
BOLA Trip Report: The Captain Finds a Permanent Home

bajamigo - 6-8-2009 at 05:12 PM

This trip really started with a post by Paulina a little while back: Canadian Captain Needs a Home. Many big-hearted Nomads offered to take him (if only he knew), but our good friend Bajaguy got the call. Of course when we (Beachbum 1A and Bajamigo) learned he was going to BOLA for the Captain, our immediate reaction was..."Road trip!"

So when D-Day rolled around, off went the three of us to bring the pooch home. Naturally, any Baja trip starts with a hearty breakfast (Beachbum and Bajaguy could hardly make it out the door):

Here Bajamigo congratulates Bajaguy on getting us all the way from Punta Banda to Maneadero without incident:

With car and crew fully fueled, we jump in the Mighty Mazda and head down to BOLA. Despite our pleadings, Bajaguy insists on doing all the driving---both ways!

We determined to make it to BOLA by 5, but there's always time to stop and make new friends, like BajaGringo (a great guy):

We met up with him in a bar in San Quintin, one purpose of which was to deliver the excellent hot sauces prepared by BajaNuts. Ron is really interesting, and we wished we could have stayed longer, but we had to soldier on:

So we hit the boojum trail and raced for BOLA, with only one stop, lobster burritos at the "Bocana Beach" in el Rosario. They were very tasty and nicely prepared. An order of three burritos set each of us back 150 pesos. Yes, in a failure of imagination, we all had lobster burritos, but we enjoyed them.

At about 5, we got to BOLA:

We checked into the Costa del Sol. The rooms were clean and comfortable, and they ran the central air till about 11, a much-appreciated gesture by us thick-blooded norteños. Rooms also had ceiling fans, and the cost was 500 pesos for the night (each).

Before heading out to Camp Gecko (or thereabouts), we treated ourselves to Victoria's excellent margaritas:

We got there in time to join in the fiesta which the superfriendly neighbors were throwing for Mike and Virginia, who are leaving BOLA for Guanajuato; "Virginia" is the same person (saint) mentioned in Paulina's post about Captain.

The world's wackiest bocce game was also in progress. I was raised Italian but never saw it played on soft sand:

So we enjoyed some great food and great company after a gruelling day of napping in the car (except for Bajaguy, of course). And the views....WOW!

Bajaguy seemed to be something of a local hero. Here Virginia gives him a warm expression of appreciation:

We can't wait to meet Captain, so when the fiesta wound down, we went to Virginia's home for the big moment. We learned this soon, but Captain is a sweetheart, and his greeting was as warm as a dog who meets a stranger can be. Bajaguy is hooked:

He is one noble and handsome pooch!

Captain's foster siblings seem to know he's bound for heaven on earth in the north, but they'll miss him anyway (as will Mike and Virginia):

So the next morning, Sunday, we're up early (it's only about 95º by then), have a great breakfast prepared by Victoria, and take the scenic route to Gecko.

There are some interesting "sweetheart" notes along the way:

When we arrive back at Virginia's, Captain seems to sense the adventure that lies ahead and is eager to get going:

Captain settles into the back of the MM, where, as it turns out, he remained for about 5 minutes. Then he joined us in the main cabin for the rest of the trip. Beachbum had himself a wonderful, if not large, lapdog.

So off we went into the friendly skies. Captain was great for the entire trip. When he arrived at my house, he was greetd by our three dogs: Sadie (also a yellow lab), Barney and Lucy. And, oh yes, our kitten, Dot. They got along great!

We were all pretty tired and settled down for a great tri-tip dinner prepared by the lovely and talented Bajabound2005.

I'm sure my travelling companions will add important details that i may have omitted. A very happy Captain is now on his way to a permanent home in Carson City, to spend his days with another yellow lab, Libbie, of choco-flan mauling fame.

[Edited on 6-9-2009 by bajamigo]

Von - 6-8-2009 at 05:14 PM

Cool report my friend! Cannt wait to get to BOLA...

BajaWarrior - 6-8-2009 at 05:45 PM


your a good man for stepping up to the plate and giving that handsome dog a new forever home.


24baja - 6-8-2009 at 07:25 PM

We just returned from BOLA, was not able to hook up and visit Captain. I am so glad he has all of you wonderful people to take him in. I know you will make a better family life for him than I could give him. I am sooo happy for you! Good luck and best wishes to 3 wonderful gentalemen. Connie

Bajaboy - 6-8-2009 at 07:43 PM

Sounds like good company and a great road-trip.

David K - 6-8-2009 at 09:47 PM

Great photo trip report!

Driving companions..........

bajaguy - 6-8-2009 at 09:48 PM

And everytime I needed either bajamigo or beachbum to take the wheel, all I received in response was....zzzzzzzzz
Nothing like a roadtrip to get old guys sleepy.

Thanks to Bruce and Vince for the company and the good times!!!!

Checked the mileage on return to Carson City and it was a 2,060 mile good time!!!!!

PS:.......Captain is snoring as type!!!!

GeoRock - 6-8-2009 at 11:01 PM

Thanks for the report. Glad Captain has a new home.

I wasn't able to stay for Mike and Virginia's party, but your photos make me feel almost like I was there!

