

wadeinthewater - 10-10-2009 at 10:13 AM

Robin Wade here-Western Outdoor News (WON). I took over Gene's position when he quit. He was a paid employee, as am I. I have been with WON for almost 15 years, covering the Nor Cal portion of WON while I worked for DFG.

I moved here before Gene quit (EC) due to differences in goals with DFG. Once WON got their act together to go online-it was a conflict of interest and Gene chose to leave.

Years ago when readers/sources gave reports they were submitted to WON, printed in the paper and then Gene had the wonderful brainstorm to make the WON reader reports available online as well and added the additional info/photos that WON could not include due to limited space. Over the years his site grew as charters took advantage of the online opportunities but it was a given that the reports would also be published in the paper. Since his departure, that has not been the case.

I know I have big shoes to fill and hope to earn/live up to your expectations and needs. My reports are as fresh as I can possibly provide each week and I am very proud of that! Out of respect to Gene, I accepted his deadline as mine, and anglers sent reports to both of us on Thursdays but I give sources until as late as the weekend (Sat. night) so we'd have the most current info. Then I compile them and on Sunday nights hit the send button as late as 3 a.m. My stuff is posted the next day (Monday) at Gene's expertise and site are still a great resource, and he can post ALL of your photos. I am limited to 4-5 each week.

If you are interested in "giving me a chance," or sending reports to me/WON, I would love to include you and expand my coverage for both Baja and Mexico. Both are experiencing very hard times and it is one of my goals to support these communities as well as angler needs, and conservation issues/efforts. Outreach and education are my passion!

Times they are a changin'- cause yes, I have to admit-worse on top of worse-I am a woman!

Sorry for the long post. I can be reached at Fridays – Sundays (at least) and look forward to any and all communications!

Robin Wade
WON Baja/Mexico Editor
Western Outdoor News

woody with a view - 10-10-2009 at 10:16 AM

i love women!:P

good luck Robin.

wadeinthewater - 10-10-2009 at 10:21 AM

Even when we out fish you?:lol:

David K - 10-10-2009 at 10:34 AM

Thank you Robin for sharing this with us, and a big welcome to Baja Nomad. Although I am not the fishing fool my dad was (reading Ray Cannon and Tom Miller in WON), I am interested in seeing your reports and wish you well!

castaway$ - 10-10-2009 at 10:44 AM

We'll look forward to your reports, were heading to Baja in December for a month or so of fishing up and down the peninsula so maybe we'll send a few reports to you.
And just for the record one of my best fishing partners is my wife she's an excellent fisher person but I will say my ego gets in the way and I usually have to catch the biggest fish and if not I chalk it up to her guide, ME!:biggrin:

[Edited on 10-10-2009 by castaway$]

[Edited on 10-10-2009 by castaway$]

Paulina - 10-10-2009 at 12:56 PM


Did the connection in Bahia de Los Angeles ever work out? I'm just curious as I haven't seen Bahia in the paper lately.

Thanks and Saludos!


shari - 10-10-2009 at 04:01 PM

awe geezo amiga...ya blew your cover!!! Really nice to see you on this board...welcome to the fray!...
ps...slayed tuna out in front of Asuncion Island today and YT moved to san's that for hot news!!!

wadeinthewater - 10-10-2009 at 05:18 PM

1) Couldn't ever get the stupid phone thing worked out for Bahia de Los Angeles

2) And yes, Shari-had to come out of the closet.
Wasn't looking for "attention" when I wrote those "Baja needs our help" or "Over-fishing for dodos" stuff but the Gene thing got to me, like he was "all there was." I'm here for you my darlings, been here for over a year. :P

3) Shari-if you post that stuff here-it's not a scoop! LOL.

lizard lips - 10-10-2009 at 06:01 PM

Good luck Robin! I use to give fish reports to Fred Hoctor when we had coffee in the morning but I guess email will do just fine.

Beachgirl - 10-10-2009 at 06:12 PM'll do great....yeah, big shoes to fill, yer right..but you wouldn't take the job unless you thought you could do it...yer fine....gene is a dear friend and we communicate often...i am sure you have his full support...he leaves a legacy, not only with his time at won but his achievements beyond that...i still turn into a sissy everytime i read "king of the moon"..really...kick butt, kiddo!

Beachgirl - 10-10-2009 at 06:21 PM

oops, using beachgirls signin...this is mulegemichael...but i still get weepy with the "king"..

woody with a view - 10-10-2009 at 10:49 PM


stay away from the "mean" high tide line, hermanita! the sand crabs will have their way with your "SHORT" and curly's.

Don Alley - 10-11-2009 at 07:35 AM

Hey Robin, I checked out WON's site and I can't get the Baja reports. The list ends halfway through the southern California reports; it looks like the list of reports should scroll but it doesn't. Could be a compatibility problem. I use a MAC and neither Safari or Firefox can get the reports.

You might want to give the website guys a shout if the problem persists?

wadeinthewater - 10-11-2009 at 08:40 AM

Won't commet on how the site's set up but can tell you that if you miss the report early in the week when it's featured, you can scroll down the list and hit "see all local reports." That should do it or put Baja in the search box.

They are STILLL working on the format of the site.

