
Aqua Verde

Cochi - 4-14-2009 at 03:54 PM

Any advice on ride conditions,ie. ok for pickup and camper? Hint,hint Shari.....

shari - 4-14-2009 at 04:25 PM

OK...well, nomad asked me not to disclose any info on "this area" but hmmmm, well...ahem...what to do? Have you been there before? The road is long and rocky but it's better than I have ever seen big is the camper? The road is NOT for the faint of heart, nor big rigs that are top heavy...but a little pick up camper shell would be fine. U2U me if you have any questions...but remember, it's a secret.

Bajaboy - 4-14-2009 at 04:36 PM

since when has Agua Verde been a secret?

Marie-Rose - 4-14-2009 at 09:13 PM

Keep an eye out for very large leather back tarantula's:o:o

The road is definitely not for the faint of heart and it was one time that I was very happy driving the "Westy"!! Can't wait to go back!!!

bajamedic - 4-14-2009 at 09:36 PM

Shari, please don’t withhold based on one opinion, I miss knowing about your little corner of Baja.

Cochi - 4-15-2009 at 07:41 AM

Reading tween the lines, Thanx for the "better than ever" advice. My Toyota and popup camper will make the trek b4 the next hurricane. I respect what is going on ,but since reading the secret book twice it is about time to cross that destination off the to do list.

David K - 4-15-2009 at 07:49 AM

The road to Agua Verde... at the top of the DROP OFF:

805gregg - 4-15-2009 at 08:39 AM

I wouldn't want to take a large top heavy camper in there, the road is very narrow and the rock overhang the road in some places, plus if you decide its too tuff there is no where to turn around.

DianaT - 4-15-2009 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Cochi
Reading tween the lines, Thanx for the "better than ever" advice. My Toyota and popup camper will make the trek b4 the next hurricane. I respect what is going on ,but since reading the secret book twice it is about time to cross that destination off the to do list.

Toyota with popup should be no problem at all. We have a Tundra with a shell and last time we went down there, I drove and I am a wuss---

But I do agree, a big unit could be a problem.

It is a beautiful spot and quite popular with a number of people. Have a great time


shari - 4-15-2009 at 09:06 AM

this is one of my favorite curves and the only one with a sign warning of hairpin turn...very very very scary dropoffs with no guardrails anywhere and no way to turn around.

and this is our campsite

when on holiday, it's all about eating the local was one of my breakfasts...a unique pan made in agua verde I decided to BBQ...delicioso

We have a tradition of buying a lamb for the family we know there and we all gather for a nice BBQ and lamb birria.

And we also take advantage of the goat lady's marvelous chivos...she told us about how the dog (see if you can find it in the photo) is raised being nursed by the goats so he protects them.

Another favorite meal there is pargo...yummy grilled!

when it was windy one morning, instead of cruising in the panga, we visited the cave paintings nearby.

What a wonderful camping trip.....ahhhhh baja!

The road is not for the timid.. but bad? Not really...just spooky in places.

Pompano - 4-15-2009 at 09:44 AM

shari, as you know, Agua Verde is not exactly unknown...;D I wouldn't worry to much about giving out any secrets.

We first started camping there around 1980 or so and have been there a few times since. Always a great time, but not a secret Baja place at all. Quite the contrary.

This is our campsite at Aqua Verde, winter of 1988. I believe I was the longer load with my 25ft Minnie Winnie towing a small boat.


We beach-launched the light tin boat and had many a great fish dinner around our campfire, plus some excellent diving. Note the trailer extension for easier beach launchings.


We also had a visitor ...The Green Tortoise Bus. Thankfully, none of us had heard about that bad road. :rolleyes:

Not really a problem getting down or up.... if you watch that one bad dropoff curve as shar's photo shows!

I know this corner only too well. Not a place to meet uncoming traffic. Send a scout to check traffic ...and enjoy the tranquily ahead.

[Edited on 4-15-2009 by Pompano]

Marie-Rose - 4-15-2009 at 09:48 AM

I know this corner only too well. Not a place to meet uncoming traffic. Send a scout to warm traffic ...and enjoy the tranquily ahead.

