Originally posted by BajaBad
I am so thankful I clicked on this link, article by Costa Rican president Óscar Arias talking about the history of the U.S. and of Latin America and
some of the reasons for current realities today, including the economic disparities that many are trying to amend.
Not too long ago, Hilary Clinton visited Mexico and gave the message that the U.S. needs to take responsiblity for much of the current drug war and
carnage that has overtaken Mexico. In response, I simply cringe. And as with many non-drug abusing Americans, say in essence - what a load of crap.
Heaven forbid Mexico should be responsible and accountable for violence and drug activity that occurs within its borders. And of course there are not
(most illegal) Mexicans operating in the U.S. funneling drugs through established channels, operating for Mexican-based drug cartels and goodness
sakes - possibly imbibing in illegal substances as well.
But does the U.S. retort back to Mexico in this way? Try to blame Mexican criminals in the U.S. for the what is so often referred to as our
'insatiable demand for drugs' that is fueling illegal activity in Mexico and other countries? No, we take responsibility for criminal activity, and
criminals, that have made their way within our borders - as best as is possible.
And yes, we should help bordering countries and others to but are we RESPONSIBLE for other countries problems. No.