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DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 01:35 PM

Posters have been making suggestions on other threads as to the needed items, other than money, in an emergency such as we have today. I've seen Tarps, building materials [vague], insect repellent and TP just to name a few.

Let's compile a list of what you think to be most needed. This will be suggestions for today and, just as important, a guidline for commodities to be stockpiled in strategic locations for the future.

Maybe a generator or a propane light.....a pair of shoes....


[Edited on 9-6-2009 by DENNIS]

Sharksbaja - 9-3-2009 at 01:58 PM

Money talks! There was no bank before "John". Now I worry the new bank in Mulege is/was submerged.

Hide your cash or carry it on you secreted.

Money will help you get a crew started cleaning your place, if any of us still has a place that is.

Bring a lot of cash or be sure there is a ATM operating.



Shovels and wheelbarrows
Squeegies and detergents, bleach, soap
Towels and rags
Large sturdy trash bags.
Spray tank(pump-up) 100' & 50 ft quality garden hose, attachments or pressure washer(preferred)
Trash barrel(s)
Tools, lots of em. Prybars, chainsaws, gas&oil & extra gas cans.
100' x2 extension cords
Wet Dry vacuum and hoses.

[Edited on 9-3-2009 by Sharksbaja]

JESSE - 9-3-2009 at 02:07 PM

I think roofing material would be high on the list, people want to have a roof over their head to start feeling "normal". Specially when they have kids.

I am already getting together a group of friends here in La Paz to buy material to put a roof back on several homes, when the Insurgentes-Zaragoza area opens.

Bajahowodd - 9-3-2009 at 03:50 PM

Construction material that will make a difference in significant amounts will not be brought down by folks with pick-ups. I'm thinking that a corporate entity like the dreaded Home Depot should be reached out to.

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Construction material that will make a difference in significant amounts will not be brought down by folks with pick-ups. I'm thinking that a corporate entity like the dreaded Home Depot should be reached out to.

They wont listen. It's our grass-roots effort that will work. Nothing else.

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 04:06 PM

Awwww...Comon you guys. Consider your life blown away by a 'cane and tell me what you need to put it back together. Think of your kids.

I think those who would give this a good response are busy putting it all back together.

Sorry for the bad timing. I'll ask later.

BBP relief announcement

capt. mike - 9-3-2009 at 04:10 PM

The damage reports are still coming in and the damage appears to be worse then previously reported. In mid-Baja, Mex highway 1 has considerable damage and many bridges are destroyed. Transportation by land at this point is impossible. Critical supplies, at this point, must be brought in by air. There is great need for food, water, and clothing.

Mexico has been good to us and it is time for us to return the favor. We will be looking for volunteers to put together a relief effort for this disaster.
Needed are:
--Those that can put together relief supplies and stock them at an airports in the US for pickup. These items could be cloths, bedding, cooking utilities, medical supplies, etc. We will coordinate where these supplies will be stocked.
--Those that can pick up these items and transport them by air to a distribution point in Baja by air. Some costs may be covered by donations provided below.
--Those that wish to donate money to cover some of the costs of transportation. Please email or call in your donation if by credit card, mail your donation to the office if by check.
--Those that can spend a week or more working with the BBP and the Mexican Red Cross transporting Red Cross food supplies. Some fuel will be provided and landing and parking fees will be waived, certain conditions apply. Please call for more information. We will need four or five helicopters and three or four fixed wing aircraft with large carrying capacity. (The BBP will make the determination as to which aircraft will be involved flying Red Cross supplies over an extended period of time)
Everyone that coordinates relief supplies, donates money, and/or flies in this effort will get a certificate of thanks from the Mexican Red Cross.
If you can provide and/or do any of the above, please email the following info to:
Your name, your address, your email address, and your cell phone number
And if flying:
The N Number of the aircraft, the make and model, where the aircraft is based
What you can provide:

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 04:16 PM

OK Mike...You have a good point of departure but, where are you going to unload all this stuff and where does it go from there?
Just a question.

CaboMagic - 9-3-2009 at 04:20 PM

Great idea Dennis.

Sundries - Mouthwash especially. Baby wipes.
Plastic Gloves
Water shoes (cant think of what they are called technically!)
Canned foods - Spam, Vienna Sausages, Mixed veggies/fruit
Tshirts, shorts - Male/Female/Unisex
Long Sleeve and Short
Plastic Baggies all sizes
First Aid items - Bandaids, Neosporin
Stock Pots
Can Openers

Peace ....

CaboMagic - 9-3-2009 at 04:29 PM

Oso ----- where are you? a couple years ago we worked together when a freak flash flood devastated a village .. I am at a loss to the name of the city there .. AZ/MX border San Luis something ....

Home Depot was wonderful in assisting us with the coordination. We purchased nails, hammers, plywood, roofing material, tarps, & some other items with our commercial account and authorized the pick up 'there' ..

With HD now having locations in Baja maybe things will be better ..

This tragedy is one fine example where the far reaching effects of the internet will be for the good ..

Edit for Home Depot - nee Home DepoSIT .. too much on my mind ... L

[Edited on 9-4-2009 by CaboMagic]

jannyk - 9-3-2009 at 04:30 PM

>>...--Those that wish to donate money to cover some of the costs of transportation. Please email or call in your donation if by credit card, mail your donation to the office if by check. ...<<


Call where to donate? Mail $$ to where?

