if you live in la paz, maybe you can help expedite getting an injured dog help faster than i can do it alone...
probably hit by a car, she has a bad chest wound. we're here short term so i don't know all the ends and outs of la paz or the shelter i've read
about in el centarrio.
so if you are familiar with how operation works, if they have someone that can pick her up, etc. it'd be most helpful. i'm debating trying to load
her up and put her on patio for the night but that be either too stressful for her or dangerous for me.
she is the black dog (there are 3 dogs all together) that follows around the guy who collects cans - i haven't seem him tonight. they're ususally
hanging out on beach during day and with him at night...
thinking that shelter can help her at cost - which were glad to donate towards.lesliego - 5-4-2009 at 09:45 PM
You know, you guys are something to be proud of - taking care of injured dogs - I'm happy to even know you on this board. Hopefully, you'll take that
good care of me, if I need it. I know I would of you....Awatson - 5-4-2009 at 10:21 PM
I'd just put 'em down when something like that happens. It's a dog. I have one too! But....it's a dog. I'm sure I won't be the only A-hole to post
reality...or maybe I will?redhilltown - 5-4-2009 at 11:51 PM
Good luck for what you are doing. As for just "putting it down" I can understand the logic but not the emotion...you take a stand, you do your best
and then maybe you have to call it a day. There is something pure about Baja dogs in that for all their scruffiness and lack of class, they have
charm. I have met a lot a great dogs down there and felt sorry for a lot more. Which reminds me to take Kim in El Rosario some supplies next time
through...she does great work.CaboRon - 5-5-2009 at 06:40 AM
Originally posted by Awatson
I'd just put 'em down when something like that happens. It's a dog. I have one too! But....it's a dog. I'm sure I won't be the only A-hole to post
reality...or maybe I will?
cjinca - 5-5-2009 at 10:16 AM
thanks for info. quick update, fed the two (partner) tacos last night. she was in good spirits, ate heartily, doesn't seem to be in shock - which is
amazing. neck is opened up (4-5 inches) with dried sand in it, showing the red tissue towards middle. but is a pretty fresh wound. probably a car
accident as you can place on nose, leg as well. figuring the license plate may have sliced her up.
husband was very reluctant to try and load her. so we're back in to town to check emails, and see what we can get done for her.
will let y'all know something later.Neal Johns - 5-5-2009 at 02:44 PM
Thanks, cjinca,
Keep up the good work.
NealMarie-Rose - 5-5-2009 at 08:05 PM
Gracias for those who don't have words to say thanks
bajaguy - 5-5-2009 at 08:20 PM
Please check your u2ulonglegsinlapaz - 5-5-2009 at 08:40 PM
If you haven't yet gotten the dog to a Vet....or a Vet to the dog, try calling Thomas Rodriguez @ 612-122-5662. His clinic is on Madero 2 blocks off
the malecon. It's to the left off De Leon, which is the 4-way stop in front of Plaza Coral. He does house calls, so he'd do a malecon visit! Thank
you for caring!
OOPS!! Madero is TWO blocks off the malecon! Sorry!
[Edited on 5-6-2009 by longlegsinlapaz]Udo - 5-5-2009 at 08:47 PM
A newbie doing a terrific deed for a dog in Baja. We need more members like cjinca.
The majority of members generally think that a lose dog in Baja is better off dead.
This post brings tears to my eyes.
I would do the same thing, cjinca!
Thanks for caring.Stickers - 5-5-2009 at 11:18 PM
Originally posted by udowinkler
The majority of members generally think that a lose dog in Baja is better off dead.
