
Follow trip to La Paz

fixtrauma - 4-5-2009 at 02:39 PM

Mi mujer is driving and I wake up to oompa oopa mexican music playing on the radio. We are on I-5 heading south. One of my first views as I return to consciousness are the snow covered peaks south of Medford. The construction through Medford has us slowed down. The outside thermometer reads 72 degrees giving us a taste of what is coming. You know, I really down deep wished it was cold and rainy when we left! It would have made me feel better is some sort of sick way.

I worked another 12 hour shift last night so as soon as I got home and all the nooks and crannies of the car were packed and the tire pressures checked once more we rolled out of Lebanon, OR at 1030.

We just passed through the inspection station going into California. Thought we might lose our grapes and had quickly eaten a bunch the last few miles. :biggrin: But they were not interested in our grapes.

We just past through Yreka and are getting our first glimpse of Mount Shasta. That view never gets old.

Tomorrow we will meet up with Sarah's (Sarah from EMERGENCY in ABREOJOS) friends in LA. They have a care package for her and we will deliver it to Pompano on our way through. Will be great to meet other Nomad folks.

More to come. I am going to go eat some more grapes!

fixtrauma - 4-5-2009 at 07:26 PM

Well here we are 9 hours later and 570 miles farther down the road. Well past Stockton and the sun is still up. We will still get an hour or so of driving in this evening. That will set us up good for tomorrow so we can meet Sarah's friends in LA and pickup her care package. Will stay tomorrow night in La Mesa for a early morning border crossing at Tacate. Sunday traffic was sure great through Sacramento and Stockton. I must remember that next time. I don't think it will be so good tomorrow through LA.

shari - 4-5-2009 at 08:04 PM

shipwreck Sarah is soooooo excited about her care package and thanks you so much for taking the time to do gracias...have a safe out for the rocks.

Pompano - 4-5-2009 at 08:56 PM

Don, I sent you an email with directions and photos to my Coyote Bay home. Will have cool ones, plus a bedroom if needed.

Hasta pronto and drive safe.

[Edited on 4-6-2009 by Pompano]

In for the night

fixtrauma - 4-5-2009 at 09:22 PM

Stopped for the night at Coalinga exit. Not near as many miles tomorrow but will be slower through LA I am sure. 700 miles today even after a 1030 strart.

fixtrauma - 4-5-2009 at 09:43 PM

No............200 miles north of Medford. I have a brother and sister and their families who live in Medford though. They have been there for years.

suzeern - 4-6-2009 at 07:10 AM

I found you! This is going to be fun:

Day Two

fixtrauma - 4-6-2009 at 08:04 AM Rascal! Welcome to Baja Nomad.

Just rolled out of bed here in Coalinga. It is 0800 but my excuse is that I had 2 nights of sleep to make up for. You night shifters know what I am talking about!

We will have a quick breakfast and be on our way to meet Jordan (Sarah's friend). I talked to him last night and looks like it will be an easy connection.

I will have more pictures today.

:cool::cool::cool: Yep.......something that I am not used to.........sunglasses in the morning!!

[Edited on 4-6-2009 by fixtrauma]


fixtrauma - 4-6-2009 at 08:42 AM


Just stepped outside and we both thought we had walked into cow dairy's from our childhood!! It will take awhile to clean that out of our nostrils!!

What an olfactory suprise!


vandenberg - 4-6-2009 at 08:51 AM

Originally posted by fixtrauma

Just stepped outside and we both thought we had walked into cow dairy's from our childhood!! It will take awhile to clean that out of our nostrils!!

What an olfactory suprise!


That's the neighborhood.:lol::lol::lol:

Check your U2U

shari - 4-6-2009 at 10:38 AM

welcome to Nomadlandia Suzie...hey this is gonna be fun psyber-ridin along with fixtrauma on their trip. Glad the LA hookup should be easy..Jordan got the shopping list yesterday...he had fun bra shopping! thanks again...


fixtrauma - 4-6-2009 at 03:33 PM

Met up with Jordan (Sarah's friend) and picked up the care package. He lives only 2 blocks from Hollywood Blvd. so we took the time to walk it down to the Chinese Theater on the "Walk of Fame". Got a picture of Clint Eastwoods cement impressions and one of Dean Martin's star for Wendie back at home!

He directed us out of LA right down through the downtown area on 110 South. Fast traffic all the way. Sitting now north of San Diego at a Lookout site overlooking the Pacific.



suzeern - 4-6-2009 at 05:58 PM

looks like good weather, hey I think I know that orange guy with the tail

choo choo trains??

dgerig77 - 4-6-2009 at 09:43 PM

No big choo choo trains in downtown LA? Didn't get scared and get lost because of choo choo tracks? hahahaha. Well Tomorrow is a big day and I hope you travel safe.