More Info Please....?

Jan & Max

Bajahowodd - 9-3-2009 at 04:32 PM

Dennis- I was specifically referring to the massive need for construction materials. And I stand by my post that something more than a well intentioned group of pick up owners is not the answer. I totally agree that the stuff mentioned in the Cabomagic post are essential. But that still doesn't get the town rebuilt. If you truly believe that only grassroots efforts will work, and maybe the corporate world and the government have failed in the past, I will reference a prior post on this forum that specifically mentions lessons learned by both of those entities. Geez. I in no way want to look like I'm diminishing people's grassroots efforts. No way. But, just consider the world today and how corporate interests, in particular, use tragedies such as this one, to burnish their community bone fides.

danaeb - 9-3-2009 at 04:32 PM

I sent an email to HD a few minutes ago requesting coporate support. Maybe something will come of it.

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by CaboMagic
Great idea Dennis.

Thanks Lori......Glad you mentioned Spam.

I'll be getting ahold of you later with our plan to develop the Baja California Hurricane Relief Network. A plan to have what's needed already in country rather than asking for it after the damage is done.

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
But that still doesn't get the town rebuilt.

I never referenced a town rebuilding effort. Only an effort that will put a cover over a family's head and a private place to take a leak.

Can Donate Small Amount to Help H. Jimena victims - Where to Donate?

BajaBad - 9-3-2009 at 04:44 PM

We are low-income so can´t do much, but could pass on $50 to help purchase plastic tarps or sheeting - I read that the poor communities such as San Carlos have little to no housing at the moment - a few other $50 donations and that´s a little more plastic...

If someone is making purchases to bring to H. Jimena victims please email or U2U - must have PayPal account, only way I could donate. We had help given when we went through H. John, time to give a little back.

Is it reasonable to......

Reeljob - 9-3-2009 at 04:51 PM

Just wondering....sometimes folks think there contributions don't go to where they would like.

What about "adopting" a family, street, block, etc.

Just thinking out loud. What if me & a bunch of friends just wanted to make sure we made a difference. Not like a big pot, but something that we could SEE.

What ya think???????????

CaboMagic - 9-3-2009 at 07:16 PM

Blessings to you for thinking of others ...

Keep an eye on the NEWS board as several are in various stages of coordination for accepting donations. Want to ensure the path for getting it to those who are able to assume responsibility for dinero allocation are in the position to do so ..

CaboMagic - 9-3-2009 at 07:23 PM

Add things to eat/drink with .. the kind that can be re-used rather than paper
Gallon jugs of Water - there are 2-1/2 gallon jugs also that I think Arrowhead - maybe its Costo too ..
Dog & Cat Food
Collars & Leashes
Pet Kennels - Target sells some that are collapsible
Bug Spray
Hurricane (Larger) Candles

Dennis looking forward to seeing more of your ideas ...

[Edited on 9-4-2009 by CaboMagic]

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by CaboMagic
Dennis looking forward to seeing more of your ideas ...

And you will, when the mud settles. Thanks

DianaT - 9-3-2009 at 07:28 PM

Don't forget the teddy bears

May sound silly, but they can go along ways helping a child cope with the loss.

Yes, the basics of a roof over head, basic clothes, medicines, drinking water etc. are the first priority, but stuffing in a few teddy bears can help comfort a child


BajaNuts - 9-3-2009 at 07:31 PM

from another thread-
Originally posted by Reeljob
Just wondering....sometimes folks think there contributions don't go to where they would like.

What about "adopting" a family, street, block, etc.

Just thinking out loud. What if me & a bunch of friends just wanted to make sure we made a difference. Not like a big pot, but something that we could SEE.

What ya think???????????

BajaNuts - 9-3-2009 at 07:36 PM

sounds like a good idea, don't let it get lost in the shuffle.

Keep your eye on the other help threads.

thanks for caring and keep looking at that idea. You'll find a way to hook up with someone somewhere and make it work.

Some are talking about using the Rotary club as a "base station". perhaps they could put you in touch with a family that you could help directly ...with the help of all your friends also...of course!

Good Luck, keep everyone posted.

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by BajaNuts
from another thread-
Originally posted by Reeljob
Just wondering....sometimes folks think there contributions don't go to where they would like.

What about "adopting" a family, street, block, etc.

Just thinking out loud. What if me & a bunch of friends just wanted to make sure we made a difference. Not like a big pot, but something that we could SEE.

What ya think???????????

Not sure I understand but, it seems to have positive value. If that works for those guys, very cool. Do it.

woody with a view - 9-3-2009 at 07:43 PM


if you want to see your contributions pay off then you need to get knee deep in the crud.

if you really want to help and have a sense of your donations being directed somewhere but you really can't get dirty - keep your eyes on this site.

fotos are all that you'll have, but Nomads come thru EVERY TIME!!!!!!!

thanks for caring folks..... there are people you'll never know who will benefit from just a little bit of your "time." only you can define what your "time" is worth.....

edit: the short/sweet answer to your ?:


[Edited on 9-4-2009 by woody in ob]

mulegemichael - 9-3-2009 at 08:14 PM

Hey folks, face it...any "thing", any "energy", any "ideas" positively contribute to this cause...let's not get hung up on "other"...please...we gotta motha f'n crisis on our hands...ya gotta believe it!

woody with a view - 9-3-2009 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by BajaNuts
from another thread-
Originally posted by Reeljob
Just wondering....sometimes folks think there contributions don't go to where they would like.

