
paying taxes at border ????

rbbob - 9-19-2009 at 11:01 AM

Wife and I are planning to bring a trailerload of stuff down in a couple months, but I read that Americans are getting taxed heavily now if you bring lots of things into Mexico. Anyone had recent experience with this, and how much tax did you pay ? -thanks much

paying taxes at border ..... ????

rbbob - 9-19-2009 at 11:04 AM

anyone with recent experience paying taxes for bringing things into Mexico ? How much did you have to pay ? -thanks

Woooosh - 9-19-2009 at 11:22 AM

That's a great question with no answer. How much is the duty on electronics, food, housewares, clothing, etc if you should be directed to secondary when entering Mexico (likely with a trailer). Does it matter if the goods are new or used, what is the stated percentage of duty for each category? I think it's all up to the red light and the person who inspects you.

If it were me and I had a huge amount of trailered used goods to bring south... I might apply with my FM3 for the one-time move allowance. Next trip down let another friend in your group apply with their FM3. I think you get one free trip down with each FM3. Would that work?

[Edited on 9-19-2009 by Woooosh]

willardguy - 9-19-2009 at 12:19 PM

I think woooosh has the right idea. I went thru the new mexicali crossing last week and were checked pretty closely. we had a half dozen 30 packs of bud light that they wanted to tax us on. after much discussion and fooling around on the computer they couldnt seem to figure out what to charge us so they sent us on our way with a warning,so if all that was for a little bit of beer you can bet on getting dinged pretty good I would think.sure glad we got all our building supplies and furnishings across before this all began!

bajalou - 9-19-2009 at 05:22 PM

There is a time limit after receiving a FM3 in which to bring your stuff duty free. Don't know what it is but I'm sure it's less than a year. Check with customs to get the straight scoop.

marv sherrill - 9-19-2009 at 07:19 PM

Even with an FM-3 try to find something printed that says you can bring anything across - one time, etc - its not there - And why are you bring bud lite to Mexico??????? yuk

DENNIS - 9-19-2009 at 08:27 PM

Originally posted by marv sherrill
And why are you bring bud lite to Mexico??????? yuk

I might think the same thing except that everywhere you look around here, it's for sale. Coors lite as well.
It's just one big happy world now.

La Cerveza de Mexico

MrBillM - 9-19-2009 at 09:31 PM

Bud Light is THE Biggest selling beer in Mexico and I've heard the price is competitive.

I wouldn't buy any, but the Mexicans love it. Anytime there's a big Mex turnout on the beach, the area is full of empty Bud Light cans.

durrelllrobert - 9-20-2009 at 09:08 AM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Anytime there's a big Mex turnout on the beach, the area is full of empty Bud Light cans.

Not to mention lots of Mex senorita's cans:lol::lol::lol:

Truckloads at the border

Loretana - 9-20-2009 at 09:40 AM

We just returned to Oregon from our second trip to Loreto with our household goods in the past three months. We are furnishing a 5 bedroom house, so we had a monumental load of stuff.

Trip #1 was done the last week of June. We had two trucks with two Interstate trailers (those black box ones) packed full with doors, cabinets, windows, toilets, sinks, granite countertops, a full appliance suite, new, in boxes from Costco, household goods in labeled boxes and furniture. We had purposely gone to Tecate and timed the crossing for late afternoon on Sunday. We walked across, got visas for the friends driving our second truck and trailer and figured out who was in charge at Aduana. We had receipts for everything, (some genuine, some home made) and a "manifest" or bill of lading. (I worked for a manufacturing outfit in Oregon some years back, and had some nice bill of lading forms. Very official looking stuff. We declared the value at $18,000 and paid a little over $1700.00 in taxes to Aduana. They gave us stamped receipts and sent us happily on our way. No Customs Brokers were involved, so we know it was officially "unofficial".

Trip #2 was accomplished on Sept 10th. Due to the complete change in personnel and regulations, we decided we should declare properly and run the gauntlet at Otay Mesa. We had one truck and one trailer this time, but all the goods were once again manifested on paper, with some receipts. We had teak outdoor furniture, 2 bicycles, the rest of our couches, dining tables and chairs, a lot of framed artwork, and a Milgard sliding patio door. There were at least 10 boxes of household goods as well, with four cases of red wine thrown in for good measure.

