually go to other places. The food in Mexico is awesome... and it is everywhere. When I take a trip to Baja, I do so planning on reporting back to you guys... so I will report on all the relevant things I experience or see.

Baja Cactus never wanted to build a restaurant (and compete with Espinoza's in that venue). Antonio IS building a small market that will have a FAST food style taco stand inside. Have you seen the new Pemex, north of San Felipe (El Dorado) with a set up like this?

Baja's Best is very nice inside... now. No bird, no cats, no flies (who knows when it is summer), no cigarettes... a dog wondered through, but wasn't begging for samples. The bird was moved somewhere else.

The new Turista Motel is building a restaurant in front... as someone replied in my Trip Report Part 7, hopefully they give it a different name than 'Turista'!

BajaGringo - 1-19-2009 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by David K
The new Turista Motel is building a restaurant in front... as someone replied in my Trip Report Part 7, hopefully they give it a different name than 'Turista'!

I was thinking the same thing - you'd think they could come up with something a bit more... say, original???


DENNIS - 1-19-2009 at 12:54 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo

I was thinking the same thing - you'd think they could come up with something a bit more... say, original???

One would think.......especially since the word, Touristas, has various meanings such as, Diarrhea. I guess that word has special significance in Mexico. I know that, on occasion, it has for me.


Bajahowodd - 1-19-2009 at 04:41 PM

Hey. It was my reply on David's post. Just looking for all the credit I can get.
Now let's start a new thread and pick on a different restaurant.:tumble:

[Edited on 1-19-2009 by Bajahowodd]