What about "adopting" a family, street, block, etc.

Just thinking out loud. What if me & a bunch of friends just wanted to make sure we made a difference. Not like a big pot, but something that we could SEE.

What ya think???????????

Not sure I understand but, it seems to have positive value. If that works for those guys, very cool. Do it.

not for nuthin', but how are all of those new border guards gonna look at all of these donations coming southbound in the coming weeks/months????

Bajagypsy - 9-3-2009 at 08:42 PM

Im' thinking basics, what would I want down there

Change of clothes/adults children
clean water,
feminine hygiene products
baby wipes
toys for kids (even the $1 ones from the dollar store)
toilet paper
porta potties (like for camping)
shampoo, conditionerand a brush
bug spray
duct tape (you can do a lot with that stuff)
tinned food
camp stove
plastic totes to hold stuff in
that is just some suggestions

[Edited on 9-4-2009 by Bajagypsy]

shari - 9-3-2009 at 08:55 PM

instead of bringing stuff down from the could do a big shop at costco or somewhere in baja norte and bring stuff down that way. In these parts the Proteccion Civil (kinda like a volunteer police/fire department)mounts a collection of stuff...then loads it in a semi from the cooperativa and brings it to mulege or wherever and in coordination with the PC group in the affected gets distrubuted to those who need it most...these groups are local and so they know who needs what and gets it directly to them....

i really like the idea of helping individual if you know one or know someone who knows one...that way the funds or donations go directly to them for sure and is more personal.

DENNIS - 9-3-2009 at 09:07 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
Hey folks, face it...any "thing", any "energy", any "ideas" positively contribute to this cause...let's not get hung up on "other"...please...we gotta motha f'n crisis on our hands...ya gotta believe it!

We're doin' our best under the circumstances, Mike. Nobody here is discounting the significance of the moment.

The Best

wessongroup - 9-4-2009 at 05:30 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by mulegemichael
Hey folks, face it...any "thing", any "energy", any "ideas" positively contribute to this cause...let's not get hung up on "other"...please...we gotta motha f'n crisis on our hands...ya gotta believe it!

We're doin' our best under the circumstances, Mike. Nobody here is discounting the significance of the moment.

Must say, when the "ballon goes up" you folks DO stick togather...

New to the Baja board and was begining to think it was a pretty tough place... :light:

The storm has shown how "togather" folks will get...

Really good people, good to see the tremendous effort being put forth..:yes::yes:

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 08:43 AM

Keep those suggestions comin' in, Folks. The list is growing and everything makes excellent sense. It will help effect order out of chaos in current and future events.

Thanks Nomads. You're great.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 08:46 AM

OOOPS..Forgot, Are there any updates on relief efforts going on at the present? I hope there's so much going on that people just don't have time to report.

What's up out there?

[Edited on 9-4-2009 by DENNIS]

oldlady - 9-4-2009 at 08:52 AM

For what it's worth several 'copters headed northwest over my house in Centenario this morning; not the sight seeing type.
Hope that portends something helpful.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by oldlady
For what it's worth several 'copters headed northwest over my house in Centenario this morning; not the sight seeing type.
Hope that portends something helpful.

Was Capt.Mike hangin' out the window waving? :lol:

Gadget - 9-4-2009 at 08:57 AM

Still nothing on the ICF site on a relief effort. I have bookmarked the site so I can check often for when they get one going.

For H John we were asked to bring down small gauge nylon rope and blue tarps, nothing else. Thats what the Bomberos wanted us to bring.

I went to my local Home Depot and spoke to the manager, who gave me 20% off my purchase and no sales tax.

I brought as many as we could stuff in the rig. While food stuffs and clothes staged around the fire house for several days, the pile of tarps and rope was gone in less than an hour. It seemed pathetically small when Ryan and I saw how fast they disappeared.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 09:00 AM

Thanks Gadget. I think tarps and tie-down material are right up near the top of the list.

Mulegena - 9-4-2009 at 09:06 AM

Thank you deeply for thinking of Mulege even tho' it isn't your home any longer. I was sorry to see you leave 2 years ago and hope our paths cross again one day. Miss you, girl, and thanks again. Have not heard about Manual and Elisa, but imagine they are on top of things and protecting their little community. When I get down there I'll check in with them and give your love. Lisa Maria

us too...

djh - 9-4-2009 at 09:21 AM

We would also like to help our friends in Loreto and Mulege. I am trying to contact some of our local friends in Loreto directly ~ but Shing and I would like to contribute to an acct. / fund that will go direct to people in need as well.

Many hands make lighter work.


shari - 9-4-2009 at 11:06 AM

yes...people need shade....then materials, nails, wood, etc.
The great thing is that mexicans are resilient and have big families to take them in in an emergency and are accustomed to adverse conditions...sleeping outside..eating beans etc. and help each other cope but shade is necessary...canned food too.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 11:11 AM

Thanks, Shari......... I'm compiling the list now.
What's your weather like now? It's just warm, maybe 80 up here. Hardly a breeze.
I see the storm is backtracking at 2 MPH. Hopefully, it will weaken to a tolerable level....if there is such a thing.