When we pulled in, an agent from one of the three customs brokers cornered us and offered his "services". We went over our paperwork with him, opened up the trailer and got on with the deal. He then brought the "licenciada" (lady Aduana inspector) over to inspect the trailer and to place a value on the goods. She came up with the absurd figure of $500.00 (it was at least $4000.00) and the Customs Broker drew up our paperwork. We paid $189.00, of which $75.00 went to Hacienda and the rest to the Customs Broker. Lots of truckloads driven by Mexicans were going through with furniture, rags, used appliances, etc, but we were the only Americans. We were done in 45 minutes, all paid and stamped and happy.

My two experiences bringing all my goods in have been quite positive, reasonable, and safe, with minimum hassle.

But in retrospect, I believe the key to the situation has been the fact that my husband and I both speak Spanish, and push a lot of paperwork as we go through. I sure am glad it's a done deal now!
:yes: :dudette:

Woooosh - 9-20-2009 at 10:14 AM

paperwork is important and gave you the edge with the broker.

I used a San Diego trucking company years ago to import a container of furniture I bought on-line. They charged 10% of the retail value and would only accept brand new items in their packaging for shipping. The 10% included transportion to Rosarito Beach and all the import taxes/paperwork.

Based on the above story- my broker must have made a killing. But we both "won" because I saved money on shipping/import and he made money working the transaction. Mexico may have lost or not realized it's full income potential on the deal which is what the new system is supposed to fix I guess.

DianaT - 9-20-2009 at 10:28 AM

When we took our stuff to Honduras through Mexico, the custom's agent in Brownsville went through---not very well--and valued almost everything at $1.00---pair of shoes, one dollar, computer, one dollar---everything. So the total was extremely low. And we had no paper work at all.

I wonder if it common for them to undervalue everything.


Loretana - 9-20-2009 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Woooosh
paperwork is important and gave you the edge with the broker.

I used a San Diego trucking company years ago to import a container of furniture I bought on-line. They charged 10% of the retail value and would only accept brand new items in their packaging for shipping. The 10% included transportion to Rosarito Beach and all the import taxes/paperwork.

Based on the above story- my broker must have made a killing. But we both "won" because I saved money on shipping/import and he made money working the transaction. Mexico may have lost or not realized it's full income potential on the deal which is what the new system is supposed to fix I guess.

Woooosh--- Ud. dio en el clavo! (you hit the nail on the head)

The broker I spoke to in San Diego wanted $12,000 to move our first load to Loreto with all import and shipping taxes included. I almost had a coronary when I heard the price.

I knew we could do better. :saint:

And theoretically Mexico will benefit from all the money we intend to spend down there with family and friends patronizing the local economy. :bounce:

nbacc - 9-20-2009 at 05:13 PM

When we aent through with our household things we had all the receipts...there are receipts. Almost all our stuff was used given or ours to start with. The agent asked us how much we thought it was worth...we came up with a number we thought was fair...he looked it over (kind of) by looking into the trailer (it was packed). We had our bikes on top of everything. He really did not want to unload we payed 15% after a bit of cash. He as happy we were happy and off we went. We have brought things several times and it is always the same but different. Depends on who you talk to. Our Spanish is spotty but my husband speaks Italian and speaks to them in Italian. I think thay just want us gone. Nancy

fuelpusher2 - 9-20-2009 at 09:11 PM

try this website:

It will give you the up to date customs taxes (15% on the value of the items) over the exemption. If the total value is over $1000 they (will usually) refer you to Otay Mesa and a broker......

The following is taken directly off of the customs flyer given to airline passengers.



Used or new goods for personal use such as clothing, footwear & personal hygiene & beauty items that reasonably respond to the duration of the trip and that due to its quantities may not be used for commercial purposes including:

• a wedding gown and it’s accessories
• two photographic or video cameras & their accessories
• Up to 12 rolls of film or videotapes
o Filmed or developed photographic material
o two mobile phones or pagers
o one typewriter
o one electronic agenda
o one used/new laptop, notebook, omni-book or similar portable computer
o one used/new portable copying machine or printer
o one used/new portable projector including its accessories
o two portable used/new personal sports gear
o one used/new portable radio/CD player or portable digital sound player and a portable DVD player and its accessories, including a set of portable speakers, 5 laser disks, 10 DVDs, 30 CDs or tapes and 5 data storage devices or memory cards
o used/new books or magazines that doe to its quantities may not be used for commercial purposes
o 5 toys that can be normally transported by a person, including collection toys and a video game console
o Arterial pressure and sugar level metering devices as well as medicines for personal use provided that prescription must be submitted for psychotropic drugs
o One set of binoculars and a telescope
o One musical instrument and its accessories
o One used/new tent or one camping equipment including their accessories
o Up to 3 surfing boards or windsurf boards
o Four fishing rods and its accessories
o Baby travel accessories such as strollers & baby walkers
o Used/new baby clothing that due to its quantity may not be used for commercial purposes
o One set of tools provided that they are normally transported by passenger
o Persons over 18 yrs old – maximum of 20 packs of cigarettes, 25 cigars or 200 grams of tobacco and up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages and 3 liters of wine
o Handicapped travelers my introduce items for personal use, useful to have a better performance of their activities
o Up to two dogs or cats may be introduced as well as their accessories provided that the corresponding zoosanitary import certificate issued by SAGARPA is presented to the custom officials.