This was the spot where we ran into a herd of cattle. We came to a stop and it took a lot of inching forward until they lined up one by one against the cliff so we could squeeze by!! At one point the horns on one of the large bulls was scraping against the side of the van:o:o

Phil S - 4-15-2009 at 11:51 AM

Brother & I had visited A.V. so many times, I've forgotten how many times we'd driven it. times in a 4X4 mostly. Always in 4 w.d. coming up that "one" spot where there was concrete poured, and the curve was 'tight' and praying no one else was coming down hell bent for an election" always helped. Other times after heavy rains, that corner was a two or three mile an hour turn!!!!! I'd never seen the Green T. down there Sometimes when they were there, it was parked on the right hand side at the top of the hill. Brother had sold a small Boles Aero 25' travel trailer to a Frenchman from Point Reyes, Cal years ago, and found someone to tow it down, and install it on a soft sand beach. I think his name was George, though he preferred to be called Jorge. and his little dog called Fi Fi (I think) who could only speak French (the dog he says)!!!! On many visits, we'd find Jorge with no clothes on, and would have Wendy wait in the truck until he got dressed?????? (her idea not mine. I didn't care) He's always serve up a great lunch of fresh fruit & some kind of fish. An occational trip would include a lunch at the 'village' restaurant where sometimes the lady would send her husband to the little tienda down the street for Cokes!!!! I don't think this area is ever going to be 'over populated'. There is one beach, very very long, that could camp an army.
Beautiful area. Maybe five years ago, a visit there, we discovered a couple new homes built on a bluff. One occupied (we got a tour from the caretaker???) Other house above it was still in construction. The owner I believe was from Davis California. Had something to do with a huge boat dealership. supposedly his wife didn't like it there, so maybe by now, it has a new owner. anyone familiar with the store?????
Viva la Agua Verde!!!!!!

Skip_Mac - 4-16-2009 at 10:32 PM

Those site photos sure look similar to a place visited by Green Totroise... Definitely NOT a road for long or high loads. The nasty curve with the poured reinforced concrete was tight with a cliff on the high side. Traffic on the road happened both times we traveled it ...and yes the Bus stayed at the top for excellent reasons. Many other more easily accessible locations were passed closer to Loreto..

Interesting to hear a bit of the history of the houses started above the tidal lagoon. Rumor was that it was intended for a yacht harbor for the escalante development scheme. That would have required extensive destructive dredging as it is dry twice a day.

A special area...but not reasonably accessible except by smaller vehicles. The beach was rocky...worse than I had hoped, but I guess sand is in short supply on the SOC side.

BAJACAT - 4-17-2009 at 08:04 PM

So much to keep this prestine baja location a secret, FOUR WHEELER magazine has 4 page article about AGUA VERDE Secrets of Baja California Part 1. Thats also on my to do list right next to San Francisco de La Sierra.

Ps. note that article states Part 1 , so it makes you wonder, what other location will be next.

[Edited on 4-18-2009 by BAJACAT]

David K - 4-18-2009 at 07:38 AM

That is the Gary & Monica Wescott of the long time running Turtle Expeditions... Four Wheeling around the world. Their first 'Turtle' was a Land Rover... they have sure discovered what works and what doesn't over the years!

I haven't subscribed to Four Wheeler in a while, what month issue is that Jose? I am getting Dirt Sports, Off Road, Jp (Jeep), and Petersen's Four Wheel & Off Road.

shari - 4-18-2009 at 07:41 AM

I always have mixed feelings about these wonderful places being "discovered". We have many friends that are from and live in Agua Verde and it always saddens us to see how they are barely surviving...can barely feed their families and cry tears of gratitude when we bring them "mandado" meaning groceries, clothes and fishing gear.

We talked alot this trip about what would help their situation and they all agree that increased visitors is what helps them most when they drop a bit of cold cash there. The ladies sell their trinkets, shell jewellery they make and muffins etc to make ends meet and the more folks that buy this local stuff...the better. Visitors buy stuff from the store like the awesome goat cheese...homemade food stuff and contract services for pangas, gas, ice etc. My breakfast bread thing was outstanding!!!! Look for Martin Amador, the cop and he can get you a wonderful goat or lamb and cook it up for you...a meal you will never forget at their humble abode...hands down THE best meals I've ever had in Baja.