DianaT - 9-4-2009 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by shari
instead of bringing stuff down from the could do a big shop at costco or somewhere in baja norte and bring stuff down that way. \

If you can buy stuff on the US side and get it across, it is a good idea. Costco and Home Depot in Ensenada charge about 25 to 30% more for everything. It is why the Chula Vista Costco parking lot is full of cars with Baja plates.

shari - 9-4-2009 at 11:44 AM

Asuncion weather...too hot..about 88 degrees...sunny skies, calm seas, 8 knots of wind from the west..houses still boarded up in case of rain...juan out tuna hunting.

lizard lips - 9-4-2009 at 11:54 AM

You may also want to include surgical masks. When septic tanks run off is present and dries on the ground and there is wind or dust you don't want to breath any of that and believe me you will. You can get seriously ill.

DENNIS - 9-4-2009 at 11:56 AM

Thanks Dan...Consider it added.
Does anybody know anything about quick-lime for animal cadavers?

BajaNomad - 9-4-2009 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by LancairDriver
The Baja Bush Pilots have a virtual air force lined up ready to go. See details at:

Includes heavy haulers such as Citation jets and large turbine aircraft and helicopters. What is needed is delivery of goods to airports where the aircraft can be loaded. This is where Nomads can help. See details on the website.

Rosarito Home!!!!

jerryjust - 9-4-2009 at 07:31 PM

Anyone going down and need a place to spend time over on the way down we are going down in two weeks to Mulege we have lost our home as we were on the river. Getting things ready to venture down, with water,food,can goods, and coke screws for the Gringos,generator,extension cords,tarps and what ever.We are in Rosarito on the toll road at Rancho Del Mar.20 Km from TJ.
Just Call# 619-507-9338 Jerry or Juanita


"Donation Station Update"

CaboMagic - 9-5-2009 at 08:26 AM

Am watching as all continues to develop ... at this time dont see a reason to collect funds as dont yet see a clear path for it being passed/handed/wired into the hands of those capable/able ready to handle ..

Some thoughts .. Organized efforts such as BBP (God Bless them) have their methods and support system in place .. Until roads are open, supplies to buy cannot get TO the areas that need them .. Getting things across the border can be done easier by individuals putting some extras in their vehicle to give along the way ..Border govt policies is a birdsnestnightmare vs area specific agencies that deal with local issues (DIF is great great great)

During HJohn, we maintained control over the disbursement - and made absolutely certain they were utilized in the most needed way.

Idea this time was to be a collection station and forward to reception station but there will be more issues first to figure out..

They need help = LOTS of it = no doubt = and if IF certain things begin to take shape we will step forward and work swiftly to make it happen ...
This is absolutely correct <toneart>: "... multiple funds will emerge. We are still a bit premature with the logistics and yet the need is"

Its very frustrating being unable to wave a magic wand to effect an immediate solution .. but there is some comfort knowing the Mexican Government is being proactive - there are so many different issues that need addressing - excellent support for Dennis' idea to be ready rather than paddling against the current after the storm.

Thus we stand by at the ready ... and offer kind thoughts and prayers .. those we know ... those we dont .. bravo for the willingness to step forward and be a giver when its most needed - those who have little to give and yet, are willing to give.

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by CaboMagic]


msawin - 9-5-2009 at 08:39 AM

Here in north Sacramento area we have had a Tipui style fire that burned 60 homes to the ground in just a few hours. On this mornings KCRA 3 news, they have said [49er Auburn fire] they cannot take any more donations, clothes, toys, things you would need if you had nothing.They have to much stuff.

If we could take the extras could we get it across with the new Mexico customs?


DENNIS - 9-5-2009 at 08:53 AM

Here is a list of needed items for those affected by the hurricane. It is, by no means, complete and some items are needed more than others. Although there's a serious need for almost everything imaginable, these items are the ones that were suggested here by Nomads. Add as you see fit and forgive any short-sightedness on my part.
Fasteners....nails, screws etc.
wire....rope...all lengths and sizes
construction materials...plywood, 2X4s, etc.
hammers..screwdrivers...pry bars etc.



Visqueen....100 ft. rolls [Home Depot etc.]

Roofing material....felt, roll roofing, tar, nails

Hudson Sprayers...
mosquito poison...concentrate
Insect repellent...personal type

Toiletries....all types
TP...Paper towels
soap..all types
Towels and rags
First Aid items....all
disinfectant...alcohol, peroxide etc.
Surgical masks and rubber gloves
Feminine Hygiene Products

ALL SIZES of everything that comes to mind
rain gear
laundry detergent

Kitchen..........all practical items [save the 12 volt Margarita blender for another time]
Pots and pans
cooking utensils
plates etc. paper and other
knives..forks and spoons
cups...paper etc.
can openers
camp stoves

IODINE TABLETS for safe drinking water
Water containers

Baby formula
baby bottles
baby food
baby powder
All baby products

Air Mattresses

CANNED FOODS all practical types, like SPAM
Pet food

Not last and not least...Teddy Bears [ thanks Diane Trotter]
Any and all toys, for the kids who can't find theirs

AND MORE.........use your imagination

These are a few suggested items that would take special consideration:

Extension cords
Quick-Lime for the disposal of animal carcasses [does anybody have info on the use of this stuff?]

Add to this list...please. I know much has been overlooked and for future reference, we would like to be reminded of everything.

Thanks Nomads....You're a great group of friends and neighbors.