BajaNuts - 6-8-2009 at 11:14 PM

snoring I can handle, it's the other reminders that come out the other end that clear the room that I can't handle:lol:

I'm so glad to read Captain's story. Sounds like a great trip and I'm glad to hear some hot stuff made it to destinations planned. Thanks, y'all.

hope to see more of Captain's journey.

Paulina - 6-9-2009 at 07:20 AM

What a wonderful story! Made me a bit teary this morning. I'm glad everything worked out as it should.

Thank you for posting!


Marie-Rose - 6-9-2009 at 07:28 AM

So great to read first thing in the morning. Bajaguy... what a fabulous story. There's another lucky Baja hound!!!

BajaGringo - 6-9-2009 at 07:44 AM

Thanks guys for the report and it was great meeting you all. So happy to hear that Captain now has a good and permanent home. You are all top shelf in my book. Looking forward to meeting again soon and maybe even chase a little white ball together.

And thanks to Nuts for the hot sauce. It went right to work that night on a Baja beach fish dry. Thumbs up from everybody who tried them! I owe you a Cadillac Margarita or two...


Edited for inability to spell early in the AM before coffee and I was "outed" by bajabound 2005

We "dry" our fish off before frying them...


[Edited on 6-9-2009 by BajaGringo]

bajabound2005 - 6-9-2009 at 07:59 AM

Originally posted by BajaGringoAnd thanks to Nuts for the hot sauce. It went right to work that night on a Baja beach fish dry. Thumbs up from everybody who tried them! I owe you a Cadillac Margarita or two...;D

We have some of that hot sauce, too, and are looking for ways to give it the taste test. Exactly how does one make a Baja beach fish dry? With a beach towel? How do you use the hot sauce with that?

[sorry, I couldn't resist, but what the heck is a fish dry?]

[Edited on 6-9-2009 by bajabound2005]

bajaguy - 6-9-2009 at 08:05 AM

BB 2005........Cut the fish fillets into strips and hang on your driveway gate till dry, then dip in the hot sauce.

[Edited on 6-9-2009 by bajaguy]

beachbum1A - 6-9-2009 at 08:14 AM


None of us had ever been to the BOLA so that in itself was motivation, but to go there to help Captain find a permanent home was icing on the cake. Mike and Virginia, so typical of gringos living in Baja treated us like royalty (as did all their friends.)

Did Baja Amigo & I really sleep a lot? Yea probably, but no one remembered to bring an MP3 player or even a few CD’s so what else could a guy do but….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Good company, good food, and cold beer; what could you ask for? Well maybe next time we’ll set aside a day or two for some fishing.

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Cypress - 6-9-2009 at 08:56 AM

Thanks for the report and pictures. Looks like the captain has it made. :bounce:

lizard lips - 6-9-2009 at 08:56 PM

I don't know how you put up with both those guys for that long Vince? I can take Terry for a few hours but Bruce? How did you do it. Good thing I was in Guadalajara but then again no body invited me anyway....

Great lookin dog! Did you guys keep Bruce away from him on the way back?

bajamigo - 6-9-2009 at 09:07 PM

I was trying to sell him to Bruce, but Bajaguy kept whining about it. Seriously, anybody would want Captain. He's one of those dogs that has---and forgive me for saying this---a quiet nobility that almost makes him seem human. But you can join us on the next road trip---Terry needs drivers!

pal57 - 6-10-2009 at 04:38 AM

Nice trip report and photos.
Went to see where Bola was but can't find it on Google Earth.

Bye Pal57

Bob and Susan - 6-10-2009 at 05:25 AM


the avatar looks almost the SAME!!!

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longlegsinlapaz - 6-10-2009 at 06:04 AM

Originally posted by pal57
Nice trip report and photos.
Went to see where Bola was but can't find it on Google Earth.

Bye Pal57

Pal57, BOLA = Bay of Los Angeles ;D

bajamigo - 6-10-2009 at 07:48 AM

Originally posted by pal57
Nice trip report and photos.
Went to see where Bola was but can't find it on Google Earth.

Bye Pal57

Sorry, I should have said "Bahia de los Angeles" at least once. Here's the Google screen shot:

tripledigitken - 6-10-2009 at 10:05 AM

What a great story. Kudo's to all involved.


55steve - 6-11-2009 at 06:30 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Love the pics guys......totally convinceD me and the family to boogie on down there for two weeks on the 22nd.

I'll be seeing you down there Frank - Should make it down on July 3rd....gonna miss seeing Captain though...

ArroyoTaxi - 6-11-2009 at 08:10 PM

Great story with a happy ending. Nice to know that sweet dog has a wonderful home.

DianaT - 6-11-2009 at 08:16 PM

Just a GREAT story and we are so glad that Captain has a new forever home.

Hope to hear updates as to how he is doing in his new home.

Debra - 6-12-2009 at 11:49 AM

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! This is the best news!

SOOOOOOOOOOO happy that Captian has a forever home, he spent alot of time with Kujo and I at my place, he is a great and loving dog!

Somebody should have warned you about him liking to ride in the front seat, a habit his "Dad" tried to break him of.

As you probably noticed (or V. pointed out) he has some hip pain, he is about 12 I think, FYI: asprine seems to help some. He is abit slow but, has a lot of love left in that great old soul.

Soulpatch, I will be on the hi-way at the same time as you, give a howdy, Brendan is excited to see the kido's.

edit for spelling

[Edited on 6-12-2009 by Debra]