I don't think so Udo - Bajahowodd - 5-5-2009 at 11:29 PM
Been all over Mexico. Ya just gotta understand, given the culture and the economy, dogs do not get the same level of care as up North. As awful as it
may seem, sick and injured dogs are just not the priority that gringos expect. Not being judgemental, just observing the real world in Mexico.cjinca - 5-6-2009 at 06:41 PM
the saga continues...
found the dogs last night with no problem... fed them again, took photos, loved on them but no way is 'blackie' gonna have a leash on her. and with
wounded neck, sure wouldn't push it. so we walked, and fed, and took our dog back home so husband could try his magic...nope.
so i concluded that either: dog will get weak enough to let us help her, or we
could ask the guy she follows to help when we see him again...
but hey, the idea of vet coming to malecon is a thought... thanks!
yeah, we went to shelter to get info (that was a trip in itself).
talked with mario, learned about place and then paul talked with someone on phone in english to get details. they gave us the name of two docs that
do low cost work for dogs going to shelter. very cool.
and we made plans to show up monday and help out around shelter - only think i don't relish is making the 20 minute washboard road drive... we don't
have truck/4 wheel, etc. so it's wild.
as for all the 'dog better off dead' pieces shared, i can't easily respond to that. but read between the lines: we have a rescue dog from mexico.
got him at about 8 weeks, now he's 3. life is not always rosy for us humans - right? this guy has been my buen amigo for the last 3 years... he's
probably got abandonment issues cuz he was dumped as a pup in an unpopulated area... so he goes where we go.
he has been my buddy. then there is blackie, the hurt dog. she's not on death's door. she gets fed regularly, has two great dog friends and the
'can guy'. not talking about trying to pour thousands of dollars in a dog that
has no hope.
why would i help her? cuz i can. why not? i don't address all the suffering i see, don't have the means to, but i am able to take off time to play
in mexico - and my philosophy is giving back... i can buy tacos, cervezas, watch the sunsets, etc... the percentage i give back is i'm sure well less
than 1% of what i have. better than nothing and hopefully the amount is growing as i wake up.
and lastly, it's interesting how we conform to society or buck it - usually bases on what feels good, huh?
so i did respond a bit... scrambled as it is.
and as always - thanks for all the tips. now i'll try to figure out was u2u is. cjinca - 5-6-2009 at 06:48 PM
go to bajadogs.com and check out site. you can volunteer, donate, adopt local or internationally... amazing place.longlegsinlapaz - 5-6-2009 at 06:55 PM
Originally posted by cjinca
and as always - thanks for all the tips. now i'll try to figure out was u2u is.
U2U is a private e-mail here within Baja Nomad. Scroll to the top of any page, upper right corner & you should see a line telling you you have a
message....or you can click on the "U2U" down a couple lines if you want to send a msg without have a message alert line present.cjinca - 5-6-2009 at 07:11 PM
thanks! i did it.grace59 - 5-9-2009 at 12:20 PM
How's the dog doing now? It's been a couple of days since the last update.cjinca - 5-9-2009 at 07:54 PM
no real update other than to say, we're back in town with peanut butter coated dog food (dogs weren't the least bit interested in reg. dog food last
time but love tacos). thought we'd check on blackie, brought hydrogen peroxide with us. and will talk to vets tomorrow about a tranquilizer to get
her to vets that work with bajadogs.
last evening we were 'on pursuit' was pretty hysterical, really. the white dog is in heat and she was sharing her interest with male dog and then
taking time out to lick blackie's neck... pretty sweet.
we were in san jose the last two days so haven't been around malecon till this evening. will let you know. like your quote, grace... grace59 - 5-10-2009 at 10:47 AM
like your quote, grace...
Thanks, but the credit goes to Carlos Santana...it is from the Santana and Willie Nelson song..They all went to Mexico...one of my favorite Mexico
songs.cjinca - 5-10-2009 at 08:41 PM
didn't dogs last night or tonight... will keep trying.
frizkie - 5-14-2009 at 11:04 PM
Quote:"Which reminds me to take Kim in El Rosario some supplies next time through...she does great work."