EngineerMike - 9-5-2009 at 09:09 AM

We need a Sand Diego Nomad, hopefully fluent in Spanish, to head to the border and ask Martin's question. The hassle of paying customs keeps a lot of people at arms length from Mexico even in situations like this. I've paid duty (most of my repair stuff after H.John for example) and I've been waived thru in the past, and that's one of the mental overhead problems- hard to gauge what to expect.

If the new Customs regime has an official policy, it would be great to hear what it is. Either relief donations welcome, or no way out of paying duty. That way folks can plan solidly.

Anybody in S.D. that can make a border run & ferret this out?

Paulina - 9-5-2009 at 09:32 AM

For pick up in the San Luis Obispo area;

I have ready to go "ten large contractor sized plastic bags" of children's clothing, mostly sweatshirts, jackets, some shoes as well as two large trash bags full of disposable diapers.

If anyone is passing through from now till the Christmas holiday and has the room for some of it, if not all of it, please keep me in mind.

We aren't going down till Dec.


[Edited on 5-9-2009 by Paulina]

shari - 9-5-2009 at 09:57 AM

perhaps ferna could be of some assistance with border issues

SunnyDay - 9-5-2009 at 11:57 AM

Anybody hear if there's damage to La Paz or Todos Santos?

Not finding anything on the web. Thanks.

Headed there in 3 weeks. My main contact in La Paz is in Guatemala!

CaboRon - 9-5-2009 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by SunnyDay
Anybody hear if there's damage to La Paz or Todos Santos?

Not finding anything on the web. Thanks.

Headed there in 3 weeks. My main contact in La Paz is in Guatemala!

I have spoken to two friends in Todos Santos and basically, except for some high winds , there was minimal damage.

the Publeo Magica sign at the south entrance to town was blown over.

As the hurricain passed it was approx one hundred miles offshore of Todos Santos.

bajasuenos - 9-5-2009 at 12:57 PM

Hola amigos~
We are in Novato CA near Gnoss Field.I beleive Ed Motel flies outta there.hey capt mike??? WHERE can we get supplies dropped off to or collected? do you know if Novato CA Gnoss Field is collecting. Hubby Jim has access thru work of these incredibly tuff giant plastic garbage bags (we call 'em body bags) plus we can donate cases&cases of agua plus TP plus baby wipes........and a CostCo run.tho where to???? pleez advise!
gracias and God Bless

Bajahowodd - 9-5-2009 at 01:14 PM

An earlier post by msawin got me to thinking. KCRA could do itself a big publicity favor by getting active in this cause. That said, any Nomads have connections with the San Diego media? It just seems to me to be a golden opportunity for positive publicity.

BajaNuts - 9-6-2009 at 12:29 PM


contact your local store and ask to purchase cases of items. The manager may sell them to you at wholesale cost if they understand what it's for. If not for wholesale, then for minimum mark up.

Plan ahead for ordering. Smaller stores may only get a delivery once a week but larger stores get deliveries 2-5 times a week.

Even Wal-mart may give you a case discount price.

As happened recently for another tragedy, I'm willing to partner with someone down south, BBP or Nomad to buy supplies. If someone is willing to purchase the goods locally, I'll send them some money.

BBP's are waiting in the wings for the go-ahead. If others feel comfortable doing this type of arrangement, this might be a fast way for supplies to get on the move.

mulegemichael - 9-6-2009 at 02:29 PM

Still need to know what the present policy is at the border regarding bringing goods across during this time..we have some big ticket items that will be critical for folks cleaning up down there, (generators, chain saw, pressure washer, etc) and will be crossing at tecate...i never before have declared anything but don't want to be declared a smuggler with this stuff....are they making any exceptions during this time?...anyone crossed at tecate recently with "stuff"???...we leave in a few days...thanks

DENNIS - 9-6-2009 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
Still need to know what the present policy is at the border regarding bringing goods across during this time..we have some big ticket items that will be critical for folks cleaning up down there, (generators, chain saw, pressure washer, etc) and will be crossing at tecate...i never before have declared anything but don't want to be declared a smuggler with this stuff....are they making any exceptions during this time?...anyone crossed at tecate recently with "stuff"???...we leave in a few days...thanks

The policy hasen't changed, Mike. At least to my knowledge, there are no exceptions for emergencys.

mulegemichael - 9-6-2009 at 02:56 PM

thanks guess i just make a list of what i want to declare and keep the receipts to show the that correct?....if i get the green light should i just keep going?...i've been back and forth dozens and dozens of times but have never declared anything i only have to declare big stuff?...what about 50# bags of rice and beans, etc?...sorry to be so ignorant about this stuff but i've heard SO many different stories

DENNIS - 9-6-2009 at 03:14 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
thanks guess i just make a list of what i want to declare and keep the receipts to show the that correct?....if i get the green light should i just keep going?...i've been back and forth dozens and dozens of times but have never declared anything i only have to declare big stuff?...what about 50# bags of rice and beans, etc?...sorry to be so ignorant about this stuff but i've heard SO many different stories

"if i get the green light should i just keep going?.." :lol::lol:

Yeah, Mike. Just keep going. Pop a Pacifico while you're at it.

