
Memorial Day Weekend 2009 was soooo fine! Josh's Photos added 6-3-09

David K - 5-26-2009 at 10:56 AM

We were in need of a Baja Fix... It had been over four months since our New Year's trip that included such great events as Baja Lou's Turkey Festival and seeing the Lost Mission site, discovered in 1966!

With only 3 days off from work, something close to the border was called for and the choice was our favorite beach camping location... the place I named Shell Island some 31 years ago. Located between Percebu and Bahia Santa Maria, this barrier island remains an undeveloped paradise of sand and sea to those wishing solitude and no services, what-so-ever.

This weekend trip we had Baja Angel's son Josh and his lady, Kelly joining us. We left our North San Diego County home Friday afternoon afternoon and crossed into Baja at Tecate where a stop at El Güerito Tacos was in order.

No gunshots were heard, so we didn't rush our dinner along the main street there! The El Hongo toll was 52 pesos/ 4.00 dollars and it got dark soon after the La Rumorosa toll, where we paid $1.25 (or 15 pesos)... The final toll is where the Libramento de Mexicali meets Highway 5, and was 52 pesos ($4.35).

We arrived in San Felipe about 10:30 pm and topped the gas tank... Magna was 7+/ litre (I didn't note the centavos)and Premium was 9+/ litre and the exchange rate was 12.70 pesos per dollar (~$2.20 regular and ~$2.80 premium/ gallon). Off to Shell Island, where we wanted to beat the 1 am high tide... (I call it 'Island' for a reason)!

We had 3 great days on the beach... During our stay, we had a nice visit from BajaRob and Connie who rode out to us on their quads. The next day, we drove to their home for a visit and also saw 'steekers' who was hanging out at Baja Warrior's area, nearby.

The trip home was easy... first, we stopped in San Felipe at a one man car wash to get the salty mud washed off from the Tacoma, while the kids were during some tourist shopping. He spent a long time on the job, asked for only 80 pesos ($6.30) and appreciated the additional 40 peso ($3.70) tip he earned. Then we went to the fish taco plaza for some delicious fish, shrimp and carne asada tacos, ceviche, beer, margarita, soda, etc. With drinks we all ate well for only $26 + tip.

San Felipe seemed very quiet for Memorial Day... tourism has to be hurting for Baja merchants. The lack of tourists makes Baja all that more attractive for vacationing and the prices are right-on!

We drove back to Tecate and had only a 37 minute border wait starting about 5 pm Monday. The highways were all excellent and even the 10 mile dirt detour north of San Felipe was great... fast and nearly dust free! The military checkpoint was a bit slow, but this is Mexico and you should never be in a hurry!

Baja was a great place to be for Memorial Day Weekend... once again!

Now some photos...

[Edited on 6-3-2009 by David K]

ELINVESTIG8R - 5-26-2009 at 11:01 AM

David I'm glad you guys had a wonderful Memorial Day in Baja. I can't wait til October to go see Mama! Photos would be great. Thanks David.

David M

Baja 5-09 Photos (Shell Island)

David K - 5-26-2009 at 11:07 AM

Our camp in the dunes:

Saturday morning low tide:

Plovers (mama y papa?)

Baby plover (soon?):

Baby tern seen last year in the same area:

The tide really goes out far... See our camp? In a couple hours I would be several feet under water and a half mile from shore!


Hermit Crab:

Josh tries fishing:

Sand Dollar:

Josh and Kelly shell hunting:

Baja Angel with Josh and Kelly under the sun shade:

Stay tuned for more...

[Edited on 6-2-2009 by David K]

Baja 509, cont'd.

David K - 5-26-2009 at 11:17 AM

High tide with the lagoon filled up (looking north):

By the water's edge, looking south on the gulf coast of Shell island:

Baja Angel chillin' and on vacation!

Sundown Sunday:

Josh and Kelly:

Think I have too many stickers?

Low tide Sunday evening:

The campfire is started:

Until next time... Have a GREAT Baja trip, everyone!

Bajahowodd - 5-26-2009 at 11:36 AM

Great photos, David. Thanks for sharing. Gotta admit that it made just a tad jealous.

shari - 5-26-2009 at 11:44 AM

Wow...looks so great...that's it...I'm packin up to go camping at our secret beach this weekend! thanks D for the inspiration.

ELINVESTIG8R - 5-26-2009 at 11:51 AM

Wow David great photos!. Makes me want to leave right now.

Shari hope your hideaway getaway is wonderful too. Remember take pictures and share them here with the rest of us "Not in Baja right now types." Well share the ones you can share anyway. Hahahahaha. Take care girl. David

BajaGeoff - 5-26-2009 at 01:35 PM

Great stuff DK!