Kim, in El Rosario, is indeed incredible with all the work she does re dogs and cats in that area. I have brought a few of her rescues back to Canada
for adoption over the years. Please say "Hi" from me - Barb in Canada - if you see her soon.
I always stop by to see her each year when I'm going South and North but I missed her this year. Could you also tell her "Misha" is doing Really
Really well and has an awesome family in Victoria.
Thanxcjinca - 5-15-2009 at 08:47 PM
update: we went to a vet associated with bajadogs.com and told him situation. he gave us tranquilizers and we hoped to bring blackie in that night as
we'd just seen the group of dogs before going to vet. but no, dogs were gone. then we saw them around 7:30pm and vet closes at 8pm. so didn't have
time for drug to work and get to vet. plus, it's not a good time of days cuz dogs seem to travel across the street looking for 'mario'. we met him
later that evening and told him we'd like to get dog treated at vet. he seemed good with it. since then, it's been cat and mouse trying to find the
so we went back to vet, asked for some type of topical antibiotic to give in the even we see dogs when vet is closed (which seems to be often the
blackie is still doing good, though wound is gaping.
i don't see link for inserting photos but when i find it, i'll share pic.cjinca - 8-12-2009 at 02:03 PM
well, we've been back in socal for almost 2 months. In cleaning out my inbox, I realize that I never followed up on Blackie.
The short of it is, she was healing on her own quite well last time we checked. Wound had closed and her friend was continuing to lick it,
encouraging drainage.
We'd bought a tranquilizer, antibiotic spray, visited vet's office twice, seen her once or twice a week and decided to leave things as they were.
She'll have an ugly scar but my husband thinks it will heal up completely. He compared it to a non-show cow/horse injury.
So again thanks for all the replies. Thinking it's still quite hot there. Enjoy the shade and tacos for us. Carol
[Edited on 8-12-2009 by cjinca]
Kell-Baja - 8-13-2009 at 04:52 PM
I couldn't have said it better.
Originally posted by lesliego
You know, you guys are something to be proud of - taking care of injured dogs - I'm happy to even know you on this board. Hopefully, you'll take that
good care of me, if I need it. I know I would of you....
BajaGringo - 8-13-2009 at 04:56 PM
Thanks so much - you are an angel...Mika - 8-14-2009 at 08:17 AM
Thank you for a good story (and with the happy ending!) I am often too scare to read any Mexican dog related posts as they just break my heart. But
as I am getting ready to get to Baja again soon, I am trying to read up just in case I can do something to help.
We are headed to Baja next month and probably stop in La Paz too. If you see the dog I will let you know how she is doing.DrTom - 8-15-2009 at 08:21 AM
it looks like it will heal. theres a bed of granulation tissue already. next time if theres a similar situation, if you can take a photo and u2u me i
may be able to help.cjinca - 8-16-2009 at 11:08 AM
Buenos Dias, Kell-Baja, BajaGringo, Mika, Dr.Tom and the rest...
Sitting in a tea shoppe in Idyllwild this fine Sunday morning enjoying the mountains, trees and air.
Mika, I would LOVE to hear that Blackie is still cruising along. She is most likely pregant, FYI. The terrier had mated both females over a 3 week
period. You'll probably see the dogs along the malecon during the day, and late evening, they'll stroll with Manuel (I think I remember correctly) on
the business side of street, getting cans from trash barrels. He feeds them from barrels, too - fresh throw-aways. I'm including pic of the trio.
Dr. Tom, Blanca was continuing to lick wound even when it had closed, which I think is probably pretty essential for drainage and keeping it open
enough to heal from the inside. Hope so.
Thanks again to all and Happy Sunday! cj
DrTom - 8-16-2009 at 02:59 PM
yes, licking can keep it "debrided" but for it to eventually heal, id recommend maybe polysporin or some kind of antibiotic ointment 2-3 times a day
without any steroids (ie hydrocortisone).....and possibly an "elizabethan collar" so the dog cant lick it....