Don't worry. Stupidity at the gate is your strongest ally. I don't know what your full load is but, the 50 lb. sack of beans won't tip the scale.
If you get a red light....just pull over and plead your case. Have your receipts in order....most of them, anyway. Don't dwell on the charity aspect of your trip, just mention it if necessary. They take offense to that. Long story for another time.

Don't go through Tecate. Do San Ysidro. The Tecate gate sees so few people, they'll pull over a larger percentage just for something to do.

By the way....At San Ysidro, don't take the "Declare" lane at the right. Take your chances with any lane left of that. These are special circumstances.
Good luck and don't worry. Consider this a "Rite Of Passage." Literally and figuerativly.

Man....My spelling is really starting to suck.

[Edited on 9-6-2009 by DENNIS]

[Edited on 9-6-2009 by DENNIS]

Sharksbaja - 9-6-2009 at 03:32 PM

I told them at declare that it was stuff for the flood. No problemo no nada. That was then, this is now.

DENNIS - 9-6-2009 at 03:40 PM

Whoops..just posted this elsewhere.

Has anybody heard how BBP is doing with customs?

mulegemichael - 9-6-2009 at 03:42 PM

again, thanks dennis....i took down a TON of stuff for marty, julio and john and was never stopped at fact, i think the top was already popped on the pacifico...never been san ysidro so it would be a new game for me but you can still teach this old dog new tricks..many thanks, guys.

DENNIS - 9-6-2009 at 03:44 PM

Mike...If you're more comfortable with Tecate, use it. It's all a big question mark.

mulegemichael - 9-6-2009 at 03:49 PM

yeah, i'll just put on my big ol john deere smile and make sure my bride is crying when we cross...i've tried just about everything short of having a snarling pit bull in the back..that's next.

mulegemichael - 9-6-2009 at 03:53 PM

...and dennis...i guess you live right in punta banda...i camped on the beach there for almost a year back in my hippie days in the 60s...let's get together for a cold one on one of my drivebys headed for mulege

DENNIS - 9-6-2009 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
...and dennis...i guess you live right in punta banda...i camped on the beach there for almost a year back in my hippie days in the 60s...let's get together for a cold one on one of my drivebys headed for mulege

Say the word, Mike.

mulegemichael - 9-6-2009 at 06:14 PM

...drink...cold...pacifico.......make your choice

DENNIS - 9-6-2009 at 06:28 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
...drink...cold...pacifico.......make your choice

When are you coming through? I wouldn't mind a cold one at El Palomar in Sto. Tomas.

mulegemichael - 9-6-2009 at 06:42 PM

we hope to leave here this next week; weds or'd be probably 3 days down the line...looks like next weekend barring any quirks...el palomar sounds great; we've had breakfast there a few times

Pescador - 9-7-2009 at 08:45 AM

There is a lot of talk about Mulege because there are so many posters from that area and their damage is severe, but there are also a lot of other areas like Santa Rosalia, San Bruno,San Ignacio, Constitucion, San Carlos, and Insurgentes that were hit very hard. Seems that since there is not a resident gringo population there, you hear a lot less from those areas, but they were hit very hard and are feeling the problems also. The area where you hear almost nothing are the little villages in the back country like San Jose de Magdelena, Agua Agueda, La Purisima, San Jose de Comondu, La Poza Grande, etc., etc., Hopefully they can get the roads into those places open so that they can assess the situation there too.

[Edited on 9-7-2009 by Pescador]

Hendo - 9-7-2009 at 09:54 AM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
yeah, i'll just put on my big ol john deere smile and make sure my bride is crying when we cross...i've tried just about everything short of having a snarling pit bull in the back..that's next.

Pitbulls and hot chicks. Next to invincible.:D

Cypress - 9-7-2009 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Pescador
There is a lot of talk about Mulege because there are so many posters from that area and their damage is severe, but there are also a lot of other areas like Santa Rosalia, San Bruno,San Ignacio, Constitucion, San Carlos, and Insurgentes that were hit very hard. Seems that since there is not a resident gringo population there, you hear a lot less from those areas, but they were hit very hard and are feeling the problems also. The area where you hear almost nothing are the little villages in the back country like San Jose de Magdelena, Agua Agueda, La Purisima, San Jose de Comondu, La Poza Grande, etc., etc., Hopefully they can get the roads into those places open so that they can assess the situation there too.

[Edited on 9-7-2009 by Pescador]

Drop Off Spots for Huricane Relief Donations

bajachris - 9-7-2009 at 01:29 PM

I have done my best sifting through all the Jiminez post but I have not been able to find where I can drop off donations. Nothing on the BBP website yet. Since there absolutely no coverage of this in the local media it looks like it will be up to the users of this forum.

Please provide locations where we can bring donations for the many victims of this disaster when available in this thread.


Thanks Bajachris

tortuga - 9-7-2009 at 02:35 PM

My Question also.
Thanks in advance, Tortuga

Where is the Baja Relief paypal account?

turtleandtoad - 9-7-2009 at 03:07 PM

I'm still trying to find a paypal account for Baja Hurricane Relief!

The BBP site states that they need more stuff! But they don't provide any way to donate money; and that's about the only thing I can do to help since I'm currently on the east coast.

ecomujeres - 9-7-2009 at 07:06 PM

Hey Turtleandtoad and all others:

I have a webpage on my site with the following:

1. Hurricane Jimena links page with:
a. a list of various relief funds and how donations can be made
b. links to all of the photo galleries available to date.