BAJACAT - 5-26-2009 at 01:53 PM

I see you updated your tent david,thanks for the trip report and pix. for the longest time I always go out in Memorial day but this year nothing for me, I stay home due to my son's senior prom was in friday, maybe next time,i know Baja will be there for me when i get back...

Cypress - 5-26-2009 at 01:56 PM

David K, Thanks for the report!:yes: And your pictures are super!!!:yes:Thanks again! :bounce:

David K - 5-26-2009 at 02:14 PM

Thanks amigos for the comments!

As you know, I mostly use photos for 'color' and the text part of my reports are the 'black and white' for the basic facts and details of my trip.

It was a great weekend and the lack of any drama (shootings, corruption, breakdowns, etc.) made it very easy to make plans for a return very soon!

The Toyota has over 92,000 miles and is 3.75 years old this month... still strong 'like ox'!

Jose, yes... the tent on the right is a new one for us... one we can actually stand up in... and makes getting dressed, so much easier!

Thanks again for reading and viewing my trip report...

I may have more photos (from Josh's camera) and can share once I get them.

Bajaboy - 5-26-2009 at 02:26 PM


I appreciate you taking the time to share your trip with us. Looks like a great, quick getaway. How were the temps?

A little over a month for me....


Woooosh - 5-26-2009 at 02:32 PM

What a beautiful spot. It looks very toasty. The trip details were a nice touch- with all the tolls, petrol rates and timing. Thanks.

David K - 5-26-2009 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy

I appreciate you taking the time to share your trip with us. Looks like a great, quick getaway. How were the temps?

A little over a month for me....


Daytime was about 85º-90º with a nice sea breeze... Very comfortable 72º at night.

The sea was 'refreshing' to swim in, but on the slight cool side of what we usually like. We like 'bath water' Cortez temps. and will return in the next 4 months for that 'Baja feeling'!

Driving home, across the desert it was 100º near Mexicali and 77º up at La Rumorosa.

fishbuck - 5-26-2009 at 06:08 PM

Great photos David! Always makes me feel good!

David K - 5-26-2009 at 06:51 PM

Thanks Fishbuck, and de nada Woooosh!

David K - 5-27-2009 at 07:45 AM

Anybody else go to Baja last weekend?

sorry we missed you!

steekers - 5-27-2009 at 08:12 PM

Hey David:

We missed you there that morning. Apparently you drove by but the couple we were with didn't recognize your truck until later when I asked. I rode up on my quad but not far enough to spot your camp. We went to Chuck's place and they were on the way to play in the bay so we followed. We had a great time there and too bad all of us couldn't connect up.

I wonder why you didn't come by to see our place at EDR on the way out! Maybe next time.

BajaWarrior - 5-27-2009 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by steekers
Hey David:

We missed you there that morning. Apparently you drove by but the couple we were with didn't recognize your truck until later when I asked. I rode up on my quad but not far enough to spot your camp. We went to Chuck's place and they were on the way to play in the bay so we followed. We had a great time there and too bad all of us couldn't connect up.

I wonder why you didn't come by to see our place at EDR on the way out! Maybe next time.

Hey Michael,

Good times in the lagoon! Nice job waterski'ng! Jim too, he was tear'n it up.

We are there at the lagoon each trip for some smooth water, it holds up well even when it's blowing white caps on the outside.

Nice to see you guys again...


woody with a view - 5-27-2009 at 09:27 PM

what's the deal with the sand bags?

bajadogs - 5-27-2009 at 10:09 PM

Glad you had a good Memorial Weekend David K,
Have you ever heard of the "Martyrs of the Race Course"?

Bob H - 5-28-2009 at 06:27 AM

David, always enjoy your trip report with photos... fantastic.

Looks like you had a nice visit to Shell Island - AGAIN!

Did anyone catch any fish from shore?

Bob H

David K - 5-28-2009 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by woody in ob
what's the deal with the sand bags?

An improvement over the plastic buckets we used before... to hold the sun shade down in the breeze/ wind with bungee cords.

Bob H - 5-28-2009 at 08:13 AM

The sand bags are a great idea David. A nice improvement.
Bob H

David K - 5-28-2009 at 08:15 AM

Originally posted by steekers
Hey David:

We missed you there that morning. Apparently you drove by but the couple we were with didn't recognize your truck until later when I asked. I rode up on my quad but not far enough to spot your camp. We went to Chuck's place and they were on the way to play in the bay so we followed. We had a great time there and too bad all of us couldn't connect up.

I wonder why you didn't come by to see our place at EDR on the way out! Maybe next time.

We got a late start out and needed to get back before dark... next time perhaps?