Originally posted by fixtrauma
Met up with Jordan (Sarah's friend) and picked up the care package. He lives only 2 blocks from Hollywood Blvd. so we took the time to walk it down to the Chinese Theater on the "Walk of Fame". Got a picture of Clint Eastwoods cement impressions and one of Dean Martin's star for Wendie back at home!

He directed us out of LA right down through the downtown area on 110 South. Fast traffic all the way. Sitting now north of San Diego at a Lookout site overlooking the Pacific.



Very Funny Dustin...Not Portland...have GPS!

fixtrauma - 4-6-2009 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by dgerig77
No big choo choo trains in downtown LA? Didn't get scared and get lost because of choo choo tracks? hahahaha. Well Tomorrow is a big day and I hope you travel safe.

Ohhhh Mannnnn.......Day Three.

fixtrauma - 4-7-2009 at 04:48 AM

:yawn::yawn:Who in the world invented 0430 as a time to get up? Sheesh.:yawn::yawn:

I guess this is what I have been waiting for. Well, get ready, breakfast and BAJA IT IS!!:bounce::bounce:

suzeern - 4-7-2009 at 07:42 AM

0430 is the perfect time to be up ha ha :spingrin: Hey whats for breakfast?

Crossed at Tecate

fixtrauma - 4-7-2009 at 10:03 AM

Not a lot going on at the Tecate border crossing this morning!! Looked in the trunk for about 5 seconds.

The Ruta del Vino and the entire route to Ensenada was beautiful. Even the construction section was not bad.

There are many vineyards along the way. Many of them appear to be new ones. Beautiful area.

I love these old doorways. Reminds me of many seen like this in Chile.

Stop at this Internet Cafe if you have the chance. Very friendly worker here.

We are moving on now towards GN.

suzeern - 4-7-2009 at 10:49 AM

:)Ok lets see some pictures of Linda.

David K - 4-7-2009 at 04:47 PM

Cool travel-log!

JESSE - 4-7-2009 at 04:53 PM

Trade you that average looking white mountain for 50 miles of cactuses:biggrin:

love the blog

suess60 - 4-7-2009 at 09:01 PM

Don and Linda,
So glad you made it across with no problems. I love the blog especially the pictures!! Keep posting them!!

In Guerrero Negro, BCS!!

fixtrauma - 4-7-2009 at 09:22 PM

We saw a lot of beautiful sights from Tecate to Guerrero Negro today. The Baja definitely is a special place on this earth! South of Ensenada we stopped for Marisco's. I of course could not pass on the Campechana! Wow this was really good. Linda had fish and shrimp tacos. The price was fantastic. Thanks to the exchange right now.

I can still taste that campechana!

Not all the roads are winding. There is a fair amount of endless straight road.

The Boojum is an odd looking cactus. Amazing that the Baja is the only place in the world that it grows!

Close up of the Boojum

Some of the rock formations and cactus create a surreal effect!

This turn off to BOLA is for you Nomad folk who spend time there are not here right now but want to be. Looks like I am taking my half out of the middle of the road.

Our room tonight in Guerrero Negro, BCS. At Malarrimo's well known for their whale tours.

Going to turn in for tonight. Will meet up with Pompano tomorrow and also see the Vandenbergs in Nopolo tomorrow before we reach La Paz.:O

suzeern - 4-8-2009 at 06:19 AM

all I can say is WOW

fluff57 - 4-9-2009 at 11:49 AM

Were you two at ? no new pictures yesterday.........

Late Entry!

fixtrauma - 4-9-2009 at 08:53 PM

Hello everyone, we got busy right off the bat last evening when we arrived in between El Centenario and Chemetla just out of La Paz. Spent time catching up with family and friends. Great to be back here again. So I am doing a late entry for yesterday:

We left GN at 0615 with it still alittle dark out. Excited about our last leg of the drive to La Paz. We planned to have breakfast in San Ignacio. It was still fairly early when we arrived. I am including the drive through the forests of palms and past the laguna on the way into the old town. When we arrived a man was sweeping the town square with a palm branch just as we had seen 11 or 12 years ago the last time we drove. As we waited for breakfast activity began to increase around the square.

The old mission at San Ignacio early in the morning. Breakfast coming right up!

I really enjoy the old style architecture found in San Ignacio. This blue is really pleasing.

Great doorway.

Another great doorway viewed from my chair at breakfast.

On our way again. The roads don't show on this GPS while in Mexico but enjoy seeing our location on the Baja.

Linda and I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Pompano for his hospitality to us as we traveled through BOC area. He was kind to take the second lap with the care package for Sarah. What a view you have from your place!

You think that the Easter vacation campers have arrived on the beaches yet? Ha!