2. A page on the history and aftermath of the hurricane.

3. a page where I have compiled all the donation lists from this thread and others (also supplies list for clean up)

It's kind of a one-stop shopping site for the hurricane so far, and it makes it easy to find stuff instead of sifting through all of the gazillion posts.

I will try to keep it up-to-date as more photo galleries become available and relief efforts become better organized and more concrete.

Let others (non Nomads) know about this site too.

Debra (Bilingual environmental education about Baja California)


tortuga - 9-7-2009 at 07:43 PM

Well done!!:yes::yes::yes::yes:
Thanks for your hard work, Tortuga

Skeet/Loreto - 9-8-2009 at 03:25 PM

To all Nomads going through Customs.!

If you have a Pickup it works most of the time when the custom officer goes to the back and lifts the camper shell door to have several copies of HUSTLER, PENTHOUSE, PLAYBOY laying right out on toip of your cargo..
Just pick one up and hand it to hiom. Has always worked in the past.
Also do not to forget that you can use very cheap old Suitcases to pack nearly anything in and they are easily stored.

Good Lucj to you All and again I thank all of you for what effeort you are putting in to help those good people Nomads and mesicanos.

Side note. Be concerned about the Mulege Area.

Constitution and that area will get lots of help, there are maybe 30,000 people in Constitution alone. They are hard workers and smart people.

When you may have trouble getting your donations to the proper place , if there is a General Hospital in the area, that is the place to go.

God Bless you All.


Bajahowodd - 9-8-2009 at 03:51 PM

You make a good point, Skeet. Constitucion, et al. are not far from La Paz. Interesting that since the surrounding area is not a big tourist draw, the relief work is going to fall mostly on the Mexicans themselves. Such a contrast to Mulege, perhaps one-tenth the population and so isolated.

toneart - 9-8-2009 at 04:01 PM

Well, this is what we were fearing...where's the humanity? I just received this email:

"<Names redacted by toneart>have been stuck at the US border at San Diego for over 2 hours. They needed a manifest, including placing value on all the equipment- wheelbarrows, shovels, power-washer, clothing for the people of Mulege, food to donate, etc. Even though they told the customs agent they were on a humanitarian mission, it was useless. They were first turned back to the US, then made to re-enter. They are paying a fee for the value of all items listed on the manifest."

(unquote) Hopefully organizations can do some official negotiations for their own efforts. I wouldn't know where they would start, but maybe they would.

Bajahowodd - 9-8-2009 at 04:11 PM

I've mentioned it more than once on this board. Why not solicit the expertise of the trucking outfits that serve Baja daily. I've gotta believe they know how to get an exemption for donations to a catastrophy. They've got connections.

DENNIS - 9-8-2009 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
I've mentioned it more than once on this board. Why not solicit the expertise of the trucking outfits that serve Baja daily. I've gotta believe they know how to get an exemption for donations to a catastrophy. They've got connections.

Nonsense. They're motive is profit. How can you ask them to bypass their expenses when they probably couldn't care less and they, as well as us, have Mexican customs to deal with?
Tell me.

Bajahowodd - 9-8-2009 at 05:09 PM

Conscience? Charity? Publicity?

DENNIS - 9-8-2009 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Conscience? Charity? Publicity?

Diesel fuel...$2.70 a gallon
Driver $4oo.oo per day
Per Diem
That's a whole lot of altruism to ask for.

ligui - 9-8-2009 at 06:55 PM

Dennis , you are such .a fun guy..:tumble: we are all looking forwrd to your next post . lighten up...

shari - 9-8-2009 at 07:06 PM

I was just sent an email and asked to post this relief info.

the air strip at Serenidad should be open by tomorrow...wednesday...locals are working hard to fix it up.

tortuga - 9-8-2009 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by shari
I was just sent an email and asked to post this relief info.

the air strip at Serenidad should be open by tomorrow...wednesday...locals are working hard to fix it up.

Mexicanos Rock !!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
Saludos todos, Tortuga
Just got a call from BBP. They are gathering info for drop off, pick up etc. It's happening!! They have been inundated with e-mails.


redhilltown - 9-8-2009 at 11:31 PM

Sorry but I have been TRYING to follow all the threads about donations but still am trying to find a drop off spot in L.A. area...I have a few boxes of gloves/respirators/first aid supplies. Feel free to U2U me if you know of anyone/anywhere I can do this in the next few days. Thanks!

fuelpusher2 - 9-9-2009 at 12:02 PM


Penthouse, Hustler,Playboys, cigaretts, booze and bribes may have worked in the "old days" but in case you haven't heard, "There's a new sheriff in town" least for now. Only time will tell if they loosen up but for now they appear to be playing it by the book.

The "rules" are the same, only the level of enforcement has changed.

Generally speaking, they want to see a list and values of items you are taking down and you pay tax on that. If the items total more than $1000 you need to get importation documents or go through a broker.

fuelpusher2 - 9-9-2009 at 12:06 PM


We've been coming to Baja since 1987 and have "danced" with Mexican customs at Otay & TJ many, many, many times.........and will be "dancing with them again the end of Sept.

Will let you all know how that goes.

DENNIS - 9-9-2009 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
To all Nomads going through Customs.!