• Exemptions:

o One or more duty free goods which value may be proven with the invoice or sales receipt and do not exceed $300 US dollas or its domestic or foreign equivalent when the entry is by air or maritime transport or $50 when the entry is by land.
o Alcoholic beverages, beer, manufactured tabaccos, cigarettes or automotive fuel may not be introduced withing these exemptions.
o During Easter, Summer and Christmas/New Years holiday periods, Mexican passengers arriving in Mexico by land, other than residents of the border zones, may introduce Duty and tax free goods for up to $300 US dollars or its domestic or foreign equivalent. Starting and finishing dates of these holiday periods may be consulted directly with the customs officials or at the web page:

oladulce - 9-21-2009 at 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Woooosh

I used a San Diego trucking company years ago to import a container of furniture I bought on-line. They charged 10% of the retail value and would only accept brand new items in their packaging for shipping. The 10% included transportion to Rosarito Beach and all the import taxes/paperwork.

That must have been a while ago Woooosh. The lowest quote we got for importation and transportation of the new home supplies we're bringing in is 30% of the value of the goods. The 30% covers the import broker fee, warehousing, and the truck trip to Baja Sur. The other quotes we got were 40-45% of the value of the items!

Pacifico - 9-21-2009 at 09:40 AM

Anymore recent experiences????? I will be taking a load down soon and will post up info after......


elfbrewery - 9-22-2009 at 07:39 AM

So what is it about bringing wood (new or used) across the border? Termites, duty, ?

Pacifico - 9-22-2009 at 07:44 AM

Originally posted by elfbrewery
So what is it about bringing wood (new or used) across the border? Termites, duty, ?

It can be done, just needs to be done properly. It is my understanding that a fumigation certificate is needed and it is best to use a broker if it is a large load. I didn't want the hassle, so I bought all my lumber down in Ensenada and Maneadero. I posted contact info for a good lumberyard on Baja Nomad a while back where you can call in your order and they will have it ready for you.

DENNIS - 9-22-2009 at 07:46 AM

Originally posted by elfbrewery
So what is it about bringing wood (new or used) across the border? Termites, duty, ?

Big time duty on construction materials. If you have an appreciable amount of lumber, there probably won't be any of that "look at it and send you on your way" stuff happening.
The good ol' days are gone.

Anyway, you can buy good lumber here now and the higher price will put it at what you would pay in the states with duty added. Makes little sense to be dragging it through the border any more.

k-rico - 9-22-2009 at 07:58 AM

Unless you want redwood or 2x2s or 2x3s. I can't find that stuff here.

I buy small amounts of home depot 8 footers in Chula Vista. Never declared them and always get a green light, so I don't know what the customs guys would say.

Mexican plywood can be real funky stuff too. Lots of inner voids and it delaminates. I'd love to find a good lumber yard between TJ and Ensenada.

DENNIS - 9-22-2009 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by k-rico
Unless you want redwood or 2x2s or 2x3s. I can't find that stuff here.

Yeah...Redwood is out of the question. If those 2X2s and 2X3s that you want are Doug fir, Home Depot has them.

k-rico - 9-22-2009 at 08:03 AM

Ensenada? I haven't seen them in Rosarito.

DENNIS - 9-22-2009 at 08:05 AM

Ensenada, yes.

Have you ever been to that kickass redwood store, JR Redwood I think it's called, on Main in Chulajuana? Bring lots of fun tickets. The stuff is really costly.

k-rico - 9-22-2009 at 08:10 AM

J&R Redwood has several stores in the San Diego area. It's Disneyland, maybe Adelitas for me. Beautiful stuff in all shapes and sizes.

bajaguy - 9-22-2009 at 08:17 AM

Any place in Baja carrying composites such as TREX????

DENNIS - 9-22-2009 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by bajaguy
Any place in Baja carrying composites such as TREX????

Haven't seen it but, maybe Tijuana. That's pretty space-age for Baja yet.

more on wood

elfbrewery - 9-22-2009 at 03:30 PM

So you're saying that a couple pieces of panelling and a wooden platform we use in our van will not throw up a red flag?