Alan - 10-11-2009 at 09:45 AM

Welcome to Nomads! Looking forward to your reports

Skipjack Joe - 10-11-2009 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by wadeinthewater
Gene quit (EC) due to differences in goals with DFG. Once WON got their act together to go online-it was a conflict of interest and Gene chose to leave.

I wasn't aware that Gene's website was financially profitable. It looks as that was the long-term payoff for writing the 'Baja Catch' with Kelly.

Good luck on your new assignment, Robin.

wadeinthewater - 10-11-2009 at 11:41 AM

I don't know the "details" as I stay out of the politics, in fact I've never had the opportunity to meet Gene. I'm grateful for the opportunity and faith the paper has shown in me, that's all I DO know.

I only stepped forward to share with you folks that there are "other report options," based on a previous thread here regarding Gene and his change in format. Gene and I shared a lot of sources and you can still read their weekly updates in WON. And now I'm done. Got a report to write.

Thank you all for your kind support. As I said before, I am here if you ever need or want to be in touch.

bajalorena - 10-11-2009 at 05:10 PM

Hey, Robin. We are back from a "vacation" in the states, John is getting the BuenaVida ready to launch, and should have some reports for you soon.
Lorraine Torres :yes:

bajamikey - 10-11-2009 at 05:37 PM

Robin.,great job. now when do we get to see your picture in WON NEWS

LaTijereta - 10-11-2009 at 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Don Alley
Hey Robin, I checked out WON's site and I can't get the Baja reports. The list ends halfway through the southern California reports; it looks like the list of reports should scroll but it doesn't. Could be a compatibility problem. I use a MAC and neither Safari or Firefox can get the reports.

You might want to give the website guys a shout if the problem persists?

Check this link to see if it works ..

Don Alley - 10-11-2009 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by LaTijereta

Check this link to see if it works ..

Thanks! It works.

castaway$ - 10-24-2009 at 10:33 AM

Looks like the most recent report is Oct 5th, is it a weekly, bi weekly or monthly report?

drzura - 11-6-2009 at 01:54 PM

The website really sucks now. Too bad, it was such a good site. :mad:

[Edited on 11-6-2009 by drzura]

wadeinthewater - 11-7-2009 at 03:49 PM

So-like I said at the beginning of this thread, the times, they are a changing. If there is an interest, I can post my link each week when it's up. Still buidling my sources list but-baby steps.

Oh, and my job at DFG was outreach and education. Again, baby steps. I think you'll find if you look at some of the other sites and rags that we are at least trying.

Hook - 11-12-2009 at 06:39 PM

Just thinking out loud now..................

what I dont get is Gene quitting WON over a purported conflict of interest in online fish reports between WON's new site and his own.

So, he quits................and then he stops publishing his own reports, too? That would seem to be just the opposite of what he would do. He is now free to do what he wants with his site.

Something's fishy here...............

David K - 11-13-2009 at 06:46 AM

Originally posted by drzura
The website really sucks now. Too bad, it was such a good site. :mad:

[Edited on 11-6-2009 by drzura]

The fish ID photos page is still there and the best place to find out what you have or the species information:

wadeinthewater - 11-13-2009 at 08:30 AM

Don't know what to tell you regarding what he was or is thinking, sorry.

As far as I know there were and are no politics at work here. Does everything have to be sinister? No point in speculating. New book, different direction-who knows? But is still is a great resource site. It's amazing how many new species he helps document, especially at a time when we are hearing of so many species on the decline.

Hook - 11-13-2009 at 09:50 AM

I guess I am just disappointed that we no longer have a one-stop source for all of Baja.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Robin, but to find anything resembling fishing reports on the new WON site, I have to use the search feature and then, uh, wade through all the WON writer's articles (which are almost exclusively in areas that pay for WON advertising)?

Is there a better method? I cant even seem to find your blog or weekly article from the home page.

EDIT: Found your blog...................nothing there, correct?

wadeinthewater - 11-13-2009 at 10:06 AM

My Baja stuff goes up usually Mondays,

and my Mexico stuff mid week

As the week progresses, my articles get bumped down and you are more likely to see my northern CA stuff.

If you like, just like Gary Graham, I will post it on Mondays here when it goes up.

Today I start work on this coming week's addition.

wadeinthewater - 11-13-2009 at 10:10 AM

Oh, and-so far they don't make me blog! SHHHHHSH!

Hook - 11-13-2009 at 10:50 AM

Ok, I think I am getting it. Every link someone posts is date dependent. For instance, the one you posted is for Nov 9 and that is indicated in the URL. What if we want to see the last 5 or 10 reports. How do we go DIRECTLY to the Baja area? Or is there a Baja area?

wadeinthewater - 11-13-2009 at 11:35 AM

The closest I can get you is to say click on the "Content" page and then Baja for "Region." It's had a lot of extra WON stuff lately regarding our Tuna Jackpot, and also has a few reader reports but, that's the best I can suggest.

I'll just stick them here under "fishing" when they come out for you. I have a few other folks I do that for anyway.

Getting ready to "stir the pot" regarding tuna pens!

Hook - 11-13-2009 at 11:43 AM

Stir away. They are incredible hazards to navigation (as are long lines) and should be banned for that reason alone. Nothing to indicate they are there at night.