We only did one drive that day off Shell Island, to visit with Rob & Connie... we were about to leave when you got on the VHF radio and said you were coming in to visit... so we waited and waited... Still no steekers, so we finally left as Rob & Connie needed to get to El Vergel for a function. When we got to Chuck's place, it was a shock to see you just sitting there...??? If we hadn't driven to Chuck's before heading back to the island... we would have missed you entirely! :light:

David K - 5-28-2009 at 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
The sand bags are a great idea David. A nice improvement.
Bob H

Yes... Baja Angel's great idea... I tend to use what I have in my garage (old Costco soap buckets)!

The bags are from Lowes and are the reusable shopping bags they sell for 99 cents each... They worked great as sand bags to hold the shade structure down and fold flat for packing.

dccf - 5-29-2009 at 08:41 AM

Where did you get the sand for the sand bags?:):):lol::lol: Sorry, couldn't resist.

David K - 5-29-2009 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by bajadogs
Glad you had a good Memorial Weekend David K,
Have you ever heard of the "Martyrs of the Race Course"?

Nope... What are they?

David K - 5-29-2009 at 08:57 AM

Originally posted by dccf
Where did you get the sand for the sand bags?:):):lol::lol: Sorry, couldn't resist.

Okay... you got me... I usually don't leave out any details of my trip!:lol::light:

oldjack - 5-29-2009 at 08:59 AM

DK is so organized he probably carried the sand with him so that he wouldn't have to disturb his campsite.... what a naturalist!!!!

David K - 5-29-2009 at 09:21 AM

Originally posted by oldjack
DK is so organized he probably carried the sand with him so that he wouldn't have to disturb his campsite.... what a naturalist!!!!

Wow, you guys know all my secrets!:lol::biggrin:

David K - 6-1-2009 at 10:06 AM

Originally posted by bajadogs
Glad you had a good Memorial Weekend David K,
Have you ever heard of the "Martyrs of the Race Course"?

Still waiting to hear what they are...?

I will have a few photos from Josh's camera to share, a but later on!

ursidae69 - 6-1-2009 at 02:27 PM

Originally posted by David K
Terns (mama y papa?)

They are plovers. I think they are Wilson's Plovers, but I'm not 100%. Cool pics.

David K - 6-1-2009 at 09:33 PM

I would like to confirm this have a link to a bird or bird egg ID chart?... Did you see the photos last year when the terns (or plovers) were dive bombing me as I neared the chicks? Chick photo in this year's Baja Calender.

There is a larger species of this bird out there as well... looks and flies the same... hovers like a helicopter before diving for a fish, too... Someone at Percebu once ID'ed them as Terns, so I never investigated further...

Thank you!

David K - 6-1-2009 at 09:45 PM

Last year's images:

California Least Tern (Wikipedia):

Little Tern:

Now just maybe, last year's birds and chick are different from the 'mama & papa' birds and egg of this year... It is just that the nesting habbit was identicle...?

[Edited on 6-2-2009 by David K]

[Edited on 6-2-2009 by David K]

ursidae69 - 6-2-2009 at 07:07 AM

Originally posted by David K
Last year's images:

Yup, those are terns, but the momma and pappa picture are plovers.

David K - 6-2-2009 at 11:36 AM

Thanks... Can you ID the egg? I am pretty sure the mama/ papa birds (plovers) were the ones nesting... but it was in the same beach location as the tern chicks last year.

From Josh's camera...

David K - 6-3-2009 at 09:28 AM

Josh and Kelly... Josh works for Ivan Stewart's son Craig (Stewart's Raceworks) on off road race trucks.

Tiny crab on a sand dollar

Campsite in the dunes

Elizabeth and Kelly

Some reading relax time on Shell Island

Elizabeth and I enjoying the campfire

[Edited on 6-3-2009 by David K]

David K - 6-8-2009 at 04:15 PM

Bump for some nice recent memories...

GeoRock - 6-8-2009 at 11:09 PM

Did you remember to clean your air filter this trip? LOL. You know what I mean. Great pics. When you gonna go further south?

David K - 6-9-2009 at 08:55 AM

Originally posted by GeoRock
Did you remember to clean your air filter this trip? LOL. You know what I mean. Great pics. When you gonna go further south?

Memories of Mike Humfreville's big white Suburban, President's Day Weekend, 2004... Saturday's trip to Shell Island from our base camp at Nuevo Mazatlan. Surfer Jim, Mexray, Bob H were some other Nomads who joined us!:

Mike Humfreville chats with 'ViaBaja' who was out Jeep'n on Shell Island that day:

[Edited on 6-9-2009 by David K]

David K - 6-12-2009 at 07:39 AM

Last photo of ViaBaja in 2004, who today just added his Shell Island photos taken last week...