If you have a Pickup it works most of the time when the custom officer goes to the back and lifts the camper shell door to have several copies of HUSTLER, PENTHOUSE, PLAYBOY laying right out on toip of your cargo..
Just pick one up and hand it to hiom. Has always worked in the past.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I didn't see this yesterday. Thanks Skeet. :lol::lol::lol:
Oh...You forgot to offer them some beads and trinkets. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Skeet/Loreto - 9-9-2009 at 02:55 PM

Pusher 2

Just went through at Tecate in a 96 Ford Pickup and camper shell, completly loaded with about 20 Suitcases of Clothes for the kids out of Constitution..

No trouble at all, went in and had Visa made out.. It was about 6 30 in the Morning.
two other stops , no problems at all.
I prefer Tecate anytime.

Sure hate to hear that all those Customs officers are missing out on all those "Nekid Women" Phots/


Skeet/Loreto - 9-9-2009 at 02:59 PM

Correction> I went through 2 months ago.

Oggie - 9-9-2009 at 03:06 PM

I received this e-mail today from a BBP friend:

Baja Bush Pilots
Chandler AZ
480 730 3250
September 9, 2009
Quick alert, MMPE move is on hold, we will be told when it is to happen.
Baja Airlift
I have just gotten back from four days of determining needs and working out logistics
regarding providing support for the most critical area of Baja because of the results of
Hurricane Jimena.
The first two days was working with and flying Mexican Red Cross people throughout
the mid-Baja region with the second two days working out the logistics of how to import,
receive, sort, and distribute the needed items
The Red Cross has determined that the greatest needs is in a box that starts at about
Lopez Mateos north to Campo Rene on the Pacific side then across to Santa Rosalia and
then north to just above Mulege. And in addition to the major villages, a major concern
is the small villages and ranches located within these areas where all land access is cut
Both the Governor of Baja Sur and the President of Baja Sur Red Cross have asked us to
help to work out some of the logistics for needs and distribution. The biggest issue at this
point is to distribute Red Cross survival food boxes and water to those that are trapped
and to receive and distribute relief items such as clothing, tarps, medical supplies, etc.
that you are bring down to help to relieve some of the suffering.
Our office has been totally overwhelmed with response from members and the general
public. My personal email is receiving over 100 a day with the BBP email receiving
more. In addition, the telephone is ringing non-stop. Our resources are stretched to the
We have attempted to answer much of the email but much is not. We are only answering
the email that has the greatest impact on our mission. For that we apologize.
We need all that has been offered and we need all the aircraft that we can get. Claudia
and I will be doing a complete report this afternoon regarding instructions for relief drop
off locations as well as information for pilots wishing to make the flight now.
We are concentrating right now on FBO’s that have locations on airports that have staff
that can take calls and receive and coordinate the shipment of relief supplies. Many have
indicated that they have hangers but most lack the ability of staff to take calls and be
there to receive and send items.
Not all supplies need to go through drop off points. If you have a plane full of stuff, we
will have information on where and when to go. We have the red tape cut with Customs
in Loreto and we belive San Felipe. The large aircraft will go into Loreto, the small into
one of the two airports in and near Mulege. The Loreto airport has volunteered the use of
the old commercial terminal to receive supplies, do not go there without checking with us
We will be in the office today trying to complete the logistical requirements. Five of us
will be in Mulege Friday to start receiving and with the help of locals, sorting and
distributing the needed items. In addition, there will be flights into areas of need that
have airstrips. There was (is) a major problem with the strip at Mulege and the BBP is
hiring a grader to come in and work it. We hope it will be ready by Thursday afternoon.
If not, all supplies will come into Punta Chivato where they will be taken by boat to
Mulege. (the road from Chivato is all but gone) We will be sorting supplies with some
going to Mulege, some to Santa Rosalia, and some to other small villages. Don’t worry
about having too much stuff. It is all needed and will be used.
We anticipate that the airlift will start on Friday continuing on for about 10 days. I have
a business meeting that I must attend in Seattle Tuesday morning so I have to go back to
AZ Sunday. However, there will be three BBP members remaining in Mulege the first of
the week, I will be back down on next Thursday.
Regarding helicopters, we need them and one of the big concerns is the fuel costs as these
will be working continually in the back areas. We are working with the government to
supply this fuel, the Governor knows of this need, and we hope to have some answer
today. More to follow regarding this subject.
Again, we will have a full report out this afternoon with a complete list of drop off points
with contact numbers as well as a list as to what is really needed.
I will try to get photos of the Serenidad and surrounding area up with this afternoon’s
alert, time is the only problem.

Cypress - 9-9-2009 at 03:17 PM

Skeet/ Loreto, Well, you did "went through" two months ago. That's more than I can say. Good luck with all those Texas critters.:biggrin:

mooneydrvr - 9-9-2009 at 04:12 PM

As a new poster here, I'm hoping this will be correct. As far as donations, I have a hangar in Boulder city NV that I'm using as a point of departure this Sunday. For anyone willing to forward clothing items to me, I can supply you with a shipping address in Las Vegas. I have a 3 plane airlift departing Sat am from Coeurdalene Idaho for Boulder City with upto 1.5 tons of clothing. I have had some pick up loads dropped in BC already. We plan on leaving for baja sunday am and will take all we can.

Cash donations can be sent to:
Baja Bush pilots
hurricane relief
149 w Boston
Chandler, AZ

Skeet/Loreto - 9-9-2009 at 05:45 PM

God Bless all of You!!
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