CaboRon - 9-22-2009 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by bajalou
There is a time limit after receiving a FM3 in which to bring your stuff duty free. Don't know what it is but I'm sure it's less than a year. Check with customs to get the straight scoop.

The time limit is 60 days from the issue of the FM3 ...

The Manaje de Casa can be issued only once, however if you do not do it the first year of issue, you can do it within 60 days of any renewal .... again only once in your llifetime.

You get it at a stateside consuler office and the cost is around $139- US.

There is considerable paperwork involved, along with the application you provide an itemized list of boxes (numbered) and their contents along with all serial numbers of each item.
This is very necessary for electrical items and appliances.

There are several good guides for the preparation of this document.

Most people have it done by a brocker/shipper in San Diego.

Pacifico - 9-22-2009 at 03:39 PM

Originally posted by elfbrewery
So you're saying that a couple pieces of panelling and a wooden platform we use in our van will not throw up a red flag?

Shouldn't be a problem....tell them it is for use in your van.....Good luck!!!

Pacifico - 9-26-2009 at 08:39 AM

Has anyone gone through San Ysidro crossing and were then redirected to Otay while importing stuff recently?

Pacifico - 9-28-2009 at 07:56 AM

Heading down in a few days....any new experiences???

border crossing

bajabob13 - 9-28-2009 at 02:52 PM

We crossed the border at TJ on 9/14 We had 5 sheets plywood, 8 2x4 8 1x4. We also had a brand new RV type stove, a new fan in the box. They were only concerned with the wood. They saw the toilet in the back of the van, they were going to send us back to the USA until we showed that it was built in. They charged $25 duty on the wood, after making sure it was not used lumber.

Pacifico - 9-28-2009 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by bajabob13
We crossed the border at TJ on 9/14 We had 5 sheets plywood, 8 2x4 8 1x4. We also had a brand new RV type stove, a new fan in the box. They were only concerned with the wood. They saw the toilet in the back of the van, they were going to send us back to the USA until we showed that it was built in. They charged $25 duty on the wood, after making sure it was not used lumber.

Thanks for the info Bajabob!!! Still debating whether to go San Ysidro or Otay. I would rather go San Ysidro.....

bajafreaks - 3-13-2016 at 09:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by fuelpusher2  
try this website:

It will give you the up to date customs taxes (15% on the value of the items) over the exemption. If the total value is over $1000 they (will usually) refer you to Otay Mesa and a broker......

The following is taken directly off of the customs flyer given to airline passengers.



Used or new goods for personal use such as clothing, footwear & personal hygiene & beauty items that reasonably respond to the duration of the trip and that due to its quantities may not be used for commercial purposes including:

• a wedding gown and it’s accessories
• two photographic or video cameras & their accessories
• Up to 12 rolls of film or videotapes
o Filmed or developed photographic material
o two mobile phones or pagers
o one typewriter
o one electronic agenda
o one used/new laptop, notebook, omni-book or similar portable computer
o one used/new portable copying machine or printer
o one used/new portable projector including its accessories
o two portable used/new personal sports gear
o one used/new portable radio/CD player or portable digital sound player and a portable DVD player and its accessories, including a set of portable speakers, 5 laser disks, 10 DVDs, 30 CDs or tapes and 5 data storage devices or memory cards
o used/new books or magazines that doe to its quantities may not be used for commercial purposes
o 5 toys that can be normally transported by a person, including collection toys and a video game console
o Arterial pressure and sugar level metering devices as well as medicines for personal use provided that prescription must be submitted for psychotropic drugs
o One set of binoculars and a telescope
o One musical instrument and its accessories
o One used/new tent or one camping equipment including their accessories
o Up to 3 surfing boards or windsurf boards
o Four fishing rods and its accessories
o Baby travel accessories such as strollers & baby walkers
o Used/new baby clothing that due to its quantity may not be used for commercial purposes
o One set of tools provided that they are normally transported by passenger
o Persons over 18 yrs old – maximum of 20 packs of cigarettes, 25 cigars or 200 grams of tobacco and up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages and 3 liters of wine
o Handicapped travelers my introduce items for personal use, useful to have a better performance of their activities
o Up to two dogs or cats may be introduced as well as their accessories provided that the corresponding zoosanitary import certificate issued by SAGARPA is presented to the custom officials.