Arriving in Loreto, we made a trip down to the Malecon and the dock area to witness this lighthouse that has been written about on this site............Yep, it is crooked just as reported! Yeah and what do they do with that door so far up on the tower?:?:

Down the road a short distance to Loreto Bay and accepted another generous invitation more Nomad folks. Thanks to Ed and Barbara Vandenberg for their generosity, the refreshing lemonade and funny stories about your geriatric dog and cat!

Also Ed, thanks for all the birds that you had attracted in so we could get views like this Oriole. Saw some like this also at Pompano's place.

Back on the road again soon to follow a whole truck load of burro's!!

As soon as we passed the Pemex station entering into Centenario we turned right and drove up the hill to view the evening light on the bay from the site we will build the house on. Amazing colors!

Then a few more miles to km-11 to Campestre Maranatha to visit with Linda's family and to arrive at our place to stay "La Casa Chica". Ready to unpack that car!

[Edited on 4-10-2009 by fixtrauma]

[Edited on 4-10-2009 by fixtrauma]:lol::lol:

[Edited on 4-10-2009 by fixtrauma]

You won't believe what BajaNomad can do!!

fixtrauma - 4-9-2009 at 09:15 PM

We had just pulled into Campestre Maranatha and visited with family. I was driving my car to the back of the camp through the RV Park area and saw a couple and their friend sitting by their RV visiting. They were all strangers to me but I stopped to visit for a bit. I noticed the one man just kind of eyeballing me and not saying anything for the first couple of minutes. Then he asked "Are you Don? Didn't you cross at Tecate? You stayed last night in Guerrero Negro, etc.....I have been reading all about your trip down here to La Paz on BajaNomad and I recognized you the minute you got out of the car!

They introduced themselves, Danny and Jane Shea..........and Bodie from Southern Calif. Not members of BajaNomad but have been reading it for 2 years.

We are glad to have you staying at the RV Park here at Campestre Maranatha Danny and Jane.

[Edited on 4-10-2009 by fixtrauma]

suzeern - 4-10-2009 at 05:14 AM

Wow now your famous:bounce: sounds like your having a great trip

lingililingili - 4-10-2009 at 07:39 AM

Welcome to La Paz Fixtrauma!

Bob H - 4-10-2009 at 08:32 AM

What a fantastic trip report along with so many great images. It feels like I am making this trip myself!
Bob H


fixtrauma - 4-10-2009 at 09:10 AM

Thanks for the welcome to La Paz lingililingili. It is always refreshing to get here. Have not truly enjoyed La Paz yet unless you can call buying fence post, wire and shoveling sand refreshing!:yes::yes:

Bob.......glad you are enjoying the blog. It ends up requiring quite a bit to keep up! I know I won't be doing again in 8 weeks when I return to La Paz:lol::lol: We will be flying and that is not as interesting anyway.

fluff57 - 4-10-2009 at 02:54 PM

Glad you made it safely........

fluff57 - 4-10-2009 at 03:02 PM

Now I see why you two love to go to Mexico, looks very nice and a place to go and unwind...............

fluff57 - 4-10-2009 at 10:18 PM

Good talking to you Don

fluff57 - 4-11-2009 at 01:39 PM

Work on the fence today???

Now......the work! Come join me fluff57!

fixtrauma - 4-11-2009 at 03:20 PM

First thing in the morning was to meet with my nephew Rick Byers from Hacienda's Palo Verde and my new neighbor Tom for coffee.

Friday I met up with my friend Chuy from El Centenario. He has a metal shop as well as does some construction. Here he is with a gate he is completing for a customer. I have seen other artwork he has built into doors and gates as well as wall sections. I think he does a great job.

Gathering material for a fence. Where are my sons? I forgot that these cement bags are 50 kg! 110 lbs. Oh well, it's good for me.....right??

Car pickup!

Lunch at Mr. Tacos in El Centenario. Yep, I'll go back.

Isiah does good work.

Some of our Cardon.

Sunset over El Centenario on Good Friday.

Today, Saturday, we cleared one 80 meter fence line and got 30 post holes dug.

Going at it.

Tomorrow Linda and I will join Chuy out in Melitón Albáñez and be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord. At least 90 more holes to dig Monday.

[Edited on 4-11-2009 by fixtrauma]

[Edited on 4-11-2009 by fixtrauma]

[Edited on 4-11-2009 by fixtrauma]

Downtown Melitón Albáñez, BCS, Mexico

fixtrauma - 4-12-2009 at 08:01 PM

We have been going to Melitón Albáñez for about 10 years. Todays trip was an absolute delight. Used to be that narrow, no shoulder, big drop off road out of La Paz with many dips on the way to Checko's. Then when you turned at Checko's to head off towards Melitón it was hit or miss on the dirt road for the next 30 to 40 minutes. I have been seeing the improvements coming but today was the first time for me with it all completed. Other than some bridge construction out of La Paz towards the turn off to Todos Santos it was still 4 lane when I turned off at Checko's and paved road all the way to Melitón. Not only you see in the picture the main street no longer is a dirt road with car sized holes but a new (as Chuy put it) boulevard! As you can see, not much going on in Melitón at 5 pm Sunday afternoon.