So if you are going to visit, please bring them some donations of whatever...and buy their groceries from Dona Maria at the store and try to spread a few pesos around the place.

[Edited on 4-18-2009 by shari]

Cochi - 4-18-2009 at 08:48 AM

Wonderful info. Thanx to all of you for your comments and pics. The bad road was our concern. Last year, we did the road from Ensenada de Los Muertos to el Cardonal. Our only inquiry b4 doin it was the Gigglin Marlin's bartender. He said no problem and you could make it in a two wheel drive vehicle. It is no secret, that road was scary and I would never suggest it. Same with the road to San Eva......shhhhhhh. new thread?

BAJACAT - 4-18-2009 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by David K
That is the Gary & Monica Wescott of the long time running Turtle Expeditions... Four Wheeling around the world. Their first 'Turtle' was a Land Rover... they have sure discovered what works and what doesn't over the years!

I haven't subscribed to Four Wheeler in a while, what month issue is that Jose? I am getting Dirt Sports, Off Road, Jp (Jeep), and Petersen's Four Wheel & Off Road.
dAVID IS THE june 2009 ISSUE...

Beware of camp invaders

jeans - 4-18-2009 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by shari

So if you are going to visit, please bring them some donations of whatever...and buy their groceries from Dona Maria at the store and try to spread a few pesos around the place.

We had fresh lobster delivered to our camp one morning..delicious...but we had invaders that night in our camp.. Here's the accounting from 7 years ago...

"WAKE UP...I hear something outside!" I tried to peer out of the condensation-covered windows of the camper. The moon is out and the shadows being cast are confusing. I hear more sounds and as my eyes adjust to the light I see shadows moving about our camp. There are three of them. They have on masks. "Huh?" is his only reply, but I'm banging on the sides of the camper to scare them away. I finally open the door yelling at the intruders and I see...yes there are three of them running away... their ringed tails disappearing into the night.....;D

LaTijereta - 4-19-2009 at 08:41 AM

Here are some pics from back in 1998.. The village has not changed much over the years.. A must read is Gene Kira's book "King of the Moon" that brings to life a story about this village set in the 60's...

Dropping down, you have a great view of Isla Catalin and Monserate.

The village is spread around the bay..and back up the arroyo

The "hook" on the north side of the bay offers good ancorage for sailboats

toneart - 4-19-2009 at 10:08 AM

Regarding Gary and Monica Wescott, they have two of those vehicles in the photograph. They are outfitted to the max and they have many sponsors; Ford, tires, all their gear. They travel all over the world and write travel articles.

I met them for the first time last year at The El Patron Restaurant, down by the lighthouse in Mulege. We had diinner and cervezas together. They were very interesting people with a pretty cool lifestyle. Ironically, they are from Nevada City, CA., my other home.

If you go to Agua Verde, look out for the Glowing Man. Some Nomad, I don't remember who, posted a photo here about a year ago.

Agua Verde is one of the most beautiful spots on earth, judging by photos and people's testimonials who have been there. I have not. I want to go by boat sometime.:coolup:

Pompano - 4-19-2009 at 10:27 AM

Tony, a few of us from Up North and The Bay are taking a fishing/camping trek-walkabout next winter with boats, campers and camp followers. Agua Verde will be a port of call, along with Mag Bay, Scorpion Bay, Abreojos, La Bocana, and Asuncion.

See you before then in Scotty's and we'll yak it up. This is something you would like to do. You NEED to see Agua Verde.

toneart - 4-19-2009 at 11:02 AM

I'll be on it! Sound great! I also have good friends in La Bocana, Les Heil and his wife, Blanca, who recently opened a B&B. May be an option if a hot shower is needed. Good people. Good fishing too. I taught ESL with Blanca in San Diego and went to their wedding in La Bocana last year. For sure, we can drop in on Shari and Juan in Asuncion. I hope a year's notice is enough warning for them. ;)