• Exemptions:

o One or more duty free goods which value may be proven with the invoice or sales receipt and do not exceed $300 US dollas or its domestic or foreign equivalent when the entry is by air or maritime transport or $50 when the entry is by land.
o Alcoholic beverages, beer, manufactured tabaccos, cigarettes or automotive fuel may not be introduced withing these exemptions.
o During Easter, Summer and Christmas/New Years holiday periods, Mexican passengers arriving in Mexico by land, other than residents of the border zones, may introduce Duty and tax free goods for up to $300 US dollars or its domestic or foreign equivalent. Starting and finishing dates of these holiday periods may be consulted directly with the customs officials or at the web page:

I realize this topic is 6 years old but some people are talking about bringing thousands of dollars worth of construction materials across the border with no mention of a broker being involved where I've also read anything over $1000 a broker has to be involved I'm confused ???

bajapedro - 3-13-2016 at 10:07 AM

We have crossed the Mexicali boarder a number of times with "taxable" goods and have developed the following conclusions:
Their is no set policy that is enforced.
I find they are less likely to even look too closely if it's early in the morning, dark, windy, cold, raining or slow.
Since I put a camper shell on my truck, it also seems they are less likely to even do more than a brief look and see without opening anything.
The exception is building material.
If you have new wood or building materials, you can plan on getting stopped and paying a 16% tax.
If you have receipt they will tax you on that amount.
If you do not, they have always taken my word on the cost.
As of late, they seem to be pretty compulsive on bring in gasoline. They went so far a few weeks ago to turn around my friend and have him exit back to Calexico because he had 4 full 5 gal gas cans. I crossed with 2 5gal cans in the back of my truck under cover of my camper shell and they never looked.
If you do get asked to pay a tax, it has never been stressful or anxious. Pay your tax( once even used my atm card) get your paperwork and drive off.

Perceburzr - 3-13-2016 at 11:26 AM

We took building materials across at Mexicali and were charged 16%, just as Bajapedro said. Bought 4 new 5 gallon gas cans and filled them up in the US got to border , was turned around and sent through the secondary inspection to get back in to the US. had to give the gas away at Pep Boys then back to the border.

Udo - 3-13-2016 at 12:04 PM

In my personal opinion, smiling, being personable and speaking Spanish always comes in very handy!

Quote: Originally posted by Loretana  

But in retrospect, I believe the key to the situation has been the fact that my husband and I both speak Spanish, and push a lot of paperwork as we go through. I sure am glad it's a done deal now!
:yes: :dudette:

AKgringo - 3-13-2016 at 12:29 PM

I second what Udo said, and would add this;

North or south of the border, if I am being questioned by any law enforcement, or inspectors, I remove my sunglasses. Full eye contact improves communication and can smooth thing up.

Answer questions honestly and promptly, but don't volunteer information they haven't asked for. Asking questions is their job, front loading them with answers just adds time to the interview, and may steer them to questions about things you had never thought of.

The main area of interest seems to be within arms reach of the driver, so try to keep it uncluttered, and easy to search.

Alm - 3-14-2016 at 07:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rbbob  
Wife and I are planning to bring a trailerload of stuff down in a couple months, but I read that Americans are getting taxed heavily now if you bring lots of things into Mexico. Anyone had recent experience with this, and how much tax did you pay ? -thanks much

It depends on what stuff. But, being a "trailerload" - I would say you will pay 15% on "some" items that are new.

The regs are $300 per person tax free if by air, $75 if by land. I've "heard" that it's $300 now for land as well, can't say for sure. Remember, this is per person and on top of "personal items" (see list in another post).

So, "how much" is an easy question - 15% on whatever they will decide to tax. If they don't see anything worth their time - than nothing.

My personal impression based on experience - new stuff without receipts is more likely to be taxed than same stuff with receipts, but wait until they ask for receipts.
A lot of new stuff is more likely to be taxed than "some" new stuff mixed with a lot of old stuff, even if total is the same $1,000-1,500.
I also got an impression that a "carload" (like in "fully loaded", trunk, roof rack and all) - is less likely to be taxed or sent to Otay, than a "cargo trailer load".

You didn't tell what items, what "trailer" (RV, cargo?) and what is your status.

Alm - 3-14-2016 at 07:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajafreaks  

I realize this topic is 6 years old but some people are talking about bringing thousands of dollars worth

My bad, didn't look at the date before answering.

Why digging it up? Open a new topic.

bajafreaks - 3-15-2016 at 07:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Alm  
Quote: Originally posted by bajafreaks  

I realize this topic is 6 years old but some people are talking about bringing thousands of dollars worth

My bad, didn't look at the date before answering.

Why digging it up? Open a new topic.

Just using the search feature didn't know there was a time limit.
Why open a new topic on an existing subject that I'm just trying to find a little clarity on...relax.