Chuy, Linda, Angel and I enjoying the best ceviche I have ever had. Angel's dad made it. His Bar-B-Q's are out of this world as well. This group of people have added more flavor to my life than I could have imagined. I am blessed to know them and call them my friends.

Tomorrow a machete , shovel and pry rod will be my acquaintances.

fluff57 - 4-12-2009 at 10:39 PM


pal57 - 4-13-2009 at 12:50 AM

Hi Fixtrauma,
thanks for your trip report it will be very useful for our trip in Baja, even if we don't think to work out with any fences.:spingrin:

The ceviche and campachana seams delicious, can't wait to eat does mexican foods, even if here in Italy our food is not that awesome. :lol:


fluff57 - 4-13-2009 at 08:23 AM

It looks like you have a job ahead of you with all the fence post's

Pompano - 4-13-2009 at 08:33 AM

Don & Linda, welcome to the wonderful world of Baja home building. Those wonderful photos of the 'Before' part will thrill you for many years to come.

I wish I had given you a copy of my old favorite book of Baja building. "God and Mr. Gomez". This light-hearted read will keep you smiling...and comparing notes!

Buena suerte, amigos.

God and Mr. Gomez

fixtrauma - 4-13-2009 at 09:31 AM are right about that book. I bought it after someone recommending it. I think it was from the Nomad site awhile back. Thanks for considering us with that. I need to get it out and read it again!:)

fixtrauma - 4-13-2009 at 08:49 PM

Setting the first post. One hundred twenty three to go!

Many more in place. Getting them straight!

Lunch today at Mr. Taco's in El Centenario.

The marlin was great today.

shari - 4-14-2009 at 08:53 AM

wow... great trip report! we are so glad you arrived safely and are enjoying your new venture.
On behalf of Shipwreck Sarah and myself, we thank you for taking the time to pick up her care package from Jordan. Not everyone would go into Hollywood to do that for someone they've never are true Nomads who go above and beyond the call of duty.We also thank the honourable Sr.Pompano for providing the second leg of the package journey. It was a great excuse to finally meet this legendary baja character who's hospitality is outstanding. We really enjoyed his tales of daring do! Leg 3 of the Package's trip to baja was completed last night and this morning was fun watching Sarah open her presents of books, chocolate, tea, photos of her boat and loved ones, and most important the unmentionables! Mil gracias amigos...Via con dios!

fixtrauma - 4-14-2009 at 08:50 PM

Worst area of rocks. At least the holes are all dug in that area. May get wire up tomorrow.:wow:

Post #120!

fixtrauma - 4-15-2009 at 08:51 PM

The last post to get planted. Glad to get the perimeter fence posts in. Will get some of the wire up tomorrow and be on board flight out of La Paz a little after 3pm.

fishbuck - 4-15-2009 at 09:02 PM

This is a really fun post! Has a little bit of everything in it.:cool:

fixtrauma - 4-15-2009 at 09:41 PM

Thanks fishbuck....glad you enjoyed it. Have never done anything like this posting before.


BMG - 4-16-2009 at 07:15 AM

Originally posted by fixtrauma

The last post to get planted. Glad to get the perimeter fence posts in. Will get some of the wire up tomorrow and be on board flight out of La Paz a little after 3pm.

What I did on my summer vacation: dug holes and ate a taco.

Seems like you just got here and now you're rushing off. I guess a person can only stand so much fun.


fixtrauma - 4-16-2009 at 07:47 PM

Rub it in BMG! :smug: Sure would stay longer but the old job acallin'. Back in June for another stint. Will have a group of high school young people. Will be a different sort of work on that trip.

At least I got to see a section of the fence up before we left this afternoon. This was the section we did this morning.

Was delighted that we had the appropriate colors to fly out of La Paz in this afternoon! Don't know if I could have boarded the plane if it was green and yellow!

Sitting in the Alaska teminal at LAX and 31B is my doorway home.

Back in June!

Thank you everyone for your interest in our trip report as boring as it may have been at times. It was my first experience at this and was a challenge at times. It was nice to meet 3 Nomad folks who added alot to our trip experience.

fluff57 - 4-17-2009 at 07:48 PM

Don and Linda glad to see you got home safely, looks like you might have got a little to much sun.......Was fun keeping up with you two on the web.........

BooJumMan - 5-31-2009 at 05:30 PM

Hi I sent you a U2U message if you can please respond Id be grateful.

Just wanted to know how you were able to update your log through the trip, if you used your own internet service or stayed at the motels with service?